This Ethereum Meme Coin Could Explode Following Ether ETF Success!

The cryptocurrency market is on a Beautiful rebound today and you guys can Read through all of the headlines here And see just how well crypto is doing But I want to focus on ethereum for a Second we've got ethereum ETFs that are Out there trading right now and I am Telling you the opportunity to buy Ethereum tokens is now we're going to be Talking about one of the top ethereum Tokens that is just coming out it is Brand new and it is potentially going to Show you some of the largest gains in The cryptocurrency space but first we Got to go through these headlines and if It sounds like something you're Interested in let's get started what's Up everybody I'm clay bro and as you can See we've got a news for cryptocurrency On the screen right now and uh it is Good news good news good news good news Good news good news good it my goodness It is good news you scroll through here And you can see all of this are you Ready Elon Musk fing wild rumors that Donald Trump could create a US strategic Bitcoin Reserve oh my gosh dude game Over game over cryptocurrency wins if That happens right there so you've got a Lot of political talk about Cryptocurrency Bitcoin strategic Reserves and so on right now let's focus On ethereum for just a second ethereum ETFs approved by the secc bringing

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Popular funds to the second largest Cryptocurrency spot ethereum ETFs post $ 107 million net inflows on the very First day of trading Now you've got ethereum ETFs coming out Mount gox moving some of their Bitcoin There and you was spot e or sorry Ethereum ETFs make Market debut and Another win for the cryptocurrency Market industry ethereum could do very Very similar to what Bitcoin has been Doing over the last 6 months rising in Value and seeing massive net inflows Based on new investors retail investors And institutional investors coming into The cryptocurrency space now let's think About this for a second okay what is Going to be happening here is that as All of these net inflows continue to Occur it means that the liquidity pools For ethereum are growing money is Flowing into ethereum $107 million in Essentially cash okay or worth I mean It's not all cash but in dollars flowed Into ethereum Yesterday over the last 24 Hours on the first day of trading there Ethereum's growing in price right and as Ethereum grows in price all of the Ethereum tokens that are Den denominated In ethereum will grow as well if you Guys don't necessarily understand how Liquidity pools work I'm going to use Weer dog AI as an example here because I Believe that this could be one of the

Most beneficial ethereum tokens that we Have seen in a very long time as Ethereum grows in price because Wier dog AI is an ethereum token and its Liquidity pool is denominated in Ethereum when you translate that to US Dollars the more ethereum is worth the More wiener dog AI is going to be worth And the more it's going to be worth on An exponential basis because of course Every single time a market cap is an Exponential factor of the liquidity pool The more money you put into that Liquidity pool the higher the value of The token is now let me try to break That down a little bit simpler when Ethereum rises in price weer doog AI Rises in price at a faster Pace if Ethereum goes up 10% weener doog AI all Other factors held steady should rise 10 Plus per. it might Rise by 20 30 40 50 I Don't know exactly what the multiple is Going to be but it will rise at a faster Pace than ethereum and if we're gearing Up for six months of ethereum increase Like we have just witnessed for Bitcoin All of these little ethereum tokens are Going to blow your mind now guys weener Dog AI launches in six days or that Pre-sale ends in 6 days I don't know Exactly what day it's going to launch it The pre-sale ends in 6 days and 18 hours If you guys click that link in the Description or the pin comment below

Click connect wallet I scan my QR code Here from wallet connect and launch up To the website and then simply determine How much you want to buy if you guys Want to grab five ethereum worth you're Going to be walking away with 23 million Plus Wier dog AI now I'm going to let You guys do the math on how much money You're going to have if it gets to a Cent five cents and so on because I Don't exactly know how much your money I Don't know exactly how much Wier dog AI You're going to go out there and buy but What I do know is that if we see a Situation where ethereum continues to Rise at the same or exceeding Pace that Bitcoin has risen over the last six Months over the last year you are going To see phenomenal gains in these little Tokens sure They are higher risk than going out There and buying ethereum itself when You're talking about a token that's Going to have roughly $ 77 800,000 put Into the liquidity pool small inflows Are going to create huge increases in Price and small inflows creating huge Inflows in price are going to cause this Token to Trend and if wiener dog AI Launches at a time when the fear degreed Index is showing greed and investors are Out there buying the riskier assets if Weener doog AI launches at a time when Ethereum is soaring in value because of

ETFs if werog AI launches at a time when The United States is literally talking About cryptocurrency strategic Reserves this could be one of the Greatest launches that the Cryptocurrency space has seen I've Bought into wiener doog AI that does not Mean that you buy bu into Wier dog AI You are smart you can make your own Decisions I see the value here I see the Risk to reward ratio and I understand That if I want to make a lot of money I Have to take a lot of risk that's what I've done with wiener doog AI I'm Anticipating something very very big and Very exciting I want to know if you guys Are buying I'm actually going to be Buying a little bit more uh in the next Few days here as this timer continues to Dck to tick down I'm going to be adding A little bit more Wier dog a i to my Portfolio I want to know what you guys Are doing let me know down in the Comments below and until the next time Hope to each and every one of you have An awesome day

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