RX 6900 XT GPU Mining Hashrate & Power Testing

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oho good morning morning everyone well might be no afternoon for some of you welcome to the live stream techman thank you for the 20 man you didn't have to do that we all miss you overo we carry on what you started and 100% this GPU right here thank you to Mr plaw who sent this to me this is ortex 6900 XT so we're going to be playing around with this thing today and uh hopefully do justice I I'm not I I haven't done this for a long time I haven't done like hash rate testing for gpus for quite a while but uh overboard Tech was was a God he was a god at doing this kind of stuff and uh this this PMD 2 he would have loved this thing I know he had the PMD one so the version two man he would have he would have really enjoyed this thing ah rest in peace Eric rest in peace my friend uh most of you uh if you're just tuning in uh Mr Oort Tech was another content creator in our crypto mining space and uh he passed away uh back in uh April of 2024 so H rest in peace my friend the whole Community really appreciated him um and uh death valy money what's up man city sometimes all track P cards quarter crawler welcome Financial failure what's up Financial failure what's up man Smoky Dan did you find the Smoke's burning smell uh okay so I smelt the PSU cable okay so when I had that power surge I think on the motherboard uh one of the PSU cables uh had a burning smell so I I turned it off right away uh it's still I don't know if it works or not I didn't even bother I I I didn't want I didn't want to touch it anymore so wasn't I wasn't even going to bother so uh yeah uh but um okay so I want to try out the overboard Tech 6900 XT and as well as the Elm more Labs uh PMD 2 okay so just to see how uh you know the motherboard power so I got an it I totally forgot about this thing this is a uh this right here uh this right here is a hold on this microphone uh this is a ITX my my ITX test bench essentially so I am going to we're going to plug everything into the elm more Labs here okay and uh and then I want to then we're going to do some hash rate testing and see what the power consumption is through the Elmo Labs pmd2 all right so let's let's do it let's let's plug her in please just mine $2500 please that what what are we what are we mining 2500 DJ what's up man DJ welcome a 6900 XT 20 GP rig yeah I don't think so I don't think so okay so I'm using a this is a thermal take 850 wat gold I got to plug this uh the cables for this into the PMD wait is that right wait hold on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and pmv and then I need uh so I need the 24 pin as well okay so here's the 24 pin then this this is going to go right this goes into the PMD if I can oh it's hard it's very hard okay there we go now the CPU the EPs and we can see the EPS power on this thing geek of all trades welcome geek of all trades did you did you have the uh special meeting yet I'm not going to say who or where but did you have the special meeting I'm just here for the magic smoke no not that kind of smoke he of all trades this afternoon nice man nice sick sick sick sick okay now I need to plug uh this part uh this is the wait which one which one which does it matter which side does it matter which um are they both the same or I don't know I'm going to here let me see okay this this does not this does not go in that side does not go in I'm assuming it's this side then oh yeah that went in okay oh that's that's good so there is a there is a there is a corresponding side to the 24 pin okay this is short so this is going to suck a little bit into the motherboard cable is thick Smokey Dan yeah this cable is extremely extremely thick okay now the EPS I need the EPS cable that's going to go okay this is this is this definitely on this side eps1 goes into the motherboard on this side okay okay now what now what do I need ah we need to plug in the 6900 XT so we're going to use a riser but I also need to plug in the power okay we need to do a couple things here I need oh no I just realized I just realized something oh this test this test is flawed oh no this test is flawed how okay we have an issue we got an issue the 6900 XT has three 8 Pin pcie I also need a six pin for the Riser the PMD only has three pcie one in uh three P say one 2 three so how can I uh how how can I how because I want to see I I want to see the Riser power so this splitter ah ah yes yes okay so so I I need to have one PCI dedicated this one needs to be dedicated for I'm going to say the third one the PC 3 and then I'll have pc 1 and PC 2 uh now now here's here's the question here's the question which two should I split which PCI is going to take the most see this is where I think this well I think this comes in handy cuz we can find out which which two ports are going to be pulling the most power does anyone know cuz that would help cuz I don't want to I don't want to melt dude if the first two ports if I split the first two ports that would that would draw dude that could draw an F ton on a sing if I split that into a single one wait how do I split it I don't even have a wait a sec hold on let me think here ah ah ah wait wait I think I have a think I have a solution veteran Miner splitter yeah eight pin to dual eight pin okay so uh split the last two Smokey Den the last two okay so you're saying this one H you're saying this one and this one will be on one PMD on on the on the P okay jeez this thing is this thing is way too long okay I need uh I need P cables now okay hold on okay so all right this is going this is uh this is interesting okay so H sureface is going to work okay you know what let me let me do the Riser first okay let me plug in the Riser so this one's for the Riser okay so I got I got a eight pin for the Riser yeah that goes wait power wait pcie in oh wait a sec oh I'm stupid no no no no no no no no no no that's the wrong way that's the wrong way PC uh now which one PCI E1 pcie2 pcie3 which one is PC one two three on here uh I don't have the can someone can someone go to the ah you know I got to go to the website okay let me go to the website let's see if it shows uh here okay how do I know which one is what uh doesn't say okay whatever it doesn't say it it's fine it it you know what we'll figure it out when we see the power we'll figure it out when we see the power so I'm just going to plug it in on the top one here let just do that ultimately it doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter so six pin here okay so this is for the GPU Riser then I need three p in from the power supply uh which uh I only have two here oh that's not good uh that's that's fine okay so let's let me split one and two and three then okay and then number one's going to go in here do I have a third I need a third uh P should be fine should be fine should be fine should be fine famous last words okay all right that's that's in okay and this thing is going to be decked decked out we got motherboard power okay got to push everything in okay uh okay okay I'm going to plug in the going plug in the Riser now to the 6900 XD okay that was easy okay there we go okay 6900 XT is in I need something [Music] to elevator a little bit there we go okay uh now what now what now what do I need to do no we're not done yet we're not done yet I need to plug in the other pcie for this thing so we still need these two here which are going to go we need a direct one into the we need a direct one so this one I'm going to do let's just do this one or this one okay directly in ah into the GPU wait that's not the middle okay you know what I don't know which side is which so I'm just going to we're going to it I want to we're going to see okay and then I need another one for the middle for the splitter this this middle one will be the splitted one okay uh this splitter is H veteran minor this splitter is too thick oh there we go is the camera blurry H why is it not focusing come on camera Focus there there we go okay oh I just I forgot uh smash the like Bros also can you guys guess the GPU that's sitting right there anyone anyone see this anyone see this this uh GPU that's sitting right here I announcement I just got my first 40 series I just got my first my first 40 series GPU the honken beautiful 40 freaking 90 this thing is freaking massive it is ginormous I I I can't even I can't even explain how massive this GPU is it's bigger than the 3090 obviously but I'm excited to try out that 490 through this cable I want to see if the PMD dude look how thin look how thin these C look how thin the the the ca I'm just how can 600 watts go through this cable I don't understand I I don't understand how 600 watts can go through that it's crazy it's it's insane that's the GPU she told you not to worry about SLO Squatch you lied to us all you said you were skipping the 40 series SLO Squatch I got a I got a video titled just that I can't wait I'm going to record it later it's going to be called I lied to you all but it's it's it's not for mining okay I'm not using that 4090 for mining all right okay uh I have one final cable left what is this oh this is the CPU one okay that's it I think we're done okay we can turn it on let's let's turn her [Music] on okay here we go uh I need to elevate this because it's like massive and the Riser is [Music] bending okay okay this is this is so gimped okay here we go uh the cable motherboard all right uh it's it's just going to sit like this hopefully you guys can see it all right I got to plug in the power uh plug in the power for the PSU on the back here okay all right we're going to turn her on here we go something just beeped okay here we go three two no I need I need ethernet ethernet in here we go 3 2 1 please no smoke oh it's so beautiful look oh it's so nice dude RGB in the middle love that I love that SLO Squatch I love that video title if I start a YouTube channel doing the opposite of what you're doing and tell us to do would you be offended yes yes slat don't forget the USBC cable for the web goey jock MC Miner you oh man it's not long enough a shoot ah no it's not long enough ah crap that is not cool are you kidding me okay I need to find okay hold on I think I have a longer one somewhere uh uh uh let me see here okay wait let me just see if it shows up in hi W that's the biggest uh that's the biggest thing okay so okay I haven't had this thing booted for like like a month oh it showed up oh 6,900 XT ASRock wait a sec it said uh hold on let me take out the flight sheet oh unet okay you know we're going to update this whole thing and then do a re restart okay we're going to reir uh a little concerning it says attention require GPU zero attention required oh yeah okay well that's uh driver maybe maybe we're on the very old driver I don't know okay we're going to okay going see what happens when we update okay now does it show no it's gpu0 attention required what kind of unknown gddr 6 what is that supposed to mean uh-oh uhoh uhoh oh no oh boy that's that that may not that's not a good sign that usually means that's not a good sign um oh Samsung there we go well why did what did that why did that take a while I've never seen that there we go oh my God oh my God I was like Samsung gddr6 okay thank God oh my God sweating sweating uh Francisco check the Riser if it's well connected to the motherboard uh I I'm looking at it it looks it looks to be it's pretty it's pretty it's well it's well in there uh you guys it's well it's well in there I don't know if you guys can see that right there okay okay so let's uh let's are we are we going to try and mine with it now let's try and mine with it all right I need uh what's the first coin what what are we doing first coin what do you guys want what do you guys want to see wait first things first overclock what oh man I don't even I don't even know I don't even know what I I have not played with a I've never played with a 6900 XT before so uh smash the like Bros Smash the like Bros yes yes uh kapow meow coin Raven all right you guys just want to see kapow first why do you guys always see what why do you why do you guys want to see smoke like why do you guys want to why do you guys want to see me like melt things the first thing you always want to see from my GPU testing is kapow do you do you want this thing to melt do do you want this thing to smoke like is that is you guys are just you guys are sting me up to like to melt this thing don't aren't you like why so we know what not to do yeah well doesn't happen doesn't happen you bastard overboard like kapow that that's true that that's that's very true meow coin Patrick Murphy it's not your own fault for lying to [Laughter] us Patrick Murphy listen that 4090 there is is no all right I'm going to explain all right I'm going to explain all right okay uh all right all right uh overb the oval way run it hard and put away wet uh Smokey Den that's oh man blow it up then give it away it wouldn't be the first time you give away a broken GP Death Valley Mining what how you bastard you are banned you are banned from the channel good sir how dare you how dare you okay 40 4090 uh sorry 6900 XT what do we uh I don't even know what are the overclocks on a 6900 XC it's been I I don't even I don't even uh okay so you guys want to try meow coin first what's meow where's meow coin on this list meow meow meow coins not even on this list okay well let's just go I guess uh chor would be the same overclock uh banned completely banned okay 1250 MHz th000 I'm just going by hash rate.

Io's stock numbers here I know I know these are just generalized numbers 168 Watts okay all right core clock all right let's do it 1250 uh 1,75 memory clock block memory clock lock where is that this 1,75 uh 675 undervolt 675 wait four voltage offset oh crap which one uh 675 13 vdd vdd 13 00 uh vdd 1300 I think it's this one and then 800 V ddci uh V ddci okay 800 here okay uh okay uh Rizzo that 12volt PMW cable is smaller than the two pin connectors how the Watts Rizzo I don't know man uh we have not tried we have not tried the 490 or any anything yet so okay apply all right kapow let's do it uh where is meow coin on this list I don't even have meow coin okay okay we're just going to do okay I'm just going to do Raven because I have a Raven flight sheet already uh team red Miner okay here we go yeah here we go here we go here we go let's see it ramp up here you guys can look at the numbers uh live uh anchor let's go I need to zoom in okay let's see here uh EPS pcie okay so I can see exactly you guys can't see that blurry PCI 1 2 and three I can see 21 Watts on PCI 1 11 Watts on PCI 2 and 17 Watts on pcie3 okay all right is this is this going let's see push it to the limit uh let's I don't even know if this is mining or not let me see I got to connect to it uh user one it's frozen it's definitely Frozen it is not it is definitely Frozen it's not mining oh I think the overclock the overclock must be too yeah it's it's not it's it's not it's not mining yeah I don't I don't think that's overclock like I don't think this overclock works so you know what I'm going to take out this this and that's it we're going to we're going to reboot it let's re let's let's do that ah red panda not mining John English Tech you are bad you are banned your kid's a floor above you right uh visha CZ yes thanks for noticing that yes my kid is is up is above me unfortunately offline oh no it's offline okay we got to okay it froze we got to turn it off okay let's turn back on there we go can you guys see the screen numbers or no I I can't is it too is it too too small I'm sorry blurry okay damn it CLX La I DMD you the tune I'm running for my 6900 XT as a reference okay nice sounds good man sounds good let me uh let me open that up let me open that up okay uh dude you got yours is even way further down even further even further tuned down oh man okay I I okay I just want to see it mine with this we we we we'll try mining with uh with this for a second I just want to see this I just want to see it go because it froze with the other settings I was using but we can try yours after CLX okay can I reconnect let's see user one Miner failed to list open CL devices for platform zero oh yeah that's great oh yeah okay what does that mean fail to list open CL devices oh it's doing that thing again gpu0 attention required it's when it has that symbol on hios that's not a good sign oh shoot unknown why does it do that what's happening let me see here uh-oh I smell something I smell something bad uh-oh what's going on uh-oh oh boy okay let me let me turn this off oh [ __ ] where what oh man oh boy oh boy okay I I smell something oh crap why what riser's in nothing's changed there right right this thing is hot this thing is extremely hot this is in this is in nothing let me take it out [Music] no nothing I don't smell I don't smell anything on the GPU no I don't I don't smell anything on the GPU should I change the Riser oh man test the 4090 now yeah you definitely not I am not testing the 490 okay hold on let me let's put this back okay all right let's try let's try again 3 2 1 okay okay I think you need more cables I everything's plugged into the max okay all right let's go back oh man uh let's see uh let's go back to the [Music] screen I smell I smell something it it doesn't that smells like computer burn I mean not really but kind of okay let's see if this comes back yeah see yeah unknown [Music] gddr6 uh we're going to turn this off let's turn it off that Riser doesn't look good yeah you know what let's let's let's change the Riser then let's let's change the riser you sure it's not the smell of your upper lip Smokey Dan how dare you how dare you okay let me get a riser let me get a new one let me get a brand new one oh okay all I got a brand new GP risers one let's just let's just oh the GPU is hot that's not good why is the GPU hot extremely hot right here interesting okay new Riser let's let's do that new Riser I got to take these out [Music] let me smell the Riser okay I definitely smell something on the yeah I think it's the Riser I smell something I smell something on the Riser a little a little faint smell I probably just like breathe in a lot of cancer right there uh okay oh boy oh boy okay that's [Music] in let's go let's try again 3 2 1 ah crap oh crap stop the foreplay and hook up the 490 no no I would take the flight sheat off before reboot okay yeah that's a good call that's a good call that's a good call that's that's that's uh unset unset that go back okay oh that's not good ah [ __ ] why why remove the OC uh sure well I remove it start having problems when we did the V ddci and memory voltage it just died like it completely died after that oh no it's still not showing oh are you kidding me [ __ ] oh okay remove okay let's just remove the overclock then uh I don't think that's going to do anything oh no okay it it completely borked after we did the overclock okay mind you we put everything in and then it it then it didn't mine you guys saw that and now it says unknown gddr6 oh man that's not a good sign I'm going to reboot one more time shoot let's re let's restart let's restart unknown gddr6 okay okay okay okay okay okay it's rebooting hopefully let's see clocked way too high for kapow okay I'm pretty sure I was I was clocking I was clocking pretty mediocre but it it it it it just oh it's back oh thank God yes yes it's saved okay all right all right let's do it again let's let's do the clocks again all right Mr PL I will do yours good sir all right 1,200 okay let's do it 1,200 uh you know what I'm not going to add any of the other stuff can I just do I'm just going to do 10 16 65 can I just do that and uh I don't know 625 here can can I just can I just do these I'm not I'm not going to do the other stuff I'm going to hit apply all right all right let's let's try it let's try Raven let's let's try it here we go Raven coin here we go ah reconnect user one Miner okay it's running now please uh PL off anything do much higher voltage start like 725 if that crashes again okay abort failure decreasing intensity generation D finished okay uh I think it's mining now 198 k abort failure decreasing intensity uh we're at uh [ __ ] 50 Watts 50 Watts uh 7:25 okay yeah no it it stopped now it's oh no it's 100 98 Kash is that right no we're supposed to get like 33 36 megahash no nope it's done nope let's reboot okay let's you said 725 yeah 725 poor poor voltage let's do that too low apply yeah let's try that just just that I'm not going to add anything else uh I did like you said and pre-ordered a local tech one barrel oh my God blood Crow are you are you insane uh blood Crow what are you don't do that uh plaw that card has been used and abused for years I love it I love it uh Redemption kapow clock 95 the core voltage okay you should pre-order the double barrel yeah I'm not pre-ordering that [ __ ] man dude by the time it comes out the bow runs over pretty sure they're just they're taking pre-order money and they're just hoping that crypto goes up so that they can double their money and then refund everybody and yeah exactly what they did with the hash blade uh when 4K stream it well it I can't do 4k on YouTube it won't let me I have a 4k camera the camera is finally much better but oh we're getting some life here uh let's see 61 71 at the wall okay I think it's I think it's working uh user one oh no it's not mining nope it's definitely not mining no no no that didn't work open CL yeah same thing uh uh it doesn't like the overclock ah okay we got to take the overclock out okay all right let's reboot it it's it's having that yellow circle again the yellow Circle of Death the sorry the yellow square of death on hios oh man oh reboot you know what let's just run the thing stock all right let's just try this thing stock let's just try this thing stock uh it's showing unknown gdr 6 again yeah crypto Curt yeah I know uh let's uh let let's just wait for this thing to come back let's just let's just try stock as much as I don't want to run at stock I don't want to burn this thing up but uh let's let's let's see let's see uh franisco try one of the popular presets then tweak it uh let's see okay let's see if it comes back yeah okay it came back it came back we're back all right let's all right let's just see what it mines full boore f it full boore kapow here we go 6900 XT uh plaw red pen mining I think I found the old two NOA board Hive for that exact GPU I sent you a DM with those numbers as well okay sick blackl thank you good sir thank you 887 Kash woo that sounds like a lot that sounds okay uh bag generation finished okay uh 53 Watts that doesn't sound right 53 Watts yeah we're at the PMD is showing 64 64 okay something doesn't seem right something doesn't feel right uh uh okay let this I'm going let this thing go 75 walks 67 walks h stock clocks uh blood Crow red pen of money when the Intel Arc comes out are you going to get one and try that to M with uh blood Crow yeah i' I've actually been trying to find I've been trying to find a b580 yeah I I've been trying to I've been trying to find the the b580 uh GPU zero monitor stats refresh time out no data available oh God why oh no you know what let's try let's try try a different flight sheet let's let's let's just go let's just let's just try flux no yeah let's try flux uh I'm just I'm going to try flux here let's just GPU driver error okay we got a driver error all right this thing has borked itself it's not even showing up okay it's completely died oh oh my okay I think we might have a we might have a bigger issue here um we might have a bigger issue here uh change the motherboard side Riser and cable yeah I I don't think it's the rise AMD drivers yeah we could try uh we could try we could try the uh we could try we could we could do a hive replace thing yeah yeah let's try I I want to see if flux works I'm going to reboot it I just want to see if flux flux shows up okay it's back on okay restarted it shows up we got the green square stock clock not even going to put in anything we're going to try flux let's try flux all right all right that's better 50 Souls here we go here we go PMD is showing 151 Watts 50 Souls yes that is better 161 at the 165 at the wall 170 uh we're showing 151 okay I want to see the exact pcie here so all right pci1 is drawing 72 Watts PCI 2 is drawing 50 watts pcie3 is drawing 25 for Combined PCI combined is 146 Watts 146 Watts combined that's pretty cool that's pretty sick nice nice this thing shows pretty good stats here look at that the fans are not even running yeah fans are it's it's not even hot it says it's at 62Β° it's it's not the fans aren't on because this GPU is pretty cool but it is climbing 57 Souls 58 Souls I bet you anything the fans will turn on the fans will turn on shortly the fans are going to turn on because it's not it's on auto 58 68 M temp nice nice pretty cool 58 Souls 126 Watson okay hiest shows 126 wats but the PMD shows 150 watts so there's a good 25 watt difference 25 watt difference from PMD to hi wattage yeah okay that's cool uh okay fans are off it should show Green for auto fan red P of mining [Laughter] uh you are correct let me see the fans fans should be at zero but okay all right I just the fans aren't on yet the fans are still not on okay all right all all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right let's do uh 60 all right now the fans are on all right now it's on now it's on there we go okay fans on GPU meltdown incoming why why didn't the auto fan work it should just work if it's at zero hios should turn on the fans that's really strange I mean it it should hi usually is pretty good at that it should just work you should have to put on this I I already have it on it shouldn't you shouldn't have to put this on that's strange but anyway it's getting it's getting cooler now okay no it's still it's getting cooler now there you go uh 100% all the time yeah H red pen of mining put in the OBT Tunes I sent for you for flux now see if they work okay let's try okay let's try overclock now okay okay overclock for flux okay here we go uh GPU zero okay GPU zero okay for flux okay here we go all right we'll change it on the Fly we'll change it on the Fly for this exact card all right let's do it 1450 825 77 thank you PX thank you good sir 90 9 950 1325 130 0c 0 900 for VD DDD Max oh my God over Tech you you can see how you can see how like how masterful he is you see overo Tech really like he fine-tuned this thing like balls to the wall like look at that look he just he puts in everything that's that's that's how you know he was a God he was a god at uh at overclocking all right let's let's see let's see here here all right will it crash let's see uh so far we're holding I think so far uh though I don't know if we need to reboot it I we might need to reboot it though the PMD dropped five Watts we're at 140 142 Watts now at the pcie 142 so it did drop it it definitely it definitely drop power so EPS uh pcie is 71 pci1 72 watts pcie2 is 47 PCI 3 is 25 so we're combined PCI of 140 142 144 okay all right jock mcmin Miner you would think with Panda's Hive bill every month he'd be an expert on the gooey jock MC minor Hey listen listen I have free hios I don't pay for it anymore okay second I'm busy okay I'm I have a lot of other things going on all right I over overclocking has been left on the Wayside for me the past two years it's been a long time it's been a I have forgotten everything regarding regarding overclocking in hios uh you know what I want to try I want to try re restart minor here I just want to see if that if that does any difference but it it it did make a difference a little a little bit uh reboot franchisco yeah I'm going to try a minor restart and see if that changes anything it did change it on the PMD a little bit uh A6 don't take overclocks H Franchesco how dare you how dare you youf puts Panda doesn't pay for anything that's right I don't pay for anything because I've worked hard to get here God damn it I've compromised my life to get to this stage what is going on KX uh connection okay something's not something okay it's not mining anymore let's reboot let's reboot let's reboot let's reboot let's reboot okay let's reboot okay uh bacon eggs and hash no one was better at overclocks than overboard 100% no overboard was the master the God he was the god at overclocking he was a God he was the best we all he tuned my whole Farm I still have Tunes he he's I'm still using tunes for majority of my stuff majority of my stuff I haven't I actually I haven't changed anything over the past year I haven't changed any of my overclocks on anything I I I haven't touched anything he's they're they're all they're all his they're all his all of it all of them every single one even my radon 7s I 6700 XT I haven't touched these okay looks like I got one that's down that maybe a needs a little bit of uh fine tuning now because it's oh okay maybe a holy crap invalid shares okay I got a few of them all right uh let reboot it it's fine it's fine these are fine okay let's go back okay okay uh it's back uh user one Miner all right PMD shows 143 142 Watts yeah still the same same yeah we're still we're still the same power yeah that's good yeah that definitely helped Fox uh that overclock worked hell yeah um Panda hope you got a backup use of puts uh backup for what uh redirecting a premier to you red P mining so keep going probably around 110 uh I'm going to end it here in about we're we're going to be done in about 5 minutes uh serpent serpent we're going to be done uh here in about 5 minutes I think uh well we didn't even try another coin let's try one more coin here let's go what what's the next coin a Leo You Think Is AO going to work uh kls let's try K let's try Carlson let's let's let's try Carls Carlson should be the same as uh flux I think uh memory and core let's try let's try let's try Carlson let's try Carlson ah let's see H okay Carlson okay I got to go soon because I got to drive my kid I got to drive my kid to uh his class okay let's [Music] see D creation PMD is showing 131 132 Watts uh let's go here it's going Carlson let's see what's Carlson what are we supposed to get on Carlson 37 Mega has whoa whoa that's pretty good whoa that's that's really wait what's my 6700 XTS uh my 6700 XTS are were 28 oh this rig's crashing oh this rig is crashing oh my 6700 XTS are not doing well uh 13 Mega wait 13 Mega hash no that doesn't sound right uh what do okay 21 no I think it's still ramping up 16 20 30 37 dude 37 at uh 131 Watts PMD shows 1 132 uh the whole rig at the wall shows 150 the whole rig on the PMD shows 138 so including the motherboard power we have about a like a 12 13 watt Delta between at the wall and at the PMD because of the gold rated efficiency from the power supply so there's a little bit extra coming uh being used because we're not at the whatever the efficient load on that 850 wat PSU which I think is 50 60% load should be you know the peak efficiency we're at like 132 Watts 138 Watts on this so that's not that's that's that's pulling that's pulling a little bit more that's pulling a little bit more so okay 37 megahash I want to know my 60 700 XTS 2627 ah okay 2627 at 76 91 Watts okay so the 6900 XT gets 37 megahash at like it shows in the web guy uh 10 109 Watts okay so but at the PMD it's actually at the PC it's 132 so extra 21 Watts there nice very nice that's sick awesome uh awesome awesome okay okay uh one more one more guys one other coin one other one Ergo will Ergo work here Ergo I'm curious 6900 XC Ergo Ergo I probably I probably need to change I definitely probably need to change the overclocks on this one but War uh jock MC Miner I I don't have a good CPU on this one the wart is not going to work warthog warthog will not work on this on this rig 107 megahash Ergo nice at what WT well we're at 132 Watts still yeah that's probably not the uh though AMD doesn't do that well on Ergo so that that kind of makes sense 107 107 DX you guys want to see DX okay uh all right let's switch to DX real quick let's switch to DX where's DX uh DX bz minor okay is bz minor the one let's see let's let's try bz Miner minor all right down in downloading downloading uh Jo h i see Intel 2 core yeah no wart on that yeah wart is not going to work on this rig uh Francisco what happened to your ant minor X5 do you still use it at all uh Francisco Castro No I gave the X5 to uh fully electric uh it had a broken hash board and fully electric fixed it and so it's his now I don't I don't have the X5 anymore uh PL law send the dyx tunes as well slightly different but close to the current ones okay all right sick all right uh let's see uh let's see I gotta go I got to go here in about a minute I gotta drive my kid okay DX all right let's let's switch it up just a little bit 1450 825 800 okay 800 uh 1,000 on the memory clock okay 1250 memory voltage oh and then 130 power limit s so0 you don't have S so vdd max there okay okay apply okay mining 256 chips oo 109 Watts we're at the PMD 100 PMD is fluctuating like mad PMD is going mad it's going from 100 watts to 150 like here look at this here can you guys see that woo fluctuating like crazy uh the proof work uh I want to read everyone's send DX Tunes okay thank you uh PL uh it's it's it's going all over it's going all over the place it's it's going all it's it's going it's going like mad pcie power shows between 100 and 157 it's it's it's going like mad I wish I can plug in my USBC cable I I I don't have a longer USBC cable I can't I can't do the logging uh thing i' like to show the logging in Windows but uh yeah it's it's going yeah that's pretty sweet though that's pretty cool okay so hash rate though I don't know I I I have not I don't even know what gpus like what's the hash rate of DX on uh on a 69 does that even do they even have DX on hash rate.

Yeah they do 36 36.2 36.2 hash per watt oh efficiency uh zero uh what's the hash great power reported 4 4790 so what's that translate into 47 I don't even 4.32 Kash yeah so are we close 4.29 we're at 5 something so is that is that good or bad serpent is that good I don't even know is 4.2 4.3 Kil aash any good so hash is 4320 okay so hash rate. showing 4790 okay so we're not too far off but 133 watts and then at the wall here PMD PMD shows yeah I'm going to say average like 130 13 135 or something 132 I don't it's fluctuating it's fluctuating a lot uh here well it I noticed I remember I remember we did DX I remember doing DX like a year ago and it was it I I had a few other gpus that were fluctuating quite a bit I think I think DX uh I think DX is pretty yeah fluctuates quite a bit man I can't wait I can't wait to try this this this Asus 4090 I I didn't I'm kind of scared to plug that I honestly I want to use that for my personal rig like I want to use that for gaming I don't want to use it for mining I don't want to use it for AI I just want to use it for for gaming screw screw all that I just want a game my my I have a 3090 TI right now in my personal rig and it's great I have no issues with it but kind of curious to know what a 490 would do in a personal R okay Bros that's it that's it for the I I I did not do I I got to be honest with you guys I I have not I have not done GPU Hardware testing like for a long time and uh I I I did not do justice I I definitely did not do the Justice overb Tech would have done he is a much much more prominent much better oval clocker than I am and uh we miss him a lot I miss him so much we all miss him and uh H and uh yeah this 6900 XT is awesome though CL thank you for for sing this to me man uh plx I PL I didn't I didn't give you anything for like I need to pay you for this CLX like uh or if there's any if is is there still any like uh is there any donations or charity uh towards uh the ones that overboard that Eric wanted uh let me know man let me know I'll I'll I'll pay it forward for sure and uh # hats of crypto 100% uh all right Bros I gotta go I got to drive my kid I gotta drive my kid now all right peace Bros thank you guys Financial failure definitely miss him and Hawk are the ones who would DM me yeah dude 100% Financial failure 100% I I talk with him almost every other day L Tech was was awesome such a good friend Smokey Dan have a good one jock Miner see you serpent see you all right peace Bros how do I uh is anyone else streaming anyone else streaming right now how do I can I redirect to somebody is is rabid streaming no rabbit's not streaming ah all right all right we'll redirect to nobody then okay peace out Bros you guys have a good one peace out peace out peace out peace out have a great day have a great day appreciate you all thanks for the fun thank you PLS for the overclocks peace peace peace peace peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music]

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