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hey to all you cave guys and cave gals 
caveman mining here i hope everyone is well   and having a phenomenal day on today's video 
i wanted to bring some closure to the topic   of our solo mining journey as you guys know we 
have been solo mining ravencoin for just about   a week actually a little bit over a week 
technically and uh long story short is uh   we did a little bit of gambling sometimes in 
gambling you win and you lose you win some   you lose some but you live you live to fight 
another day i don't want to spill the beans how about some more i'd say you've had enough 
but in our particular case we did lose the gamble and i will go through that with you guys and 
explain a little bit about the things that   have transpired over the last week but before 
we get into the negative stuff i wanted to put   in a little bit of a positive plug and uh let 
you guys know to watch the whole video because   at the end of this video we are going to be 
announcing a sweet giveaway involving ravencoin   and that is going to be sponsored by 
and we're going to be explaining a little bit   about some things that we are going to 
be doing with them involving their pool   and our next steps with ravencoin uh next steps 
here is we're going to take a jump upstairs   into the laptop and uh we're gonna go over or 
recap the last week of solo mining ravencoin so   we'll see you there in just a moment okay guys 
so we're in the laptop here and i'm going to   jump right to it and cut to the chase so as you 
guys know we remind raven coin on solo mining for   over a week and uh the quick result is 
we got nothing we got the big donut hole   we got zero rewards so you get nothing you lose 
good day sir now uh i'm a little bit bummed out   but in the same uh respect it was a high potential 
and a high possibility that this would happen and   of course it did our personal luck did grow over 
the course of the week i think we started out with   i think 29 and then ramping up to about 40 50 
60 and i think we got all the way up to 67 now   what you guys are looking at here i did take 
uh or i'm taking off as we speak the machines   from uh two miners so you'll see some of the 
workers uh getting pulled off and the hash rates   drinking i would i'd rather be telling you guys 
we hit a block and you know be jumping with joy   for excitement but that's the reality and hey 
we're gonna move on here i think the strategy   that we did with pointing our whole farm in 
retrospect was not a solid strategy right so you   know we're really burning all of our hashing power 
there was no passive income for me for over a week   it was an experience a learning experience i think 
if i was to solo mine again i would probably just   choose one or two cards and then have the rest 
of my farm doing either pool mining regular pool   mining or raven coin or mining ethereum or what 
have you so you know let me know in the comments   below what uh if anyone is solo mining ravencoin 
like what is your strategy uh beyond the having   and um we'll see what happens when ethereum goes 
you know proof of stake you know how much more   valuable or how much more utilized raven coin 
is and we'll kind of gauge things as we go from   there but the next step for our farm is we're 
gonna take all of the hash rate we had about   370 mega hash on ravencoin and we are going to 
just do regular pool mining and we're going to   be doing this with and i'm going 
to be doing this myself for a week and i would   want to see what is the reward structure that 
we get at the end of the week how much ravencoin   can we actually obtain and i wanted to cover with 
you guys how to use as a mining pool   to mine ravencoin and we'll go through that super 
quick here now if you guys go to   the first thing you're going to see is um 
ravencoin's loyalty program so we're going to   go ahead and click start mining and that's gonna 
bring us to a page that has uh two options one is   a wallet and one is connect we're gonna go ahead 
and hit connect so we're gonna be presented with   three options for uh pool mining 
the first is eu and you can see the servers and   the ports here below just to note on each three of 
those geo countries it's the same order the top uh   server is for regular gpu mining the second one 
is for nice hash third one is for the static uh   port for nicehash so we are in the us so we're 
gonna go ahead and choose that i've gone ahead   already and i've plugged this information into ios 
and into our windows uh machines that are mining   ravencoin so if we tab over to hive os really 
fast here we're going to go ahead and hit the   edit button on our flight sheet just so we can 
kind of get a bit more of an intimate look at   the settings so if you guys want to use this pool 
which i encourage you to do because i'll explain   two really good reasons why you should use this 
pool uh now and why you should be using this pool   after the having what i want to do with you really 
quick is just show you a capture in hive os here   and go over the flight sheet and the 
settings so i have one cooked up here i'm just   going to hit edit so the first thing you want 
to do is you want to have your coin set to raven   your wallet set to your raven wallet and uh 
make sure you change your pool to   configure your server up to the proper geolocation 
server for us it is the u.s north america server   and we did a split of two different um miners team 
red miner and t-rex miner just because we have a   split of nvidia and uh amd cards so that just made 
sense for us and then once that's all set you just   go ahead and hit update or apply and apply it 
to all workers so that is a quick snippet of how   we can set this up within hive os and you can 
see here that we're already hashing away at 276   277 mega hash per second and if we look at the 
windows end i'm just going to go ahead into a bat   file that i used for us we're using t-rex miner 
because this is an nvidia card so you have your   kapow algorithm your stratum server which 
is the raven in our port   space dash u space wallet dot worker space minus 
p and then you want to put in a password okay so   once you have everything mining away you can now 
go back into and you can go   ahead and on the top button you can go ahead and 
paste in your wallet address that will come up but   once we get into the dashboard we can obviously 
see our cash rate over the days weeks and months   that's pretty cool uh we can see it on a more 
digital versus a linear format here on the left   hand side to see your current five minute average 
uh one hour three hour 12 hour 24 hours so on and   so forth we can go ahead and see our balance in 
the middle here to see what's pending on paid   total paid minimum payout uh threshold set to one 
ravencoin and then you can go ahead and change the   amount of coins so i just wanted to cover at 
a high level the loyalty program   this is what i would call a little bonus or extra 
incentive on top of just raro using their pool for   mining so miners that continuously use their 
pool are rewarded with extra coins every week   when the loyalty campaign is active so look out 
for that little green on button so uh the loyalty   programs are supported entirely from their funds 
meaning the pools funds so when the funds are over   the campaign turns off for all miners so you'll 
actually be able to see that uh red off button   on their pool live on the gui so they just want 
to give an example so they offer a loyalty extra   bonus for every uh 10 coins for every 100 mega 
hash over a week so you need to continuously mine   for the whole week with an uptime of at least 95 
so it's really an incentive to stay connected to   their pool which is really cool there's not a lot 
of mining uh ravencoin pools that do this reward   system out there uptime is refreshed every minute 
at the end of each uh loyalty program week they   they pay out the rewards based on your average 
hash hash rate for the last seven days so if your   up up time isn't accomplished the week bonus is 
gone right at that point and then the next loyalty   program will start over from scratch for all 
minors so if you don't have a hundred mega hash no   harm no foul for example if you mine with a seven 
day average of a hash rate of 20 mega hash that's   one equivalent to a one times of a 1080 ti card so 
after one week of mining you'll get a proportional   bonus of the 10 extra coins um there is a cap 
limit of the rewarded hash rates you know take a   look at this program uh on here i think it's it's 
pretty cool and there's a disclaimer here it says   don't try to cheat on that using multiple mining 
addresses or other methods so i mentioned to you   guys there was a couple reasons why we chose to 
use one is that i learned through   chatting with them over the last couple weeks that 
we know the having is coming up in january january   11th to be specific they are claiming that even 
after the havoc happens they will be retaining the   reward set that exists today so they're not 
actually going to be cutting the rewards in half   so this should be a huge incentive for miners 
to hop over to their pool uh who are you know   considering to mine ravencoin or if they're doing 
it today and they want to do continue to do it   after the having that is something huge now i'm 
not sure if any other pools out there are doing it   i didn't go into length with some of the 
owners and the folks that run   what their plan is in terms of how long they 
would plan to uh retain the current reward set   even after the having maybe they have an idea 
that once they get a good amount of hash rate   over or people start to join their pool maybe 
they'll slowly wean or conform to the new reward   set i'm not quite sure but um again for me if i'm 
mining ravencoin that incentive is sure i'm gonna   hop right over to so that's the 
deal and um to let you guys know what our plan is   i plan to point all of the hash rate all of my 
farm over for the next week uh using   to see how much ravencoin we can obtain and 
uh really checking out this loyalty program as   at this moment it's on so i want to see how much 
extra ravencoin we can earn i think that'll be   pretty cool to see the other thing i wanted to 
mention regarding is this video   is actually sponsored by them today and uh we're 
teaming up with to do a giveaway for   500 raven coins now i wanted to just quickly 
go over to the rules and how this giveaway is   going to be working so we're going to choose one 
lucky winner we're not going to split this up so   and the contest start date is going to be 
december 11 2021 and it's going to run until   the 13th of december 2021 so that being said in 
this video here uh as we're speaking i want you   guys to comment below using the special keyword 
which is going to be avocado step two is going   to be you must mine ravencoin for a minimum 
of three hours on step three   we're going to be putting a google's form document 
uh link in the description below so please after   you watch this video click on the google forms url 
and you must fill out your youtube account name   and then put in your ravencoin address right next 
to that that you have used for the three hours of   mining on and then after that guys 
we will go ahead and uh announce a winner you need   to pay attention to the content that i put out the 
best way to do that is to hit the subscribe button   hit hit all the bells so you'll be notified when 
we do do the announcement of the giveaway so uh   once we choose the winner we'll be doing a random 
comment picker on the recorded uh a video for the   announcement and then shortly after immediately 
after uh we make the announcement we're gonna be   head going ahead and sending the 500 raven coin 
funds provided by over to your   wallet so that said guys i wish you all good 
luck i am super excited to have   on board to do this giveaway i think it is a 
awesome thing for you guys as a community and it's   a great way for us youtubers to stay in touch with 
the mining pool uh developers and owners as well   as back to you guys into the community to let you 
know what's going on and draw awareness to some of   the things that will affect you so with this said 
guys i'm gonna cut the video here there's not much   else to say we will do a check-in based off of 
everything we have here shortly and i just want   to wish you guys all a wonderful rest of the week 
and i will see you on the next video take care

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