<b>Tim Kravchinoski, he's the founder and</b> <b>CEO of Chirp Wireless.</b> <b>We're building a global wireless network</b> <b>for IoT where you can connect anything</b> <b>and everything brand agnostic.</b> <b>You're providing coverage for yourself to</b> <b>use, but also for people around you.</b> <b>Chirp device is set up, ready to go.</b> <b>All right, everybody. Today we have with</b> <b>us, Chirp founder and</b> <b>CEO, Tim Kravchinoski.</b> <b>Tim is a long-term friend of mine and</b> <b>he's also trying to build probably the</b> <b>biggest deep-end project of 2024 and</b> <b>2025, being Chirp Wireless.</b> <b>So Tim, welcome to the show.</b> <b>Hey, thank you so much, Eli. Thank you.</b> <b>And thank you for walking me through</b> <b>putting, installing my actual Chirp box.</b> <b>I promise there will be one</b> <b>in New York City very soon.</b> <b>No worries.</b> <b>I know. I think we talked about it</b> <b>literally in winter. I was saying, "Oh,</b> <b>it's going to be on the map. New York</b> <b>City, you're going to be there."</b> <b>That's right.</b> <b>We're here in June.</b> <b>Let's make it happen.</b> <b>Yeah, I got it. This weekend, that's</b> <b>taking it out of storage. I got</b> <b>everything set up and ready.</b> <b>Awesome.</b> <b>But we'll jump it into every time I bring</b>
<b>up Chirp and they</b> <b>recognize your guys' project.</b> <b>They say, "Oh, yeah, that</b> <b>is helium, but it works."</b> <b>So that's a great reputation to have.</b> <b>We're going to bring the helium people on</b> <b>the show hopefully soon,</b> <b>for they can re-ball that.</b> <b>But yeah, explain Chirp to people maybe</b> <b>in that framework of what happened to</b> <b>helium, what problem you</b> <b>guys were trying to address,</b> <b>and why people see you guys as that. Why</b> <b>is that popular, that standing?</b> <b>Well, I think it's stereotypes,</b> <b>essentially. When people hear IoT, they</b> <b>assume that it's helium.</b> <b>Although we do have LoRa1 just like</b> <b>helium, we should not be compared because</b> <b>we're solving different problems.</b> <b>It's not like we're trying</b> <b>to compete against helium.</b> <b>We're setting up a network</b> <b>that is brand and radio-agnostic.</b> <b>Essentially, the problem right now in IoT</b> <b>space is there's multiple radio</b> <b>technologies for all of the IoT devices.</b> <b>There's a Wi-Fi device, there's a LoRa</b> <b>device, there's a cellular</b> <b>device, so on and so forth.</b> <b>And it's just very</b> <b>difficult to connect all of them.</b> <b>And all of those devices, they belong to</b> <b>a certain manufacturer and they're</b>
<b>essentially closed systems.</b> <b>So what we're doing at Chirp is we're</b> <b>building this network and we get confused</b> <b>with helium because we also have LoRa1</b> <b>and we have LoRa1 antennas.</b> <b>But essentially, on our network, you can</b> <b>install different types of antennas for</b> <b>different radio</b> <b>frequencies, not just LoRa1.</b> <b>So as far as LoRa1 is concerned, it's</b> <b>actually better when</b> <b>LoRa1 networks are open.</b> <b>For example, if we can partner with</b> <b>helium and if we can incorporate our</b> <b>LoRa1 networks together, that would be</b> <b>only better for the entire ecosystem.</b> <b>So we'll try to reach out to them and</b> <b>we'll see if it's possible because</b> <b>essentially, when you have two different</b> <b>antennas, so for example, if you have a</b> <b>Chirp antenna and then you have a helium</b> <b>antenna at the same place,</b> <b>there might be packet loss.</b> <b>But if those networks are open and they</b> <b>communicate with each other, then there's</b> <b>less of a chance of a packet loss and it</b> <b>just makes for a better user experience.</b> <b>So, but LoRa1 is essentially, it's only</b> <b>one protocol that is out there, but</b> <b>there's maybe like 15</b> <b>different protocols for IoT.</b> <b>So what we're doing at Chirp is we're</b> <b>building this network and we're also</b> <b>building the set of tools, the entire</b>
<b>ecosystem for different projects that</b> <b>want to build anything asset related.</b> <b>So if you're building, I don't know, like</b> <b>autonomous vehicles, if you're building</b> <b>ride sharing, if you're building, you</b> <b>know, like scooter sharing, whatever,</b> <b>we're giving you the tools, not only the</b> <b>connectivity, but we're giving you all of</b> <b>the tools to make your go to market</b> <b>strategy a lot quicker</b> <b>and cheaper in the end.</b> <b>So that's amazing. You guys are trying to</b> <b>work with them. I think I remember the</b> <b>Microsoft CEO saying something of almost</b> <b>competition is somewhat dead.</b> <b>I know we're in like an interoperable</b> <b>world where you do kind of work and build</b> <b>with other companies and other protocols.</b> <b>I mean, that would be ideal, you know,</b> <b>like if we can all cooperate because at</b> <b>the end, this is the client that benefits</b> <b>from this and we're all here for clients.</b> <b>That's why we're doing</b> <b>this from the very beginning.</b> <b>Yeah, no, it's sort of some simple</b> <b>definitions, even though on our website,</b> <b>99Bitcoins, you can</b> <b>probably figure out what D-PIN is.</b> <b>But what is, you know, D-PIN and, you</b> <b>know, also maybe explain IoT, which is</b> <b>kind of interesting because AIs blown up,</b> <b>you know, with these small acronyms.</b> <b>But IoT is still something I think that's</b> <b>even niche for a lot</b>
<b>of mainstream people.</b> <b>So, you know, what is</b> <b>what are both those concepts?</b> <b>All right. So D-PIN is fairly simple.</b> <b>It's decentralized</b> <b>physical infrastructure.</b> <b>It's a physical asset that you might have</b> <b>that belongs not to one centralized</b> <b>entity, but rather to a community.</b> <b>In our case or in Helium's case in that</b> <b>regard, those are antennas.</b> <b>And we're building</b> <b>decentralized wireless networks.</b> <b>So essentially people buy the antennas.</b> <b>Those antennas belong to the community.</b> <b>They install them and they get rewarded</b> <b>with tokens. It could be anything.</b> <b>So essentially there's companies right</b> <b>now that are building decentralized ride</b> <b>sharing and it could be a vehicle that</b> <b>belongs to somebody that just shares it.</b> <b>And so it could be a scooter.</b> <b>So right now there's actually really cool</b> <b>projects that are building</b> <b>fractionalization of assets.</b> <b>And when you have something expensive as</b> <b>a vehicle, it could</b> <b>belong to multiple people.</b> <b>So you could fractionalize it and you</b> <b>have lower barrier to entry.</b> <b>So like essentially you can get in with,</b> <b>I don't know, like hundred dollars and</b> <b>you can participate in</b> <b>those D-PIN projects.</b>
<b>This is what D-PIN is. I think if people</b> <b>really want to understand IoT, they have</b> <b>to stop thinking of devices.</b> <b>Because the first thing that comes to</b> <b>mind when people think of IoT is, I don't</b> <b>know, like a smart refrigerator or like a</b> <b>smart dishwasher that</b> <b>connects to the internet.</b> <b>But those are the things</b> <b>that you will never ever use.</b> <b>I mean, like why do you need your</b> <b>dishwasher connected to the internet?</b> <b>You know, like it's the dumbest thing on</b> <b>earth. So maybe in the future, I don't</b> <b>know, like when robots, they load the</b> <b>machines for you and unload</b> <b>them, then it might be helpful.</b> <b>You know, like to connect them. But when</b> <b>you're doing everything manually, it's</b> <b>like, yeah, it's not</b> <b>over in use right now.</b> <b>So actually, if somebody wants to</b> <b>understand IoT, they need to think in</b> <b>terms of sensors and not the devices.</b> <b>And sensors are literally like</b> <b>everywhere. For example, you know, like</b> <b>if you take Lime Scooter, Lime Scooter</b> <b>alone is actually six IoT devices because</b> <b>it has six different sensors inside.</b> <b>Wow.</b> <b>So this is how big IoT is. So, you know,</b> <b>like when you think of IoT and you think</b> <b>of Lime Scooter, you think of only one</b> <b>entity, but it's actually it's actually</b>
<b>six pieces inside that Lime Scooter.</b> <b>So that's why IoT is so big. It's like</b> <b>literally all around us right now.</b> <b>But it's just people, it's more of a back</b> <b>end. It's not something that people</b> <b>should like really think about, you know,</b> <b>but it's literally it's the largest</b> <b>invention from the inception of the</b> <b>internet, literally.</b> <b>So that's how big IoT is. So.</b> <b>Wow. And that's crazy to think because</b> <b>then D-Pin is nestled in between that.</b> <b>And I think you're right when people</b> <b>think about it too, they think, oh, my</b> <b>refrigerator playing Spotify or, you</b> <b>know, whatever, my refrigerator working</b> <b>with my dishwasher and yada, yada, yada.</b> <b>So that's quite interesting to think of</b> <b>it as a back end invention. I want to</b> <b>play a clip real quick from your guys,</b> <b>from your guys' page and let's see and</b> <b>maybe react to it real quick.</b> <b>I think this is a good way for people at</b> <b>home to understand what Chirp is.</b> <b>Here's how it works. The Blackbird is a</b> <b>multi-protocol IoT gateway with antennas</b> <b>that provide short and long range</b> <b>coverage for IoT devices.</b> <b>You can become a network keeper by</b> <b>installing a Blackbird at your home or</b> <b>office. By providing long range network</b> <b>coverage for yourself and others around</b> <b>the globe, network keepers earn</b> <b>cryptocurrency rewards in</b>
<b>Chirp's native token, Chirp.</b> <b>Imagine, for instance, a farmer who</b> <b>regularly has to water crops. With the</b> <b>help of Chirp's network and community of</b> <b>network keepers providing coverage, he's</b> <b>able to manage remote</b> <b>moisture sensors and sprinklers.</b> <b>Without even leaving his home, he can</b> <b>check soil humidity levels and with a</b> <b>push of a button, activate a watering</b> <b>valve in the middle of the field with no</b> <b>internet or electricity.</b> <b>This prevents overwatering and removes</b> <b>all the guesswork of manual labor,</b> <b>streamlining operations</b> <b>while fueling economic output.</b> <b>Thanks to Chirp's state-of-the-art</b> <b>dashboard and mobile app.</b> <b>I'm curious about the connection of all</b> <b>these different IoT networks, the</b> <b>connection of all these devices and</b> <b>services. People might argue, "Why</b> <b>doesn't Google do this?" or</b> <b>"Why doesn't Apple do this?"</b> <b>Google and Apple are</b> <b>in a different business.</b> <b>Why doesn't Samsung or</b> <b>someone else like that?</b> <b>That's where decentralization comes in.</b> <b>Going back to the video, it was just one</b> <b>use case with a farmer, but you have</b> <b>millions of different use cases. It's</b> <b>very difficult to explain.</b> <b>We picked a use case that</b>
<b>would relate to anybody.</b> <b>We're referring to sensors and not the</b> <b>devices. It's a humidity sensor,</b> <b>temperature sensor, and a</b> <b>valve that controls the water.</b> <b>I saw you guys even had smoke detectors.</b> <b>It's literally all of the devices. We</b> <b>have car trackers. You can install a car</b> <b>tracker inside the vehicle, but that car</b> <b>tracker has multiple</b> <b>sensors inside as well.</b> <b>When we're talking about connectivity,</b> <b>connectivity is for a device, for</b> <b>example, for the car tracker. It</b> <b>transmits the information</b> <b>from all of the sensors.</b> <b>What we're doing at Chirp is we're giving</b> <b>the different tools for the companies to</b> <b>build and use those sensors inside that</b> <b>car tracker as well.</b> <b>We're not just a connectivity layer.</b> <b>We're a full blown IoT platform where you</b> <b>can visualize the data from those</b> <b>sensors, where you have rules engines</b> <b>based on the action of one sensor, you</b> <b>can trigger an action on another sensor</b> <b>from another manufacturer.</b> <b>To answer your question, why doesn't</b> <b>Apple or Google or any other company do</b> <b>this? The answer is simple. If you take a</b> <b>look at the</b> <b>telecommunications company, let's say Verizon.</b> <b>Verizon is a telecom giant in the US, but</b> <b>they focus only on voice connectivity.</b>
<b>What is required to run a centralized</b> <b>voice network? You have to have lots of</b> <b>crews on land. You have to erect the cell</b> <b>towers or you have to mount the antennas</b> <b>on rented place, but it requires a lot of</b> <b>people throughout the country to do this,</b> <b>and it's very, very time consuming, so</b> <b>they cannot broaden the</b> <b>spectrum of their offering.</b> <b>Essentially, here, what DeepEN brings or</b> <b>DY, decentralized wireless, is the entire</b> <b>network belongs to the community, and</b> <b>Chirp then just manages the back end and</b> <b>it builds all of the tools to connect</b> <b>everything together.</b> <b>So the physical radio infrastructure,</b> <b>it's not so expensive for us, it's not so</b> <b>time consuming. I mean, you know, like</b> <b>deploying a network of 33 countries, this</b> <b>is how big Chirp is</b> <b>already. It's no easy task.</b> <b>And I mean, like, if you take a look at</b> <b>multi-billion dollar corporations like</b> <b>Verizon Wireless, you know, they still</b> <b>don't have networks in multiple countries</b> <b>because it's not practical</b> <b>to do it in a centralized way.</b> <b>So DeepEN, and I mean, like, you have to</b> <b>give Helium credit for this. I mean, they</b> <b>invented this and it was absolutely</b> <b>amazing. And this model absolutely works.</b> <b>But we're building on top of this. We're</b> <b>fixing some of the issues that Helium had</b> <b>with the LoRaOne network, but we're</b>
<b>giving, you know, like all of those tools</b> <b>for all of the projects to benefit from.</b> <b>So because IoT is huge.</b> <b>Yeah, and that's a good point. I think a</b> <b>lot of people usually forget how big that</b> <b>Helium sensation was because it happened</b> <b>so quickly and burnt out so fast, but it</b> <b>goes to show the interest and you know,</b> <b>it wasn't just the</b> <b>financial economic interest.</b> <b>I mean, it was, oh, wow, I can be a part</b> <b>of this network. And it was a huge</b> <b>fascination for a while.</b> <b>I mean, it's still a network. I mean,</b> <b>like, yeah, yeah, the phone. It's still</b> <b>it's still the largest LoRaOne network</b> <b>out there. So it's great. But you know,</b> <b>LoRaOne is just one of many connectivity</b> <b>protocols. And you connect multiple</b> <b>devices and they use different radio</b> <b>protocols. So all of the protocols are</b> <b>needed, essentially.</b> <b>So from from, you know, a challenge or a</b> <b>standpoint of challenges you guys have</b> <b>run into, I know you guys are based out</b> <b>of Germany, right? Is someone like the</b> <b>leader there now that believes Olaf</b> <b>Scholz, right? Correct.</b> <b>Or, you know, is he, you know, have you</b> <b>guys is he a pro crypto guy? Have you</b> <b>gotten a lot of support from, you know,</b> <b>the countries that you guys have entered</b> <b>or any support? And, you know, maybe we</b> <b>can even get into</b>
<b>America now you see that.</b> <b>So the actual entity, I'm physically</b> <b>located in Germany, but the entity is not</b> <b>registered in Germany. So got it. In</b> <b>Germany, everything is okay. You know,</b> <b>government supports projects.</b> <b>Especially they support projects that are</b> <b>building in Germany. So I think this is</b> <b>just, you know, like German culture in</b> <b>general. They will look at first at</b> <b>German companies before</b> <b>they look into export.</b> <b>And you really don't see that a lot. But</b> <b>you know, like if you go to a store in</b> <b>Germany, you'll pick up any item and</b> <b>majority of them, it's not made in China.</b> <b>It's made in Germany. So</b> <b>like you pick everything up.</b> <b>Great. Yeah, yeah. So and it's everybody,</b> <b>you know, so I actually had a meeting</b> <b>with a mayor of this local</b> <b>city couple of weeks ago.</b> <b>And, you know, like I was telling him</b> <b>about chirp, you know, like how it could</b> <b>be beneficial for the government, so on</b> <b>and so forth. The first question he asked</b> <b>is like, where are the antennas made?</b> <b>Oh my god. That's so funny.</b> <b>Yeah. So,</b> <b>yeah, so Germans in general, they think</b> <b>about their economy, they think about</b> <b>their country and they put it first. So</b> <b>but there's definitely support in here.</b> <b>So for all of the entities. So for</b>
<b>example, you know, like when Corona was</b> <b>around, businesses were getting a lot of</b> <b>benefits from the government.</b> <b>So, still a lot of people close, but I</b> <b>don't think it was like nearly as many</b> <b>businesses as US or other.</b> <b>What do you think that I remember</b> <b>correctly, you were a</b> <b>former Navy US Navy guy.</b> <b>What do you think about Donald Trump is</b> <b>this pro crypto stance real, or do you</b> <b>think you know what do you see if the</b> <b>elections plan out maybe you know from</b> <b>afar, looking, looking in.</b> <b>I think it's a nice try, you know, but</b> <b>like literally Trump is getting so much</b> <b>backlash from Democrats.</b> <b>Yeah, that touches. I wish you wouldn't</b> <b>have said anything about crypto you know</b> <b>like because right now it's going to be</b> <b>in there and of Democrats to like, you</b> <b>know, like go against it</b> <b>so it's like that he does.</b> <b>Yeah, it's true. So, yeah, yeah. So I'm</b> <b>not sure. I mean like it's a good</b> <b>narrative because you know like all of</b> <b>the people that are against crypto.</b> <b>They're just, they have those, how do you</b> <b>call them those horse blinds you know</b> <b>like, yeah, I would say like dogmatic in</b> <b>a sense where this just what we're doing</b> <b>this because we were told.</b> <b>Yeah, yeah, essentially you know like</b> <b>nobody digs in deeper and nobody's</b>
<b>looking at the benefits of crypto but</b> <b>it's essentially blockchain in general.</b> <b>I mean like we have nothing to do with</b> <b>currency you know like we're not trying</b> <b>to compete with the US dollar or anything</b> <b>like that we're using</b> <b>blockchain for different purposes.</b> <b>So, yes, when you're looking at crypto</b> <b>and you know like you're against crypto I</b> <b>think it's very narrow minded approach</b> <b>because you know like crypto has a lot</b> <b>and a lot of benefits.</b> <b>For example, we're utilizing the</b> <b>blockchain for device data. So this is</b> <b>something also something new that we're</b> <b>doing, because we can connect, maybe the</b> <b>largest amount of IoT devices to our</b> <b>network and from from</b> <b>different protocols.</b> <b>And if you save the data from those</b> <b>devices on the blockchain and becomes</b> <b>immutable. And this is where actually</b> <b>government, they could be interested in</b> <b>that you know because you have the</b> <b>immutable data that does not change, it</b> <b>could be very</b> <b>interesting for law enforcement.</b> <b>So for example, I don't know like you</b> <b>have a car tracker in your car you decide</b> <b>to share your data and</b> <b>put it on the blockchain.</b> <b>If you know somebody gets killed on the</b> <b>road and they're accusing you of killing</b> <b>that person, you can show the data and</b>
<b>you can show that data from the car</b> <b>tracker where you are.</b> <b>And they know how fast you were driving</b> <b>and they know for a fact that that data</b> <b>has not been changed. So, you know, like</b> <b>it should be trusted by law enforcement.</b> <b>So, there's there's a lot of benefits</b> <b>like I said you know and it's just it's</b> <b>very narrow minded approach when somebody</b> <b>takes a stand against crypto in general.</b> <b>And that's very biopic I would say and</b> <b>it's interesting that it will probably be</b> <b>a big narrative and I'm sure we'll even</b> <b>maybe see the debates, what happens and</b> <b>it's interesting also that Biden has</b> <b>taken crypto donations but</b> <b>doesn't really support crypto so</b> <b>but</b> <b>Yeah, except because as soon as Trump</b> <b>accepted donations he's like well we got</b> <b>to do it too because we got to make this</b> <b>money so well probably</b> <b>forgot that he took crypto</b> <b>Do you remember doing this? Why would you</b> <b>do this? It's a pretty simple question</b> <b>but that's what it is. But yeah, so begin</b> <b>to wrap up. Let's get into the token, you</b> <b>know the chirp token.</b> <b>What was the reason for you guys waiting,</b> <b>you know, this long to get it out and you</b> <b>know what are the plans for the token.</b> <b>So, like essentially you know like we're</b> <b>IT and IoT guys. We took a different</b> <b>approach to building this. Instead of,</b>
<b>you know, like just kind of like pitching</b> <b>the idea, getting the money in and then</b> <b>you know launching the token and then,</b> <b>you know, like building our product.</b> <b>We actually took a different approach and</b> <b>we took two and a half years to build out</b> <b>a project. We thought that you know like</b> <b>it would be appreciated by the people</b> <b>when they see something tangible.</b> <b>So, yeah, that's why it took us a while.</b> <b>We have been building for two and a half</b> <b>years. So essentially</b> <b>the product is very mature.</b> <b>The actual radio access network is</b> <b>functioning. People are participating in</b> <b>that the token is about to get launched.</b> <b>We're just, you know, like waiting for</b> <b>better marketing conditions but we're</b> <b>very very close to a token launch.</b> <b>So, awesome. Well, exciting</b> <b>time ahead, most definitely.</b> <b>Yeah, we're all waiting for that bull</b> <b>market. It's coming soon. We keep writing</b> <b>about it, but I think it's definitely on</b> <b>the on the horizon. And why did you guys,</b> <b>you know, choose I think you get this</b> <b>question all the time but I think feel so</b> <b>I why did you guys choose a you know</b> <b>sweet blockchain to to build on.</b> <b>I know a lot of people talk about peak</b> <b>nowadays or Solana or, you know,</b> <b>whatever. It's funny because I think you</b> <b>were the first person I worked with who</b> <b>was just like no we can't I'm not paying</b>
<b>you an e if it's gonna</b> <b>be way too expensive.</b> <b>It's gonna be way too slow. And I was</b> <b>like, Yeah, I get it. It makes sense.</b> <b>It's, it's justified.</b> <b>I mean, like, honestly, it's still it's,</b> <b>it's beyond my my comprehension, why</b> <b>would people pay, you know,</b> <b>like $23 for a transaction.</b> <b>Yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's insane. I</b> <b>mean, like when you go to a bank, a</b> <b>international wire transfer costs that</b> <b>much, you know, so it's like, yeah, I</b> <b>really don't understand that, you know,</b> <b>but it's, it's a good thing.</b> <b>It's okay, you know, people are using</b> <b>Ethereum. I've heard it described more as</b> <b>an educational almost kind of project at</b> <b>this point, where you know they're the</b> <b>first movers and they are still</b> <b>discovering a lot of things but the</b> <b>current iteration is suboptimal.</b> <b>Yeah, but I mean, like, you know, like</b> <b>usdc and usdt they trade on other chains,</b> <b>why pay $23 per transaction when you</b> <b>think when you can pay</b> <b>like a fraction of a cent.</b> <b>Yeah, other chains so like I still don't</b> <b>understand it, you know, like why people</b> <b>move money around on Ethereum.</b> <b>But it is what it is. So it's not my</b> <b>preferred choice. But when we were</b> <b>looking at different chains. It was</b> <b>actually two and a half years ago.</b>
<b>We, we looked at Solana, but you know</b> <b>we're building a business. At that time</b> <b>Solana was not stable I think they fixed</b> <b>a lot of the problems.</b> <b>Now, and it is stable.</b> <b>But at that time, you know, launching on</b> <b>Solana, I think it would be a very</b> <b>irresponsible approach. We're, first and</b> <b>foremost, we're building a business and</b> <b>two and a half years ago</b> <b>Solana was down so many times.</b> <b>Like, if you're building a business, you</b> <b>need something reliable because you know</b> <b>like you select the blockchain as your</b> <b>home, and you want it to be reliable so</b> <b>we'll look at other options.</b> <b>And you know, at that time, we and Aptos</b> <b>came around. They came from</b> <b>the same team in Facebook.</b> <b>But we kind of looked at Aptos. They're</b> <b>very similar with SWE, but we decided to</b> <b>go with SWE because you know like the</b> <b>team is, we think it's a lot stronger.</b> <b>So the guy who created the move language,</b> <b>he's the founder of SWE blockchain and</b> <b>not on Aptos. So he's like the brain</b> <b>behind this entire movement.</b> <b>And, you know, like we looked at it. It</b> <b>was very very promising.</b> <b>Low transaction costs.</b> <b>It's scalable horizontally.</b> <b>And most importantly, it has extra</b> <b>storage space. And this is important for</b> <b>us because you know, we have this option</b>
<b>to save device data on the blockchain.</b> <b>And it could be potentially a lot and a</b> <b>lot of data, a lot of messages from</b> <b>different IoT devices. So we needed</b> <b>something scalable, something with</b> <b>predictable costs, transaction costs, and</b> <b>extra storage on the blockchain.</b> <b>So it was just a</b> <b>natural choice to go with SWE.</b> <b>Yeah, and it worked out. SWE has been on</b> <b>the up and up for a very long time now.</b> <b>And I think you will now see it as a very</b> <b>viable blockchain to continue to be</b> <b>increased in support.</b> <b>Exactly. What I like about it actually,</b> <b>you know, like it didn't spike on that</b> <b>hype in the very beginning. So it had,</b> <b>you know, like that smooth rollout.</b> <b>By the way, SWE has 100%</b> <b>uptime. So 100% is, you know, it's.</b> <b>So, and right now, you know, like it's</b> <b>going slowly and slowly in the uptrend.</b> <b>So that's that's great to see. So like</b> <b>we're seeing this adoption, but it's not,</b> <b>you know, like those</b> <b>volatile movements on hype.</b> <b>It's just, you know, it's showing the</b> <b>real adoption and showing that people are</b> <b>using it. So, you know, like when we</b> <b>launch our project, you know, like in the</b> <b>next couple of months, it's also going to</b> <b>be a great benefit to the blockchain.</b> <b>But that being said, you know, like we</b> <b>decided for SWE to be our home, but we're</b>
<b>also integrating with Peak Network. So</b> <b>they have chosen us for IoT and, you</b> <b>know, like for different projects that</b> <b>are building on top of Peak to just speed</b> <b>up their go-to market.</b> <b>So this is what we're doing with Peak.</b> <b>We're very excited about this. So because</b> <b>they're going to have a lot of projects</b> <b>that are deep in</b> <b>related with real world past.</b> <b>And yeah, it's essentially every single</b> <b>real world asset that has at least one</b> <b>sensor or it needs connectivity. So it's</b> <b>right up our alley. So.</b> <b>That's awesome. Wrapping things up.</b> <b>What's next for you guys? You know, what</b> <b>do you got besides the token on the</b> <b>horizon? What are their, you know,</b> <b>announcements could you share?</b> <b>All right. So besides the token</b> <b>announcement, we're going to be launching</b> <b>fairly soon. We're just, you know, like</b> <b>waiting for, you know, like a little bit</b> <b>better market conditions, but it's like</b> <b>literally right around the corner now.</b> <b>Well, big, big announcements is we're</b> <b>holding a whole bunch of NFT campaigns</b> <b>right now where people would be able to</b> <b>participate, get, you know, some tokens</b> <b>already participate in the testnet.</b> <b>We're going to have some exciting devices</b> <b>also that could be connected to our</b> <b>blockchain that will earn you chirp</b> <b>tokens. So what else? Right</b>
<b>now we have several campaigns.</b> <b>I encourage everyone to go to our Twitter</b> <b>account because all of the information is</b> <b>there. But we just announced winners of</b> <b>our previous campaign where people could</b> <b>win chirp miners just for posting</b> <b>pictures of their installation site.</b> <b>So it was a giveaway right now. We're</b> <b>giving away miners for a friend campaign.</b> <b>So yeah, lots of opportunities for</b> <b>everybody to</b> <b>participate and earn some tokens.</b> <b>Exciting things ahead.</b> <b>Yeah, I'm looking forward to them.</b> <b>Hopefully, if you want to keep up to date</b> <b>with your guys stuff and you guys are on</b> <b>Medium, that's a cool place to check you</b> <b>guys out. What other</b> <b>places should people go to look?</b> <b>Telegram and Twitter. So on Twitter,</b> <b>we'll post everything. In Telegram,</b> <b>there's a very big and active community.</b> <b>You can see already, you know, like</b> <b>pictures of installation</b> <b>sites, so on and so forth.</b> <b>If you join Telegram in there as well,</b> <b>you will not miss any messages. So like</b> <b>if we have any airdrops, and we're like</b> <b>literally launching an airdrop</b> <b>campaign, I think, next week.</b> <b>So I encourage everyone to sign up for</b> <b>our Twitter and to our Telegram. So on</b> <b>Twitter, it's chirp. Oh,</b> <b>man, I should know that.</b>
<b>No problem. I'm in the same boat.</b> <b>Let me see what it is.</b> <b>Yeah, chirp.dy. I was right. So,</b> <b>chirp.dy. And on</b> <b>Telegram, it's chirp.iot.</b> <b>All right. Perfect. All right, Tim, thank</b> <b>you so much for joining. And I promise</b> <b>you'll be seeing that New York City pop</b> <b>up soon. And you take</b> <b>that one off the list.</b> <b>But all right, man. Thanks again. Okay.</b> <b>Yeah, thank you for having me.</b> <b>Thanks for watching. You're a 99Bitcoins.</b> <b>We're the number one hub for crypto</b> <b>education on the Internet. So if you like</b> <b>that video, check out</b> <b>some other ones over here.</b> <b>And no more Mucorns. We promise.</b>