[Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning Bros what is up oh I can't hear myself oh my headphones can you guys hear me test test test test test pass pass oh boy nope hold on uh I got to change something uh better better better better yes God this go XLR this goxlr is terrible I need a replacement I need a I need a replacement super bad h no chump chump no go XLR terrible terrible welcome everyone to the live stream smash the like how is everybody how are you all hello Mr winfair Mr check mark sir hello BC how about hanging some streaming cameras around your lab uh BC that sounds like a good idea I actually have two other webcams I've been meaning to uh uh hang I've been I've been meaning I've been meaning to do that yes um Carl M rud puts thank you for the 32 months holy smoke man holy smoke also Mr Michael Kart right earlier thank you for becoming a member good sir Max voltage good morning Max voltage hello good sir so we're going to talk about we're going to talk about gpus today GPU mining is anyone still is anyone still GPU mining it feels like nobody's GP let me start a p are you GPU mining yes still um nope or let me add a couple more options uh I sold all my gpus I I I what nope I sold all my gpus what else um um GPU mining is dead all right let's see what you guys feel all right so Travelers travels only small A6 rud put says yes still mining VTC and Raven just amazing bacon eggs and hash just on weekends nice nice Michael cartr uh couldn't help it got used to seeing my name in green uh as6 as an DJ what's up man man DJ what is going on bro what is up Overkill mining I moved and I can't mine here oh no power too expensive or son of a rabbit rabid Panda I sold all of my gpus to red panda you didn't I didn't see any you didn't sell me any I I'll buy some techman still mining friends did you ever techman no I did not mine any friends so just a quick thing did you guys see that uh bitwise and arc Arc invest and uh vanck all all these all these huge uh investment firms sold Bitcoin this week but Black Rock apparently bought $200 million in Bitcoin isn't that crazy and I saw you can see on I think majority of the cells were on uh coinbase Pro so that or binance sorry binance and or and coinbase I guess look at how much Bitcoin has been wow they all bought Caspa I mean maybe I don't think so cuz kaspa's price didn't go up did it I don't don't think so no Caspa is still 16 actually been going down this this past seven days um pen Handler minor looking to buy more looking to for another minor dude X8 oh nice man nice um webcam pointed at feet equals passive GV you terrible uh Mission Michelle metamask wallet hacked so looks like future aird drops are screwed H dude m i don't I hate using metamask metamask is is such a terrible such a terrible wallet I hate using metamask I don't use any of those I don't use any extension wallet nothing like that I try to keep everything on tangum if at all possible anything that I can uh have on tangum is it it it I just I just feel better about it and uh anyone interested I do have my own red panda mining tangum card set go check it out I'll put it in the live chat there it is use code RPM or any other content creators code for 10% off so let's see the poll now it says yes I still am 50% of you 34% of you say nope 7% of you so all your gpus 9% of you say GP mining is dead all right I'll end the poll now I will end the poll now Northern Miner I ordered a second RPM tangum set just because last week oh thanks man nice um you think 307s will be decent in the bowl oh yeah oh yeah yeah 100% yep yep yep they will so I've been contemplating on not selling but I I need to take my I have 630 90s that are mining that I want to take out of Mining and uh put on to salad so I I I said I was going to do that a while ago um then I I have I have I have 3080s where's my 3080s these are these are 37s right these are 370s where's my 380s I think it's this one 3080s I've been thinking about selling my 3080s this is the first time I've I think it's the first time I've said sell the first time sorry just taking a sip of my coffee NFA Miner says entire Farm is off waiting for GP mining to make its re Resurrection fingers crossed nice man um what okay you guys all you guys all know right I I bought I got 10 of those octom Miner uh x12s right I'm I'm setting those up in the barn okay I'm G to be I'm going to be setting a whole bunch of those right um where's that video uh let's see I am looking to see if anyone has a butt ton of 6600 XTS where's that video here it is I'm insane all right here all right okay so I bought I got 10 of these I got 10 of these guys okay and so each of them have RX 478 GB cards in them but I want to replace I want to replace all of them with 6600s or 6600 XTS now I think so I got 10 of them I need uh there's 12 in each X12 so I need 12066 hundreds 100 120 thank you techman what is that what what's going on not not what that rap song might get on get it on the foot terrible terrible so I'm looking for a bulk purchase all right I got 10 of these pcsp server cases I going put them on the my metal shelf and I I need I need to fill I need to see 120 6600 uh XTS why is this what's happened to this rig why is this rig not mining Ergo what's going on what happened to Ergo why can't I mine Ergo on 6600 XTS anymore um uh serpent thanks for getting back to me by the way good luck in your continu see you L thanks bro thank you uh root puts uh right Iota Mr v.net question why 6600 if you're looking for memory why not see MP 100 cards uh biggest thing is the where I'm mining in the barn here I only have 2 30 amp uh 240 volt circuits so these rig if I do 120 I should re theoretically be okay to mine 120 of them on two two on 230m 240 volt circuit so like if I was mining like kapow on them let's just say like I don't know 80 Watts or something times 120 it' be about 9600 Watts so I able to fill 230 amp 240 volts easily right two two 240 volts is uh 7200 * 28 that' be 5760 * 2 that' be about 11,000 Watts I can use um on uh on those two 240 volt so that's what I'm thinking if I if if someone's if there's anyone uh hard bulk sale 6600 XTS uh or X 6600 whatever either one I I would love I I would I would love that if anyone if anybody wants to sell me a bunch of 6600s or 6600 XTS I want to fill all 10 of these x12s with them and then I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with the 4708 gab cards that are in them right now just put the as I was going to make a mother uh not like the the lus tech tips motherboard wall but I'm going to make like a GPU wall of of rx470 8 GB cards so funny super funny serpent just eBay it 150 to 190 nope no no no I do not I am not paying 150 to 190 each I need a massive of bulk sale like 120 of them for about 120 times let's say let's say 100 bucks let's see what happens that's 12 Grand G even then even still I want I want lower I want lower cost basis he wants to rob a blind per tysen coin get out of here but yes yes BC Alibaba maybe maybe maybe maybe chump Hawk may know a guy oh my God terrible terrible terrible terrible um Frogman red P of M PC selling those 470s on eBay for $15 each wor $15 shipping Ah that's amazing that's amazing that's amazing well okay wait wait wait wait wait okay so Iota you mentioned why didn't I get the CMP one 210 100 210s I would love those I would but H the power consumption is is like 100 and 100 depending on which algo you're mining but like I wouldn't be able to yeah I wouldn't be able to do any like kapow it would just I maybe I have to turn off a few rigs uh CMP 210 let's see CMP CMP 100 to10 let's see here so $150 each okay all right I may have an Alibaba seller that may sell them to me for like 130 I think I had or 135 uh 120 * $135 oh that's not 120 * 135 that's 16,200 plus probably plus another like $1,000 in shipping man uh should I buy 120 of these oh my God that would be amazing but then uh the power consumption I don't think I don't think I'll be able to power all 120 on two 30 amp circuits that's the problem that that is the problem I I will not be able to I will not be able to power 120 of these Z pirate RPM don't okay Z pirate you're the only one I listen to what do you want me to do what should I buy what should I buy 120 gpus of and they all need to be the same because I just want one flight sheet to rule them all you know similar that I did with my 307s uh yeah you know my 307s they're all in one flight sheet you know I need a singular singular singular flight sheet for all of them uh solar panel video coming to power this rig RPS Scott Jinx solar panel video dude I I would love to do solar I would love to do it but I need a an F ton I need an F ton of solar Haw crypto mining Hawk what are you doing crazy things Hawk don't don't even nope don't even don't even mention it don't even uh I I will send you some hash R Okay Christian Johansson get 460 TI 16 G no I'm not getting 40 I'm not spending that kind of money that's that's way too much that's way too much no no not 307s nope um the power color 6600s are small and should fit in the old x12s no problem I haven't tried my 6 yeah some 6600 XT models are a bit wider or 6600s even yeah some like some of the XFX ones are a little bit wider than the two two dim slot the Red Devils are for sure wider than the two slot I need to get like I need to get like the Eagles Eagles are terrible Sapphire pulses are too slotted uh $81 look this dude selling it for 81 oh it's a bid ah it's a bid okay Michael C right Run 10 x12s and save to for specking another circuit Michael carite I can't run any more circuits in the barn I only have I'm maxed out at two 230 amps that's that's as much as I can do yeah that's that's as much as I that's as much as I can do uh bulk bu nerd gears you know what let me check let me that's a good let me you know what I can message nerd gears I can message nerd gears see what they got in bulk I can I can do that uh oh 5500 XTS what 127 though I don't think I've ever have I ever played have I ever played with a 5500 XT damn that's expens feel like a little bit expensive 5700 XT yeah I mean these shouldn't be yeah that's expensive that 57 100 XTS A4000 $800 damn um uh get 1,000 USB BTC BC uh Panda Pro tip sort by quantity on eBay quantity on eBay and when searching for ball cards oh really I've never done that before bulk where is that show only show only what where uh you said by S Panda that guy is selling them on dreams too for a lot of them oh uh Pro tip sort by quantity okay where how do I uh quantity quantity quty show only let's see uh sort by uh I don't see I don't see quantity here um get the P 1061 100s no no no no no I want I want I want something a little bit more substantial okay let's check let's check let's take uh let's check dreams dreams Discord all right let's go here all right let me see I can't zoom in on dreams so sorry if it's too small um all right who's selling what here an minor L7 two of them $5,900 oh God that's expensive uh gold shell LT light $11,000 I have one of those um Jazz Miner okay zyink water block MSI 470 nope rt8 RTX 370s 220 each no is this a pirate a pirate is that you uh 34 370s for 225 per card no 12 490s 1,400 perard that's not bad that's not bad uh let's see here 74 EVGA P psus lots of p1041 cards oh Hawk crypto mining Hawk I have a client selling 12 uh 9050 l7s in great condition already host that t for 3750 each oh that's that's not bad that's actually that's a that's really that's actually a that's actually a really good deal 3750 h 3750 time 12 oh that's 45,000 you need 45 Grand 45 Grand to let's see 45 Grand to how much are l7s making currently L7 about after and then you're hosted at 9 cents right what's 9 cents per kilowatt hour L7 it's making about $111 $12 a day after9 Cent electric so you said 12 of them 12 times about $144 a day uh no yeah the ROI on that is like 9 years currently you got to think long term so got to believe that Litecoin merge M Dogecoin Bells has has has got to do well yeah yeah little bit little bit hard little bit rough little bit little bit expensive a little bit just a little bit um let's see here BC 168 gab cards eight of them no ice River k3m no uhley WTS selling entire Caspa mining a lot of people sell their Caspa miners on here uh I don't see any gpus 140 Zotac 370 blow lowers oh this is it $150 or $130 for all who oh I need this I oh my oh my God who is this I need this I need these right now 140 140 time $130 that's 8,2 for 370 blor $130 each whoa whoa whoa in Washington state that's close that's pretty close to all right who is this guy wow goodbye um let me message it's probably gone probably gone let me message m and I asked you you bastards better not message the same person I mess nope better not oh even then though if I do 307s if I do 37 if I want to like if I'm going to if I'm doing kapow on those when uh 130 Watts respectively times 120 yeah that'll be over 2 30 amp circuits I will not be able to power all 370s if I were to do 120 them 120 of them on a 30 amp on two 30 amp [Music] circuits message s you guys Rod said that was more than a month ago probably gone by now yeah probably yeah probably I'm asking him right now so I actually know him so don't don't you bastards try undervolt and underclock yeah yeah yeah I mean yeah that's possible well the 3070 Zotac blowers will fit perfect well should fit should fit perfect in in the uh in in those x12s but the fan F uh the fans the blower fans are probably going to be real real tight so alter component welcome to the stream good sir Patrick he's in your Discord too P yeah I I have a I have a private message with him already Patrick um Stephen go pick them up save on shipping yeah uh the board order will stop me and I'll have to pay an F ton on Customs Smokey Dan I already put a deposit down half's already shipping now tell you will sell you 140 Smokey Dan terrible terrible just terrible uh uh no he replied he he said all sold out currently rest are okay they're all sold out already they're all sold out already ah he he he they're they're already gone damn ah the dream the dream is over the $130 Zotac blowers dream is over damn that's a good deal that is one hell of a deal um well got to keep searching I got to keep searching um let's see here okay well what what anyone else I have any other suggestions any other GPU suggestions anyone else has anyone else uh uh anyone else have any other suggestions let me know I'm I'm all ears any other deal like has anyone seen 90 hxs for cheap the CMP 90 hxs n those those are all super expensive I bet let's go on Alibaba Alibaba is the where I usually find bulk deals of of of Cs Overkill mining buy my G Overkill mining no why no one does 3070 TI rigs ah 3070 TI are no no no I'm not doing those too much too much power and 90 HX 90 hxs are even too much power 6600 I just want I want 66 6600s or 6600 XTS will be like the perfect will be the perfect medium for me and I want these because of mainly for kapow ah so expensive 6600s are not cheap H Santa FBI 6700 XT 12 GB cards you know what yeah those would be nice uh yeah yeah 6700s would I don't I don't think there's anyone that's selling 6700 XT Buco I don't I've never seen anyone sell bulk 6700s [Music] uh CMP 220 HX what are these no no 178 checkes oh okay uh a pirate what about a lot of a2000s um a2000s I have 24 of those already and they are they're they're pretty de decent I think I don't remember uh a2000s why is my other A2000 rig off why is this rig off 33 days ago why why why um a2000s I mean how much are they how much are a2000s they must be an a like over $200 I bet Steven ceso couldn't you find 6600s on Alibaba yeah probably I just have to I have to search I have to search but it needs to be bulk though like cheap I need cheap cheap uh $130 needs to be make sure you have trade Assurance so you don't get scammed and verified supplier make sure sure you don't get scammed no man 6600s are like retail pricing oh I want this oh yeah I want this one oh look at this beautiful card look at this thing Sakura oh it's like the wayu Japanese oh my God it's got a freaking bow tie dude the yes oh yeah yes's old always they're always notorious for their like Wu gpus look at these things 6800 XTS dude dude look at the back plate look at the back plate on that thing dude this is this is a baller GP dude this is baller dude this is this is nice dang that's sick um all right uh continuing on trying to find the GPU deals 66 o our fast delivery 6600 XTS 128 bit gdr 6 are these 6600s these don't look like 6 maybe maybe they do $63 minimum order quantity 50 pieces I need 120 of them ooh this might be my best bet this this might be my best bet rx580s RX 58 aim radon R5 what are the what is R5 8 gab oh it's rx580s no that's a scam that's a okay that's a scam that's a scam right there why does it say 6600 XTS here 67 no that's not $66 okay no nope no no no uh wow we got 250 people there 76 likes smash the like Bros if you're just tuning in I'm trying to find 120 gpus for 10 of my octom Miner new the pcsp uh X12 server cases I'm I'm looking for bulk 12 gpus it's got to be thin two Den slot it can't be huge like 3080s you know aib you know massive bigger bigger slotted gpus like they need to be thin needs to be thin nice and thin retro mic that's retro mic help me uh silent chapter I have 70 PNY 3060 a g cards brand new still in bulk packaging 200 per card uh uh that's too much silent chapter that's that's too much bulk bulk packaging 200 bucks no man no no too much too much too much um uh what else what else the reason why I want 66 or AMD cards is mainly because of uh the Kapow algo stuff but yeah I want to I want to I want also I do want Nvidia gpus but I don't know something about 6600 XTS which are I love these cards I love I need more RTX stock Factory 360 TI 66 00 500 135 no no oh what's oh what's this this does not look like this this does not what what is this an RX 64004 GB card oh my God yes yes let's buy let's buy 120 of these look at this look at this thing what can you even mine on a 6,400 RX 6400 probably nothing 120 120 of those retro mik can you send me a link to that 6400 I've been looking for a turbo version Oh my God retro mic are you kidding me retro mic please don't don't do it but I'll send it to you on Discord where's your Discord where's retro mic uh that's how long I haven't talked to you where's your where's your name there it is H that's too good that is that is so good uh okay well that's enough GPU looking I I'm I'm already I so far I have not seen anything yet so okay well um what time is it so uh AMA time you guys ask me any questions those 210 6 are amazing little cards e yes they are um which GPU has the fastest Roi uh whatever cheapest most efficient GPU you can get and also depends on your electrical cost but I think the best generalized GPU for mining like across the board these days seems like the CMP 210s 100s 210s or the 307s or like 6600s 6600 XTS just depends what price you can get them at like if you get them super cheap they'll they'll they'll pay themselves off in the bull in the Bull Run easily easily and you know the reason like the reason why I'm looking for gpus now is because you know when things start potentially getting good again you know I don't want to be sitting on the sidelines looking for you know $500 you know 370s or $500 6600 XTS it's it'll come to that point where it's like you're going to be like searching and you know standing in line at Best Buy I don't want that best time now is if you can look for the deals look for the hardware it's it's now the time is now because it the cost basis is way lower and you know if you're like we just saw earlier someone selling on dreams you know 130 of the 140 of those 370 blowers for $130 each like that's that's amazing diver pers 321 why don't you use nice hash for gpus oh that's yeah you don't put gpus on nice hash anymore because uh you mine you spec mine coins that you believe that will price appreciate in the future that will do that will do higher multiplier than if you were to mine on nice hash into Bitcoin there's no point in mining in I mean if you just love Bitcoin and you just want Bitcoin only that's great but you're not going to make lifechanging money or generational wealth even by mining into Bitcoin like Bitcoin you're only going to see like what a two or 3x in multiplier in terms of its price appreciation but then when it comes to like spec coins anything that's higher than you know 300 market cap 200 market cap even um these coins have the ability to at least you know 10x 5x 100x or something like that so I I don't believe I don't believe in uh as a as a as a I'm I'm heavily Diversified I'm I'm a very heavy Diversified Miner so I know that in the past I'm not saying it's going to happen again but at any point you know when Bitcoin starts to have a nice runup again then a lot of uh proof of work GP minable coins uh could price appreciate as well so that's the that's the gamble that's the mentality that's the crypto mining strategy that we I mean all of us all of you in this live chat right now already understand I I don't need I I I already I sound like a broken record we've said this way back in like 2018 okay this is this is something that's been set in stone from people that have been mining way before that way before me you know I learned this type of stuff from like gunes Bolin from mop.
I learned this from bsby tripping when you know they they're the ogs of crypto mining since like 2012 2013 you know those guys I've learned all that from them and so I think mining into nice hash for gpus is not going to yield you the benefit that you want I think the opportunity is going to be through mining all and and anything of you know the top proof of work um GP mod coins that you believe in so you know that's it Michael cartright are the cards that come with the X12 worth worth it for anything other than e-w right uh Michael cite so yeah I think the 580s are the 5 50 or 40 400 series are RX 470s you know 580s whatever if if this is the only saving grace for those cards is if there's multiple kapal coins that go up in price if there are multiple kapal algorithm of coins that go up in price appreciate during the bull run I bet you at one point and it's going to be funny depends how long it's going to last if it's going to sustain I don't think it will but maybe a couple weeks but there's going to be a point where an RX 580 like a 478 GB card you know which can mine like 10 mega has on kapow at like what 50 Watts or something is going to be profiting like a couple bucks I I bet I bet you anything that if that if that comes one day there's going to be you know multiple kapow coins that pump the ARX 580 will actually be profitable again and wait for my video headline when that comes out it's going to be it'll be hilarious if that actually does ever come it it would be so funny if that ever happens again will 580s be $500 again no I don't think so I I hope they don't but they could be worth something maybe a 100 bucks maybe 150 at most but 500 I don't think so so yeah uh we'll see we'll see well it's all it's all predicated on bitcoin man it's it bitcoin's got to bitcoin's the big dog B Bitcoin is the big dog Bitcoin has to go up it has to it has to price appreciate it's got to it's got to be there for all the other altcoins before we go up I mean there's some coins that there are some coins that uh there are some outliers there are some coins that that do pump without without Bitcoin but generally I'm just speaking in general so but you all you all know you all know this already don't need to say it again you all know it already uh okay so what else what else Bros what else what else any what else you guys want to talk about any questions or concerns smash that like smash the like okay I'm going to River Rico have a good one backwards Miner red P of Min you think the 470 with ddr6 is made for miners backwards Miner oh man the 40 series cards are so gimped because of their memory bit bust and they are they're like a 4070 TI gets the same Mega has and power consumption efficiency as a 3070 on kapow so like a a 4070 TI which is like 800 bucks right it it can do 33 megahash at like 150 watts but then a 3070 does like 30 megahash at30 Watts it's the they're the pretty much the same efficiency but you're you're comparing it to a like a $150 $200 GPU versus a $800 GPU so memory depending coins the memory Harden alos for 40 series cards are gimped like they're just terrible kapow they're terrible eash terrible uh zealous or no uh yeah zealous no zealous good uh 27 kill out yeah Terri terrible terrible like these any any core dependent coin like Carlson uh Nella you know uh uh pin it's great on the 40 series card but all those alos are dominated by fpga and uh the entity whether it's an Asic or an fpga who knows the 40 series cards from the get-go and we've I've said this since the very beginning and that's why I haven't boughten any 40 series cards the 40 series cards are a terrible investment because the initial cost of those cards it just it doesn't make sense like you can get way more out of like the 30 series cards benefit like benefiting from uh like you're you're the dollar that you're spending on like the 30 series cards like a 3070 versus a 4070 TI or a uh or 4060 TI or whatever you're you're going to get more like you can buy three or two of the 307s versus like a 4070 TI and you get double triple the hash rate for the same efficiency you understand what I'm saying like I I I I I stayed away from 40 series just because if you looked at their bit bus if you go to Tech to up um Power like the 3070 has 256 bit bus like legendary memory bus width but you go now you go now to a uh uh you go now to a um 40 a 4070 TI this has 192bit bus like it's garbage garbage for the amount of money that you're spending you can get you get the same efficiency and triple or even four times more hash rate if you were to buy four of those 307s right you get you're getting the same efficiency on kapow or a lot of those memory hard alos you know it's like why and those core dependent coins which I just mentioned those core dependent coins are all dominated by The Entity by the by fpga whatever so the the value it's just it's not there I I I said it from the very beginning I said it from the very beginning the value is not there for the 40 series cards for GPU miners they're just they're just they cost way too much for what they are and the dollar per gigahash that you're spending on these cards is just way too much it it's way too much versus if you can buy 30 series cards so that's my whole take on it take that as you will I you you can you can look at the efficiencies and overclocks uh uh hash rates across the board and you will see like it's really not worth now the next thing I'm looking for is going to be the 50 Series okay I mean but whether or not those 50 Series cards are going to be good or not I mean in theory look look look at this 5090 has 448 bit B bus width gddr 7 so this is going to be a new type of memory massive bus width I hope like the for 50 507s or 5070 TI are going to have like at least 256 bit like maybe maybe but you know I'm saving for these you know I'm saving for the 50 Series this would be sick this would be so sick there 28 gab of memory like dude dude this is going to be insane going to be insane BC Rahul Dix it you are the I am I am not I am not the entity uh Trum change what's your guess for the 5,000 series think they are going to be Geared for us or AI uh both probably time change I think I think uh it'll be great for mining um will it be great dollar per Giga hash wise no probably not I bet you this 590 is going to be like people are going to resell these for like five grand I bet you anything when these start releasing and the bow run happens these will be like five grand sounds like something The Entity would say you bastards I am not the if you if I was the entity I would not be here right now you guys you guys think if if I was pumping out $40 to $50,000 a day on aium you really think I would be here right now $50,000 a lithium a day I would be selling that I would be selling that [ __ ] constantly I wouldn't even be I would be on my computer selling it on trade ogre or some exchange every single second every single payout I would be selling that instantly into cash and I would be out instantly out instantly if I was that ENT I would be doing I would I would be doing just that but I don't I I yeah God honest truth instantly uh Stephen so when the 5,000 series comes out I'm going to have to start botting again oh my God yeah probably Pro probably is there like a 50 70 RTX 55070 oh yeah oh no there it's projected to be 192 bit oh D it would be really funny if I got almost same efficiency as a 3070 on kapal that would be so funny that would be really funny 460 56 DTI how about 50 5080 256 bit e gross well it might be okay it might be okay might be okay black cat crypto black cat sir um when do you think the time frame is for 5,000 series launch I don't know I think I heard it's either end of this year or q1 of 2025 I have not uh I have not looked I have not looked into that I have not looked at it Assan B I feel like the next bare Market will be the biggest one um oh yeah next bar Market you best you all of you best I I recommend all of you best have a emergency fund like this this next Bull Run if you know if we are getting this next Bull Run coming up like uh make sure you you sell enough for the next like four or five years you know like make sure you got make sure you got a lot of make sure you got a lot of uh funds saved up if if I said little time mining if youf puts Panda this is the bare Market I said this before I think we are in this middle LW right now similar to what we had in 2019 this is kind of what I've been I've been feeling here so still a bit still still still a while until we we I'm still I'm still confident like in the next I'm going to say maximum two years from now I think two years is is is what I'm feeling is what I'm I don't think I don't know I don't know but so many things are happening over the next couple months who knows who knows who knows it seems like narratives these days pump the market so I think uh the American uh us elections are happening November this year [Music] so who's going to win you know whoever wins you you know is it going to pump or dump the market uh Rahul Dixit do you believe in zealous or you just mining it because it is low power uh both both H when are you doing the update for the mine coins on the 6600 XT rigs uh man that's a that's a good question I have not I have not kept up with that at all but looking at the bot coin of when I started this test it looks like alium is still killing it when I bought 14 theoretically bought I should have actually bought $1,400 of alium it would be it would be worth $19,000 by now um Chlor we bought $1,400 of Chlor that's up 1,400 bucks is we bought, 1400 bucks of flux looks like that's up theay also up ravencoin a little bit up Ergo and everything else that we bought in theory theoretical is all down neoa and DX took a dump so buying the coin at this point was a bad idea see buying the coin terrible idea for d and neoa even Nexa meow coin oo that's gross that's gross that's gross that's gross man neoa is way down neoa is way down [Music] [Music] now dang man uh iotap what percentage of your Holdings do you target for each of your spec coins uh ioty I I don't I just I I just I just keep them going until I until I don't I don't know it's all it's kind of all based on feeling actually I don't have any specific like percentage I just I got a [ __ ] ton of coins everywhere I got I got everything VMS core wallets all over the place turned off like all over like I'm not even not even kidding I got stuff that stems all the way back like 3 years ago haven't even haven't even touched okay Bros that's it um that's it for the live stream my friends thank you for the fun I will see you all uh in in uh a live stream tomorrow thank you everybody chump change buy more LOL I mean I yeah I I I mean if DX might might pump back out I don't know I maybe it might be a good time to buy some DX I don't know I don't know maybe maybe um all right peace out everybody thank you for watching you guys have a great day peace out Bros peace out thank you for coming in Smash the like on the way out I'll see you guys later peace peace peace peace peace yes bacon eggs and hash OCTA yes yes I'm all in all my eash miners are on OCTA space all of them everything peace DJ see you man 20 GP rig get out of here have a good day have a good day Bros peace peace peace peace peace peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]