Top 5 AI COINS to Buy Now (Easy 100X Potential AI Coins?!)

Here are top five AI cryptocurrencies to Buy this bow run welcome to the 99b YouTube channel I your host Umar Khan Today we're talking about five AI crypto Coins that can go absolutely ballistic Why are we talking about AI crypto coins When the meme coins are going crazy Because if you haven't been seeing What's going on the market right now ai Seems to be everywhere AI chat Bots AI Assistants AI softwares AI applications There's AI in the camera I'm using right Now to adjust the autofocus let's try to Uh AI has been everywhere and AI has Been a crazy buzzword and here's the Thing AI is going to take over in the Crypto space as well so let's cover five AI gems plus a bonus one so without any Further Ado let's take a look at what we Have to work with so first of all guys Top artificial intelligence AI tokens by Market capitalization is $55 billion so They already capitalizing $55 billion And here are some top movers Artificial intelligence or AI coins Refer to cryptocurrency That are specifically developed to fuel AI based projects applications and Services such as decentralized AI Marketplaces AI power trading algorithms Aid driven decentralization autonomous Organizations and many others these Tokens serve as either a means of Payment for transactions on the AI

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Platforms or as a way of conferring Governance rights to Holders obviously There's a lot of space for AI and crypto To work in in harmony together Essentially and today we're taking a Look at top five coins in this space That are absolutely taking over the AI Space right now like I said earlier in The video guys AI has been taking over The world it's it seems like a buzzword Buzzword almost AI everything and Obviously crypto is about to take over The world as well you take crypto you Take AI together we're going to see some Solid 100x gains all right let's take a Look at what's going on so first coin on This list is internet computers ICP this One's an interesting coin guys cuz when It just launched it had crazy all-time Highs of like $750 since then it's been seeing some Red days however this bull market we're Seeing some recovery up 42% on the month $8 billion market cap making this a top 18 coin on cryp coin market cap there's Obviously Some solid gains to be made in ICP let's take a look at what is ICP Internet computers protocol is a Computers on blockchain the internet Computers reinvents compute on Blockchain incorporating more than a Thousand years of R&D effort everything Is now on chain HTTP data compute AI Your web through social network your

Outer exchange full stack Decentralization has arrived on a solver Network that extends the internet so Internet of computers is a real world Utility project guys that's been Absolutely crushing the game and you may Want to add this to your watch list now On to the next coin that is near Protocol this one guys has been taken Over the space looks like X really loves This project and let's take a look at The price so $7 billion market cap Mak This a top 20 coin we can see in terms Of volume at 39 that's 343 m million do Worth of volume which is insane Currently trading for $724 on the month we are up a whopping 87% which is absolutely solid for an Altcoin and in this case an AI coin Right that being said I would position Myself to enter on a red day you might Not want to buy this at the top a lot of People make that mistake when they see a Coin trending they like to buy at the Top then it comes down they sell you Want to get into these projects early Talking about getting into project early Guys let's talk about five Escape for a Second your gateway to the next big Thing of the decade the world's first AR And VR ecosystem that connects the Smartest Minds together so this is like A AR VR cryptocurrency that's absolutely New we're talking about new we're

Talking about getting in early this is Your opportunity to get in early guys as This round is currently the stage three Of the pre-sale is ending in 3 days and 6 hours they've already raised almost $3 Million which is absolutely insane this Is the current price and Guys these AI Coins these VR coins these AR coins are Going to go absolutely insane the total Market supply for token is 5.21 billion And marketing cap at listing will be 15 Million we see beyond the boundaries of Virtual Infinity unlock the Limitless Potential of the virtual realm with f Escape where immersive experiences Refine boundaries and shape the future Of entertainment and education so looks Like they're going to have games and VR Experiences uh archery so looks like They're they're really going into the Metaverse uh craze of things which we Saw very popular last bull run as well And guys we're talking about early just A second ago and the reason why I had to Bring up this project is this you're Getting it early we have been seeing These pre-sale projects take off Absolutely crazy reaching upwards of 10 Million 50 million and $100 million this Coin specifically five skape is still Very early less than $3 million raise 3 Days away till the next round you might Want to grab a bag of this one I'm going To link five Escape in the description

Below now let's go back to our list We're talking about near what even is Near let's take a look on the ite Blockchain abstract near is a blockchain Abstract stack empowering Builders to Create apps and scale to billions of Users across the blockchain so building Apps being in the AI space they're Absolutely taking over the top 20 Cryptocurrency you're definitely going To want to add this to your list now the Next coin number three on the list is Injective currently trading at $38 this Is on the more expensive price per coin Side however they are not lagging they Got $3.5 billion in market cap over um $129 million in the past 24hour volume Which is insane Mak a top 89 traded Cryptocurrency like I say in the Beginning of the video guys AI is taking Over all these coins we covered so far Are top five across the globe on the Entire coin market cap not in the AI Space which is absolutely insane to Think about so keep that in mind uh this Coin is absolutely going ballistic on The week we're up only a 2% gain which Is nice on the month we're up not even Up on the month we're down so this Actually leaves them some space to make Some profits guys if you get into a coin That's up 80% % up 90% when are you Going to make your money these people Are going to sell at the top causing you

To lose your bag unless you're buying in Longterm fair but if you're trying to Make a swing trade a short-term trade You're not going to make money buying on A plus 80 month right yeah you could if It continues to pump but if it goes Other way it it's both sides right you Got to have these these these opinions And thoughts that's why we're talking About agscape where you know an early Project you want to get an early we're Talking about injective we're talking About getting an early you're getting a Discount you're buying it at negative Minus 8 so when the AI crypto start to Boom when you start to hear about them In the news you can make a solid bag off Of this one so something you might want To add to your watch list let's take a Look at the website and see what this C Coin has to offer the blockchain built For finance build and use the best web 3 Applications on injective the fastest Layer one blockchain shaping the future Of finance and now again you add AI in The mix you add Finance in the mix and We're seeing so many web through Applications with paying with Cryptocurrencies and Visa cards so this Is also a massive Market to get into Guys you're definitely going to want to Add injective to your list the next coin On the list is render this puppy is up 45% on the month on the week we're up at

3% which is not too shabby and on the Year up a whopping 800% render is Becoming a leader in the space it is a Top 30 cryptocurrency $4.2 billion Market cap over $300 million in past 24-hour volume people are aping into This coin and what is this project let's Take a look so render Network provides Near unlimited decentralized GPU Computing power for the generation of 3D Content creat a the Rend network is a is A first de decentralized GPU rendering Platform empowering artists to scale GPU Rendering work on demand to high Performance GPU nodes around the world Through blockchain marketing for idle GPU compute the network provides an Artist ability to scale Next Generation Rendering work at fractions of the cost At orders of magnitude increasing it Speed when compared to the centralized GPU Cloud so essentially it's Cloud GPU You mix out with AI you see where the World's shifting guys we are seeing some Real world utility for this now on to The last coin of the list the last coin Number five is the graph so ticker Symbol GRT this one is a $3.8 million Market cap a number 36 coin on coin Market cap we can see it is just been Pumping as well all these coins in the Top 50 right we're seeing a trend here Guys these AI coins are going to Absolutely explode the graph let's take

A look at what it has to offer build Unstoppable applications access the World's blockchain data build faster Spend less increased resilience web 3 Powered by subgraphs tens of thousands Of developers relying on the graph to Create best in-class user experiences Explore a rich ecosystem of community Created subgraphs or build your own with The graph so you can see guys some real World utility helping developers in the Web 3 space and right now there hasn't Been a better time for a company to help Our our creators to shift and shape the Way this bull market is going to go guys We've been seeing so many web Applications we've been seeing so much Use of a AI in the real world not just In the crypto World these five coins Have an insane amount of potential Especially our extra coin on list which Was five gape has a massive potential in The space AI VR AR all these buzzword Have a reason for the buzz as this is The future and this is what the future Is pushing towards that pretty much Wraps to the video guys like always not Financial advice always your own Research and do diligence before Investing in any of the cryptos we cover On this channel and until next time it's Your boy Omar Peace

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