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all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel so this is normally my te um my test bench but I figured you know what I threw some extra Ram in it it's got 32 gigs and um I have this 3060 that has horrible fans on it this one's locked up this one's about to leave the chat and the uh the middle one actually does work but in the meantime while I'm waiting on new fans to come in I figured you know what let's run it it's got a big enough cooler on it that 3060 is never going to get hot um but I put it on salad it's a 30602 gig and it was doing about a dollar a day for the first day and now it's back to calculating but I figured this would be a good time to go over and uh show you guys what all I have running and uh kind of go from there now over here I have another system this is actually a um ryzen 5 I think it's a I think it's a 3600 yeah a little little bit little bit newer but also uh 32 gigs of RAM it has a uh 3060 12 gig in it and it's been pretty much calculating every now and then it hits a dollar do2 job but lots and lots of calculating on the 30 60s um going over here we still have uh lots of 309s so 3090 3090 that's a 4060 TI and then 3090 3090 3090 and then I believe one of those is a 3060 down there um and that concludes all the rigs that we have here at the house house um I do have two machines 2 30 60 12 gigs running at my office so yeah we we've definitely unintentionally expanded a little bit and then um let me go over here and show you guys what the stats are looking like so one of my machines I noticed it hadn't had a job in a little while and uh it still this one was one of the ones that I guess had a long job um and then whenever it finished I didn't pay attention and it needed an update so I just updated this one we're going to go ahead and set it back to chop now let's see here I think that was the one I was just on was just checking in on them all real quick yeah 3090 number two a lot of my 309s have been been doing like two to two $2.50 a day every now and then one will pop up looks like this one's got a job yeah two $262 so it is profitable uh it's it's not $5 a day profitable but it is profitable um this is my lowest spec machine it's an i5 3470 which is a four core 4 thread um with a 3602 gig in it and it only has 16 gigs of system Ram this one is at my office and you notice it's doing 32 cents a day that's because it's on a crypto workload job I did not turn off crypto mining on this one cuz it's in my office and I figured we'll let it run this machine almost never gets workloads um so yeah that is unfortunate but I guess it makes a little bit it's not profitable with the with crypto workloads on though um let's see here then there's the 4060 TI this has been a good machine when it can get jobs if it has a job it's normally always paying pretty well it'll load yep so it doesn't have a job right now but these get those $350 to $450 job $450 a day Dollar jobs and um I I wish they were just more consistent right now everybody has been saying that um 409s are where the cats meow is for you know demand but 409s are also really expensive so it's like you know you got to take the good with the bad my last 24 hours $15 a day so not horrible uh I am down slightly from the last few days but still up significantly from what I was doing you know a month ago um as you can see we had you know some really good times during the middle of the day and then now it's kind of dropping off at night I don't know if that has anything to do with this storm that's coming in some people said like you know uh we're coming up to close to the weekend so you know workloads or jobs might be postponed until the weekend's over or postponed until these um these storms get out of here because we got a bad storm coming up the East Coast right now I think it's a category 4 hurricane um looking at the last seven days I peaked at around $18 a day um still not as good as the Glory Days a few months ago but way better than if you compare on my 30-day look I was doing four five $6 a day it was really bad had a $3 day right there but um yeah so if I can stay above 10 I will definitely be happy only time will tell so that's that's just kind of how the cookie crumbles on that one but anyway guys I wanted to thank y'all for coming out I'd love to hear uh your comments down below are you uh still on salad how's your salad machines doing um you know are you doing anything else and uh yeah so my last 30 days $243 making a little bit of money is it worth it to build out salad machines right now uh it depends on if you want to Pivot into other AI workload and compute style stuff if you were doing it solely for salad by itself I'd say no but if you're willing to you know maybe start on salad and then pivot into another um platform or multiple other platforms then yeah yeah definitely don't spend any money you're not afraid to lose and um if you need any help always jump on the Discord and reach out to to us but anyway guys yall have a good one I'll see you on the next one uh if you need any graphics cards motherboards CPUs stuff like that you can go check out the web store bc-pc docomo in the description all right y'all have a good one good night

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