what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's doing well and today we're going to be taking a look at how salad's doing for reference uh it is August 21st 2024 um and yeah yeah i' I'd say if I had to summarize it before you watch the video it's meh it's better it's still better than mining but uh it's not even close to what it used to be uh before their Network got hammered so let me change screens over here and get it on the screen that's wonder why wonder why that's messed up am countdown I just I restart my computer and then like it doesn't have my my display capture set correctly let me hit the capture method automatic display auto no it's not Auto I want it to be that one there we go look at that troubleshooting on the fly all right so my earnings over the last 30 days $191 earnings over the last s days $53 um and then earnings over the last 24 hours was $617 if we average out that $53 over the last last 7 days we actually have a little bit higher average than what we just did in the last 24 hours so um 53 divided by 7 we're doing on average uh about 750 a day and then over uh you know 191 divided by 30 uh $636 a day now I did have some really really bad days because we did have that hurricane come through within the past 30 days so I had there was there was multiple times where I had downtime for hours and then when I fired it back up only like one or two machines were getting anything uh because salad de does still prioritize high up time star Chef you know uh the correct gpus the correct CPUs that kind of thing um and a lot of people think that it's still like a mystery it's you know oh you have to have this mystery concoction to get workloads you don't my 30 60 12 gig rigs the 3062 gig cards um with 32 gigs of RAM they're still every now and then clocking in $180 $190 $2 jobs per day my the rest of mine are 390s so that's where I'm running into my issue is 3090 demand is not very high right now uh if anything I think 3060 demand outweighs 3090 demand um now but talking to uh some people and some some people in the know they think that you know with well they they said they in the past um now that University's back in session you know people are are going back in they they'll need cloud computing uh hardware and performance that they think this is going to pick up it should pick up and I'm like that that sounds great and I'm going to leave my stuff here running until I find a better alternative so hopefully you guys either get more demand or you know I I'll go some else it you know a lot of people are like oh you know I'm loyal to this or loyal to that I'm going to mine this or mine that at the end of the day this is just Fiat and uh whatever gives me the most most Fiat is what I'm looking for uh now if I was doing a coin um that could appreciate or something like that some a project that would be different but there's no salid coin at least not yet that I know of um so if you're just getting Fiat there's no reason to like just stay on one platform for no reason if you feel like something else doing better jump over to it and actually in that last um live stream that the salad team did they were kind of on the same boat they were like hey if it's not working for you take a break from it come back and um it's kind of it's weird to hear like uh you know a development or a company say that but at the same time it is admirable because they think like you know admirable my words Escape me this evening but it that means that they think they're solid enough that they can weather the storm if people come if people go they're going to still be here so I do think salad is like the nice hash of AI compute platforms it's easy to set up might not be the most profitable uh but it does work now um looking at the 7-Day graph you can see uh so on the 20th I did 929 we had a 680 750 $10 $5 $7 over the last 30 days we had yeah that $9 was our Peak so that's not so great because realistically $23 90s should be able to hit n bucks and I have currently right now 430 90s 2360s and 14060 TI running for a total of seven rigs yeah four yeah seven rigs uh I did have eight rigs on it but I took one rig off and it is running on IET which I really want to show you guys and I've done the how-to video but they still have open entries closed to the public I was able to get one machine on before they actually closed uh like I guess open entries or public entries and they have everything closed down while they're getting ready for I guess the next stage of their launch they're going to have like staking and all this other kind of stuff that's for a whole another video uh that should be coming soon I was told it was going to be the second week of August we're we're past that so you know how that that goes um but yeah so I still do have eight machines on AI compute platforms um seven on salad one on IET and then I am considering running some on flux it just went into Alpha uh today or was it yesterday so I'm I'm talking to a couple people looking in looking into just spreading my wings now I don't know if I'm going to take anything off anything else off salad to go to flux I've been eyeing up building some more Rigs and I think that's probably the direction I'm going to go is is just build out some more dedicated stuff for different platforms so I have you know solid numbers and and data to go behind it now I would love to hear from you guys down below in the comments section but if you're needing some more like technical advice and that kind of thing you can always jump over to the Discord um and in the bcpc Discord there's a section that says salad bowl and it's literally just where people talk about salad questions um if you do do go in there the most common question is like oh my God my my my machine's broken it's calculating uh it's not broken we're all calculating a lot of machines calculating if we go over here and click earnings per machine let me let me turn these other on so we can see [Music] everything like look it's just everything is just these little Spike up and down up and down up and down it's very it is disheartening because man wasn't ever good before you know 24 hours we'll see I really hope that they update this whole machine ID mess sooner than later looks like I have two machines that have been running solid at 0 seven cents an hour and then I have some that were popping on popping off this one up here that was doing 19 cents an hour that was probably that was a 3090 for sure but yeah it is what it is ladies and gentlemen so anyway I want to thank y'all for coming out uh I did listen to your feedback on my last salad video and I think I am going to keep it at probably one to two videos a week I heard you guys loud and clear that doing you know Monday through Friday daily salad videos uh is not needed and um yeah so that's why we're kind of exploring other avenues yeah um I have more I am now hooked uh I did a video with my lottery Miner it's my bit ax is right here hold on right there uh I have a bid ax Supra and I'm hooked on the whole Lottery mining thing so I I'm I'm going to have me like a little Lottery Miner build out and I think I'm going to like mount it on the wall somewhere um yeah so basically the the video is over at this point and I'm just going to like talk to you guys if you want to hang out if you don't want to hang out um much love thank you for coming out really appreciate you guys and I'll see you on the next one now if you do want to stay and hang out um so I haven't done anything with this office other than I threw it together and then I've used it as like a makeshift desk office at my house I am in the garage of my house for reference so I just needed something sectioned off and in the winter time I just had like a little a temporary door hanging up well it's been summer it's been hot I took that door down to try to let some air come through here I got the fan over there um I wanted to avoid putting air conditioning in here cuz it was just going to be such a waste of electricity uh and I toughed it out we did some sweating in here but I want to revamp it up uh I want to clean it up in here um it just especially after the cat started climbing my my makeshift insulation which is just moving blankets left over from when we moved um and it made it look like absolute garbage um I'm GNA put a door on here because once we get into winter time I'll need to capture some heat in here so we'll run some little you know some miners that kind of thing and uh make us some some heat that pays us back but I also want to go ahead and and line these walls with something whether it be wood paneling just something cheap um and then maybe I don't know if I want to do like posters or you know like boxes like you know graphics card boxes but I just want to dress it up somehow or another um so I'd love to hear you guys' opinion um I have thought about doing like soundproof insulation everywhere uh but I know the foam would probably get destroyed by my cat so guess I could keep them like closed out of here but probably sneak in and te it all to pieces so uh I'd love to hear you guys's opinions what should I do to dress It Up In Here I am going to be moving that shelf out of here and uh so we're not going to I'm not going to have any more inventory storage in here here shortly once I get done organizing all of my bins which if you saw that video uh that's worked out really well I got over on the other side of the garage those sliding bins and I have it like uh right now I have it like box miners uh AMD cards Nvidia cards uh power cords power supplies and it's just when I need something I go over there and just slide it out and it's like oh this is so nice instead of before I had boxes stacked on top of each other so if I needed something I'd have to take 20 boxes off to get to something so yeah anyways um thank you all for coming out I really appreciate it peace love all that kind of stuff and um let me know how the audio quality was I'm not using my my normal mic right here because it was starting to clip really bad so it's going to get tossed in the old dumpster um I redid All My like audio settings and stuff and this mic is still just taking a dump on me so I'm actually using my Razer Cairo webcam built-in microphone I recorded and listened to it it didn't sound horrible it's definitely not the same sound quality I'm used to in the past but at least it's not clipping now so thank you guys for telling me about that that happening and all that kind of stuff but anyway I'm going to jump off here for real the video is over now for real peace I'll see you on the next one