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The FluMiner L1 is the BEST Doge Home Miner but it has problem

hey guys arpm here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I want to give you guys an update of the flu Miner L1 this is…

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crypto mining on life support.

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Fixed Doge Miner 3+ in weird way

all right ladies and gentlemen as you can see right here I have my Doge Miner uh 3 plus from this is the gold shell unit and mine was having…

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New DOGE Miner Appears… FluMiner L1 better than a Elphapex DG Home 1?

hey guys rpim here hope you're doing well having a really great day Merry Christmas to all of you hope you are all having a wonderful holiday this video I…

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NEW GOLDSHELL E-DG1M Litecoin Dogecoin Bells home miner? It’s not looking good

hey guys ARP here hope you're doing well having a really great day we got a new announcement from gold shell this is just a quick update for you guys…

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The Elphapex DG-1 First look & Problems

[Music] he hey guys red Pena mining here hope you all doing well having a really great day this video I just got in the new alphapex hopefully I pronounced…