Uyurken Para Kazan ! – 8 li 3060 Mining Rig İncelemesi

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Hi friends, I'm Can Savaş today, I will introduce you to the 8 li 3060 mining system , which I use in eth excavation, but also other sheep can be used in my daughter. But I prefer eth for now. Before going to the video, don't forget to join us by subscribing to our channel. You can support us by sharing the video, let's go to our video now. I put the fans here for now. I haven't put the fans in the case for the time being .

I wanted to see how the temperatures will be . I wanted to check it . I mean, it drops like 10 degrees, I guess because I also have a Riser system , the temperatures on the case are 55-60 degrees, of course, it can go up to 60 degrees , depending on factors such as the temperature of the room, the temperature of the room, the outside temperature, the environment conditions, I set up the cards in our system, msi model I will talk about how the cards bring in a little bit about the Earnings. When I bought these cards , they earned 1.7 dollars a day, of course, they were high then ethereum Of course, it has decreased a little now, of course, but the number of ethereum mined daily is the same, but if you do not dig ethereum, you have a chance to sell it when it rises, so it is not the daily Earnings.

Focus on the time you break it too , don't worry about the drops, so you can look at it this way after the electricity fee comes out. Let me introduce the motherboard here . I run it with USB. I use hiveos with hiveos in it. There is an internet cable here, the system is like this, there are cables here, there is a 1800 watt power supply here. a power supply works, it doesn't make much noise, the power supply mostly comes from the video cards, but the video cards don't make that much noise. They're not too loud either, they're not too loud, the last 60 isn't 70, the fans are running around 80 degrees, of course, the reason why the fans are high is because the cards are adjacent, the air is higher here. it does n't happen, so because of the motherboard model, when I switch to the riser system, I will reduce the fan speed a little more .

70 degrees is 60 degrees, of course, 70 is not a very low temperature, but it is a normal temperature for such an adjacent system Normally , these motherboards are used in case systems, for example, there are fans on the top, you put them in a closed case, and the closed case provides cooling fans. There are big fans there. Of course, I have a case . Since I will not use a system, I will switch to a system with a riser, of course, these motherboards are advantageous even if you use a riser again Because all you get is ram and power supply, that's it, you don't need to buy a processor or something, which is an advantageous situation.

Of course, I am happy with the motherboard so far so there was no problem. It didn't make any difference, I said that the processor is installed on it, it is more advantageous than it, I have not seen it in a negative way yet. I have been running it for about 3-4 months, I have not had a problem. I said 3-4 months about the motherboard . Let me show you Mh values ​​or something, there are overclock settings on the side, there are points at ninety . I have already said that I use core1552 memory 2600 Power limit in 120 Power limit, even if you do not set a power limit, even if you do not set the overclock settings, the values ​​that it will work with are almost the same. degree of It works. One of them works at 64 degrees, so these are the average values, the fan is at 90.

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Of course, I said the fan speed is high , I will reduce the speed of these fans when I switch to the riser system . As you can see, I usually get around 37 Mh in 3060. Of course, they can go up a little more . As the lhr lock is broken, by the way, I am using Trex miner, I am happy with it at the moment . now let's come to the earnings part . I will make a calculation as a single video card at first. Because there may be those who want to do it with one video card, what will be the efficiency of a single video card. You can do it with 3 cards or you can do it with 1 card It's your budget or It depends on how much you want to invest or there is one 3060 card in your house. You use it. You want to mine with it. That's why I will show you one card now, I wrote 37 Mh, I wrote 120 watts, I 'm doing it from whattomine site, let's calculate the calculation as you can see right now, ethereum is 1.68 per day from the current values .

The dollar gets angry this way , I added one lira to the electricity price as 30 cents, it leaves around 1.40 per day net. If you do not include it in electricity, it leaves 1.68. Of course, when electricity comes out, it becomes 1.39, which remains net. Now, if we do this with 8 cards, we will multiply 8 by 1.39 anyway 293 Mh Kazım is making 900watts. So I wrote 950 watts, let's calculate from here , let's say it earns net 11 dollars per day, that is, it leaves 330 dollars per month, one of them is that when this electricity comes out, ethereum drops by 1 click for the system for now, let me tell you from the current exchange rate, let me tell you 3128 dollars Ethere it provides so much profit, so ethereum 4 bi let's say what the output will be, because the ethereum will increase in value at the same time If you do not sell the ethereum you have dug, the value of your previously excavated will increase as the ethereum is valued.

This of course, depending on the price of ethereum, your daily earnings will decrease if the ethereum drops. As I said, it was 1.70 when I bought it on the first day, net of course ethereum was a little bit after I bought it. it started to decrease a little then it came to these levels ethereum 2.0 will come out mining will end do not invest in mining they say you will throw your money in the trash for example this is not the case for example let's say ethereum mining is over there is raven another coin this is too many to count this graphics cards you decide where you will use them Whether you set up a system, do something else, or open an internet cafe , it's up to you. Of course, there are those who set up and sell it, let's say there is a profit, they establish a larger union, they establish a more profitable color, this way the winner here is çlar 3060 lhr card has not been updated at the time when 34 Mh was mined so for example there is sero 34 Mh earns 1.34 dollars Net gains 1.54 with no electricity There is Tuğba earns 91 Cents Ergo there is 1.11 I won't skip ergo there is coinflux for 1.06 dollars there is ctxc there is a firo there is a ravencoin there is a zano There is aion, there is flux, there are a lot of coins , there are ae, etc.

You can look at it like this, it provides you with a regular income, it provides you with passive income, so as long as ethereum does not fall, you will have a regular income, of course, there will be other color system promotions. If you like the video, you can join us by subscribing to our channel. You can support us by sharing the video. See you for our next videos. Keep working..

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