Unboxing the UNPROFITABLE Iceriver KS2 Lite.

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[Music] he a [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] yo good morning everybody Welcome to the live stream we are going to be unboxing a miner that nobody cares about and I think currently this thing makes negative at my electric rate I think negative 10 cents a day right now I think let me see it's I I know that the Caspa network was congested yesterday so are the Prof I know there was some uh KRC 20 minting going on yesterday uh ks2 oh I'm breaking even at 8 cents right now hold on hold on ks2 right now ks2 Light Ice River ks2 Light 11 cents a day at 8 cents per kilow hour at 10 cents you're losing 13 so great that's that's awesome I love it I love it I love it anyways we're going to be unboxing it today and uh we're just going to go through and see what it looks like and see big thing for me I want to see if the Wi-Fi works uh Chris Hanley did your kiddos get sick too yes my kid is sick and I'm also sick everyone's sick God jeez everybody everybody serpent what's up man serpent thank you for the raid good sir good morning everybody hobbyist good morning Max voltage welcome uh Gonzo Miner Chris Henley s sometimes blue bear kryptos a pirate what's up man daddy chill uh Sher what's up man automatic beats Carl M uh let's see here serpent thank you for the raid Yeti what is up man oh okay so yes good uh serpent can you send me yeah perfect perfect per send me the uh DX poker turn tourament all right all right let's let's do this first before we unbox it let's let's do this there is a DX poker tournament I'm going to be participating a lot of the community content creators are also participating it is going to be happening on November 9th 2024 thank you serpent post the link in the chat Serpent and uh it's going to have start at uh 3:10 p.m.

Eastern uh 12:00 p.m. Pacific time that's my that's my time zone uh it is free to enter uh you have to make an account on uh what's the what's the uh uh what's the what's the software called um crap anyway it's down here where is the uh the howto uh you need to download Poker Stars yes pokerstars.net free to sign up free to register you don't need to put any money in and uh it's just play money you need to you need to get the uh 20K play money play chips okay so there are prizes if you win the whole tournament if you're first place you win 500 DX that's a lot second place 400 third place 300 and so on and uh there are bounties as well so if you take out any one of us all right you take out you take out me you get 10 DX take out rabid you take you get 10 DX you take out Hawk you get 10 dyx and so on so that's going to be fun you guys so get in get registered register uh in the pokker Stars uh tournament and uh when you sign up you have to go in the Home tab join the club make sure you enter the club ID 491 4141 for the tournament enter the invitation code Community all right so get in guys get in on the tournament I'm I I'm going to try and win I've never won but I'm going to try I'm going to try all right let's get in thank you serpent uh thank you yashnik for setting up the poker DX poker tournament seriously it's uh amazing so much fun so much fun Max voltage says for the record it is easy to knock red panda mining out wow wow just wow okay first thing I want to do guys on this ks2 I want to see um if this thing is actually uh uh the weight is as advertised it says 4.02 kg so I'm going to put it on my scale [Music] here oh cable is totally sitting toally sitting on the cable okay let's do it again zero all right this set say 5.88 kg or 12.95 lb so this one says 4.02 am I reading that right 4.02 kgam but we're actually at 5.9 they under report under report the weight anyways let's unbox it now let let me remove this I just wanted to see the weight of it okay of the whole box all right that's I don't have my knife so I'm going to use the LTT screwdriver I lost my knife I used to have my rainbow knife I don't know where it is I always I always lose my rainbow knife always Max voltage maybe they sent you a ks2 instead of a ks2 light uh pretty sure a ks2 a ks2 yeah a ks2 would be much heavier that's for sure H that would be funny but I know a lot of people have been uh a lot of people have been receiving their ks2 lights now and I I had a Twitter post somebody said their ks2 light already died so that's that is uh that's concerning oo oo their packaging is really good just like their uh K zeros oh this looks pretty this dude this thing is dude this thing's heavy this thing is pretty heavy this thing is oh this thing feels good ooh feels really good look at that ks2 light there you go ice River ks2 Light here the paint job on this thing is not like anything I've I've felt before okay so two 80 mil fans on the front nice very nice okay the back all right oh is this where eth ethernet power integrated power supply oh what's okay this red thing is supposed to be the Wii right take this out yeah the wifi now is there an antenna let me check the box is there an antenna for this thing let see let's see antenna uh uhoh no excuse me nothing no antenna no antenna so that tells me Wi-Fi is non-existent oh boy oh boy no antenna what that is that is uh interesting very very interesting now this thing definitely when I shake it it makes noises there's definitely metal clanking going around going on in this thing but uh man the paint job on this thing feels good says high temperature do not touch at the top bottom nothing here okay I want to I want to measure the weight one more time just without the Box [Music] kg oh yeah now it says 4.04 so the Box oh dude the Box adds on like another another Point like uh 1.8 kg just cuz of the Box oh my goodness there is uh we went from 133 lb to 8.95 lb wow so the box is like another three another 4 lb for the Box wow yeah actually that makes sense this box is pretty heavy so the unit itself is about 9 lb 9 9 lb or 4.08 Kil uh kilg kg all right okay let's turn it on let's turn this thing on [Music] see how this thing works okay um so 120 volt or 240 volt something tells me I should try one I'm going to do 120 volt because I'm actually going to use this as a comper so I need a need a a 12 Vol yeah here we go 12 does not come with a power cable the Box did not come with a power table all right okay all right let's uh let's plug this back in power cable in all right let's see if this works on 120 all right one I got 240 volt and 120 volt circuits circuit [Music] all right here we go I need ethernet first okay IP reports reset button SD card Wi-Fi but I don't it didn't come with the uh antenna all right let's turn it on 3 2 1 oh yeah oh I felt a good amount of air oh yeah okay okay you guys will be able to see the power consumption right there okay let me log in um let me go to the computer here excuse me me scan for the IP locally first all right uh how many people we got here today smash the like Bros welcome to the live stream happy Saturday everybody what is up Max bolon says are you sitting very close to an AP uh uh maybe 10 ft away Max 10 ft away yeah yeah uh Kaiser where is the smoke you bastards 132 people here 43 likes Smash It smash it bro smash the like um all right let's go I got an IP 10 uh 100 has a host name of Alli Tech the manufacturer says Ali Tech wow so that's doesn't say doesn't doesn't seem to be ice River okay uh let me put in the IP here 10 100 100 212 10 100 100 212 okay we're going to bring you guys in okay all right username is admin I'm assuming oh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 yeah okay all right we are in and the first thing I see oh my goodness there's a minor log there's a wait there's finally a minor log in this thing am I am I am I dreaming right now wow I oh that's cool that's pretty sweet that's the first time I'm seeing that uh RX zero has a minor log to oh I don't have an AR zero apparently mine apparently they ran out and they forgot to send it to me so that's fine doesn't matter to me they're not making anything anyway uh Caspa is dead sell all that it's now going to 4 cents soon okay well for some reason for for some reason I hope that I hope that happens um all right well that's pretty cool that's pretty cool log download current log okay sweet all right it's already mining uh it's mining to ice River uh okay first person to give me their Caspa address in the chat gets 24hour hash rate from this thing 24hour hash rate first person let's go uh pop out the chat first person to pop in there oh looks like Steve Smith already did let's go live chat uh Steve Smith St Steve is Steve if is Steve Steve Smith's uh first looks like he's first uh I don't see anybody else Steve Smith is Steve Smith yeah it looks like he's uh looks like he's first wow Steve Smith you knew exactly you knew exactly what was going to happen ah I love it okay Steve Smith there you go man um ks2 light all right what mining uh Steve Smith what mining pool do you want Steve Smith what mining pool sh he was ready yeah Steve Ah that's funny that is funny Steve Smith everyone else was hidden oh yeah I don't see any other I don't see any other uh um okay yeah Steve Smith what was uh what what mining pool do you want we're going to go to mining pool stats stats on stream Casa okay what uh uh where's Steve Smith K1 pool please Steve Smith K1 pool but I need your oh I need I need your uh your account I need your account address then K1 pool won't work I I need I need your I I need your other account address not your wall uh your wallet your uh K1 Pools by account base right Steve Smith you're making this difficult for me you're you're making this difficult Steve unless I can just m can I just can I just [Music] uh chump change says just go where you want and put it at minimum payout not that [Music] hard chem change why are you so why are you so logical why why why why why are you the way that you are what just why okay Caspa pool.or they have uh 10 minimum 10 Caspa payouts so that should be good uh okay all right Steve Smith it's mining it's going to mine the Caspa Dash pool I'm sorry all just trying to make it easy right now um okay go here here let's see if it switches oh there's there's already another worker here ah Steve Smith you have another you got another caspo worker on here I love it that's fine that's that's fine that's good CH change uh another if we need to go with the next person I can post the address of the person okay Falco who hurt you got to get is done I'm on the roof here still getting you sit still getting situated okay nice nice all right while the ks2 light already showing up here on Caspa Das pool so that is good that is good Steve Smith what did Steve Smith say K1 pool please okay Steve Smith you didn't say anything else okay all right okay all right uh let's see here all right okay uh now I'm very curious of the heat of this thing so what's the hash what's the uh what's the advertised hash rate on this thing I [Music] sa okay it is two terahash at 500 watts two terahash at 500 watts so how does this actually stack up how does this stack up against uh other stuff here ks2 light 0.25 efficiency it does not beat the ks5 Pro the ks5 pro is 0.15 inefficiency and uh these have been people have been buying these in Mass uh so the ks2 light is is is about like 1 Point what 0 70% less efficiency just in my head there so okay now is this thing going to get hot now someone said someone on sent me a picture that uh their ks2 light died already because apparently or it shut down because it got too hot so some people said to raise the fan speed on this thing uh okay let's go back out okay oh so we're at 510 Watts right now now 510 wats on 120 volt power or 108 volt my voltage is really bad here 110 volt uh yeah this thing puts out uh this puts out a good amount of heat for sure for sure oh I forgot to I forgot to look for if this thing has Wi-Fi and it does not there's no no WiFi capability on here a nothing no no wifi adjustability it can't can't change anything firmware upgrade minor log IP settings home there's no Wi-fi that's really sad that's that's really sad I can't I can't put this anywhere in my house now come on come on I server come on Ah that's that's sucks Steve Smith that Caspa address is tangum red panda version wallet address I bought uh Steve Smith nice man dude how do you like the RPM tangum Red panda.

Tangent.com by the way anyone wants to buy my tangum wallet1 160 69 wallets have have been wait there's 169 left oh my goodness 169 left don't delay buy today red panda. tm.com use code RPM for another 10% off best cold storage wallet ever so far until someone else comes out with a new one did anyone get the ring for some reason I don't I feel like the ring is a bit I don't want to carry uh I don't want to have the ring on my finger and like you know H yeah anyway Chuck danger do I really need to buy a fourth oh my God Chuck you have three of them already wow that's crazy all right I want to do uh heat gun tests all right let's see how hot this thing is okay all right um all right uh hottest point on the back here is going to be is going to be uh 70 maximum is 6 76 75° C 75° Celsius hottest you know what let's go further over here I'm scratching bottom okay uh 74 degre 75 degrees C hottest point all right down at the bottom I don't see anything there 73 ah the power supply there's a power supply part in there it's a 75° C very nice not bad 74° now if we go the other side can I see oh can I see anything in [Music] here uh no I cannot 40° 42 47 I don't see anything hot in the front here 47 yeah it's it's cool it's cool on the front uh let's check the side people said this thing were get was getting there's a sticker at the top that says careful this thing gets hot know this thing is I don't see I don't see 34 34° C 34 32 it's the it's just the back and inside heat sink area heat sink area is 73 73 all right okay really nothing nothing that crazy I know the gold shells run even hotter some of the gold shells go up to like 82° C but this one uh let's see inside inside temperature shows 68 C temp 2 temp one 60 temp one and temp two that doesn't seem that bad that seems that seems pretty good uh what's the fan speed okay so you guys are saying uh fan speed's at 41 right now uh ramp up the fan speed it showed it at only 15% yeah when it first started it said 15 but now it's at 41 uh John stabo why no Wi-fi uh it has a thread for the Wi-Fi antenna yeah so this is the message uh I got a message from Ice rer um let me talk to let me talk to let me see here ice server said uh yeah it has Wi-Fi function but not now the Wi-Fi function is still under development oh hold on let me take a screenshot of this you guys can let me get the screenshot here sniping tool uh here okay here you guys can read this can you guys see that too small can't zoom [Music] in anyway uh it says yeah it has Wi-Fi function but not now the Wi-Fi function is still under development I don't have the exact time when we could release the Wi-Fi version firmware in the future the Wi-Fi function could uh could upgrade by firmware could ah in in uh in ram ram Ramis Alice Yousef you are going to be banned if you do that again um so yeah that's what ice Boer said said to me all right so no Wi-fi which is kind of sad so basically they'll release a firmware update that will unlock the Wi-Fi feature yes apparently now that is a first that's actually the first time I've heard of someone doing that I don't know like gold shells always had Wi-Fi enabled in their in their web guei like when you connect to their miners but that's the first time I've heard of a company that you know they have Wi-Fi ability but they didn't even have actually have have it available uh to utilize in the in the in the minor itself in the web goey in the website so that's that's pretty interesting that's uh that's pretty interesting um uh can use a USB Wi-Fi receiver on the I server KS Zero Ultra uh Urus fpv I don't I don't think so no uh you can use you can use uh actually no sorry yeah you can use the uh uh let me see here I think I've seen this before uh USB to ethernet uh no Wi-Fi ah yes this thing this thing here this this will work this thing vonet VAP uh D300 Wi-Fi Bridge uh ethernet to RJ45 uh so the USB part can plug into the ks0 and then the ethernet goes into the ethernet port on the ks0 and then you need to configure the blue part here to connect to your Wi-Fi yes you could you could actually you could actually do it I was I have one of these I just it's in box I haven't made the video yet like I've had it sitting for like a while now I haven't done the video I know Chum change did a video on it already it's actually it's it's very easy it's you just connect you connect to it you set up the SSID uh to that part and uh you can uh you can get Wi-Fi on your on your KS Z or any you can get Wi-Fi on well granted as6 that don't have a USB port then you're kind of screwed then you you need like a USB power uh to the wall but like a KS Z Pro ksz Ultra that has USB it can power it can power this thing so so yeah that's uh that's pretty cool that's pretty cool and Chum change is here I made a video of course he's here to say that of course chem change is here is here to say that Chum change I love you uh great way to make security risks for your wired Network oh oh yeah oh yeah well unless you got unless you got ubiquity Network you can VLAN your Wi-Fi too you know you can make a totally separate uh SSID and um VLAN that and totally isolate that and have it totally I have I have a Wi-Fi network that's that's uh not not uh how do you say it it's not broadcasting I have to manually connect to it and it's vland and it's like hidden and like nobody can and it's isolated yeah all that stuff uh CB thanks for all your videos I'm a new minor I'm just getting into it c b nice man congrats thank you uh okay so that's it I mean there's nothing else to it uh okay let's let's let's talk about the elephant in the room the elephant in the room is uh uh how much is this thing making right now how much is this thing making right now so with its current efficiency of 0.25 all right it's the same as it's pretty it's the exact same as a KS Z Ultra all right but in a in a bigger shell in a in a more five times more the hash rate five times more the power uh five times more the price obviously um the ks Z actually no the ks2 light would be a better buy wait how much is a KS Zero Ultra uh let's see here 129 500 but if you factor in the $50 shipping uh ks2 yeah $60 ship $60 $70 shipping yeah KS Z Ultra shipping is 50 bucks so but the dollar per gigahash the ks2 light would be a better buy uh if you were look if you're if you're looking at if you were looking at small like these things aren't going to make you a lot of money even the k5m or k5l right now is not going to make you a lot of money uh the dollar per gigahash it looks like the 0.28 the dollar per gigahash value the ks2 light would be a better buy than the ks0 Ultra uh but in terms of its current profitability it's it's if you have 8 cent per kilo oh whoa why is it making $1.72 now wait what's going on oh I know oh KRC 20 ah someone's minting minting someone the Network's getting busy again and we can look yeah dollar wow this thing make a172 for now for now and actually if we go to uh cast.

FYI you guys can look this up too go to cast. FYI uh go to kc20 tokens go to trending trending tab okay and let me go dark mode here all right the past 15 minutes licking people are minting licking I don't even I need what I need to I looks like I need to Mint some licking it's already 100% minted so that is probably going to die down real quick here yeah last uh most transferred tokens in the last 15 minutes lick uh Licking okay so that's why the network is congested and uh I like I like this I like this I it's already 100% minted so nobody else can uh unless you uh somebody trades it on that on that uh dude that t that telegram bot thing is so sketchy super sketchy super duper sketchy all right okay so it looks good now it looks good now but it after the hype is gone that uh that the ks2 light will be uh we showed it in the beginning I make like 10 cents a day at 10 cent kilowatt hour all right krc2 goes crazy out of nowhere yeah Falco yeah that's that's the way that's that's how it works that's how it works um Jacob Finley I spent $500 Canadian on can Zero Ultra just before the price drop I should have just bought the coin uh Jacob Finn Finlay yeah I mean at this point I would buy the coin yes at this point in time where we are in the market it would it would it would definitely make sense to buy the coin buy Caspa yes 110 % right now castle price is going down now we're at 1129 11 it's been uh now I don't know if it if I'm not a Trader but if it's hit this like you know support level of where it is right now if Casp is going to go up from here I don't know some people say it's going to go down to four or 5 cents some people say it's going to go up from here I don't know I'm not a Trader but that would be that would be interesting that would be interesting um Steve Smith red pen of mining should I buy another ks5 Pro ah okay this is where I'm like this is where I'm I'm I'm still kind of like in the middle I don't know if it's going to affect it or not but like with KRC 20 and I know krc2 has been bumping right and when it when it when it goes crazy you know then the profitability of the miners people start make people start earning more like if we look at the Block actually we look at the blocks right now yeah yeah it's back it's back down to 82 Casa per block so see you see how shortlived that was you see how you see how the minting you know the blocks were really nice he was like 86 you know but 82 is the native block reward but when it when it's good right like the block rewards are up to like 400 or or you know 500 or something like that so it you know there's little spurts like see 184 not too long ago 128 293 like just like a couple minutes ago 9:33 a.m.

It's uh 9:43 so like 10 minutes ago the network for Caspa was congested and 393 uh Caspa per block so this is where the minting was going on so if and when if and when you know Casa gets on more exchanges and if uh krc2 also more of these kc20 tokens go on exchanges is that going to cause the network to be more congested uh over time and people are you know sending and transferring their kc20 tokens to exchanges to sell is it always is it going to be constant you know that that's the thing I'm looking I'm looking for we're all looking for that constant uh higher block reward right now more than 82 which every every month it goes down 5 or 6% right that that 82 82 C per block goes down another 5 or 6% every month right already the emission schedule so along with that right is is K C20 or is the network going to be congested as time goes on here so that's the that's a BET right that's a risk you're willing to take if you think right if you think that Caspa is going to do do well and if mining wise you know mining Caspa is going to be good uh over the next over the next year uh the the the K the the the ks5 pro is yeah these things how much are these things now I think some people were able to buy them for like 2 Grand or something I mean that's a low that's definitely a low price would I would I go and buy ks5 Pros right now and and Gamble that you know the network will be congested kc20 tokens are going to be busy uh Cas will get on Exchange more exchanges KC 20 tokens will be on exchanges you know all that with all that in mind would I buy Cas by as6 right now no no I would buy the I would I would buy the Casper right now it's hard to say I don't know I'm going to say some people are taking that gamble uh most people are not so uh Squirrel Master says or gamble that a new minor release is around the corner I I I don't know if bit man if bitman came out with their ks7 if that if that's rumored to be announced you know and they're they're getting like another you know a couple points and efficiency better I mean yeah that would be that would be uh man people who bought the ks5 pros would just be like what the hell you know I don't know definitely uh Chum chain says c will do fine gr scale list as a currency that's a huge deal yeah yeah it is but who knows um let's see here what is the reward uh per block a year from now uh Tanto bong ronto uh if you do the math I think it's a half it's it's it'll be half from a year from now so it'll be like 40 something Casa per block a year from now excuse me uh let's go back out here all right yeah this thing's pumping this is a good this is a good heater so all right so people are only going to buy this in my opinion if you need a heater a crypto mining heater that's it that's all that's the only thing people are going to advertise this thing as and once you see all the you know once you see all the YouTubers make the videos including myself this thing the only the only positive thing that I can say about this thing is that it makes a good heater for winter that's it runs on 120 volt uh actually well yeah makes a good heater but the crappy thing is the Wi-Fi is not enabled right now so take that in mind if you don't have ethernet everywhere around your house then you're going to be hooped cuz the Wi-Fi does not work does not work um which new Asic is shipping to you from Crypt Miner bro Steve Smith uh I got I got a lot I a lot a lot a lot Steve Smith a lot are coming winter is coming uh crypto KJ you are repeating your exp poost Krypto KJ I told someone asked me red panda can you do the review of the ks2 late and I'm like here's the hash rate here's the power it's a heater that's it it makes nothing a day it makes Zer a day done [Music] really reviewing Asic miners is extremely easy there's really there's really nothing to it you know I I was thinking of uh I was watching uh one of the tech tubers the other day they're talking about uh uh they were talking about what's it called um uh like how they do their reviews like certain steps that they do when it comes to doing reviews on things and like their testing meth methodology and like I was like you know what that's actually a really good thing to look into like I should have I should write down steps that I should go through like you know when we're setting up the minor the steps you know looking at is has a a minor log or testing out the making sure you know testing out the heat the fence uh power consumption you know all those types of steps that are needed to review a product like this uh you know some people a lot of uh Tech reviewers you know do that so luk War Miner says send it to me to tear down and complain about how it's just 5 KS zero Ultras in a slightly fancier box yeah probably probably yeah I mean it's probably here here it's the same it's the same chips look at this lukewarm it's probably how many uh how many chips does the ks Ultra have 16 or 12 12 how many chips does a kazer Ultra have 12 okay so if it's five times more the hash rate so 5 * 12 how many more chips is that that that that means this thing has 60 chips do you think do you think this thing has 60 chips you took it you took it apart there would be 60 little little little chips on this thing basic chips I bet or do you think there are half that or something I don't know uh J f89 is better you buy the new Dogecoin Miner to heat your house uh actually yeah a funny thing to say I think I even think the do yeah the Dogecoin Miner makes more money at this point the Dogecoin uh the gold shell here yeah let's go down here the gold shell mini Doge 3 plus at 10 cent kilow or at 8 cent kilow hour it makes more than the ks2 light that's actually really funny that's that's actually really funny and this is 500 watts but at 8810 me hash that that that's on script granted though it actually makes another 40% more on mining Dash Dutch so that's a that's that's a that's a topic I've already talked about um trying to keep that down low so yeah gold shell you know these actually if you consider it right these things if you're looking for a heater in that regard then uh the C Miner yeah at 8 cents see see now that the block rewards back down the k K2 light for B at 8 cent Kow hour this thing makes 6 cents a day now the ks2 light now makes 6 cents a day ah so yeah better to buy the LTC Doge yeah for sure 100% yeah yeah for sure um techman mining is needed to keep Network secure and transactions flowing not everyone can make a profit due to your situation be a crypto Trader Miner Staker whatever works for you d y r do your own research techman well said well said yes depending on your situation depending on your electrical costs buying these types of miners will probably not make sense for you but if you want a heater if you got free Power you live in a condo man these things are are perfect for you you want to you want to support the network you want to get started in crypto min you got free Power you live in a condo college dorm sure these things there you go they're quiet it's know I forgot to test see see this is where I need to write down my you know testing methodology here I didn't even write down you know is this thing loud 63 DB 57 so this thing is not loud at all like it's not it's it's very quiet it's very quiet uh Steve Smith red penite okay so which so which to buy next L9 or wait for hash blade dg1 Plus or wait for jazz Miner Dragon Ball a 11 or wait for bit M Steve Smith that well that's the million dooll question I think uh everyone 's been recommending l9s I you know we don't know what the future holds but if any if the history of the uh bitmain L7 you know Litecoin uh merge mining Dogecoin and all bunch of other coins past history script mining has been been able to sustain throughout the past couple years now there were times when the L7 was only making like a buck or two a day but it was still okay but you know it it all goes EVs and flows with the market right Dogecoin you know EVs and flows with the market cycle everything so there's going to be bad times there's going to be good times but I don't think the L9 I I don't think you're not you're not going to go wrong uh you're not going to go wrong with the L9 uh right now uh the dg1 alphapex units are pretty nice but I think they're they're a little bit they're a little bit more expensive right now I think the best dollar per gig hat is going to be the is going to be the L9 let's see yeah I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure sure it's going to be the L9 yeah excuse me yeah uh right now yeah the DG On's the alpha pex's are are bulletproof though the alphapex units are pretty good I I I mean everyone Praises them I've had no issues with the with my two and uh they've been really good but I think the best dollar per gigahash is probably going to be the the bit main l9s yeah tono Bon ronto 5500 now buy an L9 yeah well that's the thing right I remember when the l7s were the l7s have definitely gone up in price cuz I remember like 2 years back when the l7s were making like a buck or two a day at 10 cent kilow hour the L7 was like 21 or $2,300 uh two years ago I should I knew it I'm like I should have just taken like a $100,000 loan bought you know $100,000 worth of l7s at that time cuz I'm like man these l7s are super cheap right now and then now the l7s are like 5 to 7,000 so ah I also remember when the L7 was 20K yeah exactly you remember when the L7 was 20K yep yep yep man those were crazy times man but then the L7 came back down to like 2300 and that was short lived that was like maybe like a month the L7 was was worth like 2,300 bucks for very short time very very small window so it's you know it's things like that right timing it crypto mining buying crypto miners you know timing is also everything as well now I know people have been looking at l9s right so l9s you know where we are in the market right now I'd say we're kind in that like I'm not not Financial advice but like if we're in that like beginning zone of like the bll run or something or like when times are going to get insane Bitcoin is going to go to 150k or something crazy script mining all the all coins for script mining are are going to go up then yeah the L9 is going to be like a 30 $25,000 Miner right if this thing starts making like $500 a day or something stupid right people are are going to be foming in and you know these miners are going to be worth so much the demand's going to be so high so if your play is to order these things now but it's you know it's kind of expensive but then it's like uh it's like could you you know the the break even or Roi calculation you just don't know if it you know the Market's going to go uh is going to go up or not uh but that's the risk so that's the risk you're willing to take right the amount that you're spending right now and then profiting off uh the L the L9 um I think the if you got really low electrical cost I don't think you're you're not going to go wrong with the L9 for the next like couple years I think the L9 will probably still make good amount of money if you got you know nice low electrical cost uh you're going to you're going to do you're going to do well though you're going to do real [Music] well excuse me uh Luke War Miner and his home equity loan I still have it I I I got this I got all right not going to lie to you guys I have I have a $300,000 equity loan that I I want to use I can use it for anything right not not to buy a house or something but I could use it to buy something now the interest the interest rate on it is pretty good it's pretty low I I have I I've never done anything like this and I don't recommend anyone ever using a loan to buy any like to buy miners especially it's very r risky but this is like a kind of a small risk I want to take and I've been thinking about buying a mass amount of miners now it's I I I'm I'm I'm very close to doing it but I'm also very close to not doing it so I'm like still looking at all the variables and uh my risk tolerance all right my my risk tolerance all right that's the whole that's the whole thing thing regarding if I'm if I'm wanting to use this money to uh buy miners or I don't know buy a buy a place uh rent a commercial space or something do something with it I don't know I don't know I don't know anyway um 150 people here 71 likes smash the like Bros Smash It uh uh RPM hosting LLC coming soon NOP no I am not I am not hosting miners I am not going to be at someone's becking call someone emails me or contacts me red panda my Miner's down or red panda can you change my mining pool for me at like 3:00 a.m.

Or red panda my Miner's down if I get that if I if I get a lot of that if I was hosting and I get that every like every other hour I would be so mad I would be extremely angry now I just can't deal I cannot deal with people oh I I I I commend I commend those who are running a hosting company I I really do I really commend those people who who are who are running in a hosting hosting company cuz you got to have patience of a you got to have patience of a freaking Turtle all right you got to you you got to have the mental capacity of like God cuz to deal with to deal with people and like constant like hey can you change this why are my rigs down you know can you do that can you do this I I I I can't I've already experienced that in it i' I was in I was a help desk admin uh help desk uh director uh Network admin I've done all of it I have been through that phase of my life of dealing with support requests I am never in my life ever and I will put I will bet a billion dollars on my life that I will never ever go back to that type of work ever again that's how like passionate I am like I will will never go back to that support type of work like getting support tickets like getting like people telling you you know this or that restart computer restart that I will never ever do that again it's it's so draining it's it's draining on your life I I I know there's a few people in here that have been in it you know exactly what I'm talking about people who have been in it know exactly what I'm talking about you I I a pirate I understand I worked in it as well dealing with people is the worst a pirate that's why I left I worked in it for over 17 years that's why I left man I I left that whole I left that whole career because it was just it was super toxic the people you deal with is just utterly insane right that's why I I totally got out of that that career I I I love computer stuff I love I loved you know dealing with you know handling servers and Like Doing Network stuff but the the other side of it was dealing with the people and that was what got me out of it I got so burnt out of that whole of that whole thing I was just like this is stupid why am I why am I slaving away you know know mentally draining career like this is this is dumb like I don't like doing this anymore so that's why I got out of that I got out of that job you know it's a pirate well you know what they say sis admins want to become farmers in some way you did H Yeti totally understand Yeti I I bet dude Yeti would probably be would definitely understand all that 100% Dan ker what's up man definitely understand so glad I'm not on the front lines anymore oh dude yeah uh 20 years Al Trak you have 20 plus years tier one and tier two just me and the server racks now nice all track nice Max voltage FYI BBT just went live oh what time is it I'm going over my time here I think rabbit's going to be streaming BBT streaming all right guys that's it that's that's it for the stre that's it Bros you guys uh thank you everybody for the for the for the live stream um that's what chump change that's why I killed my Plumbing business after 10 years it was going to be it was going to kill me during early during dealing with Builders jump change dude yeah see it it's not it's not just in it right in in it's in in other types of businesses as well right dealing with people is like it's so hard Rizzo I'm an it on the customer side they are the worst part of it yeah Rizzo oh my gosh man uh GS4 bidden I hear you I own a MSP and I have a small Data Center and I I created a nice network uh segregation nice man uh s sometimes same with Automotive yeah I bet I bet man all right Bros thank you all you guys have a great day a good one peace out Steve Smith enjoy the hash rate enjoy enjoy the hash rate for the next uh day or two peace out peace out Bros have a great day stay safe stay safe don't forget poker tournament DX let me put in Chat sign up sign up for the freeo playay poker tournament peace Bros peace oh [Music] [Music]

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