The Current Market Rebound Will Lead These Three Meme Coins To Massive Gains!

The cryptocurrency market could explode In interest prices and that means Massive gains for you ahead if a couple Of conditions are met guys we're going To be talking about some things in this Video and I'm going to be going over the Top three meme coins that you should be Looking at potentially buying into what Could be the largest bull market rally The cryptocurrency industry has ever Seen let's discuss it and if it sounds Like something you're interested in Let's get started started what's up Everybody I'm clay bro and as you can See we get some crypto news pulled up on The screen right now we're going to be Diving into this in a second we're going To be diving into the fear degreed index And we are going to be diving into three Meme coins that you should highly Consider for your portfolio because I Believe these brand new meme coins could Shoot up in value providing the largest Gains during what should be the largest Bull market rally the cryptocurrency Industry has ever seen now you guys can Read through these headlines here I'm Not going to go through all of these Articles but I want you to get a gist of What's going on in the crypto space Right now Bitcoin and ether lead $ 17.8 Billion crypto inflows oh my goodness All of the fearful outflows on oh little

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W was me Germany selling off all of Their Bitcoin that has ended we've got $17 billion in inflows $1.4 billion in In flows last week in crypto uh Investment products like ETFs and so on Crypto Bitcoin ETFs Herald less feral Token longer term Traders say excellent Record inflows for Bitcoin ETFs as Market sees renewed interest perfect Bitcoin rallies on Trump optimism guys a Lot of people are saying that the Election results have been Signed Sealed Delivered here in the United States it Is guaranteed that we going to see Cryptocurrency Innovation that the Results are going to be guaranteed at This point and that nobody can stop it From happening now what are they trying To stop from happening well I don't know Retail investors making a ton of money Retail investors as Andrew Tate would Say breaking out of the Matrix retail Investors finally hitting that Financial Freedom but you're not going to get it If you're stuck on the sidelines looking In you have to take action now I believe That we're on the perfect cusp of that Action as the Fear De greed index is now Ticking back up into a relatively Neutral greedy situation according to Coin stats fear to Greed index and we Are in a neutral Situation off of 36 or Level 36 fearful lows on the fear Degreed index from coin market cap

Investors are becoming optimistic Investors are no longer afraid and as This takes place as you start start to See the prices rise back up you only one Thing is going to separate you from the Rest of retail out there did you buy as Others were fearful were you able to Accumulate as others were afraid and if You say yes money will be made as new Liquidity flows into those pools and as Play do continues its pre-sale and gears Up to launch I believe this token could See one of the largest gains during the B Market because it could set itself Aside as one of the best gaming tokens In the industry you guys remember how Popular tamagachi was and if you don't Let me tell you it was very popular These guys are Reviving that with a Beautifully displayed app here you're Going to be able to take advantage of Earning playd Doge while playing this Game it is a play to earn game and and If it is look if it reaches the top 10 It's going to have a 10 or one plus Billion doll um market cap which would Most likely result in 100x gains if that Takes place even if it reaches the top 100 gaming tokens you're talking about 3 Four 5x gains to 30 40 50 hundred Million in market cap Playdoh is Building something that people will want To take advantage of it but guess what They're too afraid right now question is

Are you too afraid right now I've bought Into play Doge I've bought into play do Pretty heavy I'm very excited about it Base dogs here Bas dogs is offering a 16x increase on your money if you're Willing to stake and on top of that Bas Dogs has some of the best price Increases per stage in the pre-sale Industry right now not just going up a Little bit of a pip here or a tick these Guys are moving up 3 four five% every Single stage on top of the 3 4 5% per Stage increase you've got these 16x apy On staking rewards refer to earn meaning That you guys can earn an additional 10% If anybody uses your link you've got a Link to this down in the description Below I'd really appreciate it if you Used it and share that one if you don't Want to share your own and guys we're in A pullback right going from greed or Fearful to greedy even if you don't have The money to buy right now take Advantage of these airdrops Bas dogs is Going to have an airdrop where you can Earn rewards by fulfilling these quests Coming soon as you can see where you can Earn free tokens if you can't afford to Stack right now you can't afford the the Three minutes that it would take you to Go out there share it on your social Medias make sure to log into the website All that good stuff so that you guys can Earn free tokens along the way and Bas

Dogs is providing that not only that it Takes advantage of the Sheba enu Meme Here which we know how popular that that Is and finally Pepe Unchained Pepe Unchained is building a layer 2 Blockchain that is 100 times faster than Ethereum it's the cheapest in the Industry and you're going to have Instant bridging between ethereum and The Pepe blockchain guys all of these Pre-sales it is super simple to click The link and then of course click uh Connect wallet and I like to use wallet Connect and scan this QR code and then You're ready to buy the only question is Will you or are are you afraid just like All of the other retail investors out There guys you can look at Cryptocurrency statistics out on Google Trends you can use the fear degreed Indexes and you're going to see one Thing retail investors are afraid right Now now here's the beautiful part we are Seeing a little bit of a tick back up Here we are moving from a level of four In cryptocurrency interest to a level of Eight now I believe that has a twofold Part number one investors are finally Catching on you were supposed to buy When Che things are low and you're Supposed to sell when things are high Also because of everything that happened With with the presidential campaign over The weekend and everything that that

People that are now leaning towards is Going to be taking place here in the United States with embracing Cryptocurrency they're finally starting To understand the logic of the situation That now is the time Pepe Unchained Bas Dogs play Doge top three brand new meme Coins that could soar into what could be And should be the largest bull market That the cryptocurrency space has ever Seen the only decision you have to make Is whether or not you're going to get in Let me know down in the comments below And until the next time hope to each and Every one of you have an awesome day

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