SALAD GPU Demand chart update

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and there was a massive update on salad they actually have uh uh made a whole new we well not a new website but a new page on their website so you can see demand for current gpus that's why I started pulling some of my gpus off of salad because there's no demand for them or very low demand so let me flip this over and show you guys what I'm talking about let's see here right there okay so um this is earn SL demand um very very useful and basically it just ranks the the amount of demand from top to bottom or at least you can click it from top to bottom you can also do it from average hourly earning from top to bottom but obviously demand is the most important and the most in demand card right now is the 390 I didn't think that was any surprise because it packs a really good value with a lot of vram what I was surprised about was the second card on the list is actually the RTX 2080 TI is the second most demanded card move moving down from that the 490 the 470 TI and then you can see average earning rate hourly so 11 cents an hour on a 3090 uh and then the earning rate top 25% I guess maybe certain cards earn higher uh depending on you know certain jobs but mine were're doing went right around that mine were actually showing like 10.9 to 11 cents every now and then I would get one that would jump up and it would pay you know four bucks a day or whatever the equivalent what of that was like almost 20 cents an hour um but for the most part it was about 11 cents a day or sorry 11 cents per hour um which is like what 250 260 a day not bad and then recommended specs 64 gigs of RAM 120 gig storage now if we go down this list um I did have a bunch of these RTX 30 60s and they were not getting a lot of jobs like little Peck you know little job here little job there um they just weren't keeping jobs now the hourly rate is 04 on average or 05 for some of the top earners so we're looking at you know dollar what a little over a dollar a day uh so I figured I'd go ahead and pull those because I can I can't beat that with mining but I can get relatively close to it um and I can speculatively m some other coins with these machines so I was like you know kind of you weighing that that balance here um obviously I am burning more power with these machines but it's winter time and I want these things to burn more power so that creates heat in my house so my wife doesn't have to run my electric heat as much so that is a win-win right there uh moving down the list 4080 low so if you have a card that's in this low or even close to that low range um you're going to probably not get a lot of workload jobs uh and that's just kind kind of how the cookie crumbles it's weird 2080 TI way up at the top of the list 2080 regular all the way down at the bottom so if you don't see your card on there I I don't know but because some people are asking me whoa what about this what about that and I'm like I don't know um so I'm reaching out to the team to see if there's any clarification on that because they did say that they had added what was it the a5000 support and some of the other like Workstation style cards but I don't see them on this list so I don't know what the demand is or how that works or how it doesn't work now going over to my salad I have been having nothing but internet issues so you'll see literally mine will Flatline and drop out actually you can't see it right there see they'll flat line and drop out uh until I get my starlink in this is not going to go away because they're doing maintenance on the 5G Tower right down the road for me and I use T-Mobile home internet right now which runs through 5G and whenever it's working it actually works really good but right now it's not on 5G it's on LTE and the LTE tower is significantly farther away and significantly slower for downloads uploads and latency so um I'm just taking that with a grain of salt and uh it is what it is now right here for example I had two uh let's see here believe this was two machine there okay so I had two machines that were both doing about 11 cents per hour those are my 3090 cuz I am pulling everything that's not a 3090 off my 30 60s I'm pulling those off uh so two out of my three 309s did H have 11 cents per hour jobs I believe that all three of them would have uh but that's when I was having internet issues and I know my download speed has been affected greatly so potentially that third machine wasn't getting jobs because of bandwidth issues uh I believe that's on that's on me that's not on them now as for anything else getting jobs I don't have any data on on those because they my 30 60s haven't got jobs in quite some time you can actually look at it my 30 60s haven't got jobs in uh all the way back to what was that the 7th of this month so you know it's been oh there's one on the nth the 10th so but yeah like basically all last week or all this week I have not got any jobs on my 3060 so that's why I started pulling off but anyway guys I'm going to jump off here let me know what you think about the demand like uh platform demand website uh I'll put those links or that link Down Below in the description and then also if you're new to salad it is a rental platform um and if you have 309s basically that's what I suggest putting on here right now uh as demand changes I'll do an update on this in the future but if you want to use my referral link or my affiliate link or whatever they call it it does help me out a little bit uh but if you don't want to that's cool too it'll be down below in the descript description as well all right guys y'all have a good one I'll see you on the next one

As found on YouTube

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