all right test one two um so I'm using my old camera haven't used this one in a while got my mic set up but I'm back we're in the computer well I say we're in the computer shop we're actually at my home garage at my workbench as you can see we have stuff piling up got a got a lot of stuff going on which is a good good problem to have um yeah but shout out before I go any further he wanted to stay Anonymous but thank you to an anonymous donor he donated four uh booster bundles of Pokemon cards because I had been sending out a pack of Pokemon cards whenever I sold or whenever you bought anything from me basically in every order these packs or these bundles come with 50 little mini packs and he's like man that's such an awesome idea here I'm going to send you some more so that way you can keep sending them out cuz I planned on only doing it for Halloween but now I guess I can do it for significantly longer because I have another 200 packs so I'm good for another 200 orders 50 orders lasted me a good couple weeks I was down to I was down to my last two packs so yeah I guess Pokemon packs are going to become a staple at least for the short term who knows it might be become a staple for the long term so whenever you buy something you get a sticker whatever sticker we got revolving at that time for the computer shop a Pokemon pack and then um I I have to make more thank you notes because I want to put a thank you note in every order too so I've just really been enjoying um working and and working with computers and um I I wanted to thank you guys because without my community and without you know YouTube as a whole as like a social media Outlet I wouldn't have been able to make it this successful this fast um some people have to pay and uh you know fight for advertising and um yeah yeah it's been a little bit of a shortcut I say shortcut but then I put you know 7 years into YouTube that doesn't seem very short so it's all relative when when you look at it like that sorry about that well anyway I was over my cold and then my kids brought home another one so I have another little cold oh man goodness well um I have a couple orders to pack come on along with me and and hang out while I chat a little bit all right ladies and gentlemen this morning first one up is a m.2 Drive they actually ordered one it's order number let's see here um I don't see the order number right right on that screen sorry about that but they ordered one m.2 SSD 500 gig Drive here's a micron drive so we'll get that wrapped up for him clean up my workspace a little bit there we go time for the skizzers all righty so yeah like I said pack of Pokemon cards got a sticker I do need to print out some more thank you notes cuz I am super thankful for you guys there we go little piece of bubble wrap goes a long way and the m.2 um drives are still on sale still have a good good inventory of them uh 1 tbte driv should be going back in stock soon I get a restock every Friday but we have plenty of 500s right now let me print out the print out the print for this one packing bam there we [Music] go all right so I'll put that right here I'll stick that here in a little bit off camera of course um oh yeah I got this one this was a tradein 970 Evo plus 2 tbte that's pretty nice I need to test it and clean it that did not come from my usual usual Source what is this this is a 256 gig put that over to the side don't know what I'm going to do with the old 256 gigs they're almost becoming irrelevant almost all right what's up what is the next order we have a oh 5700 XT Sapphire Nitro I got ordered let's go ahead and yep I went ahead and pulled that out so that bad boy is right there yep need to get it wrapped up real good [Applause] all right we wrapped it that way now let's flip it and wrap it the other way [Applause] there we [Music] [Applause] go looks pretty good let's grab this bad boy a box let's see here I need to find a a good appropriate sized box I have one of these ampt Miner boxes right here with like the foam inside let me see if I can fit it in where the like where the ant Miner is supposed to be oh that actually worked out really well that's surprising all right and this is their oh this is their first order for me so I definitely the other one was their actual second order for me but since it's their first order I really need to go print me out some thank you notes so let me pause this and let's go print some out all right so I printed out some thank you notes it says thank you for shopping with bcpc if you have any questions email or text and then it's got email text uh uh cell phone it said it used to say for Halloween but now it just says we also added in a little gift show us what you pull in the Discord with a Discord link and then my name and finally the uh store website so um I know I include these on my eBay sales too which I'm pretty sure is a breach of terms of service but at this point I'm barely using eBay anymore uh so you know it it is what it is it's it's kind of one of those things but I I have noticed that I've driven some sales uh from eBay over to the actual web store because I can provide a better price on my web store than I can on eBay due to the fees the fees on eBay are just insane compared to you know running your own like Shopify store cut these bad boys out and then we'll SL slap one of them in here we're cutting four sheets at a time right now I did six sheets last time and it was cutting really like Jagged so tighten it up a little bit there we go there we go T cut cut the rest of those later all right so we got some thank you notes Bam Bam Bam and you know what just for good measure so they don't slide all around in the box and get lost we'll put put them in a little bubble mailer I buy these in bulk somebody was asking me why do I get this color uh this has been the cheapest color when the last time I ordered so I ordered like 500 of them and um yeah that's why I get this color for no other reason they were like do you get that color because that's the color of like jellyfish and I'm like I don't think all jellyfish are this color I don't know if any jellyfish are this color actually but no that's not the reason why so we'll slide that down in there or actually we'll put it on top close this bad boy up and then get to taping all right where take go there it is so this box is is pretty fairly packaged fairly well it's got a good amount of uh of foam inside there so that's it's pretty good don't think we're going to have any issues in shipping but it is that time of year stuff does happen I apologize for people wearing headphones right now I have no idea what this audio sounds like all righty let me print out the uh slip for this one actually I need to weigh this cuz I never use these boxes so I don't really know what uh the price are the weights going to be on these oh touch over 4 lbs it's lighter than I thought see here create shipping label I use Shopify to fill in the weights like automatically for a bunch of this stuff and they're always on the heavy end I guess that it kind of protects me so I don't like lose money on shipping but I feel bad sometimes because some of the stuff is definitely estimated quite a bit higher than what it should be like it'll be pounds higher sometimes but I don't really know a good solid way to do it because everything is always different unless I packed it exactly the same every single time which for me at my size and the fact that I try to re use a lot of packing material um to not only save on money but you know trying to trying to save the environment one little box at a time um it's just unrealistic for me to try to pack everything exactly the same I can't you know and I don't I don't think it's a bad thing for reusing boxes I know I've heard some people say like oh man that's that's horrible um I think it's it's great honestly I when people send me boxes and then they've been you know reused I have no problem with it I actually prefer it all righty what's up let's pack one more order before we uh we taper this video down not trying to hold you guys here forever I know some of you guys like the behind the scenes other people could care less oh here we go two two terabyte M do2s these are actually the m.2 ssds so I marked these down for a gentleman because they're not nvmes they are ssds so the transfer speed on them is significantly slower than an nvme so he got an absolute deal on these I think I did them for 50 bucks a piece yeah so never even hit the web store it was just one of those things I brought up in conversation to a couple people couple people didn't want them and then this guy is a frequent flyer frequent customer and he was like yep hook me up let's do it I was like all right wham bam let me get these wrapped up real good and print out that shipping label I do know how much the uh the little stuff ships for because it's all standardized cuz I do buy these new I do the bubble mailers though are like Pennies on the dollar uh but as for like boxes and stuff I try to buy no boxes every now and then though I don't get enough stuff in my w my wife like takes it as a personal mission to try to keep stuff coming in from Amazon I feel like but uh there's every now and then I don't have enough boxes or enough right correct size boxes so then I will have to actually buy boxes but uh yeah the small packing stuff normally all the small packing gets absolutely destroyed when it comes in so that that is a tough one to try to reuse small packing all right [Applause] wrap them a couple times so they don't touch each other no touching [Applause] [Applause] here we go slide these guys down in there he is a frequent flyer but we'll still hook him up with a sticker and a Pokemon pack but he's probably got multiple multiple thank you notes so I will not bore him with another thank you note for me Bam Bam all righty rip that get stuck there all right ladies and Gentlemen let's uh hold on let me flip this around ah there you are all right well I wanted to thank you guys for coming out hopefully you enjoy behind the scenes uh I didn't want to make this video too long because I have no idea how this camera's going to do no idea how this audio is going to do uh so now I'm going to go throw it on the computer and try to whip it up and and see how it goes by the way obviously this video is not sponsored by anybody other than me myself and I so if you do want something computer parts buy sell trade um you can go to bc- and my inventory is Always Forever rotating some people have complained about that and at least I try not to keep it stale so anytime I get anything in I throw it up there um if I haven't had anything up there new in a while it's cuz I haven't really got anything in new um I had a couple 409s come in that two of them were no good so I negotiated with the seller um and we sent them off to hopefully get repaired uh we'll see how that turns out but yeah it looks like um looks like things might be I don't want to say slowing down but it it's it's definitely we've hit a weird time cuz it was like a month ago I was getting hit up like every day people wanting to sell stuff sell stuff and now it's like maybe just a couple times a week um you know keeping my ear to the ground I don't know if people think maybe potentially after the election we might have a big upswing and then next thing you know gpus are profitable again uh but you know I'll take the good with the bad and uh we'll keep keep rolling so yeah yeah got some got some decent decent little projects coming up I'm really looking forward to the metal miners um I got another Nano in right here um I have that one set on medium so now I have three working Nanos one dead Nano and I have one running on low one running on medium and one running on high and I was going to compare them um and then talk about like temperatures and stuff like that so that'll be a video in the future uh and then I wanted to do a recap comparison of all my solo miners because right now I have two bid axes a couple of the nerd miners um I have four Nanos but only three Nanos running and then I have one of the metal miners running so we're definitely throwing down some some solo hash rate which in the grand scheme of things the amount of hash rate we're putting down is minuscule I will never hit a block I will never hit a block but if I do I'm just saying if I do hit a block ladies and gentlemen you know what we'll lock it in right now if I hit a block a bit a block on Bitcoin which it's not going to happen because the the odds are like winning the lottery but actually worse than winning the lottery um I'm more likely to get you know struck by lightning and bit by a shark at the same time not being in the water uh but if I did hit a Bitcoin block I will lock in the fact that before before 2025 cuz I don't want to make this like a never ending situation because I'd like I'd like to hit a Bitcoin block eventually like put more hash power online um but if I win a hit a Bitcoin block before 2025 I will lock in the fact that I'll go out and buy a era correct Smokey in the Bandit black and gold Trans Am with a big bird on the hood and um and that will that will become a staple of the show that will be the the uh the Chase car to go get gpus all right all right Bandit you know know let's let's jump in old old oh old Trans Am okay uh obviously very unrealistic car but uh in my opinion very cool car some of you may agree some of you might not agree difference of opinion is is okay but regardless yeah so we got another like month not definitely not going to hit a Bitcoin block by the way but if we do you know we're g all right ladies and gentlemen I'm for real I'm getting off here this is this video is way too long y'all have a good one I'll see you on the next one adios by the way um if you made it all the way to the end drop a jellyfish down below and let me know how was the video how was the audio um is there anything I can work on improve uh lighting all you know just th throw it at me be nice though be nice bye