TOP 3 PRESALES TO BUY BEFORE DOGE DAY!!! (50-100X Potential?!)

Three pre-sale projects that have 50x to 100x potential welcome back to the 99b YouTube channel I am your host Umar KH And today we're taking a look at three Pre-sale gems that have absolute Phenomenal potential to pop off this B Run guys before we start the video I Want to ask if you haven't already smash The Subscribe button down below if you Want to reach your 2024 crypto goals Let's jump right into this list guys Taking a look at the first coin on this List which is Dogecoin 20 you guys know Dogecoin and the popularity and the Cult-like following it has behind it Especially with its number one mascot Being Mr Elon Musk himself now Doge 20 Is is launching on Doge day which is 8 Days away they've already raised over 10 Million and if I'm not mistaken it's Closer to 13 or4 million and this coin Hasn't even launched yet we've seen this Time and time again with pre-sale coins Guys they end up raising 100 million to $150 million market caps within a very Short span which caus a price to Absolutely quadruple and we see absolute Massive gains for for those who get in Early so you may want to grab a bag not Only are you going to get in at a low Low pre-sale prices guys but it also has Staking utilizing smart contract Power By ethereum doge2 is more than a mean Coin it brings passive income potential

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To the community harnessing the power of Your doge2 by staking your tokens Awesome you can easily Buy on your Website no more inflation it's been Featured on ton of different articles They have a solid road map in place guys Which is very crucial for a project that You want to invest in long term or even Short term for that matter you want to Make sure the Project's legit you want To see what they have planned for and Then how the longevity is going to play Out for this project and also how you're Going to end up playing are you staying In for quick are you going to stay long In stake your tokens the road map is Something that kind of indicates what They're going to do and we see the Pre-sale marketing early staking the Pre-sale token claiming the Dex launch And Unis swap allocating liquidity and Long-term positive income rewards right Even something as simple as a DEX launch Guys as as soon as we get launch on Exchanges in general it usually causes The popularity in the project and just Caus the coins to usually see a second Pump you know obviously we see pre-sale Pump then we see a listing pump from From deck and then from centralized Exchange as well so it's good to see That the team is knows what they're Doing tokenomics is displayed on the Screen over here guys 25% to the

Pre-sale 25% to marketing so push it out To more people 25% for the project Treasury 15% for staking and 10% for Exchange liquidity solid road map right There they have a rewards calculator Which essentially calculate what your Dogecoin will be worth and we're seeing Already like a 2.1x gain just by buying The tokens not even counting for any Pumps amazing website amazing artwork You're going to want to grab a bag of This I'm going to link this in the Description below also on social media Taking over with 16,000 followers that's Awesome don't miss on the excitement of The Doge 20 telegram Community stay Informed with the news and again guys It's your last chance to buy hurry up And seize this opportunity as in 8 Days The doors are closed and you won't be Able to buy anymore all right let's jump On to the next qu on this list which is Another dog theme token we love these Doge tee tokens let's take a look at What this one is Doge verse the world's First chain traveling Doge what does That even mean guys this is the first Multi-chain Doge token Doge goes Multi-chain buy and claim Doge verse on Any of these following chains eth Binance polygon avac coming soon on Salana and coming soon on base as well So this doge is not just a single chain Coin but it's a multi-chain Multiverse

Style token this one looks like the Price hikes in 1 day and 17 hours so Make sure you buy before that next price Pump they've already raised over $2.1 Million guys and this coin only launched A couple of days ago which is absolutely Insane their first phase is already Almost over so you may want to load up a Bag again you can buy it on multiple Different chains they got an e usct your Card so you might want to grab in they Got their white paper their audit Everything on the website which I'll Link in the description below the story Of how it came together launching on six Cellar chains beautiful uh what Different places it's been featured on So you check out the Multibridle little face of the first Meme coin to Grace the six most active Blockchains outside of Bitcoin the dois Token will be launched on ethereum B&B Polygon salana Avalanche and base Utilizing Superior Bridge technology Doge ver will be seamlessly multi Chained in just a few clicks with Minuscule gas fees to worry about Cosmos Is making Doge culture M M M Doge Culture multi-chain they got a solid Road map in place two guys with five Different phases and uh phase five being Their first centralized exchange listing Which again like I said in the last coin These the central exchange listing

Obviously cause a nice pump in the price So great for the longterm of the project And then a quick tokenomics breakdown Which you can see on the screen over Here it's a pre staking project funds Liquidity marketing ecosystem fund and Exchanges it's good to see that looks Like this project also has staking as Well so you got that passive earning Ability as well which is so cool so what Is Doge vers staking staking is an Action where you send your tokens to Smart contract locking them for a set Period of time you'll earn more Dogecoin Over time with a dynamic rate Doge rate Stake is only available on ethereum Network for now and we see right now uh It's Dynamics it's Dynamic staking uh It's saying the estimated reward could Be about 500% but again this could Change depending on when when and what Time you buy in or what time you stake In it is dynamic so it's interesting to See that's pretty pretty solid again They're also in social media not that Big yet with only, 1500 followers but We'll check into this in a couple of Days but these project typically grow Pretty fast and an hour ago hits a Spectacular Milestone raising over $2 Million you're not going to want to miss Out on Doge ver guys especially getting It at like pretty much Phase One prices Go ahead and take a look I'm going to

Link it down in the description below Now the third coin on this list last but Definitely not least is slana a salana Pre-sale gem guys this bull run the Salana coins have been going absolutely Crazy so how can we have a top list Without mentioning salana over $10 Million raise it's your last chance to Buy before the launch One Soul equals 10,000 slot they've already raised over 10 plus million and this is your chance To earn some slana all right join slat's Journey from leafy lounges to crypto Riches the pre-sale is happening now Embrace your slot life let your soul SAR With sloana preal spots are limited from $420 to $420 million with slot again This could go crazy we seen with slurf Another popular salana slot token went Absolutely crazy built a solid Community Around it built a solid floor around it And I believe at the time of recording This video it's sitting close to $200 Million market cap which is absolutely Crazy if slon could even do half of that And reach a $100 million Mark cap we Could see a solid bag with just a small Investment so you might want to grab a Bag of slana in the link in the Description below on Twitter they got Almost 177,000 followers which is Awesome pretty active on Twitter as well Posting memes posting content everything You want to see in a meme coin community

And guys again obviously none of this is Financial advice your own research and Due diligence but all three of these Coins all have Sol solid potential Features we got Doge 20 which is great Staking and is about to launch in just a Couple of days then we have doers which Is so so early so pretty much in the Phase one of their raising only $2 Million raise so you can be a part of a Journey super early getting at the super Low pre-sale prices and then with salana A salana based cryptocurrency that also Already seen success with slur Replicating some of that success is very Very possible these are top three Pre-sale gems you absolutely don't want To miss out out on that pretty much WS The video like always guys not Financial Advice always your own research and due Diligence until next time it's your Bo Omar [Music] Peace

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