RTX 3090 making $2.60 per day

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all right so ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and we're doing an update on salad and what my rigs are doing and what I'm going to be changing because um some rigs are just not making money so um let me flip over here and show you what is making money uh there we go okay now I'll move my head out of the way momentarily um my internet did go down right here so I have rigs that are just now uh coming back online you can see one and then another one spooled up right there but only three of my rigs are really making any money and the reason why that is is because the only thing that they need right now mainly apparently is uh higher vram cards more uh you know higher end cards so um if you'll see right here I had earlier today I had one two three systems making um two of them were making 10.9 cents or about 11 cents uh per hour and then one of them was making 13 cents an hour so if we break out our handy dandy calculator and uh1 * 24 comes out to 264 so those are 3090 machines making 264 a day on 390s and the power draw isn't nearly as bad as a full mining load it's not bad I'll take that now one of my 390s is on a 13 cent job every 20 uh for a full 24 hours it held that if my internet didn't go down $3 a day so realistically $2.50 a day uh and then you know taking power into account that's not bad that's that beats out mining um now to Let's actually just go take a look at that hash rate.in for 390s right now I don't even know if they're are they making a dollar a day let's see here um RTX 3090 so right now the top minable coin other than like warthog uh which because you got to pair that up with a a good CPU um you're looking at a120 a day so um uh putting your rig over on salad which is the AI rental platform is doing more than double that so it's just hard to argue with those numbers obviously if you wanted to speculatively mine a coin and hold it till it goes up in value if that coin doubled or tripled or quadrupled it could be more but if you needed Cold Hard Cash and needed to get it out sooner U I think I think salad might be the way forward um if you want to try salad out and you have some 309s they said that they do have available jobs uh I do have a link down below if you use it it helps me out if not no big deal I understand as well but that brings up my second my SE my second topic here I can't talk it's getting late um you'll see I have multiple rigs that that are earning zero those rigs are online those are 3060 rigs so 3060 12 gigs were really really good for doing like anywhere from like A180 to like 220 a day but mine have really been doing nothing for like the last month um I have um one two three of them in the house right now and the problem with that is I have one in the kids closet one in the kids playroom and then one right by my nightstand uh it's been getting cold these bad boys are not running workloads um and I turned the mining off on them because I was having um some like weird numbers popping up it wasn't great like the mining Revenue really wasn't great but mining revenue on a 3060 isn't great to begin with so I just wanted the workload jobs I did not want the mining work I did not want the mining jobs uh so what I'm going to do is I I'm going to try doing warthog on these bad boys that's going to be a separate video and if that doesn't work then I'm going to be pulling the 30 60s out upgrading the RAM and converting them over to 3090 machines uh cuz it seems like 309s are going to have available work for them for the foreseeable future because they do have that that big old 24 gigs of vram obviously that could change at a moment's notice so we will have to um you know update as we go evolve with the market so to speak so anyway guys I wanted to thank you'all for coming out we're just keeping it short and sweet um if you have not updated your salad make sure you are on the latest update and it does actually tell you if you're downloading a job running a job or waiting for a job so that is a a nice feature that they added because before you just had no idea what your system was doing um and you're just were kind of guessing so anyway guys I hope you all have a good one I will see you on the flip side adios

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