Welcome back into the 99 Bitcoins YouTube channel in this particular video We are exploring Sheba enu and I just Want to kind of go through exactly What's going on around the mem coin Narrative right now because we're Starting to see a bit of consolidation For all mem coins around but the thing Is is kind of planting a seed of doubt In the minds of normal investors or Maybe people that are kind of new to the Markets right now so um just exploring She we can see pricing at 0.323 if we look at the recent local High from the 5th of March you know it's Already corrected about 30% from that Local high of 0.0043 so at the moment absolutely it's Consolidating in the market right now The narrative is still very much meme Coins Paving the Way to the Top in the Limelight as you can see on the week Here memes are heavily up we've got dog With hat up flaky up a few other plates Ear tokens as well so in this video We're going to look at shibba enu as Well as a bit of Bitcoin as well as Another New Meme coin in the crypto Space I think could potentially 10 to 10,000x your money so let's check it out Boys and girls ladies and gentlemen um Now why I think something is you know Really really forming something that's Very very special at the moment is when

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We look on the sheini charts and we go To the weekly time frame I just feel Like it's really mirroring what it done In 2021 so what happens is effectively You get your huge impulse wave you get All the retail fomo and that fomo that Euphoria that transient phase of course Buying volume slowly dips and wears out Right you can only have so much buying Power before it all stops so much Liquidity can only flow in before it all Stops now if we go back in time to 2021 We can see she unu had one humongous Green weekly candle you know Burge cleer Crypto candle whatever you want to call It and similar to kind of what's Happened this time round except last Time it was just so much you know more Explosive you could say um but then it Went into a state of three consecutive Green candles following this and this Was a total ation of 28 days for shivu Now if we have a look at shivu at the Moment you can see um it's had that Pumpit on the second candle is however Forming a dogee a red candle here on the Uh the third candle in so so far it's Only been about 2 weeks trading here Sideways we need to see if we can get More consolidation stick around these Levels for a few more days um and that's Ideally what we want to repeat and Replicate is this consolidation in this Symmetrical triangle not breaking the

Support of 0.0025 that'd be very bad but if we do Get continuation to the upside you know The Fibonacci Don't Lie the fibs don't Lie um so if we look over here the 2618 Target takes you right up to 0.774 so that is a pragmatic Target that We've got here for Sheba Inu and I think What's happening is you know the the Whales out there because it's of course So ethereum whale heavy and Justa Inu The ecosystem itself if you actually Analyze the wallets and you know the Rich list and who is holding what Percentage of the supply it's always the Ethereum Wales so it's why you have to Make sure you buy in these extreme Fair Markets at the bottom when you know the Prices are low when you're get in Capitulation anxiety anger and Depression in the markets because these Guys are up 5x and if you're buying now And then the coin does a 3X from here You know those guys are literally up 15x Whilst you're up just a 3X so try not to Buy too late and of course fomo is a Very very Sensational thing that's hard To resist but it's not very good for Optimizing your you know average entry Point or your unit cost you know per Token that you're buying so we are Seeing a consolidation sideways trading We don't want to lose that support Threshold I do think we can pump to the

Upside soon for sheep you and I I think At the moment you know it is teasing That it wants to sort of break away slip Away you can see many times getting big BuyBacks at that exact 0.00003 level but hey if the whales Wanted this to crash and be over and Done with already I think it would have Already crashed by now so sharian you Know the ecosystem here daily Transactions WI is slightly on the low Um in contrast to February 2024 when Transactions per day were really high at 4.21 million we are seeing that Diminishing sort of transactions over Here and I do think we will see that Second wave of impulse second thrill Euphoria and it all comes back to the Psychology of a sort of Market cycle Where you get that optimism you get that Belief that thrill and right now I think There's a there's sort of a flare of Complacency and anxiety but as soon as We see the first few hopes and glimpses Of green candles going to get all that Retail fomo again round two more Liquidity goes in then I think at the Top you're going to get that big Potential dumpage for Sheba enu Shea Inu Burn rate also skyrockets by 30,000 per Which has led to of course A reduced Supply constricting the amount of coins In the ecosystem and helping with the Token dilution that we've seen over the

Last years I think there were 15 Trillion um tokens go into the ecosystem Or release every single year for sheu But we're seeing more of these tokens Get burnt as well and she unu whale Accumul 332 billion sha tokens at once that is Outrageous so the Wales putting out some Massive positions here on Shinu so I Want to just see what can happen next And you know this also kind of Replicates across all the memes right Now you look at Dogecoin you can see it Is consolidating um just like Shinu Consolidating on that monthly time frame In fact look how similar they look just Flipping back and forth here a very very Similar state of play now speaking of Dogecoin the OG Elon Musk loves to pump This thing to the moon I want to speak Of another uh mcoin which has not even Launched yet in the crypto markets which Has literally got 10 to 10,000x potential so here we can talk About ladies and gents it's known as Dogecoin 20 literally just went live um Found this one did some due diligence Bit of research one in the market just Looking at Fresh mcoin iOS because they Can prove to be lucrative and return 10 To 10,000x of your money buy Doge 20 and Pre-sale now is what it says so Doge Coin 20 is what it's called The Token Ticket symbol I believe is Doge 20 right

Here so why Doge 20 well it's Dogecoin On the ethereum uh you know proof of a Stake uh Network so that's why it's Given that title erc20 Doge 20 Effectively so looks really nice I think You know it's got very very nice sort of Artwork here very vibrant fun looking it Says ald Doge just got more rewarding so Remember guys this is not Financial Advice do not risk M afford to lose with Pre-sales icos meme coins or even Bitcoin anything crypto related you Should risk more than you can afford to Lose and that you know applies to Everything every sector every ecosystem And every coin so always have your own Strategy deployed do your research so uh Yeah one Doge 20 equal 0.0014 um in recent times we've seen Smog coin do a 50x sponge V2 did a 30X We had meme combat deliver a 5x so Here's just a few meme coins that Perform very well that been looking at Over the recent times now our Do's just Got more rewarding prepare for the Ultimate Doge upgrade with sending Elon's favorite dog towards a more Sustainable future Stak Doge 20 today to Start earning eco-friendly rewards you Know so it's all about being green and I Think that's a very attractive narrative As well is creating more green tokens Because proof of work is very power Hungry white paper audit coming soon

Good boy staking utilizing smart Contracts powered by ethereum Doge 20 is Much more than a meme coin and brings Passive earning potential to the Community harness the power of your Doge 20 tokens by staking and earning rewards Making your tokens work for you got Convenient wallet as well so if you have A metamask wallet or a trust wallet or Some type of defi wallet effectively What you do is you hit that buy now Button you connect your metamask wallet And you convert either ethereum or Tether directly into your Doge 20 coins So effectively $11,000 worth would give You um you know x amount of coins and It's a lwh hard cap pre-sale 25% of the Token sold in the pre-sale it's a $6 Million hard cap 10x potential for this One here I think no more inflation Dogecoin is a beloved token but has been Limited in its potential future worth Because it has an infinite Supply Forever diluting its token value doge2 Fixes is with a fixed Supply features Across many many you know websites like BN crypto techipedia crypto news these Are all the main articles like if you Type into you know Google right now Bitcoin price xrp price ethereum price Best pre-sales best meme coins I believe These sort of websites will appear and Pop up road map everything needs a Vision a mission and a plan and they

Deliver above and beyond with a plan Right here the Doge coin 20 team you can See pre-sale marketing starts on stage One early staking incentive a bit more On that later pre-sell token claiming When you know it's finished then you can Actually claim your tokens um decks Launch on Unis swap as well so Unis swap Will be where it's firstly going to be Tradeable says here allocated liquidity Provision the Dogecoin 201 will add a Substantial liquidity PLL to Unis swap For this purpose 10% of the total uh Tokens L has been set aside also Long-term passive rewards on step six Right there so um that's ideally the Ecosystem break down it's more green More efficient and you got staking that You can potentially enjoy toonomic we Can see Doge 20 token addresses here Already on the website for us 140 Billion tokens pre-sale gets 20 5% which Is 35 billion tokens right there Markeing gets 25% treasury 25% staking 15% and liquidity 10% you know ample Liquidity reserved for those decks as Potentially in the pipeline if it does Really well and gets big volume it could Be very appealing to centralized Exchanges they may also want to list Doge 20 tokenomics include smart Stak And rewards meaning you can also earn Right away and it's also rewards Calculator right so if you were just to

You know look at this if you were to buy What 500,000 of these Dogecoin 20s $70 Worth input the amount of Doge 20 you're Purchasing and see what it could be Worth at different prices so um let's Say you know right now the token price Is 0 0014 let's try and remember that's a lot Of zeros right and this is assuming it's Going to do like 0.47 so what 428 like a 3 and a half xes so let's try and make It sort of more simple and go to 28 or 42 so it's a direct 3x so if you bought 500 thou yeah it's a 3X so you can see Uh you can see exactly that if you were To get let's Say if you were to get if you were to Literally buy I mean that's a crazy Number if if you were to go buy like 14,000 worth of this thing uh you can See there was that I wish I had commas Is that 100 million I think it's 100 Million right there um please correct me If I'm wrong I can't really see that Properly so if you bought 14,000 worth And let's say this coin did a 10x or Something or went to 0.1 it would be Worth $100,000 if it did the 42 uh did a 3X $42,000 if it went then up again to 58 58,000 56,000 0.0056 there a 4X right there so you can Kind of see how that that works and with A a market cap hard cap of 6 million the

4X takes it to like 24 million so it's Definitely possible to see um pretty Cool ecosystem I must admit I actually Do like this one and I have a feeling It's going to raise very quickly Especially during this meme season now Dogecoin 20 has Humongous absolutely massive monolithic Conglomerate size like just crazy Estimated rewards on the p pa over here So 24, 365 perom that is absolutely crazy I Reckon if you put like $1,000 worth of You know eth into this thing not Financial advice you could probably get Those rewards generated over the next Few days just by you know going to to Sleep assuming that obviously other Users and people didn't put so many you Know or didn't uh contribute to the Liquidity pool so much that the share Would then be spread so to speak but Overall that's kind of interesting very Very high percentage there guys so Please I mean if it was me I would Probably have you know one bag just Completely directly purchased in not Stak and then another bag in the staking Um liquidity pool right here because you Have to wait 7 days to actually withdraw Your originally State balance and the Total rewards is actually what you can Invest and take straight away so if you Want that flexibility of being able to

Sell whenever you want on Unis swap on The Decks at least you've got 50% in Your bag being fully liquid and then the Remaining 50% % is in the staking Protocol and then you're getting those Rewards and hopefully in the 7 Days time It's then another 3 or 5x and then You've got even more compounded gains Because of the rewards that you've got You know vested and stuff like that so Try and be risk averse try and not like To ape into these sort of things as well Guys so I just want to break it down I Mean does look good of course it's not Docked it's not kyc so it's got that Level of risk attached to it very much a Big thing with meme coins they never Really have that um sort of docs and kyc Touch some of them do but do acknowledge That guys I I don't know exactly who the Developer and nobody does from just Looking at this so that's just something You have to consider as well that this Is high risk High reward but it does Look pretty cool right and literally They' just started three followers Absolutely crazy Doge 20 isn't just Another sheu inspired derivative Upholding dogecoins ethos to do only Good every day it offers passive rewards Through unchain staking so yeah really Memeable it's got the pump mental Factor Looks like it's going to generate a big Community and just look absolutely crazy

Once it goes live um could potentially Go trending on coin market cap or coin Gecko now Bitcoin is absolutely flying But actually at the time of making this Video um well we' kind of gone from 73k To 71k today not necessarily terrible uh You can see it's following very similar Buyback support levels around 70k I Think you know post Haring we're going To see a correction whether you like it Or not um I and I do think we will see That big ball run post harving lasts a Good 560 is day is 18 months like it Usually does classically but 71k Bitcoin Right now and hopefully Bitcoin can hold Strong but now is not the time to be Foming into Bitcoin is what I would Absolutely be saying if you are thinking About it the upside potential is Diminishing each day that goes by Because this is frenzy this is Euphoria This is Extreme greed and look why why Would you buy here when you can just Just why aren't you buying down there I Mean come on same mistakes happen all Over again and as soon as Luna class Situation happened you know last year Ago or whatever I was buying into this Thing like as much as I possibly could I Love fear in the markets because I know The Wales love the fear in the markets Anyways BLX um we can see Bitcoin Harving is going to commence soon and The last ball run was about 565 days I

Think this will take us through to sort Of Summer of 2025 that's how long we've Got of upside potential not sure how High we're going to go but looking at The logarithmic regression chart here I Think realistically we you can see a Good I mean to be fair this looks even Conservative these days I think you know It's going to be it's going to be like Early 2025 and I think the number won't Be as impressive as what people kind of Make out it's going to be I think 130k Is the limit um if you look at this this Region here the very top region of your Logarithmic regression chart we've Already entered the Red Ribbon here Red Ribbon of Doom on the uh the weekly time Frame so again red reflects greed Overboard no longer undervalued green Reflects extreme fear undervalued DCA Time time to accumulate but we are now In the red season so this is now telling Me to start taking profits in in Tranches I'll be selling here I'll be Selling here I'll be selling here I'll Be selling here and I will have no Remorse for people that are foming in Now and you know they end up by you know Taking up the whatever you want to call It um so basically don't shoot yourself In the foot here guys be patient wait For a correction in the market if you Are thinking of fomo in to Cryptocurrency

$55,000 is our uh 618 golden FIB Target Here that could be good for Reaccumulation and overall guys just Want to say thanks for checking out the Video um I don't know I've personally Not spoken to Nate myself but you know I Don't actually own this YouTube channel It's going to be fully transparent with You I'm just helping out on the the Overall Community side the new playlist That we're seeing just a bit out there But um from what I was told Nate will Still be creating videos so I don't know When that will be I think it'll still be On his usual weekly schedule if I'm Incorrect then I do apologize but again Not a hacker and again uh if I was a Hacker why would I put my face here Because you know that'd be absolutely Ridiculous especially as YouTube docs is And kycs people because they know where They make the videos from you know so I Just want to put that out there this is Just the the change and I know that Maybe not all of you accommodate that so Much but I'm hoping that you will feel More sort of accustomed to this style of Video because there's a lot of Opportunities out there in the crypto Markets and then Bitcoin is very Important it's very fundamental it is The OG of crypto but you can't ignore The big pumps you can't keep ignoring The alt coins it's got to diversify a

Little bit at least that's what I do Remember not Financial advice always Stick to a plan and you don't have to Copy what I do just because I make YouTube videos um but yeah guys let's See what happens check out that Dogecoin 20 the link is down below if you want to Have a look look see you very soon bye For now and subscribe if you are new Here

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