what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and we just got in a boatload more well I say a boatload it's it's a few cards it's just the boxes make it feel like it's a lot cuz some of these AMD boxes are huge but um got in some AMD cards some 5700 XT Nitros some 5700 XT uh pulses these are both Sapphires and then a 6700 XT uh XFX power color um hellhound and then powercolor Red Devil so these are pretty cool cards this one actually I think I liked the hellhound in this generation more than the red devil power colors always kind of did some weird things uh did some off-the-wall things with some of their naming and scheming and all that kind of stuff but um I had some Kickback and some flak about my pictures on the web store by the way um I am Brandon and if you're new here uh I do have a uh little computer shop I started it at the end of 2023 uh it's been going good I basically buy up bulk uh Hardware I break it down test it and then resell it individually uh and I try to be priced around the eBay Buy It Now lowest available so that way it's competitive um you don't have to deal with eBay and all those kind of uh issues fees taxes that kind of thing um I have not hit my Nexus event my taxable Nexus event in all states so um I do not collect tax in other states now it is up to you guys that you should designate that when you do your taxes but not everybody does that's that's up to your own prerogative but I do collect tax in North Carolina CU that's where I'm based um my shop is uh bc- pc.com there's a link Down Below in the description if you ever want to come by I'm there Monday Wednesday and Friday um and I have my hours I need to update the hours on the website but you can always give me a call as well um but yeah so this is a load of cards that I got in and I changed around my picture taken setup so I I kind of made a wall of of boxes and I've been setting cards right here and taking pictures with that in the background because somebody was like oh man your pictures are horrible and I'm like oh is the quality bad like what you need me to get a a better picture of the card and they're like no the background and I'm like oh okay well I guess I can see how that could be come off as like um you know messy and he told me he was like oh you know if it's messy in the back you know you're probably selling bad hardware and I don't know exactly how those two correlate um but yeah so I'm I'm working on trying to get more organized and um better equipped uh so that way things are less messy I know where things are at that kind of thing still haven't gone through all this yet started to go through down here um got like wires and then this is like uh some of my small inventory items um I did a video yesterday I started building this rack right here uh and started going through everything I still got to go through all these boxes um and then these graphics cards and stuff because I am going to be building a bench over there um put some of the computer case boxes up there cuz you never can have enough computer case boxes with the foam that's that's crucial um got boxes of bubble wrap boxes of bubble wrap these are some motherboards that I still got to go through and test um yeah so I mean we're making progress there's my boy um the middle of my garage is not piled with boxes anymore still got plenty of work to do but we're getting there um I guess this is just like a like a like a home update I I was going to talk about graphics cards but it's already changed gears um over here is the salad well the AI and compute workstation set up so all the white units are on salad um then these two units I have one of them on flux core or flux Edge doing sitting there waiting for compute jobs that have not come I haven't had any yet so I don't know what that's about uh and then the other 39 these are both 390s by the way the other 3090 is on IET uh but like days after I put the first rig on there I was going encountering problems I got it all sorted out they closed it off so it's no longer open to the public um they said they should be opening it here soon so I've had the video of how to set up IET literally for weeks now but there's no need in me publishing the video because you can't connect anything right now to IET ion is another AI compute platform I actually really like it because they pay you just to have your system online and ready whereas no other platform that I know of pays you just to sit there and idle and be ready it's not much um right now I've been doing about 8 so 80% of a coin a day and their coin value is like a dollar and change so I'm getting about a dollar a day just to stay connected but it helps offset idle consumption of power so um yeah that's kind of good and then these are not AI comput these are uh KS Z Ultras that I set up I have going to the server power supply which uh with these adapter cables pretty trick I like it um this whole setup is burning right at 322 Watts so these three um I plan on I have another batch of these coming in so if you ordered any uh on the batch two those should be in the beginning of next week uh I'm going to try to keep one for myself if they don't all sell through um the pre-orders still live on the website uh because I'd like to do four and see if I can get closer to that effic that that higher efficiency range of that server power supply um yeah and that that's pretty much all that's going on here um in my office it's a mess still haven't done any any organization or anything still have have like graphics cards all over the place I haven't done haven't even made my way in there yet so that'll be for last first it's getting all this under control as you can see I've made a pile uh I'm going to pull my dump truck down here and all this pile is just going straight to the trash I am going to pull those computers out and put those in a scrap pile um whenever I was testing some of the computers were good those those desktop workstations um but then a lot of them I plugged them in and no power no boot nothing almost like maybe a burned out power supply so I pulled the ram out of them I pulled the CPUs out uh kind of stripped them down they do have DVD and CD drives but at this point I have like another 10 of them I'm just I'm just going to scrap those um got some dead power supplies yeah so lots of lots of stuff lots of stuff is getting trashed but my son's been out here with me um we're making some progress we're getting there slowly but surely boom boom anyway I am going to be doing a sale on AMD cards cuz I have too many of them hold on I have a box over here too with with more amds not to mention all the stuff I have a bunch of AMD cards at the shop these all have no coolers on them I'm not sure should I just guys comment down below should I just sell these These are 5700 XTS they have no fans on them they just have the heat sinks so I just sell them as is what do you think um but I am going to be doing a sale on the AMD cards that I already have in the inventory so uh look out for the code Down Below in the description and just a thank you to the guys that watch the videos and stuff I have done sales in the past where it's like automatic and it's on the banner and stuff so everybody that visits the website gets it but this is kind of just a you know throwing a bone to the guys that that watch the video so the only way you'll be able to know about getting this code unless somebody shares it with you is uh is watching the video so it will be at the top of the description down below and I think I'm going to do like I don't know maybe 15 or even 20% off cuz um I need to move through these AMD cards we have more rigs coming so um and I guess last but not least I've been trying to figure out what to do with this so this was a a customer tradein um potentially I thought he might have wanted it back so I've drugged my feet on doing anything with it uh it's got a 12 600k 32 gigs of ddr5 yes ddr5 uh and then it's got a a 4070 TI super so pretty nice graphics card all inside of a uh a decently nice NZXT case pretty good airflow on this thing has that big air cooler on the CPU um originally I was thinking about cleaning it all up and maybe doing a uh like a giveaway PC cuz um I haven't done one of those in a while I know I was doing them at the beginning of the year but uh I just got way too busy to try to do one every month there's a lot that goes into giving stuff away as funny as that sounds but anyway I guess that's just a quick little update I'm going to try to keep this around 10 minutes and we're already there so thanks for watching guys I really appreciate it I'm trying to break the content up so it's not always behind the scenes or computer shop content um kind of you know going like back and forth maybe one or two days days of computer shop stuff and then one or two days of either crypto mining or uh compute workloads that kind of thing and people did ask me am I still mining on any graphics cards I do have three graphics cards Mining at my office uh but I don't have any graphics cards Mining here at the moment um I do have some CPUs mining uh at the office but I don't have any CPUs mining here just Ai and compute stuff at the house oh no okay I got to go he just hit his toe bye guys