Welcome back into another 99 Bitcoins YouTube video today we're exploring Within the market some dollar cost Average opportunity because every time We see these 30 and 40% Corrections we Are usually presented with an Opportunity to get in and lower our Average entry for our favorite coins now We can see on the day right here for Bitcoin overall we're actually starting To see a bit of a flash here we're Starting to see a U-shaped recovery a Bit of a U-turn here we're going from Bearish looking charts to more bullish Looking environment so hopefully this Will now be more of a continuation Hopefully we can get back to $70,000 and See some good growth all around here now If you're new to the channel do Subscribe if you want to achieve your Crypto goals and overall different Chains here on the 7day some chains are Going absolutely parabolic but just Looking at the one month change um you Know what's going on ethereum is up 20% Tron is down a bit BSC is up 10% base Coins are up quite a lot we are still Seeing a lot of growth all around across M multiple chains and I do want to see Some continuation if you've also stuck Around and watched some videos recently You would have seen Dogecoin 20 which is Now live and if you were just curious About the performance here stage one
Buyers that got in at 0.0014 are currently up exactly 72% so Congratulations um if you got $10,000 Worth that would now be worth around $177,000 and 1K would now be 1.7k so con Actually you see this did pump all the Way up to 0.0036 which did deliver over a 2X Temporarily right now is consolidating Still in profit and no matter what stage You bought in you are still in profit if You do want to have a look at the next Big one the next potential big meme coin Similar to Doge coin 20 Doge Burse is The one I'm hedging my bets on and I Think it could do potentially well not Financial advice but the link is down Below if you want to research this Multi-chain token and have a look at This new mem coin which could also go Wild now what I do in these markets guys In these scenarios it's all about Looking at which of my favorite coins Have gone down in price you hit that 7day button on coin market cap you look For those projects that are correcting Like Audi like Athena like Bonk like the Centraland you know the coins you know Are have core fundamentals core utility Back behind them and of course you know Long-term growth value as well and you Know in my recent video on another Channel I Have put in dollar cost average uh
Values so for example looking at this Current dip we bought $1,000 worth of Ave or a at 8428 and we can see just Looking at Ave now since the recent dip Is up to $86 we can also apply this Theory to other coins as well like Optimism $226 currently and we bought op At $220 so we can see these dips can Provide value and it's it doesn't need To be technical it doesn't need to be Complex and the way we're doing that is For for example we're looking at let's Say we have a look at optimism um just To give you an example of how you can Potentially go out there and do this Yourself go on to trading View and have A look at the charts now we've Identified that optimism is down 22% so In my opinion that could be presenting a Dollar cost average region so we're Going to find optimism here on trading View and once you have found that once You've got the pair yourself imported on Your list you can then just look at the Pricing look at the charts and what is Going on now first thing I notice here On the weekly time frame is this Humongous diagonal support but when we Look at the daily and 4-Hour relative Strength index this is where things get Interesting because I tend to buy my Cryptos when the RSI which is a Reflection of how overbought or oversold An index or asset is or crypto um this
Reflects fear so when it's sub30 it Reflects fear and it has not been back Down to this sub30 RSI region for 300 Days so this area was of course for me a Buying signal and I try to buy as much Crypto as possible in fearful Environments and be a contrarian Investor have a contrarian mindset so Yeah this is why I've decided to buy Coins like op and the other ones are Dipping today on this particular screen Um not all of them just the ones I Believe in the ones I like and hopefully We can see some continuation for these So having a look at that you can see of Course on the charts it did reach the Oversold territory and that's why we're Seen that buyback pressure and I do Personally believe believe that we could Get a strong breakout here for optimism Um this could be one that does break out To the upside so which coins are best to Dollar cost average in I suppose is the You know the what we're looking at here So I think personally coins like Audi Coins like the centraland coins like Ave um coins like I think SE was down Here somewhere coins like say as well so You've got Audi which is a strong one I'm looking at right now um you can see It was previously 91 $ now it's $44 it's Basically half priced I know it sounds Wild to be speculating that it's going To go back up there but I don't think
We're anywhere near the end of this bull Run another coin could be to centraland Manor if you look over the last year Came up to 0.78 it's now down to 0.44 if You look at arve and a as well or a arve I have no idea how you say it recently $142 now just $86 so if you were foming into these Projects at $100 plus just because the Market was green what would turn you off Now why would you be put off the idea of Dollar cost averaging into a coin just Because the markets are red just because Of that just because of fear just Because of you know things don't look Good well these are the times where the Smart money are accumulating and overall These are the periods where you do want To be accumulating during the bull run Because fear is a buying indicator and Greed is a selling indicator that's at Least how I look at it you can see as Well also say recently hit $111 it's now 0.52 so say is another one I'm plying The same Theory too if we quickly look At say well you can see it it came down Sub 30 RSI on the 4our time frame if we Look at the daily we actually came all The way down to 26 on the RSI which is The first time in hundreds of days since It's done it and it has also entered my DCA ribbon here this area of dollar cost Averaging which I do thoroughly believe In and I think we'll potentially do well
Hoping for a pump and a breakout up to 57 cents from 51 that we're seeing at The moment so it's all about reacting Quickly to the markets you can't catch a Falling knife of course it's very risky To go very long on positions I have Entered a few long positions here on Mexc which is risky of course but I just Think we might see a bit of a bullish Recovery here in the cryptocurrency Markets so that's sort of the way I look At things um and that's the strategy That I do deploy which is going through CMC looking for those coins that I was Originally thinking of buying while Things were pumping and now things are On the down I should actually be buying Them I shouldn't be thinking of buying Them anymore I shouldn't let the Emotions invalidate any logical thinking And of course when you're seeing the Green that's when things become a bit Like you know irrational it's when You're kind of not really thinking with Your your logical thoughts anymore Because the the greed is taking over It's it's always in front of your logic So here we can now see okay we've seen a Correction maybe um we're seeing more of A fair value in the markets which is Important as well and when we actually Look at the BLX chart here for Bitcoin Which helps us identify those fair Valuations in the markets you can
Actually see well Bitcoin is Tremendously strong still it's really Really strong when we have a look at the Log rithmic regression and that 20-day Moving average here for Bitcoin you can Honestly see that we are so looking Strong we're in a healthy uptrend we're Above that 20day moving average we got Three weekly red candles um we can still Come down to $52,000 on bitcoin it could still happen But right now you know it's not Happening and we are starting to see a Little bit of a bounce not really Showing any signs of an uptrend just yet But this is what I do and these are five Coins I'm looking at buying have already You know gone long and a few of these Positions I think they might go up of Course Dogecoin 20 did well and is Performing still pretty nicely holders Are now up 76% so going up more and more And Doge verse could be another one that Does very well about going to the next Next round so there's a link down below If you want to grab some got different Chains that you can buy with which is Really cool as well and overall I just Think these are exciting times so I'm Probably going to go do some shopping Very quickly um while the markets are Still looking a little bit red otherwise I may miss out on a good dollar cost Average opportunity here and once that
Geopolitical crisis wears off you know It's always horrible when this stuff Happens you know like the Israeli Iran War um fingers cross we'll see more of a You know a healthier looking Market but Right now we're cooling down I think it Was due anyway a bit of a cool down in The markets because I mean you know Parabolic looking charts you can Actually see last time we had the first Parabolic Spike here for Bitcoin hitting 63k actually corrected tremendously a 50% correction almost we've not had Anywhere near that level of Correction Just yet and it might not even happen Until we get to like 100k at 100K it Then could correct a 60k and then it Might even do 60k to like 140k that's Way I see this happening and overall I'm Very excited to see what could happen if You're also new here you want to get to Know me a little bit better you can join My Discord um which is linked down below For you guys as well come check out Jacob's crypto Clan where we talk about Trading we talk about the crypto markets We've got all opportunities here Straight to Dex launches all big Insights on pre-sales icos um you know All trading signals which are all here As well and we just try to cater for Everyone doesn't matter if you're a Trader just a hodler a Bitcoin lover a Meme coin lover we've got absolutely
Everything here in the Discord which is Tailored to you guys and we've got some Fantastic moderators that do listen do Help and do prevent people from you know Being bullied or scammed or whatever it Is so the Discord link is down below Thank you for watching this video and do Subscribe to 99 Bitcoins if you are new Here bye for up