Hello everyone welcome back to the 99 Bitcoins YouTube channel in this video We are uncovering five meme coins that Could potentially do 2 to 1,000x and of course a few other more OG Projects out there that are looking very Bullish and could reflect some gains Right here in the crypto market so right Now mem coins looking strong we can see They are not bad at all but I really Just want to quickly focus on shiv Inu Price flash because there's a big Buy Signal a 25% rally is looking likely Based on the fact that 2 trillion sheu Tokens have been accumulated and just Swallowed whole by a whale in the last 24 hours sheu Sheba on the verge of a Surge question mark so that's one thing For sure that we got to consider right Now because Sheba Doge kind of control The markets they are the barometer of The mcoin sector and over the last seven Days it's looking very very good nothing Short of impressive overall this is Going to be coin number one of the video But we can see right now Sheba is cons Consolidating within a symmetrical Triangle and effectively this is a Consolidation phase where we getting Convergence of resistance and support we Found the liquidity had the accumulation Zone down below at like 0.0000001 n and two and we are getting That positive momentum we're getting

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That bullish momentum at the moment here For meme coins in the markets and if we Do get that blast up I think we could Hit the next pychological barrier at 0.00003 for Sheba reflecting around a 20% gain here for the coin so so it is Looking strong Sheba Army is looking Strong at $15 billion Market Capital Still got a claw back quite away um in Terms of its previous MC alltime high at $35 billion over there but we did Recently hit a 20 plus billion in April So still a long way to go it's still a Possibility but not a guarantee sheu Bullish factors here uh we can see Basically she Wales are still active but It doesn't really help according to this Article which is all fully subjective But in this perspective here it says Investors can expect sheep to rally and Tag the 0.000000 315 resistance level so that's An area a point of interest that could Potentially happen over the you know the Short term here Market is looking Bullish very very fiery today lots of Green here not a single um red really Except AR token so we've had a strong Week a strong day and this could be a Very very good end to May and hopefully A strong beginning to June when it Finally happens which is just around the Corner memes are at $58.5 billion so Meme is a huge narrative right now that

Brings us to coin number two in this Video which is Doge verse which will be Launching very soon at low market cap Below $20 million a 10x will take that To 200 million a 100x will take this to $2 billion and we've called before big Coins out there in the crypto space like Smog token sponge tamado Doge sloana the List really goes on and Doge verse has Given me that Sim similar feeling here It says Doge vers the world's first Chain traveling Doge I've got a link Down below for you guys to buy this one By connecting your wallet if you want to Not Financial advice and it's Effectively a multi-chain meme coin Where you can buy across six different Exciting chains which will really help Support that sort of liquidity as well Through six different big major trading Pairs across hopefully decks and Centralized exchange so we'll be going Live very soon time is running out if You want to get some of it the link is Down below before all those tokens are Gone which will be very soon um because Sell fast when that retail Market comes Back first centralized exchange listings Will happen in the cosmic travel phase Which is Phase five in phase four you've Got the expansion phase which also hints At the first decentralized exchange Listing Doge ver have only 200 billion Tokens 30% being allocated to the

Pre-sale which is 30 billion right there Which will be swooped up very very Quickly indeed and again it's a coin With no inflation no sort of dilution 200 billion fix tokens right there and They really want to destroy the main Market they are hungry to take control Capture that market share really capture The attention of the mainstream media And they're getting tons of likes and Retweets over here as well so Doge ver Looking strong also have staking to coin Number three is going to be Pepe Pepe is Also absolutely flying right now Pepe is 0.000000 11115 what makes Pepe so strong is that Is on the brink of breaking through an All-time high in fact it could could do That by the end of today depending on Whether this can close in green or red But if we flip to that 4 hour you can See we're sitting in this beautiful Looking bull flag if we do get some Continuation here for Pepe we may even See a little tap into this region here At 0.0012 to hit that sort of Point sort of 2618 1618 FIB level sort of sit in Between that could actually happen there Everyone and if you want to be even more Sort of old school you can take the flag Pole length and then you can assume that On breakout you might even travel up to 136 level here for the Pepe coin itself

So obviously a big big pattern a very Strong symmetrical triangle SLB flag State of consolidation as the result of Bullish momentum here in the markets Pepe coin could be the next one to rise Again so will Pepe pump more big Question but I think Pepe is gearing up For another alltime high very soon it's Looking strong stronger than ever in Fact and uh yeah hopefully more to come There coin number four is going to be WEA the AI WEA AI is part sausage part Dog an artificial intelligence mam coin Of a very very vibrant and strong Community and culture so WEA AI have Raised $2.45 five million at $2.7 Million the price will go up again so Looks good I do hold actually quite a Lot of this token myself cuz I'm bullish On it you know I really think the Developers could do a good job of this One here strong tokenomics they've got 69 billion total token The ecosystem breaks down here any of You know it's kind of like a funny sort Of sausage dog you got to take it Seriously with its AI features such as AI enhanced trading uh a solid interface That's got an instant predictive and Noob friendly model to help sort of give Those signals you got seamless sausage Swap which sounds like a DEX uh zero Fees WEA AI does not charge any fees Good doggy and me protection as well so

Good tokenomics of 69 billion solid Looking road map and a good project Overall with 9 500 followers right there Um and they're also posting every single Day to get that engagement to get those Sort of Impressions and really hype up Their communities link down below for WEA AI if you want to check it out like I said links are down there not Financial advice coin number five is Going to be the last one Sana Sana right Here one seal equals 0.022 the current Race is 2.2 million if you got into Sfana recently you're up over 5x this is Another interesting one you can buy in Salana but also with ethereum and bp20 If you wish this is a dgen coin high Risk High reward that is the entire Website right there you can buy this Coin with hope for it to pump on launch And when it does end you can claim the Tokens on the website to get them Directly added to your wallet this is Sano with 5,000 followers you can see They're getting tons and tons of Impressions and retweets and likes here It's a funny kind of mcoin project which Is a you know really part of the salana Dgen ecosystem but it could actually do Quite well so the link is down below for Cel as well to break down this video we Had sheu at number one which is really Showing good bullish signs at the moment We then had Doge ver which will be

Launching very soon could be one of the Biggest sort of pre-sales coming up for The mem coin environment coin number Three is Pepe the Frog because Pepe is Really teasing that it might break Through alltime high very very soon with All this kind of height and greed coming Through especially with the markets Picking back up you can see we're at Extreme greed again coin number four Weer the AI a new coin which could Launch 10 to 100 extra money with it low Market cap um sort of statistics and Then C as well coin number five link Down below there it is five coins that Look good for this current week memes Are strong so hopefully everything meme Could do quite well but remember this Isn't financial advice please subscribe Like if you're new here and bye for now

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