This is the BEST $130 Bitcoin Miner! How to Solo Mine BTC Quietly

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hey guys rpim here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I'm going to be doing an in-depth review of this Canan Avalon Nano 3 this is the box that it came in it was like opening up an iPhone or an iPad Mini really nice box great presentation here but this is the unit itself and I have to say this is probably one of my new favorite atome Bitcoin miners for I guess mining Bitcoin like pool mining or solo mining which I would probably recommend doing rather than pool mining you're not going to make much pool mining with this thing it's like 30 or 40 cents a day but the Bitcoin having is coming so it's probably going to be a lot less than that but I am solo mining Bitcoin cash with this thing right now and I'll explain why later on in this video but I just want to give another opinion right now this is definitely a lot better than a lot of these other like solo mining Bitcoin miners that are advertised you know for solo Mining and yeah just because of the price okay these are like $250 to $300 for this bed a Mars Lander like what $300 $400 or something but this Avalon Nano 3 from Canan on their Indiegogo site or on their website which links to the Indiegogo this sells for about $130 us including their official power supply which unfortunately I was never given thank you to mop.

Though for sending me this Avalon Nano 32 review for you guys he also has them for pre-order I'll have it linked down below if you are interested but I got a lot I want to go through in this video including the uh Power Supplies regarding these since I don't have the IAL one I did order one off Amazon and I am unable to get the high power mode uh which is you know 4 Tash 140 WT right now I'm on medium mode and that's about using about 91 Watts according to this and hashing at about 3.2 terahash which I believe is a little bit more efficient than high mode but there is also a low mode as well and that's going to draw about 60 watts and it's going to Hash at about 2 to 2.2 uh terahash which is really cool I'll show you guys that later and just to further my opinion regarding this I ordered seven more of these from the Indiegogo okay so when those come I'll have the official uh power supply as well yeah I'm unable to mine at 4 Tash 140 wats even though I do have a USBC uh to USBC MacBook Pro 140 W charger here right now you guys can see it's running at about 104 Watts on my 106v power meter here so yeah it's it's pretty close to what they're you know saying here 90 Watts but it's it looks like I'm maybe drying about 100 14 watts more but that's because my voltage is quite low right now but yeah I really do like this this this front plate here comes off very easy to uh if you want to like dust it out or anything uh unfortunately the back part does not come off I did try attempting to take this off this is the USBC port on the back here to power it obviously and you know the great thing about this you know like I said in the begin great for home mining great as like a showpiece in your living room or kitchen right it runs on Wi-Fi there is no ethernet Jack on here uh to do hard wire okay but Wi-Fi is just fine and actually that's a good segue into showing you guys how to set this up it's actually very easy so there is an app that you have to download called Avalon remote and you can see here I'm actually already added it to my phone here but when you guys initially set it up when you first plug it in and it's turns on automatically it will broadcast its own SSID wireless connection so you got to use your phone to connect to the Wi-Fi of this called heater Nano and then you got to go back to the app and hit next and then you got to join your wireless connection whatever your Wi-Fi SSID and put in the password then the Avalon Nano will get an IP address on your network and then on your phone you got to go and join your Wi-Fi back and then open up the app and then you'll see the Nano 3 okay and this is where you can control the heater control which is low medium and high uh that's what they advertise this as as a heater it is a great heater I have to say it's you know pumping out a lot of heat here but going through the app you can control the lights so I can probably I can turn this off so no more LEDs and turn that back on because I do like it and you can do uh flash okay you can Flash you can do breathing which I like the most you can see there and it's red obviously and you can do loop I don't know what that means oh it's going to Loop the different colors look at that see RGB which is really sick so you go back to breathing and you can actually adjust the uh brightness as well um you can also adjust the uh pallet which is all the you know the different RGB colors which I did Red which I like the most so I really like that that's really cool so you can actually do as well at the very bottom the last thing here is mining management uh this is where you can set the uh mining pool address and such as well but there's actually of web goey on this so once you get the IP address which it'll show right here you can go to a you know your computer or laptop log into the IP address in a web browser and you can see more in-depth stats like what the temperature is and all that stuff I'll show you guys in the computer in a second but there's one thing I wanted to just take note here okay and I'm going to assume this is going to be a thing for some people depending on your ambient temperatures or how hot uh you know your room is going to be so if you're in your kitchen or in your living room room you know you're probably not going to have you know a high ambient temperature but right now just looking at the front of this thing okay it's it says it's about almost 69° C and another big concern I have is going to be the power brick this power brick is getting pretty toasty 82 right now even the temperature at the connector is showing about 60 68 69° C so pretty hot this thing hot to touch like I can't hold it here for more than 3 seconds it's it's pretty hot so something to be mindful of I don't know if the official power brick is going to have higher uh capacity like you know higher than 140 Watts I did try searching on Amazon or Google for something higher than 140 Watts I wasn't successful I did see a Dell 165 watt USBC adapter but that was almost $150 $160 which costs more than this whole thing combined including the power supply so I didn't want to go and buy that to test it up like I said I did order seven more of them myself once they come I will test it out again uh with the official power brick so I have some more Food For Thoughts let me show you guys the web goey and some other stuff I want to talk about okay so I'm remoted into the Avalon Nano 3 I got the IP address I placed it in the browser and now there's a login which is going to be root and root so the web goey here is based on the brains OS I believe brains and Canan work together in terms of the software for this which is really cool brains OS has been around for a long time they're quite well known in the space for their firmware for their Bitcoin miners anyways this is the web goey here I have it on medium mode 3.2 terahash and uh just it's been running for the past hour and 17 minutes here uh fan status say 3180 RPM uh minor temperatur shows 42° C which is really good to see really low there um but the heat sinks we did see was about what 65 70 uh cels which is not bad on the heat sink but looks like on the temperature itself inside looks to be fine I am currently solo mining with this thing okay so under configuration you can see here and showing you guys my stats on the mining pool I'm actually solo mining Bitcoin cash and some of you guys may may be asking red panda why are you solom mining Bitcoin cash and not Bitcoin and trust me I would love to solo mine Bitcoin but okay here's here's the big interesting part okay I want to see if I can get a Bitcoin block uh sorry Bitcoin cash block faster because if I were to mine you know solo mine Bitcoin right now and let's just do a theoretical thing here so I'm at 3.2 terahash right I'm going to hit calculate on soloch here this is to calculate what are my chances of hitting a Bitcoin block I let's say per block so I have a 200 million chance here uh per block for Bitcoin which is every 10 minutes uh to get a Bitcoin block all right or per hour you can see here be that per day per week per month or once per year I have a 3,861 chance uh per year now if I were to go to bitcoin cash okay type in calculate 3.2 you can see my chances are a lot higher uh well the number is lower as you guys can understand the lower number means a higher chance for me so you can see here chance per year one and 23 chance but per block for Bitcoin cash is going to be 1.1 million instead of 20 million chance per block and so a Bitcoin cash block is I think around $3,351 so if I hit one eventually at least once a year or maybe maybe once every two years I should in theory you know already get my money back okay so that's why I am doing solo mining Bitcoin cash you know I could do Bitcoin SV or Digi or you know potentially a lot of these other sha 256 algorithms here showing on mining pool stats it's probably a crapshoot but you know just something for fun and uh I guess the the thing about this is the novelty of having the ability to participate in the Bitcoin Network supporting the networks it doesn't have to be Bitcoin like I said it could be Bitcoin cash or any other one here but yeah this is the web guei here um there is an air uh air speed you can change low medium high which is nice right now it's in medium um there's the network here there's the log you can see the log of this thing which is really cool uh system there's password upgrade I'm assuming there might be a firmware update for this later on in the future reboot and reset the factory okay so yeah there you guys go there's really cool to see this but you can also control it with the app which I just I just showed you earlier now should you buy this well my opinion I told you in the beginning I do like this compared to all the other you know other uh solo mining Bitcoin models out there like the bid a and uh but just looking at this okay for the price compared to those I'd have to say it's really good I'm going to do a comparison here so the Avalon nano3 in high mode okay in terms of efficiency right is about 35 watt per hash okay this is the efficiency okay so against like a what's minor m30 s++ and low power mode it's at 32 so or another good example is a bitmain s19 uh efficiency so it's around these types of models here which are much older okay so if we scroll up right there's the 903 medium mode which I'm doing right now 3.2 ter 100 Watts because my power supply for some reason doesn't able to mine at 4 ter it just shuts down but the efficiency is there 31.25 watt per hash okay so a little bit better but there's the low mode as well which does 2.09 at 60 watts which is giving you about 28 watt per hash okay so that's hitting up like a micro BT M50 uh microbt m56 or s9j Pro Plus okay in terms of efficiency there but of course it doesn't beat the big dogs in terms of efficiency like the bitmain S21 which is hitting about you know S21 Pro especially the new one that just came out that's 15 uh Jewels per terahash uh but these are all big boy Asic models right which are require a lot more power all right don't run at 110 they require 240 volt or higher and are very loud okay so that's that's a big disparity against this Avalon nano3 which is a lot quieter okay anyways just wanted to compare like the bid axe all right this bid ax does 0.6 terahash and that's gives a wattage about 14 so the efficiency there is 23.3 Jewels per terahash or wat per hash which is really efficient but look at the hash rate that you're achieving on this thing and look at the price of a bidx Ultra okay so what is the dollar per terahash on this guy so if you did the math right 300 uh divided by the hash rate and that's going to give you about $500 per terahash because we're not even at terahash we're at 0.6 if we looked at Avalon Nano 3 in high mode right the dollar per terahash you can see here is $ 32.50 $32.50 per terahash looking at the Bida Ultra that's a $500 per not even a terahash so there's the value there obviously this thing is 14 watts it doesn't take much at all it's quiet I mean this Avalon Nano is quiet as well but we're getting a lot more ter here versus a bidx Ultra so that's just something I want to give a food for thought for some people understanding you know the efficiency of this the price of this thing which is yeah if you buy this on uh Indiegogo uh which is $130 us okay I bought seven of these Avalon Nano 3 full sets sorry I bought four of these Avalon Nano full sets and then I bought three of these um uh the non uh full set with without the power Supply so I plan on running these on medium mode anyway again once I receive the full set I will try out the uh full power for terahash and uh let you guys know how that goes so I really do like this product this is pretty nice this is going to go well in my kitchen I'm going to have a couple in my living room maybe one in the bedroom to provide some heat yeah this is why not right this is great I I really think you know for the price this is really cool I put my money where my mouth is and I bought seven of my own which are coming hopefully I think by the end of this month so links down below for everyone if you guys are interested in buying one uh please check out mop.

They're a very trusted uh reseller of Asic Hardware thank you again Gus my friend for sending this to me I'll have links down below if you guys want to purchase one but stay tuned for more power testing of this Avalon Nano 3 as I do have an issue right now I'm not able to mine at 4 terahash 140 Watts so see if I switch if I switch it to low just by double clicking this right it says goes to low now it will it will go to low but this thing will not let me go to High mode it just goes back to uh medium and then low mode because yeah it's yeah the adapter uh yeah it had an issue it turned off and then once it rebooted it wouldn't let me go back to high mode anymore so once I get the official power supply then then I'll try it out okay my friends I think that's it that's all I wanted to do for this video you guys let me know what you think for anyone that watched all the way to the end of this video I want to give away a week's worth of solo mining on this thing all you got to do is comment down below with your opinion regarding the new Canan Avalon nano3 positive or negative comment down below and I will choose a winner 24 hours after this video is uploaded and I will pin the Winner's comment and then they'll have to email me their pool address and their uh wallet address and which coin uh Bitcoin or Bitcoin cash or whatever that they want to mine for this thing thank you guys for watching I'll see you all in the next video let me know your thoughts have a good one peace out oh yeah it's going down to low mode

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