SALAD added more GPU support for Compute Workloads

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all right what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day um these are some rigs that I have running on salad right now these are $39 90s but more importantly salad just added support for more gpus so if you didn't know previously um a lot of your workstation or more I want to say commercial style gpus like the a series you have your A2000 4000 a 5000s uh those were not supported on salad due to the fact that there wasn't a lot of cards on the network so then they didn't have enough demand anyway they were just concentrating on more of the the RTX uh cards cuz there was a lot more on the network well now they have opened up and it is open season they are now supporting a5000 gpus so if you have access or you have some a5000 gpus they have workloads available and ready for those cards apparently they pay out somewhere in the range similar to a390 if not I guess slightly more um but yeah so uh if you got them smoke them if you got them right ladies and gentlemen I unfortunately don't I had an a5000 a few months ago but it came in on trade and I was thinking oh well I can't use this card on salad so let me just sell it um so little bad on me oh well it is what it is live and learn right but um yeah if you do have a 5000s I would love for you to comment down below and if you're able to put one of them on salad what's it making how's it doing um and how's it also running cuz I know some of the a those a series gpus the coolers are not necessarily as beefy as uh the gaming coolers like I remember my A4000 those things were like like super super skinny um and I always wondered how they would do in like an actual use case like a compute you know setting I guess they would do good they're meant for like long-term use but regardless it is what it is so anyways ladies and gentlemen I'm keeping this one short and sweet hope you all have a good one see you on the next one um and adios oh I also wanted to mention that there uh my channel memberships previously in the past and I have channel members that have been members for like months and months and super long time um I'd always like stated that you know I don't do any me membersonly content that kind of thing um but I'm actually going to start transitioning transitioning a lot of my behind the scenes stuff especially with the computer shop and and even with a little bit of mining I'm transitioning that content over to the the members only side um it doesn't necessarily uh work as well on like the public side I notic it just doesn't get the amount of views but then there are people that are like explicitly want to watch that kind of stuff so um hopefully that works and uh changing up the format a little bit and and kind of having um you know my my news and like produced Style videos on the front end and then behind the scenes on the back end we'll see we'll give it a try but yeah so if you are a member take a look over there at the uh the members only videos uh and also members only discount to the web store so it's not much but it helps and I appreciate you for helping me help me help you help me uh but anyway I'm going to jump off here youall have a good one adios

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