RTX3090 Making over $5 per Day

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all right what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel so I'm checking on this 3090 rig this is 3093 and um I noticed it is not on a good container they have been low on good containers but uh my other 390s are all doing $5 or at least almost $5 a day and this one says one to two so I'm going to give it a reroll is uh what we like to call it here in the business so we are going to pause it until idle and we're going to go over here and click on restart we're going to let that rig restart boot back up and then we will go back start salad and turn it off from Paul's Paul's one idle to uh chop now and then let it pull in a new job and hopefully get a better job um let me flip the camera around and explain why sometimes this needs to happen all right so while that rig's restarting um the way these jobs work at least from my basic understanding is you get s a container which is you know that file that goes the EXT file that goes in the WSL folder inside of the program data solid blah blah blah blah um but while you're working on that job it stays there so if you get distributed a bad job because there's not a influx of good jobs then you might be stuck on that bad job until it's done or that that bad workload until it's done some people don't like that I call them jobs but I I I kind of like calling it a job more than calling it mining because it's not mining it's actually doing a job or a workload um so that's why you might need to kick it off of that bad job by pausing it restarting it starting it back up and then hopefully pulling in a good job um the the dream is you pull in a really good you know for a$ 3090 above $5 a day job and it's a long job that needs to be held for a long period of time so then you want to have Windows updates off and you want nothing to interrupt that job so it can just keep working it and working it and working it uh and then you keep it because if you end up having a problem and you lose that job it goes to somebody else um so there are supposed to be more 90 series jobs coming online so 3090 3090 TI 4090 basically 24 GB of vram uh cards um so uh I noticed my other rigs picked up good jobs this morning they're all they're both $5 a day I'm hoping I can roll this one get it restarted get it fired back up and get a good job on that one so I'm going to give it a few minutes and uh we'll be right back all right so everything started back up let me go ahead and I'm going to pin salad to my taskbar so that way I can just click on it down here and give it a second let it [Music] launch we'll open up our task manager and then let's set salad back to chopping chop now so it is going to take a little while um just keep an eye on it look and see if your second ethernet connection pops up for the WSL look and see if your memory starts ramping up uh those are the Tail Tail Signs and you can go over to processes and look for vmim that one will pop up and start using the most resources um on average and uh that's normally when you can go down here and look and it'll have a container assigned but if your memory is increasing um then that normally means it's loading it in so uh just now it's the waiting game 1029 a.m.

Let's see how long it takes to get another job oh we're out of focus all right guys so I came back to the computer it has been what almost an hour now and look at that 237 to 509 by the way the estimated uh payout here you typically get right at the higher amount um if you run for the F for the full 24 hours with no issues uh the lower amount or if you get lower you may have had you know uh internet issues or system issues or you may not be performing as well uh if you're undervolting anything and trying to save power but it hurts performance that will also hurt your payout but um yeah 309s it looks like all my 309s are on $5 jobs so this is 3093 let me go over to this is 3091 and look at that she's actually cooking she's on a $624 job and the way we talk about the jobs typically is on the highend we don't talk about the low end just because you know it would be a lot harder to keep up with so um max earning potential is is definitely what we're interested in here so $624 on 30901 and then 3090 D2 is on a $512 container so we are cooking ladies and gentlemen um this system did have a stick of ram go bad so I'm only showing up 56 GB instead of 64 cuz I had a bunch of 8 gig sticks in this one I don't know why it went bad but um it was team group and uh funny enough I just watched the mining King shout out the mining King go check him out he's got a lot of good information on AI of you know putting up workstations compute stations and also salad U and he had some team group Ram die as well uh but he had a 16 gig stick die and it pumped him or bumped him down to 48 gig and then he was not getting the bigger jobs on salad so I wonder if there's some difference from 48 to 56 gigs it is interesting but anyway guys I'm just keeping it short and sweet this morning I will see you guys tonight and um yeah yall have a good one adios

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