I always find it very interesting how Much influence things like Google and Social media have over o over people's Mass Ideas surrounding a subject and you Guys notice on the screen right now I Have searched crypto news but heading Into election season here it's very Interesting the search results that Populate for crypto news you're going to Notice news about Scams crypto is what shows up now I Don't believe that this is an accident I Do believe that this is to perpetuate The idea that cryptocurrency is is a a Scam industry the cryptocurrency should Not be voted on one way or for one Particular candidate out there and I Believe that this is trying to Manipulate the idea or manipulate the Mind of the masses into once again Thinking that cryptocurrency is a bad Idea you guys see where I'm going with This right you understand it let's talk A little bit more about this in the Video and then we're going to be jumping Into a pre-sale a layer 2 blockchain That is already raised over 6.5 million Doll and could set the stage for the Next bull market if it sounds like Something you're interested in let's get Started what's up everybody I'm clay bro And as you can see we've got Pepe Unchained on the screen right now and if At any time during this video you find
Yourself interested in buying it is very Easy you're going to click that link in The description below or the pinned Comment you're going to click connect Wallet here I like to use wallet connect Scan this QR code that pops up on the Screen and then of course uh it just Determine how much you want to buy if You want to grab five ethereum worth You're going to be walking away with 1, 845,000 Pepe Unchained and as a matter Of fact I I did a video on it yesterday Somebody bought [Music] $200,000 worth of Pepe on chain guys the Whales are accumulating people don't buy $200,000 worth of anything if they don't Think that it's going to soar in value All that guy has to do is 5X increase on His Pepe unchain and he's going to be Walking away with $1 million but first Before we go through what Pepe Unchained Is and why I think it has so much Potential take a look at these headlines Right Wisconsin unveils public tracker To combat crypto investment scams crypto Scam tracker launched in Wisconsin amid Rising criminal activity China's crypto Ban fails to stop scams SEC backs down On these tokens as securities Ripple CEO Slams the sec's hypocrisy and halfhazard Crypto Regulation as they should also in the News you've got uh crypto proprietary
Trading firm breakout raising $4.5 Million and insurance policies can now Be paid for in Crypto I don't think that this is a Coincidence right I didn't I didn't Google uh crypto scams or or crypto news Scams but the first thing that pops up I Mean you guys are smart enough to Understand what's going on here uh You've got people that are running for For leadership here in the United States Some of them embracing crypto Wholeheartedly and fully saying that They're going to make the United States The hub for crypto and blockchain Technology throughout the entire world You've got others saying that crypto is For criminals now uh who do you think That the influence is trying to go Towards here and who do you think that The influence is trying to benefit those That are saying cryptocurrency should be Embraced and drive Innovation or those That are saying crypto is for criminals When people Google crypto and they see Nothing but association with criminals They're going to believe that crypto is For criminals just like uh well one of The people running for president is Trying to say once all of this nonsense Stops once retail begins to flow back Into the cryptocurrency space they're Going to be going for the tiny little Meme coins I do believe that Pepe
Unchained a brand new layer 2 blockchain Specifically built for meme coins could Soar beyond our imaginations now I don't Know if it's going to rise up just the Same as Pepe did I don't know if it's Going to turn you know tens of dollars Into millions of dollars I don't know Exactly where the price is going to be But what I do know is that right now Demand is there and if if this increase In demand continues into the bull market Pepe unchange could be one of the best Performing layer 2 blockchains out there Imagine if it did just a fraction as Well as Pepe did you could be seeing Crazy high gains so what is it right Come over to the about section and you Can see that it's the future of meme Coins a layer two blockchain build for Speed security low fees and of course Memes pepo token powers the entire Ecosystem not the governance not just One little aspect not not exclusivity Nothing like the Sheba enu coin Ecosystem scammers have done where they Come in and make you buy 50 60 different Tokens so that you can participate in Each little niche of their ecosystem no Pepo powers the entire ecosystem you're Early enough to witness a new golden age Of meme coins with Pepe in his rightful Place as king and pepe Unchained Layer Two his King om guys on top of it all You can earn
294% annualized staking rewards 294% You're roughly 4X in your money if you Were able to stake for an entire year at That rate now go through and you might Want to understand how they can afford To pay those staking Rewards well 30% of The entire Supply is set aside for those Staking rewards only 20% go into the Pre-sale 20% to marketing 10% to Liquidity 10% to project finance and 10 10% to onchain inventory and these guys Are not stopping there they are growing Very quickly out on X with 9,191 followers and they're growing Their telegram account as well where They already have 4332 followers guys Pepe Unchained is Building more than just a token they're Building more than just a layer two They're building a community right now And we know that that is the most Important aspect to see your token grow I'm excited about Pepe Unchained the Numbers are speaking for themselves Right now $658 million raised shows you that there Is clear and evident demand at a time When well retail is nowhere to be found When they decide to flow back in and They decide to buy Pepe Unchained this Price could soar so much higher I want To know what you guys think about it Down in the comments below and until the Next time hope to each and every one of
You have an awesome day