Here are top five salana meme coins to Buy now what's going on guys welcome Back to the 99b YouTube channel today We're taking a look at five Sal coins That have crazy upside potential if You've been living under a rock you Might have not noticed that salana Tokens look like they are taking over The crypto Universe we've seen a very Similar Trend last bull run with the Binance smart chain contracts and Binance smart chain tokens looks like This bull run salana is doing the exact Same things projects that are launching Salana are going absolutely ballistic Raising 150 upwards of a billion dollars Of Mark cap in a matter of weeks if not In days we seen this with book of meme Where it hit $1 billion Mark cap within 48 hours and listed on binance within Its first 48 Hours something's going on With salana let's go ahead and take a Look at this list before we start the Video I want to ask if you haven't Already smash the Subscribe button if You want to reach your 2024 crypto goals Let's take a look at what's going on Here so the first coin on the list is Bonk Bonk is the dog themed token that Is taken over the salana ecosystem and If you're not familiar guys when you go To coin market cap and you list by memes All the top meme tokens happen to be Dogs we're seeing uh Dogecoin obviously
Number one shainu dog W hat which is Also on Soul Pepe which is not dog but Flaky and then Bon Bonk being number six On this list and also funny enough it's Rank number 69 on court Mar cap and I Know a lot of you creeps out there That's your lucky number so with a 1.5 Billion market cap guys this still has a Lot of upside potential When comparing This to some of the top competitors in The space she be having a $16 billion Market cap dog withf hat having a $3.4 Billion market cap and Dogecoin having $25 billion market cap if salana is Going to be the next big thing this bull Run and remember we seen this with Shibu Where Shu was nothing last bll run it Came out of nowhere and now it's a top Two meme currency book a meme could have Crazy upside potential they're already On a ton of different exchanges guys Where you could buy and trade right now Including binance coin base so in all The centralized exchange listings guys It's just a matter of time when we reach Peak bull market guys we can see salana Pump to close to 1 cent Mark if not Hitting that 1 cent on the dot the Community is very bullish something you Obviously want to see in a meme coin When buying a mem coin Community is Literally everything and these Soul Coins are taken over the fact this list On every single Main Exchange it's very
Bullish on the month they're up they're Down 21% so great buying opportunity but Overall this puppy up 300% I think B Bon still has a lot of Potential they're also taking over Internet taking over Twitter so you Might want to add this to your list if Not buy a bag the next coin on the list Is book of meme now book of meme the Reason why I highlighted it even though The price is kind of high the market cap Is very high $800 million market cap I Still think has has a lot of potential Because I think they have some Insider With binance I think they're they either The team Works closely with binance or Works with binance some people even Predict or not predict but speculate That this is a binance token itself that Binance released a soul token again These are all rumors but again Regardless of the fact book of meme has Crazy upside potential it's down 7% on The day right now might be a great time To buy on the month we're still up a Whoin 1,500% guys and this one is Nowhere near its peak it ran up when it Just launched and had a pullback ever Since then we haven't seen a recovery Yet but Peak bullmark guys I think book Of meme has crazy potential just Comparing the mark cap to Bon $800 Million versus $ 1.4 billion again just With that alone we have a lot of more
Space to grow and guys these Salon Tokens are taken over the Internet Especially that binance potential Binance affiliation that means there Could be a solid team and solid things Coming for this project you may want to Grab a bag the next point on this list Is a pre-sale gam slot Anna currently Already raised over $8 million guys They're literally taking Twitter by Storm already garnering a following of More than 11,000 people with a very Active Community it hasn't even listed Yet and already has plans to get listed On some centralized exchange list things Which will be great for this project Again $8 million when un versing 800 Million and $1.4 billion obviously you Can see the potential is there our goal In this crypto bullmark guys is to get In as early as possible and make as much Money as possible and these pre-sale Coins could be that way join the sou on A journey from leafy lounges to crypto Riches the pre-sale is happening now Embrace a slot life let your soul soar With slana and then the pre-sale spots Are limited from 420 to 420 million with Saatana again anyone who gets in early Guys if this reaches a $100 million Market cap if this reaches up billion Dollar market cap we're obviously going To have a solid bag so you're not going To want to miss out on this pre-sale gem
Now the next point on the list is dog With hat again a dog toky that has again Tooken over the Internet by storm it's Already dancing with the Giants it's Literally dancing with the Giants when We again we go back to the meme tabs Guys dog with hat is the third largest Meme coin on coin Mark cap it flipped Pepe it's very close to Shibu and it's On the Salona ecosystem so if dog with Hat could flip shibba enu we are looking At a crazy bag at $3.50 guys this could Be an optimal time to enter on the week We are down 11% which is a great time to Buy on the month we're still up at Whopping 100% again people are so Bullish on Dog With Hat top 10 trending Projects dog with hat looks like is Number nine on this list it's just Garnering so much attention it's taken Over the Internet by storm $ 1.4 billion Market cap is not something to be Messing with rank 38 making this the top 40 cryptocurrency in in the entire Market which is absolutely insane again Everyone who got ear is obviously making A massive bag but I still think this Puppy has a lot more to grow especially We see that market cap catch up with With chibu it's going to be game over And then the last coin on this list is Slurf another Salon coin that's very Popular and it's different again instead Of going with the typical dog themed
Token they went you know Against the Grain not a dog slurf me out where the Memes are going wild again just very Simple website also slurf taking Internet by storm having over a 100,000 Followers again people are very bullish On this project people are are tuned in Looks like it's taken over the Internet With a lot of potential why is the sloth Coin garnering so much attention I don't Know with a $200 million market cap guys This has so much more room to grow again We're looking at every single coin on This list not counting the pre-sell one Has a upwards of $800 million Mark cap To $ 1.5 billion if this reaches again a Billion doll Mark cap as well we're Getting massively early and again you're Not going to want to miss on this Opportunity we can see a a whale buy Alert a whale has bought $200,000 worth The slurve the whales are seeing Something that we're not guys you want To get in early again a SLO theme coin Which again I believe sloo took some Inspiration there and they're taking Inspiration so again to shout out to Slatan already $8 million Mark cap if we Catch up to slurf which has a $200 Million Mark cap there's going to be a Solid bag to be made obviously guys this None none of this is financial advice Always your own research and due Diligence but let me know what you think
About the salana themed coins are you Buying in do you see the same potential That salana is going to take over this Bull market I'm super bullish and I know You guys are too let me know how you Feeling about this list in the comment Section below was there a coin I missed Was a coin we should have added maybe Myro should have also been on this list I want to know what you think comment Down below that pretty much WS for the Video like always not Financial advice And until next time it's your boy Umar [Music] Peace