Here are three pre-sale gam that have 50x upwards 200x potential that you need To load up on before the end of May guys Welcome back to the 99b YouTube channel I'm your host Omar Khan today we're Talking about three pre-sell gems before See the video I want to let you know It's not Financial advice always your Own research and due diligence before Investing any money in the cryptos we Cover on this channel as I am not a Financial adviser but may has been a Slow month an interesting month for the Overall crypto Market what do I mean by That we saw starting off May Bitcoin Doing absolutely terrible we're really Anticipating Bitcoin to pump post Halfing but unfortunately it was the Other way around however Bitcoin is Slowly starting to recover I have a Bitcoin video I put out earlier today Talking about how Bitcoin is about to go Parabolic and we imagine when Bitcoin Goes crazy so will mem coins now imagine If mem coins are going to go crazy What's going to happen to the pre-sell Coins that aren't even live yet exactly We might see some Parabola gains let's Jump into this top three list overall Crypto Market looking good we are Creeping back into neutral we're dancing With greed and neutral I anticipate in The upcoming weeks we are going to get Back into greed and potentially even

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Enter extreme greed we see Bitcoin up Roughly 3% ethereum up 5% Bitcoin slowly Getting back into 70,000 range it's very Interesting to see the reason why I'm Highlighting Bitcoin so much guys is Bitcoin's patterns are going to form What we see next for the mcoin so Bitcoin does good we're are anticipating To see um to all the mean coins and Altcoins pump as well so we can see this Bitcoin inverse Head and Shoulders Patterns uh sets a Target price of $72,000 that could be absolutely insane And obviously we're going to go more More higher from there now this first Coin on our list today is Doge verse Doge verse the world's chain traveling Doge the world's first chain traveling Doge that's raised over $15 million this Is absolutely insane as this project has Been only raising money for the past Four to 5 weeks 15 million is showing a Lot of investor confidence not only are Investors confident on this but they're Growing a massive Community last I check Had 17,000 followers yesterday and now We're at 18,000 followers they're Growing rapidly fast doubling down on The aspect of a meme coin and also Giving us some solid utility what do I Mean by utility first of all they're Multi- chain so you can buy and claim Doge ver on six following chains right That's absolutely Splendid not only that

But they have staking mix in as well so You can earn 54% apy and it's dynamic Range staking meaning it can go higher It could go a bit lower but again where Are you earning 54% in the traditional Banking system absolutely nowhere so you Get get in super early and also stake Your tokens It's featured on ton of Different articles the multi Bridge Utility is that that edge that Cher on Top of the cake the different utility That is making this different from the Rest of the coins in the crowd they have Solid road map in place the later phases Are obviously getting their centralized Exchange listing more marketing and Community incentives now guys here's the Thing with pre-sale gems people buy in It launches it has a launch pump okay Then obviously a pullback then it gets Listed on coin Mark cap coin gecko caus It to pump again sometimes even cause it To go trending and if it Trends again Another pump then centralized exchange Listings and even these exchange Listings cause to pump even more so you Want to get in early on pre-sale gems Not necessarily just Doge RIS but but Just pre-sale gems in general so again Very solid solid tokenomics as well we See pre-sale allocation staking project Funds liquidity marketing ecosystem Funds and exchanges so absolutely solid Bag here so again obviously it's not

Financial advice do your own research Due diligence but dois is looking pretty Solid and it's top on my list in terms Of pre-sale gems now the next Co on this List is Wier AI part dog part sausage And part AI trading bot powered by the Sausage Army now this one has raised Over $2.1 million as well which Absolutely massive again a little bit Later than Doge verse uh but again back To those dog theme tokens right the dog Theme tokens are really taking over the Internet weer AI has about 9,000 Followers and we can see it's garnering Some good news bitcoin news News covered um this token which is Great so new crypto pre-sell to watch AI Um wiener AI mcoin hits 2 million Milestone so that's awesome to see that Obviously news is a big news Platform for a crypto with over 2.9 Million people following this including is also following this so we Can see if weer AI gets in front of the Eyes of can we see Listing off the bat that could be insane 2 million raise you're going to want to Load up again the incentive for load up Early guys is they increase the prices During the pre-o so we can see right now Uh the the raise 2.1 million and until The next price increase so once this bar Is full they're going to raise the price Meaning anyone who gets in early is

Entering at a lower price which is super Super awesome they have a whole story For this we see the total stake uh the Percentage stake the rewards and then The total rewards given up Out featuring A ton of different articles what is Wier AI uh despite a hilarious sausage Exterior wiener AI is a pinnacle of AI Trading technology with girthy Predictable features wiener wiener AI is Trader's best friend so we can see AI Enhanced trading seamless sausha swap Zero fees me protection that's awesome As well very clean website as well I Love when the the websites are clean it Just adds some more investor confidence So tokenomics are displayed here and the Wier AI master plan the road map is Stepped out into three PL a three-phase Plan which is great to see clean website All the information you need again Growing on socials as well which is Doing pretty phenomenal make sure you Check this one out I'm going to link it In the description below now the last Token on my list is a salana token Because we've been seeing Salon tokens Have extreme amount of success this one Is seana so buy salana Sana now the Pre-s live one seal equals 0.2 cents Okay we can see currently rais .5 Million and it's a very simple website You connect your wallet or you can buy With e it's that simple they have an

About tab talking about this the Sana Meet Sana the chubby seal who tanked who Who's taken a deep dive into the salana Sea will at his PC and growing by the Day Sana is absorbed in the djen market And has abandoned his gorgeous figure of His youth for a Trader diet of chips and And tined tuna his obsession with Finding the next big Salon of mem coin Has his flippers busy and in his living Room in a big fat mess they have a story How to buy again it's a meme coin they Want to engage with the community put a Little story there it's awesome to see Right we don't expect a lot of utility From these meme coins but again salana Uh coins have been going absolutely Crazy and then again we get these salana Theme tokens mascot tokens which I like To call and they go absolutely berserk Over 4,000 followers looks like they're Pretty active on X as well and again a Lot of upside potential for this project Now again no one token is superior than The other in my personal opinion I am Leaning a bit more to those R I really Like the the potential there because It's already growing massive it has a Ton of hyp behind it and again this Could be a top trade token imagine if You got into Sheba enus pre-sale imagine If you got to Floy enus pre-sale could This be the case with do verse let me Know your comments your concerns in the

Comment section below like always not Financial advice always your own Research and due diligence before Investing any money in the cryptos we Cover on this channel and let me know Did I miss a pre-sale Jam is there a Token that you're aping in that's on I'm Pre-sale right now let's chat in the Community let's get the whole Community Involved and guys we're starting a Discord very soon once it's live we're Going to link that in the description Below so if you want to join our Community in a bigger way that is coming Very soon that UPS the video like always Not Financial advice and until next time It's your boy Umar peace sh [Music]

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