So BULLISH right now… Crypto Mining AMA

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[Music] [Music] e [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] see [Music] see [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I [Music] good morning Bros welcome to the live stream happy is it Thursday today it's Thursday yes what's up what's up Bros YY what's up Chris Henley Yanni Ivanov allet Miner what's up man what's up backwards Miner uh big black snake mining what's up man Mr stacker man what's up Mike The Miner power mins Krypto shes what's up bro Scott Sheffield what's up man Joker Miner I have spoken to my lawyer and he stated you are no longer allowed to show my eBay purchases on your [Laughter] streams that was great that was so great domg what's up man Trey hairs what's up man love the content sir I love you man hash Force hash force my friend how are you good to see you black cat crypto killer 65 Malibu gaming what's up what's up okay [Music] so where can I get a KS zero Pro for cheap I think the best price of a KS Z if you're actually looking for one is probably going to be the official ice River website um $349 that's probably like 40 or $50 shipping upon that um yeah uh if you use uh you can get 2.5% off if you use code crap I forgot what my code is I don't know what my code is it's red panda or red panda mining or RPM one of those three and you get 2.5% off it's red panda code red panda if you decide to get one okay uh and also we're actually giving away 10 of these KS Z Pros I actually just got them in in I did a tweet about that last night uh let's go let's go let's bring that up actually uh here let me go to Twitter all right I just got I just got 10 of these in which thank you to BP BP has graciously gifted Don this to the community we're going to be giving away one every week I'll be choosing the winners every Sunday so every Monday I'll I'll figure out a creative fun way for people to participate in the giveaway whether it's going to be in Discord or on my on Twitter account or on YouTube I mean yeah and there's no I'm and we're not trying to sell anyone anything it's a it's a free giveaway free giveaway of 10 K zero Pros so uh next Monday I will begin I will begin the first KS zero Pro um that'll be probably announced that'll be announced in a video yes yes yeah smash that like 168 people here 63 likes Smash It Bros Smash the like BP equals PP energy 100% Can I please get a thank you BP in the chat I need to see I need to screenshot him the whole the whole live [Music] chat um I would literally [Music] cry uh thank you BP thank you BP thank you big p Ash horse I love it I love it I love it and actually um stay tuned on oh guntis guntis my friend welcome to the live stream guntis Vin actually guntis my friend I saw your email the other day I forgot I haven't forgotten to respond bro but yes guntis you know what guntis we're we're gonna can we split up that that $1,000 giveaway and then every Sunday I'll give away like $100 can can we do that and then the s19 did you say s19 uh to givea away let's see yeah s19 K Pro to give away oh my God okay guntis yeah okay we'll do the s9k giveaway in like what we'll do it in like four weeks uh maybe less I I'll figure out I'll figure out how we're going to do the s9k giveaway then yes Gest thank you Gest Vin of mop.

If you guys don't know if you guys don't know who guntis [Music] is he is the owner and also a YouTube content creator an OG in the space he sells everything Asic Miners and then he wants to give away $11,000 in eth and as well as an s9k Pro oh GES my friend that is that is awesome that is seriously s9k Pro that is a nice that is a nice Bitcoin miner okay all right Bros what's on the agenda today it's whatever whatever you guys want to talk about what do you guys want to talk about looks like a lithium is pumping again $241 is actually it's been like that for a bit now cortex Aon nervos Pacman last seven days Caspa is also going up everything's going up Bitcoin is now what Bitcoin is 45,000 wow man that is that is awesome that is awesome past 24 hours equilibria cortex etica alium 9% Casa 7% amazing Lucas bomman look at the btc's chart it's getting up okay nice nice rabid mining rabid what's up bro welcome to this live stream I made it can you can start crap it started High rabid what's up man great a good mining what's up man crypto pumping let's go yes bro it's it's feeling good I hope it I hope it's you know you know pre preh havening preh havening pump you know before the Bitcoin having which is in when's the Bitcoin having yeah uh wa oh OCTA Space is having a block reward reduction 2.3 to 1.85 I did not know that uh Bitcoin is in 73 days is 6.25 to 3.125 uh Bitcoin per block the radiance in 71 days too oh that's pretty cool um uh ogre MGT red pad biting where do you think BDC will be in 10 years 1 million I hope so that that would be nice BC good morning good morning good sir uh BC later today I'm going to start packing your your Asic miners good sir anyone's wondering Yanni Ivanov asked it did you buy the 307s yes yes I did I bought I bought traded okay we we've traded for the 307s okay we have traded so they're coming slowly slowly they'll be coming slowly BC not haveing it's having no I'm going to say the regular people like having is like you know non- crypto term the having is is a crypto is a crypto term even though it's not the correct like like lettering wording it's like hodle you know Hing is the Bitcoin term is the crypto term mining King licked each 3070 also damn it Joker Miner okay so um yeah the live stream guys just we're going to whatever you guys want to talk about whatever you guys want to talk about about just put @ red penda mining me in the live chat and I can see it here and uh we'll talk about whatever you guys want to ask anything anything whatever you guys want to talk about um okay let's go down here I'll try to answer as fast as I can what's your thoughts on Carlson potential um Carlson also just what they said they are changing the algorithm to a new to a new algo I I I don't know what I think they're going out they're going after the the iron fish algorithm which is more so memory hard so that's going to be good for yeah I guess gpus yeah um I yeah uh per Peru day Echo sorry how bullish are you on radiant well I I think radiant not Financial advice is is probably going to go up in the future yeah probably probably I think a lot of like prominent GPU minable coins are probably going to are going to do well we'll see we'll see we don't know we don't know but um we'll see we'll see I like it I like that it's low power but you know fpga are on it now right the the new K10 and K10 plus can mine radiant uh the e300s the ospre electronics E300 fpga can M all fpga can mine it now the bitstreams are out for it already [Music] so okay oh my God so many questions so many questions so little time okay hold on drinking coffee um shes Panda I want to talk about helium I don't love it but all my nodes are making accumulating crypto uh helium well I don't know I have not kept up with you know those types of projects um helium helium mobile all those kind of things I I'm not into that at all uh I know a lot of people have made a crap ton of money um I know it's not the helium mobile thing is not available in Canada so I can't even participate in it anyway so just because of that I don't like it gskt blue KS Z Pro uh oops oh my God you guys are okay you guys got to slow down you guys got to slow down gskt blue Kia Z Pro firmware OC by PB farmer uh yes I was going to try that um PB uh ice River overclock PB farmer yes he's uh uh it's a new oh it's not new but um looks like he just released a new one last update last week um so I know a lot people know about the t- Swift firmware and personally I think this one here uh this guy here um it doesn't cost it's free to it's it's free to do this firmware granted okay disclaimer right he even says it here disclaimer KS Z Pro Power stages run particularly hot due to insufficient cooling is highly recommended to adjust this through application of heat sinks modified cooling setups when overclocking please make sure you download the correct firmware for your model use of power meter is highly recommended to Moder PSU load especially for ks3 m so um yeah make sure make sure you uh due diligence here and there is a Dev fee okay but the dev fee goes to the Caspa developers so there's a 1% fee so you know instead of buying the t-swift firmware you can actually just it's a 1% fee that goes to the casa Development Fund instead so I think this is this is this is a good option for anyone that you know it's it's a free firmware and uh anyone that wants to do it then see how it goes I I personally have not tried it yet so you due diligence yeah he uh even Rabbid says I think PB is better also can set the clocks and voltage lower and not use stupid high power just scared people uh will use too many volts and blow things up yep rabid mining y I agree I agree yeah okay I I'm going to go I'm going to go and uh let's see here let's scroll uh let's go back scroll up in the live chat I missed all your guys's questions uh uh okay um 100 100 air red Pand of mining how do you feel about 7600 XTS value at 350 um I think it's I I personally I think it's a terrible value um it's essentially a 6600 XT uh looking at the specs uh I haven't seen I haven't seen um okay just quick quick thing I was just looking at it the other day and looking at the specs you know bandwidth as well bis bu all that stuff tech power up 6600 XT so just compare you know just just just comparison here okay so 6600 XT na'vi 23 has 248 cores 128 tmu 64 RS 8 GB memory size d ddr6 128 bit bus the 6 the 7600 XD Navi 33 new chip obviously has more has the same amount of cores has the exact same amount of tmus has the exact same amount of RS has double the memory same memory type but the also the same B bus width so I don't think this is going to be a good value ju just looking at the specs I I don't know what that what it does on hash rates okay I don't know I don't know what this does on hash rate so if you compare I think like a 6600 XT does what 15 14 17 Mega hash at like less than 100 Watts um oh wait actually isn't there a has anyone played around with the 7600 non uh non XT yeah there's a 7600 here 7600 non XT this one gets 1786 mahash at 101 Watts so that's like that's literally the same pretty much the same as a 6600 XT yeah I I don't know I I I don't think I don't think the value there is good at all um but we'll see we haven't seen any hash rates or anything so we shall see overboard overboard Tech says yes I own a 7600 I try to I try it every update still no voltage control okay no voltage control okay um it'll be more efficient once the voltage is unlocked backwards minor okay okay good good good okay I'm going to scroll back up to the questions I'm sorry uh did you decide on the 37 any deal Cody Johnson yes I'm doing it I have 100 I'm I'm I'm buying all 108 uh trading I am trading hardware for 108 gpus stay tuned for a video like next week I'm I have to make it and pack stuff and you guys will see you guys will see what I'm trading for gpus okay I'll explain that I'll explain that next week unless unless you want me to talk about it now but let me just let me just this you're I'm missing all your guys's questions up here um when are you going to get some Intel Arc gpus uh the only one I have is the A380 and that was a long time ago so I only have that right now I don't have a 770 or a 750 yeah I know hios just recently added more support for it so I'm not quite sure I'm not I'm not sure um uh okay all right I'm going to scroll up here uh overboard Tech that's BS hasher done not even close what it does software water probably uh can you please add geonet to the CMC p p list Nia Papa um geod geonet this one save yeah geonet all right it's there oh I wonder if there's like pan or Carlson on here yet probably not nope car Carlson nope next Nexel nxl nope not there either uh coin market cap blows so slow in adding coins that's why I like coin uh coin gecko coin gecko I can add I can add the latest like proof of War coins next even though they don't have any price here like okay 15.9% up whoa it it it just listed on trade ogre like right here there you go trade over $51,000 volume wow wow okay okay uh let's see um let's see okay uh just at Red penda mining me if you have a question we'll just go through whatever Bros uh lost Jedi W what do you think about the K3 mini I don't even know what that is what's a K3 mini is that a is that a Caden IB link K3 mini kadana as6 3.5 terahash at 170 290 Watts 170 Watts 5 terahash version I didn't even know that I didn't even know that existed A3 mini do I even have that on my list here I don't okay time to add it in that's a new one I didn't know that existed BM uh K3 mini A3 mini 3.5 terahash 3.5 Tash 170 watts and then there's another one that's five terahash five Tash and then what 290 Watts uh oops oops oops no that's [Music] wrong yeah [Music] okay so it's it's not it's not as efficient as the bmk 3s or K3 Max or ka3 ka3 is still King okay neop papa no worries no worries all right going along what other questions your thoughts on ironfish coin potential I I have no idea I sure I don't know man I I'm I'm positive that maybe they'll go up in the in the run sure there's so many coin you can say that about any proof of work GPU minable coin I mean fundamental wise H it's all going to be based on Market making that's it whoever is going to pump 50 $100,000 into a exchange and make the coin pump up like millions of dollars in volume then that that's it that's that's that's that that's it that's your uh what is your phone app of choice to look at coin prices black hat crypto I I've deleted phone apps like that because I don't want to look at the prices on my phone uh D Dr mixer where can I get a tangum wallet with crypto also where can I get some gpus used for a good deal other than eBay uh Dr mixer best official place to buy tangent would be on their website I I don't know if they take crypto as payment you can check go go to go to um just just go to t you just go right um here I have a promo code 10% off if you're interested but uh you go to get tangum I don't think PayPal or it's MasterCard yeah they don't they don't take crypto uh that's unfortunate that's unfortunate um Patrick Mur Patrick Murphy no no rid mining everything is going to pump most of these coins haven't seen a bull run yet so so many came out in the last run dude it's it's going to happen it's it's going to happen it's going to happen rabit it just looking at previous percentage increases and other bull runs some of these coins you know like top 100 coins you can see like Bitcoin some of these top 100 coins only went up less than th% in the bull run but then when you go up in like some of these coins that are in higher market cap or sorry lower market cap they they have a tendency to go up in thousands of percent I think like all the prominent GPU minable coins we're talking about like someone just asked iron fish narai Chlor lithium radiant DX me coin neoa Caspa Nexa oh man the potential the potential of these coins for them to go up in market cap it's you know when Bitcoin goes to 65k and more uh dude it's it's it's going to be it's it's going to be it's going to be insane [Music] it's going to be crazy it's going to be crazy and I think you know it depends on the market cap you know right now kaspa is like what Caspa is top 33 in market cap right now which is which is what Casa is top 33 Market C that is $2 billion $3 billion so at this range what what was similar coins I think we already saw it it was like 60 or 65 billion in the bll so that's like a good 30X already Caspa could 30X along with these other top 30 market cap coins if you know Bull Run market cap numbers play out we shall see we shall see ROP pod did you see Motor City minor ks2 flamethrower video posted today yeah yes I did that is I somebody posted that to me that is amazing that that is utterly amazing that it went on fire the reason why is cuz he had a custom a custom PSU it looks like he did a custom PSU on it um rabid mining uh five 5 million No 5 50 million per RTM let's go could you did you imagine yes si of coffee uh s sasqua Sasquatch crap look at a few on market cap of oh market cap of what is that a site um yeah what I did before we just I just looked at like let's look let Stellar Stellar's been around see historical data monthly so Bull Run Stellar wow stellar did not have like high market cap the highest one was in April $12 billion and now Stellar Stellar is $3 billion so that's not going to go up that much in percentage file coin arbitrum vchain let's see vchain I think vchain was was the example similar market cap 12 market cap 12 billion 12 billion so that's only like a 6X then oh we were reading the Volume last time oh that's why this is volume okay oops market cap okay there you go uh KS Z Pro crap yda is flying today yda what's yda uh okay opinion Nexa yeah it's a great GP minable coin another prominent GP minable coin that that could do well yes who knows who knows who knows I've accumulated I've accumulated a bunch already I think some of you guys remember I used my ks1 ks2 ks3 to accumulate like 100 million Nexa on unminable so yeah it's great it's good it's good um um we'll see we'll see sebs okay I've caught up watching a stream 2x speed ah I love it I love it so thank you um New England crypto what's up man with a 3090 what you recommend to mine I I I can't give you recommendations you're going to have to you're going to have to choose a coin that you like yourself uh file coin is an interesting one to watch to see how much China has an impact on our coin and it's huge over there yeah rabid mining I know file coin oh dude another big China One is um uh what's that what's that H it's not it's Alo AO AO is another huge one right which you can use um you need to use Nvidia gpus with high vram in order to mine this I think it was F was it F2 pool F2 pool F2 pool yeah F2 pool was the one that had a layout on here I don't even know if it's yeah here it is it's okay uh I don't I don't know what's happening with this Co I have no idea what's happening with this coin I just I just know that you needed a a decent CPU memory storage a buntu to mind this Alo thing which I don't even think anyone's doing in North America but apparently it's huge in China I I have no idea why so I don't know I I have not kept up with this at all so I have not I have not looked at why this is so popular but I don't I don't think anyone's I don't think anyone's mining it on here I think it's dead it looks dead okay uh BG I'm trying to become a millionaire got any tips on KDA BG you are banned you you are you are banned right now Chia is jacking all the rabbit why'd you remove your why'd you remove that comment I was going to read it uh isn't cfx big in China too yes yes cfx is also huge yes yes conlux where's conlux [Music] now conlux top 77 $837 million market cap nice okay what other questions do you guys have uh Joker Miner St great powerful Joker Miner you are also banned look at the GPU Intel Arc A380 it's a very neat card yeah I have one one I just never played around with it since like a year ago it's still sitting uh Patrick Murphy did you see cxd video on unable and swapping a neoa will you point some as6 there to finish your 1 million neoa bag I already have a million neoa bag now Patrick Murphy so I don't think I will but that's a I'm already using unminable right now on majority of my purin gpus because I'm just mining into some cardano right now I'm building a bag building some bags small bags like $500 bags of a couple you know a bunch of top 10 top 20 market cap coins not because I don't believe in the smaller speculative stuff but I just want to have some of these you know Cosmos I don't know maybe I'll get 500 bucks in Sheba enu for the hell of it you know 500 bucks in polygon 500 bucks in polar polka dot 500 bucks in avalanche 500 bucks and cardano I'm just getting some of these right and because I'm doing this because I found a new a new found like not perspective but maybe like ease of use because of this tangent wallet I'm not I'm not trying to promote this this is not not Financial advice I love these as my cold storage and so it has all these you know all these other coins and I thought you know what I'm just going to build some bags of a bunch of these other coins and I can have them on my t well it's not it's not on the tangum it's it's on the blockchain but it's the private keys that are on the tangum you understand hopefully you guys understand that um so yeah I'm just building a b a few bags of of some of these top 20 top 30 coins just to have it cuz I know if it's not Financial advice but as Bitcoin goes up I mean generally after Bitcoin goes up altcoins also go up as well so I mean I think it's like it's kind of like a a no it's like a a bit of a lower risk in a way because I'm already I I'll have some of these bags that are in the top 30 market cap and I know that they're probably going to do well but when it comes to now this is where you guys are thinking red P why aren't you holding more pin why aren't I holding more Al lithium or neoa well yeah I would I I am I am in a sense I am but I'm just kind of like diversifying my portfolio now because I I I really don't have much I don't even have much Bitcoin to be honest with you I don't have much of these lower I don't have much of these top 30 top 40 market cap coins at all you know what you know what I mean like these aren't these these non proof of work GPU minable coins or Asic minable coins I None of not a lot of these I have so I thought you know what maybe I should spread out my portfolio a little bit you know diversify a bit kind of lower the risk cuz I feel like I I am risking a lot when I'm it feels it feels like I'm risking a lot when I mine you know all these speculative higher uh sorry lower market cap coins not saying DX is bad but like clor Nexa nuai you know a lot of these coins are in like a couple hundred market caps that are a lot a lot lower in market cap and obviously they have a lot bigger potential to go up in price right a lot higher appreciation but I don't know I don't know if any of a lot of these are going to go up in in market cap you know like like versus the less riskier plays of of these top 30 you know what I you guys know what I mean here am I making sense it maybe I maybe I'm an idiot maybe maybe I I I should just I should take a bigger risk I should take a bigger risk and and not not mine into these using unminable I should just I should take the risk and uh just go in all in just Degen Degen mine into all these other lower market cap coins uh I yeah sebs altcoins can pump way more than BTC in the blll 100% having an adverse portfolio sounds like a smart move I learned that from you s I learned that from other people but yes yes yeah these coins here like the you know the lower market cap GP minable coins have definitely a higher potential a lot higher a lot higher and thank you to mass boost who made this cheet he he just said like perc Bull Run percentage increases I don't know for some like for some of these coins you know it could it could it could be it could be crazy you know Shea enu oh my goodness 119 million per 119 million holy crap kadana had a huge pump right I mean kadana was a top 600 or no top thousand uh market cap coin and that pumped like 18,800 18,000 per.

From 15 cents to $28 that's pretty nuts that's that's pretty nuts okay um BG stop pretending you ain't dgen like the rest of us yeah I know I'm pretty dgen already hey hey I got I got I got a lot of I got a lot of rando a lot of rando proof OFW coins okay okay I'm pretty DJ all right black cat crypto you're making sense the bare Market has shown us that diversification diversification is key I I agree I agree I agree I agree okay all right what are you guys asking uh yany could you please share my question yany could you uh ask it again I missed it yany rabid I have zero Bitcoin while will be the lowest Gainer yeah yeah yeah rabid yeah I I I just yeah we all know like having Bitcoin it's cool and all but is it really going to you know make more money than having something else probably not but that's the risk right it's it's higher risk all right tan tanu Betty red P mind why does all other coins also pump when BTC goes up because BTC is the is like the golden standard on all the exchanges that's where like the big dog coin all the money all the volume and the liquidity everything is tied to bitcoin on all the exchanges and it's it's all it's all manipulated the exchanges are the ones who are able to then help push the volume liquidity and Market make onto all different alt coins that's it that's basically it and some cases there's actually in most cases and there's a lot of them there's a lot of secret private pumping dump groups who have millions of dollars who will out of nowhere out of nowhere will just pump a coin that's in like the Thousand market cap thousand plus market cap and the coin will go up in crazy crazy numbers it has happened with a few GPU minable coins already I already have heard this one um let's see uh it's not on this list it's on it's on this list here I think it was where is portfolio watch list uh Patrick Murray that's what happened in neoa when it was first released it was a pump and dump manipulation yeah that there that there's been plenty of those pumping dump groups who pump neox yeah 100% what retro mik donated a dollar retro Mike thank you good sir thank you good sir retro mic Tech donated 99 sense through Super Chat thank you got um I mean there's a bunch of like okay you know you guys know a bunch of you guys know a bunch of proof of work GPU modal coins pumped in the bar in the bar run right like CLA all right CLA for instance look this coin this coin was also one of those prominent ones where where people were like all right you guys ready to pump this coin and everyone just bought in like and there's a there is the liquid volume here of like 125 million which is pretty nuts pretty nuts and so when that happens it's like a bunch of other other people see that and then people are going to start buying into it and then let's see naray did nay have something like naray very similar as well November 17th all the way to November 26th and I think that was nov claes was right after so you can see here right after naray after narai pumped Chlor was also pumping after the November 26th uh naray also pumped shortly uh Chlor pumped after naray so there's definitely some type of there's a there's a pump and dump manipulation going on here with a lot of these with a lot of these coins and you see it right you see you see it with randomly with with a bunch of these coins conlux I remember man this was in what this was in June March March of the last year you guys remember when conflux went up man I have a like this must have been some sort of massive Chinese like pump here cuz there was like there was like almost a billion dollar volume dude billions of dollars going up it was crazy it was it was insane um so but so that's why uh but when when when Bitcoin goes up though then then you'll see yeah you'll see because there's going to be a lot of a lot of extra money coming in and then then you'll see a lot of a lot of coins just generally go up what about ethereum Classic this bull run can it go up gaming protocol um yes and it it always goes up with ethereum always it it always does yes they're tied together ever since the Dow hack or ever since the ever since the fork yep Yanni oh I just spelled all my coffee oh man oh it's all over it's all over the place God damn it damn it it's all over my it's all over my pants yeah great got to switch clo stop laughing emoji stop who's hitting the laughing emoji on the on the live chat I see that I see that stop it I got to delete that thing how do you delete that thing again damn it you guys suck all of you suck all of you look at that look at that go CRA look at that look at this thing go crazy look at that that's that's amazing jock jock MC Miner I'm in a onesie that's thanks for telling me that um uh Yan you tried to answer me but now coffee I'm sorry I'm sorry what is your upcoming current holding strategy I mean what is the goal 1,000x 10,000x I haven't sold $1 value for the last four years oh my god um my my I I never really have a goal other than just money go up portfolio go up I I don't know what type of multiplier but as long as it's something you know what I mean I'm I'm happy with I'm happy with more than 3x if my portfolio goes up 3x or 4X 5x I I'm going to I'll be happy I I'll be I'll be happy we good crypto we love you I love you too man ret your mic not so much tanu Betty what are your thoughts thoughts on Kow algo because most people say it kills GPU fast well yeah it it probably it in a sense it does but it depends on your environment like if your environment's hot and hum humid and you know your GPS are just running at like 80° C at the whole every time on the core yeah they're going to die real fast yeah for sure like if you got a colder environment and you know you tune them down generally good air flow extracting the heat it it just depends man environment matters a lot environment matters a [Music] lot [Music] um money go up life go up yeah I mean essentially what is the BET best time to start mining the like a year ago the year ago was the best start was the best time to start Mining and and accumulating it's never a bad time to start going to start mining start mining now Trey Harris thank you guys for you doing all the information content you put out I watch all of you I'm about to have to go any you give out details of the giveaway yeah Trey Harr is Monday Monday will be the first KS zero Pro uh giveaway um when's your video about building 50 CPU mining rig yeah that's right I got to I got to set up I got to set up a whole bunch I was think I just doing a live stream making all of them somehow stop laughing Who's Laughing who is who hitting the Laughing emote at me God damn it that's I got I got to disable I got to disable that CPU mining rig Tower no when are you setting up those phones I'm never uh CP is coinex Now supported in Canada and the states with identification ver uh Fiddler I I don't know I don't use coinex so oh I can't tell you um 2009 BTC mining was the best time obviously obviously Nom Miner what are you selling 307s I'm not selling I I just bought them yesterday traded for them traded for the 307s they're coming they're coming they're coming um phones are making about 5 cents a day in vars I still have a couple I still have a couple of my phones going yeah a couple of them uh what's recommended wallet for hns ckb KDA uh minor of all coins yeah that's hard one I mean the best wallets are going to be the core wallets Emmanuel veros did you buy the 307 yes I did I did Joker Miner after this live stream check your DMs no so you post a video Monday about it Trey hairs yes for the k z giveaway yes Monday um uh what mobo to run gpus do you like um any good cheap mobo that you can get your hands on all the like mining motherboards I mean they're all it's all because they have like the little X1 X1 slots but you can use any motherboard and if you need to expand on it you can just buy those those USB X1 Splitters or whatever those always work too 11 phones is mediocre like your day wow retro M wow okay Bros six more minutes six more minutes what other questions do you guys you guys have you guys want to talk about huh what do you guys want to talk about what else is there other than it's nice that things are on the up and up here I wonder how long it'll last I just you know Bitcoin having is coming up that's a pretty huge that's a pretty huge event Andre for are you mining xnl no I haven't gotten around to doing that or the mental capacity to mining nxl oh I've been doing a lot of other things in the past week I just I got a lot of real life stuff happening that's uh I need to deal with the city and permits and Licensing and stuff I've been I've been focusing on that that's why I haven't had a video out in two days that's why I've been doing live streams uh I'm I'm probably going to have to keep doing live streams over the next couple days here A bunch of crap I need to do plus I'm just communicating with a bunch of people and doing this doing that doing giveaways doing getting this set up getting that set up so I a lot of things are happening a lot of things have been happening over the past couple couple weeks here oh man always a track okay overboard Tech where in your basement of unloved projects will 307s live uh they'll all be they will all be on one shelf with the R8s overboard Ty um retro mik all my fpga and ASX quit working that probably makes you happy it does it very much does uh is efficiency healthy probably not nefarious miss you bro nefarious bro how have you been man nefarious technology man it's been way too long man thank you for the 48 month uh uh membership that you posted earlier that was great 48 months man thank you thank you Yanni ianov want to want to have live for the 108 370 build oh you know what I could try we could try building on I mean that would be an all day that would be an all day stream could I set up 108 370s and 10 R8s in one day probably not maybe maybe if I didn't look at live chat and read live chat I could I could we could try when RPM cat in videos s sometimes I don't have a pet unfortunately I don't have a cat I don't have a cat unfortunately uh Emanuel veroni is 20 to 40 Ms good to solo mine or is it too much latency that's pretty good that's that's that's really good latency yeah I find anything like above 60 50 60 Ms milliseconds is I don't actually I have absolutely no idea I have never really tested I've never really tested if that obviously late higher latency you have you know it's you know you actually I've tested it with bad sh I had like three 00 Ms to like a mining pool and I had so many rejected shares because the share didn't get there in time to the pool so that's why they're like rejected or invalid or something lower the better lower the better I will hold the camera for all the videos too Joker Miner coming up there for a week when we'll get the basement done Joker Miner you stay away from stay away from my bed my my stay away from my my basement um let's see here hash Force what the hell you talking about it'll take half a day just to unpack 108 gpus you're right actually hash Force unpacking the gpus alone is going to be a nightmare oh that's right unpacking the gpus is going to be hard yep that's true that is very true um tangu Betty I haven't done Asic mining ever so I wanted to know often they get broken and what parts need to repair mostly fans power supplies occasionally hash boards die sometimes control boards die it's hard to say it it's very random uh why not 10 x12s techman because GP risers had R8s only so they don't have x12s that's why I got the X8 R R8 instead would you recommend hosting with d Central yes D Central is in Canada they are they are really good I I use them so far so good um okay guys it's 10:30 thank you guys for the live stream any final words any final remarks I'm going to get the day started smash that like and uh I'll see you guys in another live stream tomorrow I'm going to get stuff ready get get ready for the giveaway for Monday get that all set up and uh yeah fun times ahead fun times fun times ahead Bros Jazz Miner versus bit main build quality uh so far I haven't heard anybody with a broken Jazz Miner so I don't know I I don't know anyone that that has had bad Jazz miners like x41 U x16 Q's I've never heard anyone that had one die yet so bit M whole different story lots of them die okay see you later Subs see you later bro thank you for coming by City sometimes likes thank you bros hit that like on the way out Bros you guys have a great one Chuck danger you are banned you reported peace Bros you guys have a great day thank you for coming by thank you for coming by you guys have a great day peace out peace out peace out peace [Music] out Joker [Music] Miner everybody [Music] [Music] everybody [Music]

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