[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo good morning everybody welcome welcome to the live stream I just ate a Twizzler it was amazing probably going to regret it later what's up Bros Max voltage good morning Z pirate good morning serpent X how is your stream good morning sir s sometimes Kaiser Kaiser did you just Discord me what what you have like 10 Miss messages from you I'm not I'm not even going to look at it DJ DJ J what's up man cardano oh dude cardano what's where's cardano at I have some ada8 up 13% uh what's it up over the past like 7 days dude did anyone get in the uh Peanut the squirrel dude 1,00% oh my oh my God whoever bought earlier whoever bought peanut the squirrel oh my God like I've been seeing like people made Millions I've been seeing tweets like people who bought this like way back couple months couple weeks back like have made like insane amounts of money there's this one dude I saw he bought like $1,000 worth it turned into like 3 million or something I don't know it's just crazy this crazy time what a crazy time DJ two almost 2x nice uh 306 minor good morning good sir Master Kush I'm up 1, 1600% on Pepe coin what which Pepe 1, 1600% Pepe coin Pepe epic coin oh uh which one the this one okay okay okay it's doing something doing something interesting I I I the only meme coin I'm really into is like Dogecoin I don't know yeah like that's that's it you know what you know what's funny you know what's funny now this is going to coincide with crypto mining okay you know what's funny Dogecoin has like if you've been mining Dogecoin okay at the state of the market right now if you've been mining into Dogecoin over the past like year or two it is definitely one of the best performing like I looked at my portfolio like I have it in coin Ley and I can see the percentage gains Dogecoin is the best performing so far out of all all the other alt coins so far like proof of work uh mining that is okay it it it it's it's insane like Dogecoin has gone up so much over the past uh over the past month or month or two hold on let's go to um ah where is my uh watch is my watch list here Dogecoin let's CH customize uh customize 60 30 7 90day year to date okay okay oh oh oh this Pepe coin up 2400 per.
Oh no oh no I oh no on mining Dutch I swapped that Pepe coin into Doge well it's still okay but oh my God this dude wait this this Pepe what wait this is the same Pepe coin on mining do right oh my God it is oh my wait what happened wait World coin up 54,000 wait what did I miss what what am I missing here okay no that's just a glitch okay that that's a glitch [Music] what Pepe coin is this for real oh my go oh my God I should have kept it I should have kept it oh shoot well I missed that one I missed that one mining Dutch has lucky coin Dogecoin obviously Bells but okay wow all right I missed that one all right I missed that one damn that's crazy that is absolutely insane okay anyways anyways um Dogecoin has been doing real well out of out of really um look like you can actually see here um over the past 30 days Dogecoin is up 200% over the past 30 days but yeah if I look at all the other altcoins G like GPU minable even Asic minable all of these are have lagged over the past over the past month even some of them are on the negative uh okay so like I granted I know we're I know it feels like we're just beginning we're just beginning in the market I know all coins can maybe come down later uh maybe in the next maybe a couple weeks maybe the next couple months a lot of these alt coins could also start flowing up as well you know um but Doge thus far has been one of the biggest performing um if you were mining uh if you were mining uh into that uh Joey Gambit red P of money it's the Pepe coin that's number 15 or 16 on coin gecko okay Pepe has been pumping since a a few weeks ago it's hi everyone uh rxd is going back up slowly yeah slowly slowly slowly okay okay another thing okay you know I guess our beloved uh Caspa Caspa has has really it Casa over the past 90 days has just been it's been hovering between 10 cents and 20 cents Caspa has not moved up at all okay just it's been it's been in a in that channel right hasn't moved up at all so one thing I want to compare is my $30,000 investment and one of the k5m is down uh the I had three ks5 L's and two ks5 M's this is a a test that we're doing since August 1st all right of 2024 so August September October November 4 months ago so I'm doing the whole Mining and huddle test I'm not selling any of this Caspa so far we have mined almost 63 64,000 Caspa worth $9,000 uh us have I gotten my initial investment back of $30,000 in Theory no I have not taspa has not really moved up during those times so one thing I thought and it's very interesting to think about I could have bought four maybe five l9s or maybe five dg1 pluses back in August 1st I I could have bought I could have bought a bunch of Litecoin Dogecoin miners back in August 1st and you know how much combined these Casa miners are making now about $30 okay I'm missing the ks5 m so about I'm going to say 36 37 $38 I don't know how much a ks5 m makes right now k5m you just search right here ks5 M makes makes negative wait makes negative $231 a day wait I'm losing money on this minor now oh no no two okay sorry that's profitability okay so that's say I'm at I have it at my 8 cents here $4 16 okay what's the total though 10 okay this thing makes $10.60 uh Revenue okay so if I go back to here so it would be in theory I'd be making about $40 okay $40 a day now if I had five dg1 pluses which I could have bought at the same time versus the Casper miners I would be making a lot more right now let's say I can buy four of those dg1 pluses so the income on this is about 55 but on mining Dutch I'm going to say tack on another 567 so I'm going to say this thing makes like 60 $62 a day so one dg1 plus if I just had one this thing makes more currently at at the point in time where we are in the market currently in terms of profitability this dg1 plus makes more than all five of these Caso miners four months later at this point at this point at this point in time so it's just it's hilarious to to to to see what has transpired over the past four months and that you know the opportunity cost that I could have bought you know Litecoin Dogecoin miners 4 months ago instead of $30,000 in Casa miners which would have been a way better buy but hindsight 2020 right so that is something like to look out for and if I if if I had four or five of these I'd be making over 202 250200 $300 a day i''d be making $300 of income a day on five five of these dg1 pluses versus you know five of these Casa miners so it's it's funny to think about the type of money that people invested in Caso miners a couple months ago or even like half a year ago when now it looks like Litecoin Dogecoin uh merge mining a bunch of other coins is now looking to be very very uh uh a good bet a good very lucrative very lucrative Venture okay it's been it it's it's absolutely it's absolutely insane what it's transpired with uh with merge mining um especially on mining Dutch if you haven't watched my videos If you lucky coin Bell's coin these have added an extra couple bucks like sometimes $8 to $10 depending on which Miner you have on mining Dutch and it's been working real well Ontario Miner thank you for the five gifted Subs good sir thank you for the five gifted Subs Nemesis red pen from electricity starts the movement now what what is this if you turn off your rigs for the rest of us we would double our profits Ben the red P Nemesis damn you I'm keeping everything on Wow hindsight yeah no hindsight no for sure hindsight 2020 so I mean we we've already I mean so the issue here is Caspa okay our beloved our beloved Caspa everyone loves Caspa the issue here is that Caspa has been just has been stagnant okay the price of Caspa has not moved um it it it's been in this between 10 and 20 cents over the past year since November 20123 Casa was 13 we are now still aty 1 14 so between this time okay between the the past year Caspa if you if you know why you know Caspa miners haven't been making that much anymore uh relative to the uh the price of kaspa is just look at this is because of this it's it's because of this the the network hash rate of Caspa has climbed like I don't know 10 let's see I'm going to say 20 15 30 40 from November if we if we're equating the 13 cents is Cas but pretty much 20x no no no 20 13 14 25 30 I don't know 30X the casa Network hash rate has climbed 30X since November all right when when Casa was 13 C now here we are next year a year later in November with the casa Network hash rate up almost 203x we are the price of Caspa has not followed yet it it hasn't exploded yet and that's what everyone is waiting for is that going to happen I don't I I I don't know techman thank you for the five hindsight is not always 2020 it depends on Whose kind you're looking at I love it I I love it I love it but it's just crazy it's crazy to see in terms of the dollar value how much these are making now right I'm making 40 like pretty much 40 bucks a day on Castle mining granted I know KRC 20 sometimes it's like 50 sometimes it's like $100 a day but it's shortlived krc2 it's it hasn't you know the the transaction fees going to the minor hasn't really been it's been good for some days but it overall over the past 2 months it it hasn't been consistent so we're not there yet we're not there yet so but it's just funny to think that one dg1 plus I have a dg1 plus and it's making more than five all five of these big boy castle miners which are taking 15 18,000 Watts combined when a dg1 plus I have is taking 4, uh 3,800 Watts so it's it's just funny to see it's funny to see that comparison that that's what I wanted to compare as of right now okay as of right now anything could change watch I bet you 3 months from now maybe 3 months or less watch Caspa goes up to 40 cents maybe 50 60 cents Casa just climbs up 4X these Casper miners I have by the time that happens maybe including the emission schedule maybe these things will then make like $80 $90 a day or something off all five of these castle miners all right so this is this is this is very interesting to see how this is all playing out and it's kind of it's kind of cool that like I I I can like document all this because I I it's just it's just really cool it's really cool to see you know uh the profitability swings on these things and you know the mining and hoddle Method on these things you know it's just it's just it's just crazy how it's just crazy how how this all works but uh yeah what do you guys think what do you guys think well I I want to read some opinions here uh the difficulty has continued for the last month uh first gen largest proof of work Gan blockchain in the world uh all right what do you guys talk KC Wayne mining says kc2 is relatively new and hasn't gotten its feet wet uh way mining yeah I agree I I I agree yeah I agree I hope so I I I truly hope that it will do something I hope more exchanges get uh wait uh kaken right kaken is going to have Caspa on the 19th November 19th let me find that tweet tter uh uh Kraken Kraken exchange um uh uh uh Kraken Caspa kaken Caspa okay release uh Caspa USD Caspa Euro November 19th 14400 universal time crazy so that's coming up in a couple days for Kasa Ken pretty pretty big exchange um let's see here uh I still haven't got my money back from the kso pro Oliver nobody has no if you're equating over the like if you're equating over the past 6 months nobody has gotten their initial investment back on castle miners nobody unless you have free electricity but I'm doing this August 1 test on all these you know first batch ks5 L's second batch ks5 M's and whatnot uh it yeah this $30,000 investment I've only I only have 9,072 kaspa at this point I'm 1/3 of the way there I'm not even including the electric yet we haven't even which is going to be in the thousands I haven't even haven't even calculated that yet so Caspa better Caspa better Moon if it doesn't moon it's it's this is this this this might be the most failed test in all of crypto mining history if Caspa doesn't go up my my bag of mining Caspa here over since August 1st it it will be a story if say you know next year comes and CZ doesn't go up then this is looking this will this will look pretty dire along with the electrical cost that I'm spending on you know the five miners again I'm missing the k5m I don't know why it's off uh it looks like it's been off for more than a day okay I got to go check that out um Caspa $1 everyone's Rich yeah okay DJ so ex so here's this is why this is why I'm doing the whole Mining and huddle test because I have 63,000 Caspa here Caspa went to a dollar this is 63 $64,000 so would I get my initial investment back hell yeah hell yeah it in theory $30,000 okay $30,000 if this went $1 C went to a doll there 64 Grand there there you go there there you go money's back will it happen that's what I'm here to find out this is the play this is what I'm trying to test I'm doing a the I've been doing millions of these you know millions of these tests here just go to here I have okay you know what this is probably a really good time to look at my playlist okay I I have an Asic mining playlist okay uh Asic Asic Asic Adventures Asic Adventure okay so this I have I have done a lot of Break Even tests of Asic Miners and majority of them have over the past depending on your your your time Horizon okay which is your your the time frame of which you are looking at trying to get your money back doing the mining and hoddle test I I have continually continually a lot of these asex that I've I've I've I've received over the past couple years theast 5 Years A lot of them have gotten their initial investment back already so looking uh if especially if you're doing the whole Mining and holdal test so I'm trying to go way back I'm I'm going way back okay D9 might be the exception if you have a D9 I don't know if that made its money back yet but um I I I that one I haven't done uh that one I have not done a uh uh thing Chum change what's up man welcome welcome to the live stream blood Crow just tuning in have you seen the price drops on Ice River alifia miners yes that's what that is another thing I want to talk about yeah this uh these have come down quite a bit so I think it and this is this is so dependent now if you really truly believe that why is it if you really truly believe that alium is is going to go up in the bull run here um this might be the most opportune time to buy these things but that is only only only if you believe that alium is going to go higher so I think it it might it it might be you know Alim could go lower I don't know it might be it might be hitting its support or resistance I'm not a Trader but if alium here you know this $4,000 uh al3 you know this thing used to cost like 30 grand like just like a couple months ago which is hilarious to think about but now uh the al3 makes this this this $44,000 al3 currently mines at about $20,000 profit uh or uh if you had 8 cents kilow hour uh $27 Revenue okay so this this al3 this al3 looks to be a pretty a pretty good buy at this point not Financial advice I'm thinking about buying one just to do a long-term test just to do a long-term test and see if you know we can get our inial investment back I don't know um but yeah I I I don't know I I don't know if I don't know I don't know if anyone is actually interested in buying this okay actually I I have a coupon code 2.5% off this so it's uh another hundred and something dollars off use code red panda or 2.5% off red fox with the 36 months member that wow you red fox you are you hit that is three years you have been a member for 3 years Mr red fox red fox I got to send you something Mr red fox I have to send you something I need your address I need your shipping address red fox bow run I love it Mr red fox I love it man I love it I love it but I wanted to okay I wanted to continue um I just wanted to go through what as6 I've I've you know okay so like three okay in 2021 the IB link bmk1 the Caden Miner broke even in 69 days but that's when kadana that is one okay kadana man this is one I'm just like is kadana going to do it is kadana is kadana going to have a massive like 50 30X like it had in 2021 that is why this like this 30 uh $3,000 Asic Miner broke I broke even on it during the Cadena time in 69 days that is when Caden was like insanely profitable okay got real lucky on that one that was in 69 days um the uh let's see in a silicon in a silicon this is during the ethereum times um let's see 3 months profit achieve break even on this ethereum Asic Miner in 3.5 months I did the mining and hle Method during that time Mining and yielding ethereum ethereum was also going up during the bll run during that time this Asic Miner got its initial investment back in 3.5 months so this is kind of like are we at that point with maybe with alium you know if you bought one of these $4,000 alium Miners and where we are with the alium price right now you know could we have are we on the you know are we on the brink on the precipice are we already on the Bull Run already are altcoins like aium going to go up along with the market over the next couple months this this could be an easy 4mon 5 Monon you know Roi people look at you know considering where we are in the market Trump Administration everything Pro crypto you know is could this be it could this be an easy you know break even on this al3 I don't know I don't know but I've had many I've had many as6 that you receive during the beginning of a b run majority of them that I've received were able to get its money back within a couple months okay but that granted that was with different coins okay I'm not saying that's going to happen with a leum but could it happen on a leum could it I don't know I I don't know um what's okay going along I want to see what other uh Vos coin edition gold shell mini Doge I bet you yeah I'm going to say these little mini Doge miners if you were mining into Dogecoin over the past couple years you've definitely gotten your money back now any Doge coin Miner you bought over the past couple of years you major if you Min in the Doge kept the Doge you you you've gotten your money back if you did it that way um let's see uh let's keep going here now this is where 2 years ago uh maybe less than 3 years ago I've been Asic miners I received during those times um that's when the Bull Run started that's when the market started coming down so the the the the time to break even on on these miners were definitely a lot longer so um uh but if you if you ultimately did the mining and huddle method and I'm still waiting for ethereum classic see here's another Asic minable uh ethereum Classic this is a whole other one I'm waiting for uh to explode now I I'm I'm doing a long-term test on one of those $700 I po miners uh I don't have the video I don't know which video it is but it's been I'm going to go find that I'm going to I'm going to go find it I think it's been like 2 and a half years I wonder how much ethereum classic REM mind uh here you know what I can look on my phone right now I think I have that wallet here trust wallet oh man I'm Runing to a hot wallet worst idea ever uh okay there's 12.8 ethereum Classic on here so it's $350 worth on this I Polo the $700 IP poo so $350 worth of ethereum classic so 12.8 if ethereum classic just goes up 2x to $50 I'll get its initial investment p uh it needs to go up way more than that to equate some of the electrical cost as well so if ethereum classic at least goes to $60 or $70 this thing will break even the $700 IP poo V1 mini 130 megahash little piece of crap is going to get its money back this is going to be the this will be the biggest video I will ever make about these little tiny little miners the the the whole Mining and huddle method has will finally will it finally play out will it freaking play out will will ethereum classic go up in the next couple months will I get my initial investment back on this little IP poo V1 mini over two freaking years ago we're going to see this is the I've been doing this I have not sold any ethereum Classic this thing has been mining and huddling ethereum classic since the very beginning so we're we're we're almost there bros we're almost there but if ethereum classic does it if it goes up I'll get the initial investment back and that test will have definitely work we're going to see we're going to see uh the E9 I broke even on the E9 I think a couple months back um the E9 Pros definitely broke even on those the Jazz miners definitely I'm going to have to say are are really good uh let's see uh octop space especially if you're mining octop space um man l7s man dude l7s I'm ah dude ah I should have I'm so stupid I didn't kept on with this test I'm so I should have kept on with this I I should have I should have stayed with this with my my uh my conviction I was going to I was going to mine everything in the Dogecoin I did a video a year ago a year ago right Dogecoin doesn't have a having okay I think the coins governance rules specified there' be no more having after January 2015 so Dogecoin there are no having all right but there is having with Litecoin still totally forgot about that oh man that video was a year ago Dude what a throwback throwback um using unminable with the L7 for Dogecoin I definitely did not stick with that um that would have been the biggest that would have been the best play I should have just kept with that LTC is moving yeah LTC is moving um let's see uh one thing I've been doing on my uh on my script miners currently on mining Dutch I actually have everything trading into Litecoin I've been doing that for the past couple days because Litecoin hasn't really moved up at all versus like Dogecoin so I'm actually getting a lot more Litecoin versus yielding Dogecoin because right now Dogecoin is is you know it's higher but Litecoin um I've be getting like five Litecoin almost four four Litecoin a day swapping on mining Dutch swapping everything in the Litecoin and yielding that Litecoin cuz if Litecoin can go back back to its Heyday of like 400 $300 $400 you know that that's a pretty safe that's a pretty safe bet um so yeah that's uh that will be that will be that will be interesting but H what other ASX I'm trying to okay you know the seia coin miners yes you know there was one point where seia coin pumped I I really got to go back to my I have not followed my SE coin uh I got to look at my sea coin miners k7s okay k7s I did not mine in hardle ckb so that is something I know I think some people that have done that um have been able to break even on their k7s if they mined and held ckb because ckb exploded uh ckb is another Asic minable coin uh ckb exploded back in uh April April if you were Mining and holding huddling ckb during the bear and ckb went up like like 9 10x I don't know how many X's it went up but it went up a lot um you definitely you definitely made out you made out real well so I don't know so that's another one that's another one ckb um what time is it 9:35 okay we got 25 more minutes as zil okay zil okay I've been stacking zil is one I have been stacking I have not sold any zil over the past couple even before 20 I haven't sold any of the zil that I've been mining during this time uh so zil zil is zelica going to have its is going to have its Heyday that's what I'm waiting for I don't know how I last time I checked I think I have like 250,000 zil 2 three holy crap that's worth almost five grand right now okay so if zil went to if zil zil went to 20 cents and it's pretty much two pennies right now if zelica went another 10x from here that means my stack could be worth 100 grand if zelica goes to 20 cents I will have $100,000 of zil oh my God please please let that happen please for the love of God this is one this is one I've been holding for and Mining into a very long time if that plays out I'm out of here I'm out I'm it's paying for my electricity bills for the next maybe 2 years a year and a half Oliver look at radiant okay radiant radiant better do something everyone everyone that has the RX zeros it it better it better do something H radiant better do something okay kadana all right I want to go back to kadana because Kena is interesting you know I I failed you know I I I I feel like I still haven't learned but like the whole Mining and huddle method um with Caden I I didn't learn I I could have been a Millionaire right I I legit could have been a millionaire if I just held all my Caden uh with that IB link bmk1 a single IB link bmk1 a $3500 Asic Miner if you m and held all the Gaden up until when Cadena went up in 2021 you would have been a millionaire that's that is that would honestly almost one of the biggest mining plays I have seen in the century of crypto mining like granted like I guess Bitcoin mining but like in a span of like 5 months you know if you mine and held all that kadana you know it's just insane how how the time frame the time frame of how much kadana went up during that time you could I could have been a I could have been a millionaire could have been a millionaire witha But Here we are now right it's 2024 you know four three four years later since the previous pump of kadana is Kad going to do it again is kadana is Kad going to pump is it going to have is it going to have its Heyday is it going to is it going to go up you know this is where I I'm doing a long-term test with a ka3 right now um here see if I can bring it up all right I got a ka3 here I've been mining and hodling this for the past I think more than a year now um more more than a year I don't know how much what does it say total is there a total on here uh balance hash rate uh where can I see a totals workers online ka3 I have a bit main ka3 by itself mining for the past year I think oh I have a tweet about it I think I have a tweet tweet about it let's see find it the mining Caden [Music] [Music] can't find it um TR to find it sorry where is it all right I can't find it anyways anyways team JFK red P have you ever tried a solo KDA no I haven't but I feel like I should then Wayne mining says kadana pump probably not till 2027 uh uh I don't think so but we'll see I swapped all my ARX D zil and KDA into soie what's SOI the hell is soie oh this oh yeah yeah a lot of people got into this yeah this a lot of people have been talking about this um I mean you if you did that I mean you're only making like a 3X so far I mean it's not that's not that big it's not that big of a depending when you got in it's not that big of a not that big of a pump um all right so all right I have this poll here going to end it uh are you rich from crypto mining yet so this is where here we are the state of the market um 35% of you say nope extremely poor still uh 32% say just surviving uh for 19% of say I'll be good for 2029 Bull Run and then 12% of you say yes Super Rich okay so really not a lot of people are really I'd say able to take advantage of where we are right now depending what type of Hardware you have now the the it currently of course currently where we are Litecoin Dogecoin mining is ex extremely extremely profitable right now and the sad part the the sad the sad reality like I'm just thinking just now there's just hundreds of people thousands of people buying these miners now in my opinion it is probably it is it's it's getting to that point where I think like you know you you should have been buying this stuff like months ago or even a year ago you know l7s were selling for $2,200 at one point you know that granted I I was going to do that I was going to buy a whole bunch of them and I didn't do it cuz I I didn't want to take that gamble but hindsight right like bare Market is is when you should be buying miners right the bare Market is is the time to buy Asic miners now everybody is flooding everyone everyone is flooding in buying these miners because because it's it's all it is is because it's simply profitable it's showing up at the top of the charts people are seeing these miners are making 50 $60 a day that that's the that's the the psychological you know mentality regarding people buying this stuff it's they're buying it simply because it makes money now and by the time you receive it and I'm not saying it's not going to be good you know in the next couple months or more you know who knows 2025 you know here we are in the market right now now it it's looking it's looking good it's looking great everything's on the up and up you know everything is positive we got Pro crypto everything you know like is is there going to be what now here in my head I'm thinking like what's the Black Swan event what what is what is what is the next thing that is going to make everything go down right every single Bow Cycle there's always something what is going to be that something you know last time it was like crack it was like uh FTX you know all coinbase all these exchanges all everything you know regulation this SEC that you know this that fud this fud that you know like what is like that next massive Black Swan because think the thing I'm thinking about now okay because if inflation is starting to pick up because interest rates are dropping um money printer go Burr quantitative easing is going to turn back on maybe over the next couple months to next year infl you know the the M2 money supply everything is you know it's going to be insane right if everything starts money printing things are going to go insane again but then after that what what's going to be that like what's going to be that you know Black Swan event you know and it it it's going to be it's it's going to be it's going to be crazy and I I think but I think yeah these miners l9s man l9s are now over 12 Grand 14 15 grand a spot I guess but if you try to buy January you know it's 10 or 11 or 12 I don't know what the hell these prices keep going up so it's it's crazy man I think all of you that have been crypto mining over the past year and have already gotten in like for me myself I you know it's all the miners I'm seeing right now are able to generate uh income now so I'm like looking at it to a point like would you would you at this point in time like if you making $500 a day in crypto Mining and I'm spending like maybe $60 $80 in electric you know would you still continue to mine and hold as much as you can like maybe sell enough for electric but then just huddle everything else and then as the time goes on over this next year you know keep holding and then just sell you know like that's how I'm like looking at it right now because it's like all the as6 miners I have currently combined uh all my gpus uh all my everything just literally everything I have uh currently I think I'm almost at $400 $500 a day us so it's it this is it's it's come to that point where I've been kind of like kind of profiting but also breaking even during the bare Market with a lot of my stuff and now now it's at a point where I'm now seeing that okay this stuff is making 5 6X over than what I'm spending on electric so it's now making me that that income right that I'm now seeing the profit generation after my electric which is if I were to equate that over the course of the month you know it's you know I'm making like 15 16 grand um a month just just on mining so I know a lot of businesses Big Boy businesses um industrial ones are looking at this now like they are just you're just money printing like you're money printing so your strategy of you know selling that into cash and just like getting that cash you know drisking and like saving that capital for the next run you know like I've been seeing a lot of these big boy miners do that and it's like should I be doing that am I in a financial standpoint where I am okay to maybe hold or just keep selling in the cash and hoard that cash until the bar you know it's like it's like all of this is like you know all this I'm looking at it's like what's the strategy now what's the what's the what's the strategy because you know are you okay with making this certain amount of money or are you you want to you know risk it and you know gamble a little bit more wait another couple months maybe a year if the prices keep going higher where we are now everything's looking everything's looking everything's looking peachy you know it's it's it's it's it's looking it's looking good right so BC has anyone tried volc Miner D1 yet uh BC no have not shy sa how much of that is going out to taxes uh a good amount for me it's uh 25% I pay I have to pay taxes every quarter and all the mining that I do is considered income so whatever income I got cost Bas as of that day I have to pay I have to pay taxes every quarter okay uh Little Bits money if you can you can BTC is the exit yeah check Raven it's going up Raven ra Raven coin is it time is are we melting f faces yet are we melting faces yet let's see nope we're not melting faces yet but I'm I'm I'm very I'm hopeful I'm hopeful for for ravencoin Geek of all trades I'm here you can start now geek of all trades my favorite my favorite content creator what is up man what's up what's up what's up man I love you you give all trades no homo all right is that is that poit can I say that is that politically correct not going to go there chump change what are you laughing about Death Valley Mining are you suggesting that you're not leaving us after this bull run what happened to I'm selling everything I'm out catch me on the beach somewhere Death Valley I I'm I I might take I need to take a break okay I may take at least a month okay and and uh I'm actually planning I'm traveling a lot over the I'm actually traveling a lot I'm going to like I'm going to like three other places over this course of the next four months um before my kid before my kid goes into uh before my kid goes to school so I'm planning been we've been planning a lot of trips uh with the whole family so yeah it's going to be it's going to be it's going to be it's going to be busy it's going to be busy um you trades Yankee Yankee what's up man Yankee we need another uh Yankee it's [Music] time Yankee it's time uh where is it all right y it's time it's time where is it where is it where is it where is where's the video uh way down here oh no we're going we're going way too far I missed it uh where ah here it is ah he he drinks it drinks the bath water uh Max voltage have a safe trip good sir have a safe trip oh man that is so funny so funny that was so good that was so good oh Yankee Yankee we need a we need a version number two I love that he had the rolling thing and then the gpus oh dude the GPU boxes below it so funny dude so so funny obvious Miner welcome welcome to the stream obvious minor I wasn't going to acknowledge you but iow content creator I have to acknowledge you pe of all trades don't drink the bath water you will trip your balls off uh Yankee soon I had need some ideas for the next video yes I love it uh black sales Panda what happened to your 15K 3060 TI rig Break Even yet um black sales that mined three ethereum uh after that I have not followed what I've been mining on it it's been mining random stuff since then but I do recall that thing mined three ethereum so how much is that three ethereum worth uh 9500 bucks so definitely has not Roi in that in that in that sense um no way that M three no way it did yeah it did it it it mind it mined all the way it Min it Min eth all the way I got that wallet see yeah no I I clearly remember I clearly remember the three ethereum from that 36 TI I have I have it on my coin Le okay I you know what I I'll do a video on that I got I got that on my coin Le no I I truly I do remember I do I truly remember that I I'll pull it up um for how long will this bull market remains your guess is as good as mine but I hope for you know what I hope for that we since we have everything Pro crypto Pro Trump crypto everything Elon Musk all this stuff you know I hope that we have like a prolonged uh bull run like at least a good year you know give us a good year you know that would be so amazing like that would that would be so good but I I don't think are going to stay up there like you know you look at the charts of all these coins like what the Peaks how long does it realistically stay like a lot of these coins like ravencoin like realistically how long like it the peak when ravencoin went up it it stayed up here for a good month okay like maybe two less than two months Raven coin stayed up at like 23 cents around that range you know it it how like like I hope we have like like a just a prolonged like everything stays up for like a good year that would be that would be great but is that going to happen probably not proba probably probably not so but it would be nice it it would be nice but who knows nobody knows no nobody has that we can all have educated guesses but we we just don't we just don't just don't know Death Valley Mining red P of M do you think cheap gpus like rx580 1660 108 TI Etc will increase in value during the cycle or are they outdated to at this point to matter death valy mining uh we we literally just saw the other day we just saw the other day um rx580s are selling for like a 100 bucks people were buying an RX 580 for 100 bucks what is wrong with people what look at this sold items uh somebody just bought November 16th today literally today someone even with paid $30 shipping for it $120 for this rx580 8 GB card reference Edition this is 150 bucks someone just paid this amount of money for a freaking rx580 is this for real I have a crap ton of these I got to start putting these on eBay oh my God 60 like 60 bucks plus $80 shipping RX 580 4 GB this is not even an 8 gab this is a 4 gab 580 for 60 bucks you know this is dude no dude these are all recently sold November 15th November 16th November 16th November 16th November 16th November 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 15 these are dude there's there's like 10 sales of rx5 80s on November 15th yesterday 65 bucks 60 bucks 60 bucks 45 bucks 59 60 bucks the these these all still have value that is absolutely insane that is absolutely insane it it it's it's happening the the prices of these are are going up like you guys remember when I I purchased like I purchased like 80 gpus from Hawk like $5,000 worth of AMD gpus like a year ago or is that and Mining 5,000 I bought yeah I bought there look my $5,000 worth of gpus is probably worth like $155,000 now all AMD 5700 XTS 5700 XTS RX 580s 57 more 57 power color these are all baller man baller powercolor Red Devils 57 sapphires you know F man like if I could 580s like the power color 580s I could sell these maybe for 50 60 bucks you know dude I'll get my I can dude oh my god dude it's it's time it's time maybe it's not time yet to sell these but you know things haven't popped off yet for the GPU uh mining scene so when that happens I'm telling you when that happens we're we're going to we're going we're all going to have videos again like oh I sold my Rx 580 for $300 and you know what you know what the sad thing is people are going to buy it the sad very sad reality someone's going to buy it we're at that point again it's coming back you know a it's coming back it's coming back already it's it's it's kind of sad it's kind of sad honestly but ah here we go here we go retro mic some people build aerospec machines where they want everything from a specific GE I'm doing the same with two 2014 error builds right now using only Parts released that year retro mic that is very interesting I mean the name checks out retro so that that that's a good that's a good plan for you I I like that I like that a lot I like it I like [Music] it um uh hey bros we're hitting up uh we're hitting up that time uh is there any final remarks any final questions smash the like Bros we got 245 people here 86 likes smash the like Bros can I can I have just am easily 100 likes that's all I that's all I that's all I'd like just just just to make me a little bit happier I need I need my I need my dopamine fix I need to see that I need to see that 100 I need to see that 100 if if I don't see that 100 I'm going to be sad for the rest of the day that all right thank you I see 100 now 104 thank you thank you thank you bros thank you okay uh Jo Miner have you tried to yet to get to show your private key on demo app uh jock MC Miner no I have not I I have not I uh I want to move to metamask ready to cash in uh I don't even know where to sell demo I have not even looked into that at all uh demo markets coinbase oh coinbase okay there you go um Kaiser let's do a giveaway later today or tomorrow Kaiser I have I I picked out uh I have four 30 60 TI I can give away yes uh I'm thinking about doing one every other day or something yeah we can do that tomorrow we can do we can give away 1360 TI tomorrow uh in a live stream okay Yankee bathwater video coming soon yes Yankee love it awesome okay Death Valley Mining read hobbyist comment above no I'm not reading anything javia says uh javia says red pen mining let's not lie you're not putting the time and effort into selling anything on eBay you hoarder you know what hobbyist you're you're 100% correct I never sell anything on eBay but you know what I'm going to do you know what I'm going to do I'm going to be given away rx580s I'm you know what because you know you know what my thinking is I can give away rx580 because they'll be worth $300 by the time that happens it's like a giving away $300 gpus who wants a $300 rx580 one for [Laughter] everybody 580s for all 580s for all it's just it's going to be it's going to be great it'll be great great tax right off Yankee knows exactly Yankee knows exactly what I'm talking about he knows exactly ah it's going to be great we'll give away we'll give away all the rx580s I have like I have like no dude I even have the 478 GB cards I have like 120 of those and then I have uh 50 of these uh Power color 580s so I like 180 RX 580s I I got to make sure I save All the Boxes for shipping for sure Death Valley Mining red p my next video how I turned 5K purchase into a 20K write off dude that is actually the best video that is legit the best video ever that would be the best video yes 100% yes 100% that is that is actually that is that is that is what we're going to do we're definitely going to do that definitely bro you got to sell them one at a time jock Miner is it look like I have I'm going to be very really Petty Here do does it look like I have the time and energy and mental capacity to sell a singular GPU each time I I don't I wish I did but I I don't uh R luk War minor what's up man wait I should get just give away all my 470s I came in my super micro my CPA would love me yeah yeah ex exactly there you go okay Bros you guys have a great one we're going to head on over to uh Mr rabid mining rabid mining I think is streaming now you guys have a great day I appreciate you all you guys stay safe continue on mining continue on the journey don't don't lose hope we're going to make it bros we're we're we're going to make it all right we're all we're all going to make it all right this is this is our time this is it this is it the crypto yacht is coming the GTRs the Lambos uh I don't really like Lambos but Lambos are coming for anyone that likes Lambos you guys that's it this is our time this is it this is it appreciate appreciate you all you guys have a good one peace out peace out peace out [Music] [Music]