all right well I apologize for a video back to back but uh some people sent me this also I'm catching up on all my messages and stuff and everybody's like oh man they you know ice river is doing a bundle on kso Ultras and I'm like a bundle that doesn't sound right I go and log into my account official ice River website there's no bundle um there's no bundle on the front end web store and then I'm like send me the link and please tell me you didn't buy it so this is what he sent me and he's like look you can get five of them for 959 what's wrong here ice Rivers it is not ice Rivers it's ice River my friend bought this I'm like man it's gone I'm like what' you use to pay please don't tell me a credit card he's like no I didn't use a credit card IED used usdt and I'm like well at least the one good thing here is they didn't steal your credit card info but they did steal your usdt so um you know take that as a $1,000 lesson and this is a fake website these pop up all the time please be careful ladies and gentlemen where you buy from um where you send your money to make sure it is a legitimate website um because this happens all the time it looks really similar this is the real ice river.
shop it is similar but it is not the right one so I'm logged in I have an account on Ice River obviously when I go to ice Rivers there's no account this is a fake website even Google warns you did you mean anyway I'm not trying to drag this out uh just trying to spread awareness um and as the bull market comes into effect and more and more units come out and more and more miners come out this is just going to happen more and more often so please make sure you're buying from a trusted or a verified Source make sure you're on the the correct website uh please keep yourselves safe ladies and gentlemen now with that being said I'm going to jump off here yall have a good day and I'll see you on the flip side