all right so ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and there was a new release that came out on salad a couple days ago I was actually going to make an update video on it and I was like ah it wasn't too much that happened uh but ever since I updated to 1.7.7 I noticed I went down to zero um my rigs were not doing anything um and then when I went over to the Discord and looked and salad other people had the same miss you and then actually um technically yesterday CU it's just after midnight right now but on the 23rd of January at 11:00 a.m. they released 1.7.8 and this is a hot fix for the issue that was affecting 1.7.7 on its job Readiness so I guess it would um queue up jobs and either download them but never make them ready or never start them but now apparently with this uh hot f it is working and you're good to go so I have just now updated my systems and let me check in on them real quick both of them still don't have jobs but uh those are 309s I have one 3090 machine that's down and I have to go like plug into it and see what's going on uh but that's all I have at the moment are 330 90s on it i' I've since pulled my 360s off cuz people were asking me are 360s doing anything and um I don't know but let me check the on demand Network monitor so right now 390s are moderate which means that's not great uh it's not a great chance that you'll get a uh job if you threw it on right this second when the demand was high you were pretty much getting a job right away um 2080s are moderate 490s moderate 3090 is moderate 2080 TI and 370 TI are moderate everything else is low and you can pretty much guess if it's in the low category it's not going to be earning anything uh it's not going to be getting workloads because there's just too many people and the 3062 gigs are falling firmly in that category of low so I have since pulled my 360s off and I am mining warthog with those the only issue is uh warthog along with a lot of other proof of work coins took a little bit of a dip recently so it's just it ain't great they ain't making as much as they used to but um I feel good about warhog so I'm mining some warhog and holding it uh hoping for some price appreciation and at the very least using those 30 60 machines to produce a little bit of heat in my house because right now it is getting cold in North Carolina very very cold so yeah um if you have updated to 1.7.7 you need to go ahead and update to 1.7.8 uh and that's probably why you're not getting jobs or jobs aren't starting and your revenue is down now if you have not updated to either of those this is not a mandatory update so you don't have to update um and if you're making money and you have jobs on your cards honestly I wouldn't update I would wait till those Jobs die off and you don't pick anything else up and that's just kind of A good rule of thumb to follow by so with that being said I wanted to thank you'all for coming out I really appreciate it uh some more people have asked about you know how to get into warthog and stuff on some systems that might not be uh as viable for salad right now the best part about it is you can stand up a Windows machine that would be that would work for salad and it's also going to work well for Discord or sorry not Discord it's going to work well for warthog um and you can run it on that machine without having to swap out drives so that does make it simple I am working on a how-to video but if you're interested uh you can always jump over into the jellyfish coin Discord go to the mining section and um there's plenty of people to get you started over there so anyway guys those links are down below in the description I really appreciate it y'all have a good one adios have a good night look at that look at that kitty
Salad Update 1.7.8 Fixing stuck workloads