what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel uh so anyway I'm just back from we me and my family went on a short little drive out of town and while I left everything was doing better on my salad earnings um you know had one two three rigs up and running a 3090 in the living room rig um a 3060 actually Four rigs uh a 3060 rig in the playroom a 3060 rig in my bedroom and then a 3060 rig in my bedroom so you know like like stuff was starting to progress and whenever and I had all of them mining enabled because I was using those to help heat the house well I've been out of town and um my brother was out of town too cuz it was a funeral so the whole family went down I I come back and I'm about I don't know 3 hours into a 6 or 7 hour drive probably longer than that it took it did take me longer than that cuz I have kids my brother calls and he's like hey I just got back I don't have power anyway he lives like a mile down the road from me so I'm like let me check my cameras I don't have power either uh and it looks like you know the last reported time the camera was on was about an hour ago so the power has been out for an hour um I called my brother and I'm like hey you know I looked on the the outage map and it looks like just like our road is out so right up the road and see if you see anything he calls me back and uh sure enough a tree fell over on a power line uh and knocked out power just for like our stretch of road so it affected like one neighborhood and then like my house my brother's house my mom's house all down the line um you know unintentional uh something you can't plan for but that means all my salad rigs went off uh and it was off uh the power was out for about 4 hours um now I'm back the power is back up online I just turned all the machines on I'm going to remote into them and actually enable M or enable salad um and make sure that mining is enabled and all that kind of stuff but my house is cold because nothing was pumping heat and I didn't leave the Heat or the AC on cuz I figured I got residual heat coming off of those units probably a a combined you know a few thousand BTUs not much but it should be enough to keep the house warm right now because it's not like super cold in North Carolina um it's just cool um and it looks like I was on track let me flip it around and I'll show you guys what my earnings is or was and then uh show you what I was on track for all right so the last 24 hours is obviously skewed because it's been you know I've had no rigs running for 1 2 3 four almost 5 hours but we did $355 obviously there's a lot of up and down but there's always some sort of earning that's because I have mining enabled so when it doesn't have compute workloads they revert back to mining workloads which is what I want because I don't want systems to idle cuz I need heat the the worst case scenario is um I'd have idling systems and then I have to turn my electric heat on cuz that's all I have here is electric heat so we're going to be burning power this winter time no matter what I'd rather it make something uh even though mining doesn't make much regardless though on average I was seeing about um 20 a little over 20 cents an hour which is somewhere in in the range of you know five to $6 a day 20 to 25 cent an hour um not great but uh definitely better than $3 uh in 24 hours let's let's look at the uh the 7-Day graph um yeah it looks like so on 8 uh 11 yesterday we did $519 and it looks like I was on track to break that and do a little bit more than that today but it is what it is um you know take that with a a big old grain of salt on one of those things that you can't plan for and some people like oh man you need battery backup but there's no way I could have a battery backup on every single system in all these different rooms and my Wi-Fi router um to be able to run my systems for hours on end obviously I'm not away from my home very often and we don't have power outages very often uh but it's always just still one of those situations where it's just like dang so um other than that I have noticed that you know uh the 30 60s have been rented more than than my 3090 um I have other 309s I got to get back up and running um I've just been going through them and kind of getting them ready to be in different sit different places uh so we'll have some more data points but I want to get back up to about eight or nine rigs I think that'll be a good amount of heat in the house um and just kind of maybe scale up as winter time scales up uh so yeah ladies and gentlemen thanks for coming out really appreciate it let me know down below how have your earnings bin um good bad better worse I I know this is probably going to affect me pretty bad having so much down time and having all of them drop whatever kind of job or workload they're on uh because of a power outage but you know can't plan for it so anyways thanks for coming out I really appreciate it I'll see you on the next one adios