THE BEST 3 PRESALE Projects To BUY NOW With 100X Potential?!

Here are three mem coin projects on Pre-sale right now that you absolutely Want to buy in welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I am your host Umar Conon and today we're looking at three Pre-sale gems that have crazy upside Potential to go anywhere from a 50x to 100x so you're not going to want to miss Out guys all these links for these Projects I'm going to link in the Description below and the comment Section so if you want to grab a bag That's where you'll be able to find the Links and like always guys this is not Financial advice always do your own Research and do diligence before Investing any money in the projects we Cover on this channel now let's go ahead And take a look at this list all right So first of all we can see on coin Market cap guys overall Market is down 4.6% on the day even when you go to the Trending tab guys a lot of our trending Tokens are in the red Pepe down 8% and 30% on the month uh this cat of Elon Coin some random shitcoins down Bitcoin Down roughly 15% on the month and 4% on The day uh Athena down 10% salana down 30 36% on the month which absolutely Insane a lot of these coins are down but That's fine because remember we buy the Dip we buy low sell high and again we're Talking about pre-sale prices that Haven't even launched yet so they're not

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Getting affected by this volatility the First coin on this list this first Pre-sell on this list I should say is Doge verse the world's first chain Traveling Doge guys it's a multi-chain Dogecoin token that also has staking as You can see here uh the Doge goes Multichain buy and claim Doge ver on any Of the following chains etherium be Binance polygon avax base and salana not Only is it a multi-chain token guys but They are growing rapidly and building a Community fast with over 6.8 th000 Members on their telegram community and Over 10,000 followers on Twitter 11,300 To be exact this awesome okay we can see They post this two hours ago attention J's Community appears that Cosmos has Leaped Through the Wormhole and become Disoriented affecting our website Hosting a party has followed him to the Land of the DNS to secure he finds his Way back to the blockchain universe Safely and meanwhile you can access Doge With the website and then link to Doge Here I think at one point um maybe the Website was down 2 hours ago but that Was what the update was for uh but the Point I'm trying to make is they are Very very active every time there's some News or updates that are posted here They're building a community that's why In the span of one month they've grown Their social media so fast they're

Growing their community so fast and also Not only is this going to be awesome to Get to because they've raised $12.6 Million but they have staking as well so You want to earn passive income you can Earn up to 88% it's also dynamic range Staking meaning the staking prices Change as time goes on so it could be More it could be less and in 17 hours It's going to be a price hike so if you Want to get at the low pre-sale price Make sure you get it now this one's Going to be absolutely crazy it's been Featuring a ton of different places it's Us L Superior Bridge technology so it's Multi-chain with seamlessly one click They have a solid Ro map and plays Website goes live contract gets written Social media channels are Bor uh uh Pre-sale begins Community Building Create contract audit marke of Initiatives coin Mark cap application Coin Geo application first Dex listing Dex tool updates Birds Eye update first Centralized exchange listing uh and then Continue marketing and then Community Incentives so again as you can see a Trend here they want to build a Community and they want to get this Project listed everywhere which is going To cause this price to spike they have a Great tokenomics as well with pre-sell Allocation staking project funds Liquidity marketting ecosystem funds and

Exchanges all clearly put down here Again it's a Well packaged project You're definitely going to want to load Up a bag I'm going to link this in the Description below the next project on The list is also another new pre-sale JB And this is called wiener AI the future Of trading a couple days ago when made a Dedicated video for this project because Us here on the 99 Bitcoin team are very Bullish for this project they haven't Even raised their first million dollars Yet and guys we've seen this time and Time again we do a lot of pre-sale Projects on this channel we're always Covering pre-sale projects if you get it Early you reap the most rewards get at The earliest possible price and for this Coin they've ra raised less than a Million dollars in the span of a couple Of I want to say a couple of days it Went live maybe last week uh and one day And 15 hours the price are going up we AI the future of trading uh and then all Their stats are over here rewards are Three 3100% uh Total Rewards have been over Almost $600 Million worth of w token so What is Wier AI Wier AI is your Revolutionary AI partner with unparallel Capabilities Wier AI is Ultimate asset For every crypto Trader so AI enhanced Trading seamless swap zero fees and not Just a bot but AI power crypto trading

Partner designed to give you the Advantages you've been searching for and Then again the pre-sale is live you can By now elmar in the market with uh W Predictive technology so again they're Using AI to our advantage to help us Earn a bigger bag it's solid tokenomics In place 30% going to pre-sale 20% to Staking 20% to the community rewards 10% For centralized exchange listings and Decentralized exchange listings and then 20% to marketing which is so important Guys the more marketing they can do for This project the bigger and bigger this Project could get again that's been a Trend we've been seeing the pro that Have good marketing and good communities Those are the prodcts that end up going Off and doing massive things in the Crypto space so you're not going to want To miss out I'm going to link this Project in the in the description below As well as again we are super early they Have a how to buy tab faqt very clean Website in terms of social I know They're relatively new but I think They're growing a community pretty fast With over 5,000 followers that's awesome This was posted just a couple days ago Weer AI has raised over half a million Dollars in funding and again the project Isn't even launched yet they only Started the lot the pre-sale a couple of Days ago and we can see they're smashing

Through their goals very very fast now The last qu on this list is perfect for My people who love gaming and crypto Gaming is obviously a massive and Obviously crypto gaming has been in Massive space as well that's Mega Dice Pre-o they've currently raised $9 Million and you got to buy now before The next stage before the prices Increase so what is Mega Dice the number One gamify on Soul the ticker symbols Dice the ultimate uh token exp ultimate Casino token experience benefits Retroactively and with every wager so Again they this really cool um thing Where like when you're playing um these Card games you get this raking and Retroactive rewards it's pretty cool so What is Mega already rapidly growing Global crypto playing Place uh brand With over 50,000 players Mega is not a New casino as is one of the top brands In the crypto Casino spaces our focus is Growth and adding value to our players Like with the introduction of dice so Over 4,000 games 50 Sports Plus Esports And 50,000 plus players players 10,000 Plus active monthly players and $50 Million in monthly Wagers this is Absolutely massive they're doing a Massive 2.2 million airdrop so you're Not going to want to miss out not only Is it going to be great to be a part of The community get part of the airdrop

But also if you do play these games they Have some nice benefits that you can Take a look at on how you could like get Reimbursements for playing again they Raised $9 million their goal is4 million Which I think they're going to Absolutely smash this project could go Off and do some massive things you're Absolutely not going to want to miss out That is my top three pre-sale list guys Let me know if you think I missed a Project and comment it down in the Description below guys also if you're Going to load up a bag I want knows well Comment down there and we can continue The conversation in the comment section Like always not Financial advice always Your own resarch and due diligence until Next time it's your boy Omar peace [Music]

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