Selling Computer Parts side hustle

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all right so we got another restock uh from my um weekly pickup uh of uh s do or m.2 drives I'm sorry I'm still getting over a little cold it feels like this thing's never going to go away but um there was no 2 terabyte in this Hall uh it's a contract people are asking me like how do you know what you're going to get and I don't it's a contract I pay a fixed price and I get what I get and I don't throw a fit most of them and they advertise it as most of them are 500 gig drives but you do get one tbte and occasionally 2 terab every now and then it's good sometimes it's bad this week we got all these are 1 TB drives all these are 500 gig or 512 gig nvmes these are all nvme 1 tabes and then we had two um SATA uh 500 gig drives and then we had a couple of the Shorties I went ahead and put those in my little uh Bin over here I keep them all separated by the the the medium length and then the the super shorts and then this is what I had left over from inventory from the previous week we have a lot of SATA drive or yeah SATA SSD drives for M do2s cuz those just don't sell as good uh being that they're slower on the transfer speed um so it looks like I was getting down low on the one terabytes these are the one terabytes uh or actually hold on oh these are 1 tab nvmes these are 1 tbte uh SATA ssds uh 512 nvmes and 512 satas so we had a bunch of 1 tbte in vmes I think I actually need to put these back into inventory cuz I don't think I have and then all these are going to go in there and all these are going to go in there so we have uh definitely replenished our inventory all right well I got to putting together some of the kits and stuff cuz I'm selling a lot of like pre you know not pre-built but motherboard kits so it'll have like CPU Ram uh cooler and uh m.2 drive and uh this is the one that I'm going to be uh putting up on the website because I have some leftover motherboards I'm no longer carrying the uh what is it qua motherboards they're I didn't have a problem with them but I'm transitioning over to a a motherboard that just has more options more PCI Express slots that way you can run more cards on it stuff like that but um these are going to be put up with the 10 core uh CPU and these are in stock ready to ship so these are not like a batch order or pre-order anything like that um I'm going to I got two 8 GB sticks in there so 16 gigs of a ddr4 nothing special but should be enough and this is a 10 core 20 thread Zeon but yeah let's go get some pictures all right just got done picturing those up in the booth and then went ahead and labeled it and put it up there so 2630 V4 10 core 16 gigs RAM and 500 gig drive and that one so I still got two more that I'm going to go ahead and pre-configure put drives in them put um CPUs and RAM in them and make sure they're all good and power them up but I'm taking a break from motherboards right now because I got this 380 in and I'm going to test it so we got our ryzen 5 test bench up if you guys didn't know about this one it's a older x370 board with a ryzen 5600 in it old trusty can't can't kill them you know um good little CPUs and uh got 32 gigs of Corsair Vengeance in here so should be should be enough to to power this whole 3080 up it'll definitely definitely be CPU bound though 380 can going to need more horsepower but it'll at least let us load up heaven and make sure that we don't have any problems with the GPU I need my other hand now so let me jump off here all right I'm going to go ahead and let this Benchmark load in looks like she's doing good so far so we'll check back in here in a minute all right there we go so it passed the Benchmark and it's running at a cool 50° 55° C so I'd say that the Cooler's working good the cards working working good a I'm going to put that one into inventory um as for other things that I got in uh so I just bought or I just got these I think I'm going to end up keeping one for myself um they're Rog like gaming handhelds um apparently they're like open box returns or something so there's kind of some scuffs on this is the worst one I'll probably keep this one um this one is actually in pretty good shape right here yeah this one's in better shapee so might list that on the website I'm not sure it'd be a really really kickass gift to give to somebody but I don't know I guess it's not Christmas yet H good thing my brother doesn't watch these what if I get him one of these as as a a Christmas gift I don't know I don't know I don't want to I don't want to speak too early it's still not Christmas yet but anyway regard um I'm going to I'm going to jump off here we're about to have dinner thanks for watching hopefully you enjoy the behind the scenes kind of stuff and I'll see you on the next one adios

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