Testing Merge Mining Warthog and JellyFish coin

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back it is January 25th 2025 and we are doing testing of our merge mining payments on our warthog pool so we have a community pool with the jellyfish coin community and it has been our attempt to get merge mining with our jellyfish coin to work alongside warhog now that it is finally working in a testing phase um we invite people to come over to the Discord and help us test it out so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to enable it and how to start getting your payments and then from that point if you could share information with us in the mining Channel over on the Discord uh we will do a public launch and we're going to do bonus coins once we hit that public launch but in the meantime right now it's just one to one so for every one warthog you get paid out you'd get one jellyfish coin uh just to keep everything simple now you're going to need to start off and if you have not been on our warthog pool I'll show you how to get there first so you go to Jelly fc.com right there and go down to the web 3 portal if you need to access the pool to get the stratum information to connect to it you just click on community pool right there and it'll bring you over there to uh this page so you can get the stratum um and then you can look up your uh your information on the dashboard you put your wallet address in now uh to actually earn jellyfish merge uh you're going to need to make an account on this web 3.

Jfc.com um that's where we went to off the main page the the web 3 portal just think of this as like a catchall for all of our things that we're we're building our web 3 on top of the coin so we have a faucet right there that's where you can get free free coins every single day uh just come back and you get up 10 free coins and then we have more stuff coming as well so um that those coins that you earn from merge mining are going to be paid out into this offchain wallet that's on our website and then whenever you want to you can click on that wallet and do a withdrawal from there once you hit the minimum right now we have the minimum at 100 coins just due to salana fees being a little bit higher and we don't want to have to pay fees on every single coin that goes out of there um so just just a different way now you will need an account so you'll sign up on here and you'll need an email address you'll need a salana address like from Phantom or something like that wherever you send your jellyfish to um I set up a new uh wallet so that way it's just fresh and then everything that I send out of here I kind of can keep track of um then once you make an account on here it'll ask you to verify it through your email you get that email verify it uh and you'll come back to this page right here you're going to want to click on wallet make sure your wallet address in this wallet area is correct once uh if that is correct then you're going to need to copy that and just go over to your rigs whether you're using Hive or Windows and you're going to need to change your uh worker name so inside of hi you can change it inside the minor config and so right here is wallet Dot and then this is normally worker name uh instead of worker name put your wallet address from the web 3 portal right there uh now if you're running multiple cards and you have all the same wallet address it will all show up all your cards will show up together or all your rigs will show up together so to split those up uh so you can actually see the difference you can put a question mark and then you can put a description of that rig so for example this one is the 4770 WX 4100 so we're going to do go 4770 um WX 4100 and the reason for that exclamation mark is to break up in between your wallet address um and then your rig so it's going to go warthog wallet address dot uh salana wallet address that's linked on the web 3 portal and then question mark and then after the question mark is your um actual rig name do not include any periods exclamation marks um and I think that's good I think you can use like regular numbers and letters you're no problem so we're going to apply changes on that and then I'm going to click cck update um we'll do all workers for that it would just be this this one oh there's actually three that are running that that is my bad let me fix that I had all mine just pointing to the same thing so that's my bad update all workers so I'm going to need to go in and individually split those up but uh I guess I could just do that right now instead of all workers just do 41 4770 apply update create new for this this machine individually then uh to see which it's going to take a second for that to update and then submit a a share you can go back over to the pool you go to dashboard load wallet stats and then and then your workers will show up in here I had all my workers under the same address except for the one I just split off which we'll try to refresh that here in a minute um and then they'll show up independently here so it'll be your salana address for the web 3 portal question mark and then the actual rig name after that so you can still see them independently split up sorry my face is blocking that um but then also the uh your address is there to link it over for your payments now here you can see I've made 11 jellyfish right now um the script is not automated uh we're just doing a test and running that script you know every few hours but uh once everything's ironed out with that it will be automated and I think we're going to probably do uh Jellyfish payouts every hour on the hour so right now yeah one jellyfish for every one wart we are going to be doing bonuses launch bonuses I think um for right now I don't want to spill all the beans but uh I think for the first week uh when we officially launch it and it goes public and there's going to be like a nice how-to video um just you know stay tuned for all that I'm I'm basically going to do how-to from start to finish from like downloading the minor and everything um but once that comes out that first week we're going to do times 1,000 bonus so for every one wart you'd get 1,000 jellyfish so if you mind you know three wart in a day you'd get 3,000 jelly jellyfish and so on and then we can do variable uh payouts um and bonuses throughout you know the future but lots of options here um hopefully you guys enjoy this and we look forward to hearing some feedback from you guys over in the Discord so um yeah and if you have any other questions let us know in the Discord as well all right y'all have a good one I'm jumping off here adios

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