Proof Bitaxe Won solo Block $180k

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what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel sorry I didn't have anything for yall yesterday um I was a little under the weather but anyway I'm feeling better now and um I looked back at some of the comments on some of my older videos and I noticed there was a lot of people um doubting the fact that a uh a solo minor or a lottery minor could actually hit a block well they weren't doubting that a solo Miner could they were doubting that a lottery minor could and um so I was like you know what let's look it up and let's let's find the proof together so um yeah let's dive right into it now for reference I am talking about like here's here's mine right here like this is the bid a it's a lottery minor uh M's at like I think mine's doing a little over 600 gigahash which is not much um if you put it on a pool like on bitcoin it would be making not even pennies a day or right at pennies a day so it's not worth it to run uh on a pool you run it Solo in the chance of maybe once in a b bajillion chance or I think it's even worse it's like really bad odds uh but it has a chance at hitting a block which is what 3.12 or5 or something like that 3.1 Bitcoin so um yeah it's literally like hitting a lottery uh whenever you do or if you ever hit a block there's nothing to say that you will now let's go over here because there was one that just hit one uh like about a month or two ago here's the article back in August 2nd well this this is one of the articles on LinkedIn and did some digging and it looks like this is the actual block block 853 742 is the one that was hit by the solo minor um and it was hit on solo CK and 8537 42 it was mined one month ago the reward was 3.19 Bitcoin so wheo I tell you what that's a that's a nice chunk of change just for reference guys um what is bitcoin at this morning see here coin market cap bitcoin's at $60,000 so three Bitcoin is 180 Grand that that is nothing to scoff at um and some people are like oh maybe that wasn't hit by a a bit a and it's like well if you if you look at the address that was um that was on uh solo CK here it is uh here's the actual readout solo CK does not give like a lot of like pretty you know goys or graphical interface and stuff like that but if you look the address um hash rate was is 569 megahash and the worker name is right here there's the the matching address and then look at that bit a so not only does the H hash rate line up at 569 megahash because these things do about 5 600 megahash um but the worker name lines up and the uh address lines up so um yeah I mean wham bam thank you ma'am um a 500 Giga hash unit hit a block worth right now over $180,000 that's insane so this is obviously this is not an advertisement for me telling you oh go out and buy these things and fill your house up with them because is that a good idea no but if you're a Gambling Man and I'm a Gambling Man um having one of these running is not the end of the world and now lots of different companies make lots of different units you can uh you can look up like BTC Lottery Miners And there's tons of them out there um I actually have more coming in and I'm going to be reviewing those here in the future and kind of showing you know the higher the hash rate the better the odds but typically um the better the odds is like is minimal at best uh the odds on hitting a Bitcoin block is still staggering let's see here um solo Bitcoin calculator see how how solo chance solo mining chance so Mega hash uh we are in a gigahash so F 500 gigahash chance per day time estimate you'll hit one in 26,000 years okay now I had some people like why don't I just go out and buy me like a s19 and and solo mine on that so those are what like 12 terahash still going to take you a thousand years 1,000 years potentially so obviously you have better odds but that's what I'm saying like these odds are still redonkulous now what if you go get like the s19 what is it s19 104 so 104 terahash and you solo mine with it 127 years still a lot better odds but still 12 7 years longer than somebody you could mine on this thing every day for the rest of your life and never hit a block and it still wouldn't technically be bad luck um so yeah that's what I'm talking about obviously it's all still a gamble at the end of the day um now you know some people like oh I'm going to go build up a farm and get all these units and and solo mine with them and it's going to be great the I mean the then what you're getting into though is um you don't make any money until you hit a block that's why people mine on a pool so they get a steady income as the pool is hitting blocks it's giving out chunks of that block to people on the pool um so say for example if you had you know what 10 of these units 13 years say you had 100 that's 19s one year 100 s9s what's a s you know what let's go on eBay what's a s19 cost not even let alone see your s19 ant minor so we're going to go down to lowest first buy it now oh no we're going that's going to be tons of parts let's go to um best match that's the 95 ter has this is the one I was looking for the 104 terahash so 550 95 terahash is 450 88 249 um let's say you got a smoking deal and you got them for 300 bucks I don't even see him for 300 bucks right now but say you got them for 300 bucks you bought a 100 of them times 300 you'd invest 30 grand right right doesn't seem like a bad deal now now these these these units the cost The Upfront cost is not even the bad thing it's the cost to run them so the infrastructure and electric cost on S9 uh 104s I mean all of them are bad but we're looking at the 104 specifically let's say you got a really good electric rate I'm giving like every best chance case scenario possible um let's say 8 cents a kilowatt hour electricity is going to burn you per unit $589 a day let me open up a new calculator here got 100 of them times 5.89 so you're burning $589 a day and your chance at hitting a Bitcoin block is one year so when one year you would have burned $214,000 worth of electricity you see where it's just it's not worth it so now people are like okay what about if you had the newest latest and greatest most efficient mining Hardware well that's expens that's even more expensive um say you had s21s uh at that point you just put it on a pool and you let it mine and you don't worry about hitting blocks CU you just get that pool payout um yeah so it's definitely unrealistic to solo M solo mine in a in an aspect or in a way where you're going to be guaranteed to hit blocks this is just a fun thing it's it's like you know hey you can throw throw a little bit of money at it let one of these little USB miners run if it hits a block great if it never hits a block great you know it's just just um take it in stride so anyway ladies and gentlemen I am going to jump off of here I uh wish everybody a happy day and um yeah it is possible it happened it's not likely so keep on keeping on and um I got to get back to work so yall have a good day later guys and let me know Down Below in the comments section if um if you ever heard of anybody I I know somebody hit one last year on one of the little gecko science USB blocks but uh I don't know anybody else in the past it was definitely a lot more lot more common to hit to hit them as you know the hash rate was lower but Network hash rate keeps going up and up and up and getting harder and harder and harder yeah all right later guys

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