what's up ladies and gentlemen just going to be a short and sweet video uh today still going to have our our longer Video regular format tonight um but people were wondering if there is a driver issue or what is the driver issue that's happening on salad and it is with Nvidia driver 55589 and 555999 uh or holding container workloads I don't know the actual technical thing that is happening but it was released by the salad team to roll back and do not use those drivers as of right now um the date is uh the 12th of June 2024 so obviously this information is subject to time um if you're watching this 10 years from now it probably doesn't apply but um yeah so I am on version 555 or sorry 552 do something I just went back about I don't know it was only like seven or eight revisions I just kind of scrolled down a little bit grabbed one of those threw those on all my 309s and my 30 60s and everything is running beautifully also there is a a shortage or a low amount of 3090 containers but there are more coming online this week so just stick it out a couple of my 309s have fell down to the $2 and mid $2 range so that is unfortunate uh but I'll be doing updates as soon as those come online and as soon as those start hitting in those workloads start coming back up so yeah that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes anyway ladies and gentlemen youall have a good one please comment down below let me know what your Hardware is what graphics card RAM and CPU you're running and what kind of container workloads you're getting I'm thinking about starting a section in the bcpc or the Brandon coin Discord down below and it's just to like show off your earnings they do something similar to that on salad but there's a we can do better we can do better more information uh and it could just help out everybody so I'm going to get that set up tonight um so go over to the Brandon coin Discord and look for that salad show your earnings uh so you can see what people have and what people are making as of current all right anyway youall have a good one adios
Salad Mining driver issue