Shiva enu is crashing is it time to sell Your bag welcome back to the 99b YouTube Channel today we're talking about Shiva Enu and its price looks like it's Crashing today we're going to take a Look at the price give a price Prediction and an overall look at what's Going on in the crypto Market as you can See there's red across the whole board Bitcoin happening happening in Approximately 17 days in the month of April just beginning a ton of things to Unb back here guys but before we start The video I want to ask if you haven't Already smash the Subscribe button to Reach your 2024 crypto goals let's take A look at the crypto Market guys we can See the whole Market down we're seeing 5% down on market cap making a $2.48 Trillion across the board we see we have Retraced back into Greed from extreme Greed which I think is going to be Corrected really soon the Bitcoin Happing 7 days away 7 Days 10 hours very Bullish very exciting I think when that Happens guys we're going to see so much Money influx into the meme coin realm And we're going to see a much stronger Price position for Bitcoin and for Shiva Inu and all the other meme coins we've Been aping into let's take a look at What's going on with shibainu guys as we Can see on the price we are down 7.59% we're still at a $15 billion
Market cap making a top 12 traded Cryptocurrency in terms of volume 99359015 now taking a look at the price Action guys let's open up the chart over Here as we can see there's been a lot of Selling going on however we are seeing a Lot of buying action once we see bigger Green C bigger red candles we saw a nice Pump up in price and then a swift Reversal down to pump it and imagine Once we hit this Zone over here this Seems to be a line of resistance that it Won't Circle back and even last B we can See every time the price was pumping Guys we did see it take some downward Positioning pump it and downwards Positioning so I think this was just a Correction preh havening that we're Expecting to see as post happening we're Probably going to see a crazy pump Talking about the technical report guys The technical report is indicating to Sell sell shainu the oscillators are at A selling nine neutral two cells and the Moving averages are at one neutral 8 Cells six buy so also in sell position Overall summary saying to sell your Sheba enu however guys I wouldn't let Fear take over as Sheba enu has so much More opportunity guys remember sheu is Not just a meme coin it once was it has A whole branch of utility it's doing so Much more than before and once we have The crypto happening Guys these meme
Coins are going to go absolutely Ballistic including shibba enu talking About shibba enu guys let's talk about Doge 20 for a second another meme coin That hasn't even launched yet it is it Is set to launch on Doge day and it's Your last chance to buy at these low low Pre-sale prices 17 days away which is Crazy cuz it's coming very close to the Bitcoin happening event as well it's Going to launch close to happening it's Going to have a crazy pump they've Already raised over $10 million and guys We've seen these pre-sale coins go abs Absolutely crazy going upwards of Upwards of $100 million dose 20 Definitely has that opportunity as well Our dose just got more rewarding prepare For the ultimate Doge upgrade we're Sending elon's fave towards a more Sustainable future stake do2 today and Start earning eco-friendly rewards with The good boy staking contract powered by Eth doge2 is so much more than a meme Coin it has your passive income interest At favor no more inflation they have a Set amount of tokens unlike the real Dogecoin which is good to see they have Solid road map solid tokenomics and then Again the pre-sale prices this year last Chance to buy a low low pre-sale price Guys where you can easily double your Money obviously not Financial advice but We're talking about Dogecoin we're
Talking about shibo and I'm like we have To talk about this other dogcoin that's Launching just a couple days away so you Might want to load up your bag I'm going To link doge2 in the description below Let's go back into Dogecoin as we're Looking at the technical analysis guys Technical analysis is saying selling However I think other news is showing Indication that this is going to survive This run guys if survived the whole Bare Market Shibu is definitely going to Survive this so shibainu lost his steam As well off fls 50 billion tokens so sha Shiva Inu experiences a significant Downturn in investor confidence looks Like a wh has exited the mix the popular Meme coin appears to witness a Significant downturn in investor Confidence this comes after a single Entry speculated to becoming controlled By one person across 11 wallets Offloading a massive 533 billion ship Tokens amounting in $16 million okay so This is causing some shakiness however Guys I don't think it's dump yet there Was they could have if there was a dump They would have waited for us to get More Buzz I think this this is just a Shakedown right so she slows down the Hey transaction has seemingly put a Damper on ship's recent rally despite Its uptick of 0.2% in the past 24 hours And I honestly think guys it hasn't just
Slowed down cuz of whale it's slowed Down cuz the whole Market as a whole is In the red so just be careful there's Going to be a lot of futters on the Internet trying to talk down Shibu but History repeats yourself guys and people Like investing in these dog coins so Don't like let this fear cuz just like There's articles saying it's going to Going to hell pretty much there're Articles saying that Shibu is poised for Another 300% rally coming in a couple Days post of March 1 sheo popular Cryptocurrency is points for a Sustainable rally according to Leading Market analysis admit its recent Recovery from losses crypto analyst Predict ship could reach a new ultime High by July anticipating further Parabolic price surges a 300% upcoming Surge let's find out now guys I again I'm more sing on this stance over here That I see that we're going to see sheo At all times every time we do she update Guys video I tell you we are going to See another Shu ultim high it's not a Matter of if it's a matter of when so Just be care there's going to be a lot Of Articles swinging you in one way buy Shibu sell Shibu but the reality is you Have to let the research talk for you When you're seeing it's in the red it Probably means you should buy right Follow Trends follow patterns if it was
Dumping everyone would be talking about It dumping but that is definitely not The case for Sheba enu I think we just Have to be careful what information We're letting entering into our heads Right why is Dogecoin and Sheba Inu Price fall today again articles are Talking about the good and the Bad and The Ugly and that's kind of what happens In the crypto world right goes to see She on Twitter with 3.8 million Followers guys very active as well Something we like to see we see top five Coins traded in March sh enu being in That top five list I believe make a Number one on the list as well which is Amazing to see so it hasn't lost his Popularity Sheba token in Dubai a golden Sponsor we're excited to announce that We are golden sponsor at token for at 2049 Dubai April 18th to 19th to Celebrate we're giving away one ticket Like and retweet so again they're just Doing things to be a part of the Community as well a lot of exciting Things happening with Shiva enu and the Whole meme coins guys I'm telling you as We enter the new bow Market as a Bitcoin Happing event happens all the mem coins Are going to go parabolic especially Coins you get in early so you got to Make sure you buy in chibo on righted Days you got to make sure you buy coins That are on pre-sales like do 20 the the
People that get in early tend to make The biggest bag the people who lose Money are used to people who buy the top And sell when there's no more liquidity Left so like always guys not Financial Advice always your own re and due Diligence but take advantage of these Opportunities all right guys that pretty Much wraps the video if you enjoy Watching videos like this you know what To do smash the like button and Subscribe for more videos until next Time it's your boy Umar Peace