The Perfect QUIET Bitcoin Miner For Home?!

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hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video Bitcoin almost 89 almost 990,000 as of recording this video awesome times but guys this is a new Bitcoin miner I received from Kanan this is their new Avalon a15 Pro okay I think formerly it was actually known as the a1566 but I believe they did some name changes and this is now called the a15 pro they also have an a15 XP also an a15 regular a15 and also an a15 se but today's video I have here their newest their most efficient Bitcoin miner they have just produced here so this does as advertised 215 trash plus or minus 5% there's a pretty big variance there and the power consumption is around 3770 Watts okay plus our- 10% so pretty big variance in I guess the Silicon Lottery with these things depending of course on your environment so I'm at around 77 fahrenheit in this area generally right now and I'm getting on average around 23 1.62 terahash right now and I am mining to cryptex right now which they have a new Bitcoin mining pool here thank you to them for sponsoring today's video but it looks like we are seeing hash rate to the pool so that's good and thank you to kenon for sending me the a15 pro here guys so I'm going to start off from the beginning we did do a live stream already of unboxing this so here is uh the box that it was sent in it's pretty small actually okay I thought it was going to be much bigger but this unit is actually pretty small so just to compare for you guys this is the canon box okay and then here is a bitmain box just to compare okay so the size is much smaller okay you guys can see right here and then the length is also shorter as well compared to a uh like a bit main S21 box but I had an issue okay in that live stream we were unable to turn on the a15 pro because had the wrong power cable that was supplied so this I believe is an l615 plug which I obviously don't have so what I had to do was convert the I believe this is the p uh 14 end cable that goes into the new okay this has a new revision uh plug similar to like the bit Mains but it's the I believe the maale connector so in that live stream all we did was simply cut it and normally I plug into uh C20 c19 plugs here so I cut the cable and then we used electrical tape but thank you all for in the live stream we are now using these Wago inline uh Leever nuts okay and so the temperature on this cable is much better we were getting like 60 to 65° C when we were using black electrical tape just temporarily and with these Wu nuts these are much cooler we're at like 37 uh de Celsius okay so much cooler and the cable is is not burning like was before we were at 60 all right so thank you guys thank you for that in the live stream I think it was Shea Mining and also fully electric thank you guys for this recommendation but Kanan is going to send me the official cable okay this is just temporary for now I'm not going to have this you know going like this forever but this is just a temporary solution so that I could get this miner going so if you've gotten this far in the video comment down below I'm going to give away 24-hour hash rate from this minor okay so just comment down below your thoughts currently of the crypto market and also your thoughts about this a15 Pro I'm going to go in the computer now we're going to talk about some specifics about this efficiency price all that stuff so get your comments down below and I'll choose the winner after 24 hours after this video is uploaded and I'll pin your comment then you'll just have to email me your uh mining pool of choice your worker name and all that stuff for this Canan Avalon a15 Pro all right guys good luck so let's go into the computer talk about how much this is making now okay sorry for the noise that's the minor in the background but hopefully you guys can hear me so I am on what to mind I just want to see first how much this thing is making a day of course this is correlating to where we are in the market right now Bitcoin is 88,000 almost 89,000 I think we hit 990,000 earlier in the day but right now this thing is earning about in terms of Fiat value $12.38 a day if you had 10cent kilowatt hour okay this thing is profiting about $33.33 mining Bitcoin okay so as we go down obviously 9 Cent kilowatt hour you see this makes $4.24 a day as we go down let's do 8 cents okay as maybe some people are going to have this hosted all right $5.15 a day profit so this is a profitable Bitcoin miner now okay also going to tie into the how efficient this thing is we will pair okay so right now this minor is efficient okay so we are getting about let's see advertis is 25 at 3,610 Watts but I'm actually getting okay at uh let's see I there's two there's actually four different or five different Power modes actually uh but I've only tested two so high performance which is basically the normal mode okay high performance is the stock one that that it's on okay so what I'm getting now is 23.63 ter I can verify with you guys here here's the web goey I'll show this in a sec more more in depth but talking about the efficiency which is the most important thing and then at the wall I'm getting 37 uh 82 Watts now so I think as my ambient temperature is climbing okay the electricity usage on this minor is going up so we're getting about 17.7 Jew per terahash or watt per hash okay so how does that stack up all right in the stock mode well it's pretty much kind of in line with an S21 okay on low power mode but that only gets 160 terahash at 2800 watts then let's see as we go up here maybe it's close to a what's minor m63 s but that's advertised maybe the uh what's Miner m6s the regular one here is uh 192 terahash 3500 Watts 18.2 Jewels per terahash so the Canan Avalon a15 Pro is is a little bit more marginally more efficient than the what's Miner micro BT okay just to show you guys where we are as I scroll down here if you're looking at like you know bitmain s9k Pros these can get maybe you know 21.3 Jewels per terahash okay but much lower much lower terahash and power consumption but the efficiency gets much better with these newer models but now as we scroll up just to compare got to be honest with you guys okay there is the new bitmain S21 Pro and uh the new bitmain S2 1 XP that is slated to come out the uh I think end of uh this year and beginning of next year the XP does 270 terahash at 36 3700 Watts so that's a 13.5 jewles per terahash so but the price of the of those miners are definitely a lot more and we'll talk about that in a sec but yeah the S21 Pro gets a little bit better efficiency there maybe three two or three points better but the biggest thing I can say to compare these miners is the Noise Okay the S21 Pro it's really loud okay like 85 to 90 DB but this Avalon a15 Pro they advertise it at uh 75 DB which was pretty much what I was getting but as I was walking back maybe 10 ft away it's like 65 DB so this thing is really not loud there are two fans on the front and none on the back so that's that's pretty good right and so you guys can see here power consumption they advertise and also the hash rate plus or minus 5% 10% so it's pretty big swing I'm assuming silicon Lottery also environment plays the part okay so now let's talk about the price of this thing all right so as of right now where we are on the market Kanan sells this model for $ 3193 okay $ 3, $3200 basically so if we're looking at the dollar per terahash okay so we we sort this list here if we're looking at the dollar per terahash it looks like uh the s9j pros obviously they're not efficient only if you have cheap electric but not efficient Now The Avalons okay this is where it comes in at $14 $15 per uh per terahash so that is pretty good if you were to compare that to the bit main models you know S21 Pro they're at $27 per terahash right now these things cost $5,300 or more all right S21 XP is about $62 $6,300 so that's $23 per terahash so the higher the terahash the more you have to spend per terahash so judging with comparing just the efficiency and also against the price I think the Canon Avalon is a pretty good a pretty good minor for what it is and also these are going to be shipping out uh the end of uh they said December 15th is the estimated shipping date of these things so now let me show you the web goey here it's actually pretty cool I'm mining to cryptex right now okay just to show you guys the website here cryptex has just added their Bitcoin mining pool also have merge mining fracto Bitcoin as well for that extra profitability so it yeah I really like the stats here of cryptex but here is my a15 Pro connected you guys can see and looking at the web GUI back here you can see go to configuration this is where you can see you can add the pools just like any other Asic Miner out there but the web guei does look pretty good in my opinion and there's also okay there's also a log all right it's really good to see you know the information here in case there's any errors uh there's the network tab here uh system uh password you can change your password upgrade this firmware upgrade and you can reboot as well uh but I don't need to reboot okay and looks like there's a few other uh buttons here to go to their main websites documents support and Shop but otherwise you can see the temperatures of this minor at the top right as well over here and it's pretty cool okay I don't have a like a industrial Bitcoin mining farm with you know thousands of these units so I can't say how it would fair in that type of setting but I have to say in a home setting this would actually be okay all right it's not as loud and but okay let's go back out though all right so one thing I'm you know just with this minor okay if you were to run this on high performance mode it is going to take you know 37 3800 Watts all right which is quite a bit but a really cool thing about this is that there's the power mode okay if you go back to configuration and we scroll down here to Hardware config you can see right now I'm on high performance if you go to power mode and uh we type in 04 it can go from 03 to 04 so 01 I believe is going to be a higher uh power level all right then as we go up like 04 it's going to be the lowest so I'm going to save that and we're going to see if this is going to go in real time and the fans I hear it ramping down now see this thing gets even quieter on Lower power mods so you can see the power consumption see I'm not talking as loud anymore right 30 32 33 Okay so a little bit less power and the noise see this thing is much quieter now so pretty good I forgot to Showcase like the minor itself to you guys but yeah there's a power button it's got the uh there's fan power okay which these are non standard fans so it's not like the bit main ones where they have the four pin here okay it's a different it's a different style plug they're much thinner fans as well so these are extremely thick fans so but 120 120 mil fans it's got a network nice bright LED uh indicator light right there which is pretty good and also the power cable here so just be mindful hopefully if you do order this that they'll send the right cable if not you might have to do some fun stuff but make sure in the notes if you do order one of these things that you explain to Canon like hey I want the you know the p14 or the cable that comes into the minor into like a c uh 20 cable uh 20 end okay that goes into like a c19 like a pdu like this unless some of you guys do have uh this this end okay which might be okay for some of you so you just have to specify that with Cannon now on the back okay the back of this thing there's no fans but lot of heat coming out definitely a lot of heat all right so lower power mode we're at about 3290 then here we're at 203 uh real time hash rate now I think I explained it wrong let me go down to 0.1 let me see if that makes it even lower which I think it will no it looks like it's ramping up it's definitely ramping up now 3500 WS okay no yeah so I was right yeah as we go lower in power level it's going to use more power uh but whereas we go higher we're going to get more efficient on this thing so that's pretty cool okay guys that's it for this video that's all I wanted to do get your comments down below I'll choose the winner after 24 hours or 24-hour hash rate of this minor I'll see you all in the next video thank you Kenan thank you cryptex I'll see you on the next video have a good one peace out

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