what is up ladies and gentlemen some absolutely wild comments uh in one of my last videos where I talked about potentially uh shutting down my walk-in location and shifting more to either online or finding another location because I didn't want to extend my lease here because it's not exactly close uh and the lease is going up now I do still have time uh it is only what the beginning of August right now no o October wait what month is it I'm losing track of everything September sorry oh goodness I knew it was the beginning it's September 1st anyway while I'm recording this but um see here getting around uh I had talked about you know having to move locations potentially or going online only until I could find another walk-in location I did hear out a lot of your guys' comments and I do think having a a walk-in a brick and mortar location instills like another level of like trust especially for people that you know they might not want to buy online they might have reservations luckily nowadays online sales is has become pretty normal so it's not like I have to have a walk-in but I still want a walk-in location so I still am going to be looking out for that but if I can't find the right one in in the amount of time that I have uh which is just a couple more months um I will be shifting to online only but some people are like oh he got kicked out he got kicked out he hasn't done any videos in the shop I'm in the shop right now I'm not kicked out I I still got all my junk in here we're still live action um I just haven't been up here as much because I've been doing some you know family stuff had some family stuff come up you know how that goes anyway um going to get packed up but super excited because I got another um Avalon Nano in uh got bunch of gpus that are going out on orders so got some got some more inventory coming in but this is a whole box full of gpus that are going out um it's it's weird it's almost like GPU sales kind of took a break for like 2 weeks literally in two weeks I only sold like maybe five or six gpus and then in the last couple days I've had 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 that were were sold here at the shop location and then probably about another eight from my house and it wasn't all just one buyer it was actually lots of different buyers I think on average most people are getting like one or two cards so don't know where or what or how that traffic came from but um yeah maybe maybe an uptick in in people like buying or building computers um I don't think it has anything to do with mining cuz I still don't think GPU mining is doing very hot right now but truth be told nobody knows uh anyway um yeah so I just ran up here to the shop to grab those so that way I can get those orders packed up and shipped out uh somebody bought a mini Doge Wi-Fi unit so that one I'm going to take that off still have some other box Miners and stuff um some motherboards probably going to be doing some discounts on some stuff that's been sitting for a while like got a ninth gen motherboard right here a little I3 in it little ITX almost want to get a 90 9900 K throw that in that and build me like an ITX like a briefcase um computer but I don't travel enough to have a briefcase computer and I have a decent laptop so can't complain on that um yeah what else there was something else I don't remember oh yeah I got another this was a salad PC that I originally built to put on salad and I was going to have it run here um I think I'm going to be shifting gear slightly I'm still going to leave eight machines on salad but I am going to I have one on IET but I want to deploy one onto um what is it flux Edge the flux core the the flux compute side not mining flux uh so I definitely want to get one on there uh I just got a text message from a customer but um yeah just to kind of like spread out and start expanding again uh cuz I need need to need to find that golden ticket but anyways I'm going to get this loaded up don't know where this video is going other than the fact that notice GPU sales were going up don't know if anybody else sells gpus flips gpus please comment Down Below have you noticed like GPU sales has picked up um what is like I guess school just started back maybe people need that me they need gpus for school maybe I'm not sure let's oh let's see if my desktop here is doing anything on salad I noticed the GPU fans are spinning on my wall PC so here's my my radio wall PC it's got an 8 core xon in it 16 threads 32 gigs of RAM and a 3060 12 gig and it's doing uh 8 to 20 cents per day that is bad now this one I forgot to update so um gosh whenever that finishes I'll update this I'll let it run anyway let's uh let's get to moving all right so I just got done all these are going out Tuesday because Monday is closed for Labor Day sorry about that so if you got the notification and you're wondering why it hasn't actually shipped yet just a tracking number has been created that's why um but yeah so little sneak peek of the new test bench here it's got a ryzen 5600 little six core in it just threw windows on on it and got a 3060 in here was going to try some salad but I'm not sure I just cut it off cuz lost motivation right this second um I'm going to go get some sleep y'll have a good night got this 5900 X in as well I think it's already sold somebody told me they want it but haven't heard back from him yet so I'll give them a little bit of time good night ladies and gentlemen