what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I finally got my camera back so I've been using my phone for the last few days I apologize anyway uh I figured today was a it's a fairly decent like Milestone or step in my opinion um let's see here hold on let me me minimize this it's got some information on it um but the big thing is that I wanted to talk about is I am finally retiring my laptop as my shop computer so let me flip it around and here is the trusty old it's got a A8 in it which if you know trying to use that in 2024 is Dreadful just doing basic tasks like surfing the internet and then printing out documents was becoming increasingly increasingly harder and harder so um I threw together a parts bin little Cheapo computer computer um so this is basically just going to serve the purpose of uh printing out orders running YouTube whenever I need to to watch some things and um entering in Parts into inventory outside of that it's really not going to be doing anything else so uh to break down the specs on this this is a uh V2 Zeon so this is a 8 core uh Zeon it's a E5 2670 V2 so older 8 core it's got 2 times 16 GB sticks of DDR3 so 32 gigs of DDR3 and this thing is absolutely mopping the floor with this old AMD A8 but I mean that's to be expected it's way more cores it's honestly from about the same generation just a huge step up in performance as for graphics we're just using this little GT 1030 that I have or GTX I don't know if it's a gt130 or GTX 1030 but it fits the bill of being a single slot and low profile so that way this zip tie can go around and hold this cooler on I didn't have a cooler that F fits this x79 motherboard so we made one work with a zip tie it ain't pretty but it works and that's all I needed to do um then you'll see right here I talked about this on another video I have a riser running over here mounted to the wall so I can put other cards in and test them out I have another monitor of here so I can you know plug in separate cards or I can drop this down and whatever I'm working on at the time plug it in right here uh but I was losing a lot of valuable workspace uh because space is very limited here so that's why I needed to get my laptop out of here so go ahead and we'll close this bad boy down I'm going to keep it just as a backup cuz my stuff is still logged into here and um I may take it to the house may take it to the house so that way I can do orders and stuff at the house too because um I tried to just keep it all here but it's overflowing so we'll go ahead and get this bad boy out of here I'm going to get this laptop stand moved and I got all kinds of junk in it because no don't need a laptop stand without a laptop you know what I mean so we'll get that out of there and then we got all this real estate I talked about it in the past I want to do a big mat to go over over top of this um I think I'm going to go online and see if the gamers Nexus has one that's big enough for this whole area I'll measure it out because I just that'd be pretty cool to have a big Gamer's Nexus mat I've wanted one of them but uh just never been able to pull the trigger on it so let me get this all cleaned up and we'll be right back all right so I have my work area cleaned off and um now it's time to get a computer ready to sell so um actually sold this computer and then he brought it back and wanted me to build a nicer computer so he returned it a or AKA traded it in and now we're building him a custom computer but it's one of my alien Wares I've always had a hard time moving Alienware computers even if they're like a good deal but let me put it back up here let me wipe it because I have another individual that's interested in coming and purchasing it and I don't know if the previous guy actually used it for much or anything but just safer to just wipe it so we don't mix and match any datas so let me grab that there we go flip that around so this has an 87 i7 8700k in it and a GTX 10 80 TI is still oh sorry about that still very capable uh for doing you know some some moderate gaming in uh in 2023 which is crazy to think a 1080 TI is still not a bad card because those things have been doing great for a long time whoever bought a 1080 tii as like a graphics card got a lot of lot of life out of theirs so it does have some stickers on it I'm not keen on the stickers but I'm going to go ahead and get this powered up we'll get it wiped uh put a a fresh copy of Windows on it and hopefully they'll come and scoop this bad boy up all right so it is a busy busy day we just got a order that came in so I'm going to pack order uh I think it's 1209 uh and it looks like they got an i5 13400 so solid little i5 I believe those are hold on I5 13400 wonder how many cores that is I know that's like um not super old almost current gen I think it's one generation old so those are a 10 core they have six performance cores and four efficiency cores so let me get that bad boy packed up for you got her wrapped up in anti-static then in bubble wrap and then in side of a bubble mailer I unfortunately don't have any of the CPU um little boxes that fit the newer like 12th gen and up uh chips so I probably need to get some of those made I don't sell as many of those so that's probably it's not as I don't need nearly as many but um definitely need some because it would save me on Bubble Wrap cuz it's surprising that 3D printed stuff is cheaper than buying rolls of bubble wrap uh but yeah so let's get back to the Alienware just got a fresh copy of Windows I'm going to I went ahead and installed the NVIDIA drivers GeForce experience going to run a full set of updates just so nobody has any issues um the only thing oh and I'm getting a phone call let me be right back all right I am all over the place so anyway I added a bunch more little i3s and i5 to the in stock uh Intel chips so go check those out and I also it'll flip it around here um I also changed the bc- pc.com website so on the front page the newest items will show up first and as I add new items it'll keep pushing the old ones down um as they go out of stock if they stay out of stock for more than a week then they'll be archived which means you guys won't be able to see out of stock items but it keeps it on my website in case of returns and records and all that kind of stuff or if I get the same exact um item back in the store I can just add one to inventory and I don't have to put all the pictures in that kind of stuff so makes it kind of simple but um I think uh I think I'm pretty much done for today I'm about to pack this up and I'm actually meeting with this individual because they can't meet here they're a little bit farther away and I told them hey you know I'm I'm going home it's kind of on my way so we'll make it work uh but yeah I got the alien wear system done fresh install fresh updated and she's ready to go so anyway guys thanks for watching I'll see youall in the next one adios
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