hey guys red pen mining here hope you're doing well having a really great day it is midnight for me as of recording this video because I just saw the announcement on Radiance Discord now we know who the entity is it is Dragon Ball minor out of all the different companies we were guessing I had no idea it was going to be Dragon Ball nobody guessed Dragon Ball okay Dragon Ball the company that also made the Dragon Ball minor ks6 Caspa minor okay some of you guys may remember this minor I don't know many people that have this minor but some people do and it's a real company so just now clarifying here they do have their website Dragon Ball minor.com which quickly just clarifying I saw on name cheep they came out in March okay jary March 25th of 2024 and uh they've had this website since then okay so yeah the ks6 shows on their website here along with their now Dragon Ball a11 okay dual Miner it say simultaneously dual mining radiant and alium okay so just quickly reading the announcement here for you all the Asic manufacturer has publicly revealed itself it says uh dear radiant Community introducing the a11 Dual Asic Miner the new Asic Miner manufactured by Dragon Ball Miner is a Powerhouse designed with versatility in mind it is capable of Mining rxd and Al at the same time here are the key details hash rates radiant RX 3.2 terahash and then alium 1.2 terahash combined power consumption 2300 Watts did some quick math on hash rate.
Currently this thing makes about $143 a day right now okay and I I am going to go back to a stream I did four months ago April 25th when we saw this entity come online on hero miners I think it was April 24th when they came online we saw a whole bunch of 1.2 terahash Asic miners or fpgas I don't know what this thing is that it's yeah they were on hero miners about 4 months ago and just to to clarify here I think it was making almost uh a day I think almost $60,000 a day or 24361 alium a day all right when this entity came on four months ago so whether or not they've been banking all this alium and I mean even the radiant that uh this entity has been mining right now still on VIP or.net it's a lot okay and I guess well I'm going to talk about a lot of stuff here the entity has also I guess agreed to donate 10% to the uh to the radiant team to the devs now whether you guys think there is a bit of reservations regarding that while we can talk about that later but anyways before we do all that let me introduce today's video sponsor if you're looking for the best place to buy all types of crypto mining Hardware look no further than mop.
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here simultaneously dual mining so radiant and then Blake 3 so I don't know if this algorithm okay Shaw 5 12 256d and then also Blake 3 have very similar algorithm characteristics that they are somehow able to yeah dual mine both of these coins somehow okay so being in a similar algorithm in a way that this Miner or Dragon Ball has able to figure out how to essentially dual mine okay I'm not a Soc engineer or chip engineer designer whatever this in my head obviously then now feels like an Asic Mone Min okay definitely an Asic minor because of how much hash rate uh this can achieve but I'm still trying to figure out how it's able to dual mine both of these so personally am I going to be getting one of these no okay I am I going to spend money to buy this thing no because just looking at how you know whether or not people were buying into radiant this morning or during the day because of the hype and buying the coin whether the company is going to boost you know have Market making events for this coin for radiant and hell even a leum as well but more so radiant okay being a only a uh let's see 13 million almost $14 million market cap coin which is very very low right it's a lower end 864 market cap coin it really doesn't take much to I guess pump the coin a raise the price of this coin so what I touched on earlier about the profitability of this thing being about4 $3 at this point in time I don't know if by the time these for people that are actually going to buy these and again I I just want to stress here I don't think I'm going to recommend anyone to buy this unless you truly truly believe in radiant and especially how the entity well I guess Dragon Ball Miner has presented itself in terms of mining radiant and the leum a bunch of other I guess algorithms out there for the past couple months now okay we we touched on this 4 months ago or 5 months ago April 25th they've been making a crap ton of alium during that time and whether or not they've been selling I don't know the price action for alum I guess uh during that time April 24th was going down so I mean it it looks like it would definitely correlate to the downward uh sell pressure here from April 24th when that entity came or Dragon Ball Miner came online the price just kept going down and down but it's kind of recovered but whether or not it's going to sustain now now that they are going to sell this to the general public and you know the timmies out there people that don't know about this or know the history of this entity the Dragon Ball minor as well as you know radiant as well okay I forgot to touch on with radiant they have been mining radiant since April end of April April 24th 25th okay we did touch on this as well okay so showcasing here they've been uh they've been on you know uh VIP or.net since April 25th okay but another thing I'm a little bit confused about okay just going on the stats of this minor okay um the biggest minor on v.net for the top miners on radiant is about 195 terahash so if we go down here just looking at uh the worker names and then the average hash rate the past 24 hours says about 475 gigahash right that doesn't equate to um let's see here uh 3.2 ter or 3200 gigahash here uh for a a11 okay at 2300 Watts efficiency there is about 71 okay so interesting thought here okay that if this is 3200 gigahash where is the 3200 gigahash on some of these worker names I'm a little bit confused unless this is split up somehow or if my theory was correct in the beginning that maybe there is four how many fpga chips could I don't maybe not but if there's uh how many times uh to make up to 32 ter uh 32 3.2 terahash uh this would be about six or seven times right so what if these were all split up into individual uh you know worker names or individual chips I don't know right I don't know how the web guei the design of this Dragon Ball Miner a11 works but I guess it's safe to say that if it looks like this like an Asic minor shell I mean this is this is going to be built like like an Asic minor so I I've personally never experienced a Dragon Ball ks6 okay they're if you go on their website um they show their miners here as well I know crypto Miner Bros had you know their ks6 Pros listed as well but I don't know many people that bought them but they do show the a11 here and they show the uh computing power the power waste uh Al and then the rxd 3.2 terahash 1.2 terahash for leum now so yeah dual mining okay so 2300 Watts for both of mining both of these coins which is quite interesting okay it's very interesting to say the least but yes we did see this massive minor before and it did show about 1.2 Terra has so that falls in line with the alium hash rate uh that they're claiming here but they radiant hash rate it's a little bit little bit confusing here for me so I don't know what's going on here but maybe it's split up maybe it is an fpg I don't know I'm just speculating is probably an Asic at this point because it is quite a substantial amount of hash rate okay so anyways yeah guys that's really all I wanted to talk about is the profitability going to stay with this thing probably not okay it is the price of radiant and a leum going to be able to sustain uh you know this radiant especially is radiant going to be able to sustain the as6 that you know potential potentially some people are going to buy and I was reading like the radiant Discord apparently a lot of people are going to buy them because they believe in radiant and you know the thing I'm worried about is also the price of this thing okay so Not only was I you know the risk involved in how this entity portrayed itself um I forgot to touch on that a bit more is how they've been mining for the past 4 months whether or not they've been selling or not I don't know and also I for to touch on the donation address okay the donations the 10% donation that has been going back into the I guess the radiant uh Dev fund or Community Fund which is locked and only has to be voted on in order to unlock it essentially but there every block or every bit here you can see about 2468 radiant uh which is 10% of the earnings of a single block of of a uh block reward I think is uh yeah 22,000 or 24,000 radiant so yeah just looking at this right and looking at the donations here there's a bit of controversy a little bit of uh reservations regarding uh this whole 10% fee here while they have been taking control of 99% of the network hash rate for radiant okay that that's a whole other thing uh to consider the morality I guess regarding all this and for people that are going to be getting into radiant and I guess alium now for mining it's you know this Dragon Ball Miner mind you for alium is only 1.2 terahash so I forgot to touch on that you know we already have like a one Terra has minor Al Box 2 plus from gold shell uh they have the uh potential there's the AL zeros I don't know if the al1 m is announced uh from gold shell but the AL Zer Al one pro from bit main right this is a big monster 16.6 terahash okay and I was just looking at the biggest minor on hero Miners And there's a massive 360 terahash minor here which uh I got the address and looking it up it's it looks like these are all bit main uh a1s and this guy has I think 22 bit Main a1s and he is mining daily about $3,600 a day which is quite insane or about almost 2,000 alium a day looks like he actually just started getting these machines in the past couple days so expecting the network hash rate for alium to rise but besides the point this I guess about radiant here please do diligence for anyone that is going to decide to buy one of these miners off of Dragon Ball's website apparently it's going to be released here spot sales to start just understand the risks involved okay if anyone's going to try you know who knows how much this thing is going to cost right that's a whole other argument here a whole another risk part of risking your your hard-earned money to buy one of these things and whether or not radiant is radiant's price uh even though it pumped a bit here 62% over the past day is it going to continue or not right and ever since the price started coming down April 24th ever since that entity came out right you can see here this is when the entity started going on April 24th the price of radiant has been on a continual down downward Trend here and now that there's the announcement of the radiant Asic it's now pump back up here okay over the past day anyways guys I want to know your guys's thoughts about this Dragon Ball a11 all right this is something that I definitely did not guess Dragon Ball would be the entity I really I had no idea I yeah I did guess in my video yesterday that'd be some unknown Chinese entity but I had no idea it was going to be Dragon Ball but anyways I'm definitely personally not going to buy one but if I was offered one to do a video review on for videos for you guys then I'll take that on and uh we can take it apart or something so we'll see how it goes all right I'll see you on the next one let me know your thoughts have a good one peace out