[Music] hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day at this video okay we're going to talk about the state of I guess GPU mining of mid December it is December 16th as of recording this video and we have been seeing some things I want to give you guys an update on okay prices of hardware for crypto mining well GPU mining well actually everything in general has been going up like octo miners I've been seeing the rise in gpus prices have also been going up I do want to compare that to previous times and yeah we're going to just go through how GPU mining looks now these days and how it was maybe just a couple weeks ago okay so how profitability has been for GPU Mining and of course how the market is doing so before we do all that thank you for today's video sponsor coin mining Central if you guys are looking for the top Asic miners they got them all in stock they got the infamous bitmain L9 okay which they have a January batch then they have a April batch which has dropped down in price and then they also have an inst stock but that's quite high in my opinion but for anything else on the website if you guys are interested use coupon code RPM Doge for 150 gbt off I think that's around $190 us off for any of the script miners okay link down below if you guys are interested Okay so oh the market as of recording I think we hit up 107 earlier today on December 16th so it's a little bit in the almost evening time my time so Bitcoin has dropped down to about 105 pretty much $106,000 as of recording and also just to look at Bitcoin on exchanges it's been just it's been going down which is a good thing because the Bitcoin price has been in turn going up so you can see over the past like 7 days here okay a lot of Bitcoin has been leaving the exchanges or even the past 30 days okay we've had a lot of Bitcoin leave a lot of the uh top exchanges here but if we scroll down yeah just looking at the Bitcoin balance right now on exchanges it continues to fall down all right over this past couple months here and the price of Bitcoin just continues to go up so whether or not that is an indication with the US potentially announcing its Bitcoin Reserve when President Trump gets inaugurated as well as I guess we hired recently the SEC Gary gendler has decided to resign a lot of positive things have been in bitcoin's favor or in cryptocurrency in general so we've just yeah everything has been on the up and up here but what about GPU mining well over the past 30 days okay we've still seen a lot of coins still continue to go up notably I think for a lot of GPU miners or even CPU miners there's been warthog this has been quite prominent I'd say recently not everyone's been getting into it I personally have not been getting into it but there are people who are building rigs now based on CPUs you need to have a good CPU and also a GPU uh to mine warthog also zealous has had some price appreciation over the past you know 60 days 30 days here and remains to be near the top of if not one of the top profitable GP am of coins comparing it to like kapow kapow takes a lot more power so the next I guess algorithm down a lot of people would mind would be zealous for their Nvidia gpus but another one that was also I guess still prominent I'd say is alo alo hasn't had much price action over the past 7 days or so if we can just see here uh Leo was up maybe you know a week or two ago back in the beginning of December but now it's been kind of going down here but I'm still positive on Alo I'm currently still mining AO on majority of my gpus and I'm still waiting for the eventual Asic to be announced by bitm so my play here and this is not Financial advice is to continue to GP my a Leo as much as I can I'm still holding a Leo up until whenever there's an Asic announced for it and in hopes that bitmain is going to pump the price is that going to happen I don't know that's a play that or a strategy that uh we are doing very similar to like you know GPU mining Caspa or GPU mining any other coins that have you know appreciated during the times when the nasic came out for it so very similar idea with Alo so hopefully uh that'll play out if not well I'll let you guys know when that when that happens so now I want to talk about Hardware okay so GP mining Hardware right now a lot of people were buying the octom miner uh the pcsp these server cases uh I have 10 myself The octom Miner x12s even with the 470s uh there's 12 of them here it now cost $3.99 so before maybe like two weeks ago or no not two weeks a month and a bit ago October 25th I did another video uh GP mining in October these were going for about $239 okay and so the price has gone up now okay octom Miner pcsp has taken them off I remember seeing them take it off their website and then I think just today December 16th or December 15th as a recording they decided to add this back on the website with a much higher price now okay so from 239 to 3.99 with the 470s okay the price has gone up now they have also the one without the gpus it's about $100 less and I do have a coupon code to pcsp if you guys are interested I I'm going to have to say maybe it's too late to buy these now but I do have a 5% off code RPM pcsp 5 for 5% off at pcsp so yeah the prices of these octom miners have gone up so I'm going to have to say your chance to buy them I mean it's not too late it's still generally cheaper than if you were to buy them brand new obviously but yeah it's uh you should have bought them like a couple months ago when they were like 2229 okay much cheaper actually before this I did see it at 1 point at 229 okay so the prices have been going up for sure but what about gpus okay gpus have definitely also been going up I've been seeing on eBay okay December 16th recently sold I just like to gauge eBay because it's easier to gauge how the market is uh with eBay as people are buying these but yeah December 16th there's a bunch of people buying 307s okay it's just it's just crazy so what this guy bought 370 Ventus for 300 bucks all right another guy here that December 11th of 299 but December 16th 279 December 16th 290 December 16th 300 December 16th 295 December 16th 298 you see what it's going look at this this guy bought 30 oh there 370 TI for 350 okay so yeah 50 bucks more than a 3070 but look at this over over 28300 bucks for a 3070 people are actually buying these for recently sold on eBay if I were to compare okay how it was maybe you know back in let's see I did this video two weeks ago okay December 3rd people were also buying 307s you know just a couple weeks ago but at a little bit less I'm going to say between like 250 to 280 okay depending on the model of course so I think the prices of 307s have definitely been creeping up okay people have been willing to buy these gpus for a little bit more uh so I mean that kind of makes sense so now I'm going to get into the profitability aspect of gpus okay so over let's see if you had 18 cents per kilow hour on a single 3070 you'd roughly generally be breaking even on a 3070 right now I did do this video okay December 3rd just two weeks ago how we're GP mining profits break even on a 3070 mining zealous back then was about 20 so because we've had a little bit of depressed price on zealous that's why the price and also I think difficulty has also gone up on zealous just a bit but it's kind of still been sustained to be honest at 18 cents per kilowatt like we've lost you know in terms of breaking even on a 3070 like 2 cents okay for mining zealous maybe at uh maybe at 17 cents would be more like it okay around there 17 cents breaking even so for me for example I'm not mining zealous I'm mining AO but on my 307s I would be making about 23 cents so I know that maybe 2 weeks ago it was over 30 cents 35 cents profitability roughly around that around that okay for a 3070 so the profitability wise it has been coming down uh AO also has been coming down I'd see over the past 2 weeks okay so so that kind of makes sense because I I'm going to have to say a lot of people have been maybe you know switching over or flocking over to these coins but there's still a lot of people who are mining like kapow or the algorithms that are a little bit more power hungry because it's winter time so kind of been spreading out the hash rate there's still a lot of these coins that a bit more profitable for these algorithms but you know I'm going to have to say AO zealous because it is a bit more efficient lower power coin but memory based so you know 307s do well on these uh on these coins so yeah I'm going to have to say generally profitability wise it's it's come down a little bit but it's been sustaining uh over the past two weeks but because of Leo and also zealous this price has not been uh you know has not been going continuing to go up okay even over the past month right zealous was at like what 12 11 bucks right the beginning of December that's when we recorded that video so it was nice and good but now that Zeal has come down a couple bucks that's why we're kind of seeing that profitability you know start to come down in in a sense like that so it's still in my opinion it's still early where we are right now especially with Bitcoin being you know $2 trillion we are still quite early in this and I I truly believe that next year 2025 could be the year that we could hit new alltime high for Bitcoin and thus that's going to in turn also raise up the rest of the market the rest of the altcoins and especially GPU minable coins and thus that means Hardware is probably going to go up profitability is going to go up and also the interest in GPU mining is probably going to go up I'm expecting it I know a lot of people aren't expecting you know Hardware to appreciate but time and time again and I know the whole argument that we don't have ethereum anymore this and that I think that's all out the window now anyone who got out of GPU mining especially based on their electrical cost they're they're probably not going to come back into GPU mining but sure there's going to be new new players that are coming into the space that are maybe going to be getting in depending you know who has all this Hardware who has low electrical cost it's really going to depend but I think you know these days a lot of people have been getting into Asic mining as well if they have cheap electric so we're going to see if it plays out right over the next year is GPU mining is it going to be able to sustain itself you know over the course of the next 2025 well that's why I make these videos to make these updates especially to go back on these videos to go back and see how the profitability was you know on a 3070 my Benchmark GPU now is going to be 370 used to be like an rx580 but obviously rx580 is you know not the Pinnacle GPU anymore especially that was for ethereum we need more uh versatility now so the 3070 is more versatile generally in a way but okay my friends that's it that's it for this video let me know your guys' thoughts uh this is just the current state I've just been seeing gpus uh GPU mining but yeah it's uh I've definitely been seeing Hardware to be going up in price 409s as well a lot of people buying those for AI but uh we'll see if this is going to continue on into next year so we'll see how that goes okay let me know your guys' thoughts have a good one peace out peace out
The State of GPU Mining Mid December 2024.