RTX 3050 Mining WARTHOG Budget Build

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel and I have another office computer here this is a Sixth Gen i5 and I have placed an RTX 3050 low for or low profile um because this is a like low profile or small I guess it's technically not a small form factor cuz they make them much smaller but anyway this is a cheap office computer I ended up picking up a bunch of these for next to nothing and I was going to see if we couldn't mind some for hog on it so right now I'll flip it around the specs are as follows i56500 I believe that's a four core 4 thread nothing crazy um RTX 3050 6 GB and this is a card that takes no external power so it's all running off of the factory I think it is a 200 W power supply so and we also have one stick of 8 GB uh ddr4 in there don't know the speed right this second but we're going to see what the hash rate is at this and then we're going to put another 8 GB stick in there so we can get dual Channel see what the hash rate comes up to if it comes up at all um and then for our final uh upgrade I do have an i76700 we can plop in there which is a four core 8 thread and see if we can't get it up even more all right so checking in over here on hive we are running this off of a USB drive we have our Intel Core i5 6500 so it has four CPU cores and four threads um that does limit us heavily but then we also have our GTX or sorry RTX 3050 6 gig and our Janis hash is right at 121 megahash now if we go over and see what that's actually making on the profitability calculator all right at current prices it looks like the price of warthog pulled back a little bit we you know was up there near a dollar yesterday but 121 mahash or .121 gigahash comes out to.

26 w a day or 22 um that's $153 a week and $655 a month uh not great so let's see if we can't pump those numbers up let's add that other stick of ram in there all right so I went ahead and put the top cover back on cuz I wanted to see how well it would cool itself with that bigger chip uh but using that stock cooler and um it seems to be doing I'm not going to say great but okay these uh these i7 6700 K 79° it ain't going to hurt that chip um but now if you'll notice we gained about 50 Mega has so we definitely gained by going up those extra threads uh and a little bit more clock speed now that puts our profitability at so over here on the calculator daily 38 work coin a day or about 32 cents with a W coin at 84 now I am not mining and selling any of these this is another coin that I think is going to do good in the long term obviously this is not Financial advice don't listen to me I'm just a guy in a box you know how that is but um yeah th this system is not pulling a ton of wattage um I'm actually I'm going to go move it to its final resting home and then we'll get a full wattage readout because I have a kilowatt meter over there and then we can do our after power how much we're losing cuz I would imagine this is probably about Break Even if not losing a little bit every day and I'm okay with that just to be able to have some residual heat and also to Output some uh wart coin all right so I apologize about the fan noise but the uh 6700k with the 3050 is now at home beside the I believe that's a 3770 with a um WX 41 100 I just did a video on that one and uh I'll show you both of the hash rates but with the power wattage we're pulling 10 right at about 130 Watts so actually better than I expected not not too shabby now this z15 right here is not going to stay here I'd like to move that and I'm probably going to end up um moving these up underneath the table but for right now I just got it set up as is kind of the the testing station so to speak all right so looking um on my hive uh I have this other system it's doing 95 megahash that is the it's a 4770k with a WX 4100 so um not great but it's something and those parts I actually just had laying around and this one is the RTX 3050 with the 6700 K CPU temps running a little warm I'm going to keep an eye on that if it gets any warmer than that might need to figure out a uh different different solution so anyway guys um thanks for coming out let me go see if I can't find a profitability calculator and see what our final profitability is after I'm over on hash rate.in I have no idea if their warthog calculator is right but 179 mahash 130 Watts uh calculate we're making 33 cents a day or4 wart a day and uh we're profiting one Penny after power cuz we're burning 31 cents a day so uh we're just going to be stacking our wart we're uh we're going to eat this power cost and I was thinking I might end up putting these somewhere inside uh out of the way uh because they're small they just put off a good little bit of heat um I don't know drop your comments down below do you have any small miners like this for warthog uh low power that kind of thing and what are you doing with them

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