[Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] welcome everybody Welcome to the live stream Hawk what are you doing here H go back to sleep backwards Miner Keith bets lukewarm Miner what are you doing here what are you guys doing here welcome welcome to the stream panda fakes votes whoever that account is I'm going to find you okay Bros got a fun live stream today we got and I want to interact I want to have some interaction with you guys as well crypto while specifically mining are you guys sick of a few things that's been happening around the space you guys know is there anything that as Peter Griffin would say you know what really grinds my gears what would it be what what's been happening during this pretty much whole like bear Market you know what what is your what is something that you found has been so annoying or maybe those that that just don't see the bigger picture and they lose sight of what their actual goal is when in hindsight whatever they're doing now or whatever they're trying to do now may not even matter and you know what I need to get the stream out I need to get the I need to get the chat out because I need to read at the same time all right let's see here chat is over here over here all right okay Bros all right on top chat smash the like Bros says Black Rock stole crypto it's over uh uh Trump 2024 is going to ignite the Bull Run Just Hold Steady Aussie I'm all for it St competition Fierce and sellers sell to 000000 so that's that's actually one of the first that's actually one of the first things I'm I'm actually quite sick of these days and notorious one would be I mean this is this is going to fall in line with all the the as6 that have been announced over the past over this past year um not only with Caspa but gold shell right bit M all of these competitors have been they've all been essentially fighting each other and I think majority of you can probably attest to that ice River has generally been the the honest I would say the one of the most honest actors in the in the Asic manufacturing space mind you they did have some hiccups with their you know thermop paste and all that kind of stuff but they rectified that with their new ones ks5 L k5m we've ks0 Ultras even we we we've already validated that so you know they listened and they fixed it okay um now the biggest thing though is is going to be is going to be pricing okay pricing is something that I'm sick and tired of I'm just so sick and tired of it we are going back and forth Non-Stop and there's there's there's pricing Wars there there's constant price changes of all this stuff and it it's it's it's been a constant battle right it's it's a constant battle and I think uh so ice server has been really good um gold shell has missed the mark constantly all right I actually we just did a video um about it and it's it's yeah gold shell is is really their dollar per gigahash if we were to compare their dollar per gigahash on likee you know Alia miners they're just they just haven't been good they're just not good they're they're just not good and they're not efficient their chips are are just so inefficient and when ice server announced their you know when ice server announced their alium you know their Al Zer like literally like right away after their Al box gold shell Al box were just like double the efficiency and like the price was way better on the ice rer and now we got radiant okay radiant um announcing or uh dragon ball announced theirs I'm not saying gold so gold shell is not in this argument I'm I'm assuming gold shell is going to come out with with a with an Asic and it's it's probably going to be inefficient and it's probably going to be very expensive so that's nobody is going to no Pro probably no one's going to buy this all right and uh Marco sucks at like honestly at this point red pen on mind the biggest Factor should be if they mine the hell out of the minor and then sell it uh mro Marco sucks at life I yes it in this case if you're talking about Dragon Ball yes the morality of a manufacturer mining the hell out of a coin for the past five or six months is obviously a is honestly a terrible thing and centralizing the hash rate of radiant um is is is obviously quite stupid so yeah I'm I'm sick of that I'm honestly and that was more apparent more so this past 6 months we saw the entity which was Dragon Ball show up with a bunch of hasher so yeah um uh lukew minor gold shell should be gold plating their miners only thing they should have going for them is slightly more pretty red Pand uh lukew Miner amazing amazing amazing um crypto KJ gold shell for timmies ice River for efficient miners bit main for big players red panda mining I agree with you uh crypto KJ I'm I'm like majority of us here we are not going to be buying like the bit main al1 no one's going to spend $31 $30,000 on this thing uh as as a home you know home crypto Miner it just it just doesn't it just doesn't make sense and you know uh how much are 10 EVGA 390s worth today I'm asking for a friend wh so fire I uh I don't know 600 us each I 550 each right now I I'm not I haven't I haven't followed 3090 prices for a while um let's see I'm missing talk crypto mining is this a venting stream cuz I got a lot of vent about H yes this is a venting stream you you can you can you can vent to me whatever you like on in the chat and I'll read it I'll read it all whatever you guys are sick about other things that you guys are sick about in crypto mining you tell me you tell me you let me know in the live chat I'm like constant battle it's constant releases CA now radiant you know we've had a leum uh Bitcoin mining is people are just totally out of Bitcoin mining now um ever since the having and mind you okay this is this is actually you know this is one thing I'm I'm also sick of okay this is this is going to be tied towards more about the long-term Vision what's your long-term goal what is your conviction when it comes to crypto mining when I've when I've I've seen a lot of comments recently and I'm going to factor that into a lot of uh people that have negative comments the negativity these days it reminds me exactly like exactly like reminiscing about the previous bare markets the things that people are saying now is exactly what people said in the 2018 bar Market you know uh 2018 to 2020 exact same thing in between those times you know crypto mining is dead like why would you buy this minor right now so kind of uh and I know this is kind of hypocritical okay and and and with crypto mining the psychology here of it is to invest into miners when things are low when things are not profitable and when things are uh the hardware is cheaper and so when someone has the thought process of like when things are not profitable when things are not making money or their Roi is like 10 years from now they lose sight of the actual long-term goal of it when is Bitcoin going to go in higher market cap in the Futures you know is is Bitcoin going to have um you know that price appreciation which is going to you know carry the rest of the market you know it these kind of things is where I I I'm I'm guilty I haven't done my best in explaining that in like every single video every single like Asic video or hell even GPU mining video that I do I I have haven't had I like there's so many things to explain there there's so many things that could happen um but right those are the risks involved when someone is going to invest into crypto mining so it's kind of unfair to say that if you are wanting to invest in something right now like a minor you don't know if that said coin that you're going to be mining like radiant alium Caspa Bitcoin is going to have that price appreciation in the future but the way that I go about it for myself and this is the things that I've learned from everyone else before me okay this is this is this the whole idea of Mining and huddle this strategy is way before all of us I I learned this personally from guntis vlans and also bsby tripping uh back in 2013 when I I remember watching building a GPU mining rig um all these types of strategies I've learned from then and look at them now look at guntis look at bits be trippin they are multi-millionaires multi-millionaires they have done they have been in this space for so long their experience I've learned from them so the comments I have been seeing recently which has also been tied to people's financial status so that causes them to be stressed out also causes them to be emotional which in turn they will lash out at the content creator or the brand or the manufacturer so this this type of thing I've been seeing more so recently and it's it's I'm getting sick of it okay not that like I said before we've seen i' I have seen this all before in previous bar bare markets exact same exact same idea you know all these things that we we've been seeing you know with just the negativity in the space where's that Meme I forgot to I forgot to bring out that Meme oh hold on where is it hold on hold on Jersey Jersey change Meme here it is I got to blow this up open in a new tab that does not work and there we go all right th this is my all right you know how everyone here like crypto and like crypto mining is extremely volatile we've seen such huge ranges in profitability on this profitability change on that coin pumps on this coin the said minor is good on that coin we've seen so much of that and it's funny that when people have like you know how do I say it uh hard set factual like their opinion of something is that it's never going to go up but it's always during the times of when it's not good it the mentality the thought process there is people think you know with Mining and you're you're trying to hold the coin and you you never think it's going to go up again I mean yeah it could never go up again but why are you then in this space why are you investing in crypto mining why why are you getting in this place if you ultimately don't believe that Bitcoin is going to go up if you don't believe that Bitcoin is going to go up in the future then there's no point for you getting into Asic mining there's no point for you getting into an radiant minor there's no point for you to get into a a Leia Miner Caspa Miner Miner even even with considering the aggressive Mission schedule considering that maybe krc2 is going to raise the fees the transaction fees that's make you know the mining a little bit more profitable who knows who who knows but these are all things that time and time again in my opinion I have seen more so play out in terms of just the the aspect the whole mentality of crypto Mining and hoddle that that's that's it you know like this this is something where I I feel like people are just such short-term thinkers they they are not they are just not understanding the long-term goals of their own their own whatever their their goals are okay whatever that people are going to be investing in this and are getting out I mean I hate to say it right crypto mining is a zero sum game there's going to be winners there's going to be losers those that have cheap electric are obviously going to have are obviously going to have a much better um a much easier Outlook because they're making that money they're they're profiting from all this but then of course there's going to be people that have high electrical costs and they're not going to do well because they have higher electrical cost and they're spending more than what they are earning in mining and that makes sense and in return emotionally stress everything they're going to take that out they're going to take that anger out on someone else and normally and normally that's that's going to be me that's or that's going to be someone else that's going to be some other uh content creator but you know the these are the type of risks involved and I've always always explained the risks and factors when it comes to Asic miners or when it comes to whatever minor that comes out the market I I explain all of them during my videos good or bad okay I even I even explain the good the good stuff because you never know and there's been plenty of Asic miners in the past that have come back and have done well those coins pumped if you were just Mining and holding the coin you're yielding more of the coin when it was down yielding okay when even even if it was break even you know and you were yielding a bunch of that coin it's it sometimes goes 10x 100x you know I missed out on kadana I missed out on nervos there's a lot of examples I can give you in which a lot of Asic miners anything even including gpus I should have mined this coin I should have mined that coin there are hundreds of examples like I could have I could have done much better in but I personally didn't have have you know the conviction in some of those coins to believe that they were going to 100x that they are going to you know 10x all of these all of these the the whole idea with crypto mining is simply just you're waiting for that price appreciation we're all investing in the hardware because I think everyone that's here right now generally has lower electrical cost so your whole mindset when it comes to this it has to be as again depending on your electrical cost and your financial goals your financial status how much you have saved up um if you're able to pay for your electrical bill out of pocket you know all of these things it's these are all things you got to think about and if someone is going to invest in this space not thinking that Bitcoin is ultimately going to go up and you don't believe you know you don't believe Casp is going to go up you don't believe radiant's going to go up you don't believe alium is going to go up then don't get into crypto Mining and I don't have control I don't have respon responsible I don't have the responsibility of you taking the money out of your bank account out of your Visa card whatever wire transfer and you actually going out and paying someone for a minor I that's on you again I've I talk about the risks I talk about all of the things involved regarding crypto Mining and if you are going to be spending your money in this the ultimate responsibility is going to be on you and if it ultimately doesn't go well and you're EXP in it to you know get rich within a couple months that that's that's the worst thinking of all that you are not going to get your money back within the first couple months that's not that is not how you think about it okay crypto mining is a longterm game it's a long-term thing okay and this is this is this is just this is uh this has been said way before me I I you know the crypto mining OG's of this space bits me tripping gunas bans I've learned all everything I say everything I've learned it's all through them okay this is this is not new even all the YouTubers you know up until now like they all learned that from people before me okay this this is all before other people okay this is not new in the crypto mining space and so how I believe everyone should now get into this and if anyone's going to be investing now into crypto mining it's going to be you're it's going to be really dependent on your goal also everyone's financial situation is different okay so I can't go through every single different financial situation that's out there because some people do well and some people don't do well there's going to be people that have a lot of money but then their electrical cost is high and maybe they're okay to pay the electrical bill out of pocket sure then there's going to be people that maybe live paycheck to paycheck but you know they have higher electrical cost those guys unfortunate as it is it's going to be much harder for them maybe you're someone that's you know you got a couple investment properties you you invest in the stocks you're Diversified a bit and now you're want to get into crypto mining yeah you know your electrical bill your electricity cost is not too bad you're willing to get into something like that and you're not going to be so hard pressed and stressed out or emotional about it that you think it's going to be you know a bad investment and that is money that you're willing uh to lose now if that happens you know you're you're okay but that's just one example of someone in that financial situation you know I've it's it's a oh man I could go on and on and I could go on and on about this all day you know I've I have seen it all and I think at the end of the day all of you guys that are here right now everyone that's here just understand what your long-term goal is what what is your conviction in this space why are you here why are you here I think the the biggest thing is all of us want to make money so at the end of the day do you think Bitcoin as as this emerging like asset class do you think it's going to be much better later down the road do you think the market cap of Bitcoin where it is right now what this is this is how I keep my you know my conviction about cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency Mining especially is just looking towards how much money is invested so far in crypto and I think it's really small you know I think it's extremely small and so for all of us in this space right now that are hoping to make a buck out of this down the Road not you know not a get-rich quick scheme you really got to think long term on these types of things when it whe whether it's your GPU mining or getting into Asic mining that's one of the things that you have to think about and so yeah I'm sick of that I'm sick and tired of people that have such short-term thinking and are are too hard pressed to think about the long term and I get it some people's Financial situations are hard they're unable to continue and that's that's it's all about risk management at that point you know you got to you got to save an emergency fund you got to have money for a rainy day like you got to have that extra cash you know that if if things go wrong or you you've over spent or you've overinvestment that that actually goes with any investment actually you got to have that that safety net or you know get another job or do U Uber or you know like you you got to you got to get more income if you're going to be if you're wanting to get out of that rut you know it's it's it's everyone's in a different situation so it's like you know anyways anyways I'm sick and tired of that I had to explain that I want to know now what you guys think so that's one I have a few more things I'm sick about but that's that's I wanted to rent just a little bit about that I just wanted to rent a little bit about that John English Tech my red penda mining Edition home rice farming kit is no longer Pro John English Tech you are banned geek of all trades September is always garbage in crypto we have come so close don't give up now y'all red uh geek of all trades 100% 100% is it was it sell in May and go away and then what was the uh what was the saying for September um Wake Me Up When September Ends H the Green Day song recber yeah yeah Krypto KJ recber Wake Me Up When September Ends so funny uh and then October October is supposed to be October yeah historically October has been an up month for crypto so we shall see we shall see crypto clutch says crypto clutch but reinvested too much crypto clutch what did you say before I need to mostly cast the moon my ks3 investment has not ended well uh well crypto clutch see that that's that's where it falls in line with yeah Caspa needs to appreciate because kaspa uh clutch if I remember correctly like you've been getting into the k3m over this past year um even I think after January so I know with you what's happened is that Castle's price hasn't appreciated much it's been pretty much hovering between 12 and like 20 cents it's been hovering around these levels and so there hasn't been much you know price appreciation because of whatever I don't know why but it's the reason why now you're you know these Miners and everything hasn't been doing well is because kaspa's Network hash rate has like tripled has tripled literally or maybe quadrupled since January of when these ks3 M were I got my first k3m mining January 8th it was able to get its money back by June uh middle of June when Caspa went to 20 cents so that was nice but anyone who invested in ks3 M's a little bit later you're a little bit more hard pressed now you're getting much less of the yield so what has to happen is uh is Casa price has to appreciate hard very hard I think at least two times like casos price has to at least 2x for those KS Z KS Z Pros to like turn a profit even 3x would be would be much better but who knows who the hell knows but if your ultimate belief that Bitcoin is going to go up I mean then you you would then believe that or have the conviction that Kasa is going to go up but who knows anything could change um on the happy note Steve Smith on a happy note I just brought bought one of those tangent wallets and so excited Steve Smith nice nice man nice nice nice um see hey R check out the Tron trade over Skyrocket for some reason okay uh I don't crypto clutch I got my first seven in November but bought February batch I think oh then your February batch should be okay but have you been mining and holding though crypto clutch here's the here's the big question did have you been mining and are you still Mining and holding Caspa like you've not sold any then you know your your goal your time Horizon in Casa mining is still very short this is such a short term uh the way that you've invested here over the past 8 months 9 10 months it's still very shortterm your long-term gains have not been realized yet the price appreciation has not been realized yet so it's not fair to say that you know you haven't gotten your money back because it's only been 10 months it's it's only been it's only been that it's only been that long or 8 months whatever um so that's actually that's another thing I'm sick of that's that is another thing I'm sick of the the the short-term miners that have invested in certain coins or certain miners that you're like oh I haven't got my money back yet after about 6 months like dude that's not how you should think about it crypto mining is a long-term game crypto clutch no I've had to sell lots for lots of different things oh well then okay so crypto clutch see in in that regard then your your cost basis you're you're going to lose out on that extra uh you're losing out on that extra gain then if you've been selling kaspa every day or you know every whatever um or whenever you sold it you know your cost basis then is is is going to suck honestly and so you're you're not going to realize I mean I'm not saying that Caspa is going to go up who knows but I'm just saying that you know if if Caspa decides to go up higher numbers later on down the road like a year or two years from now three years from now who knows um then you're going to realize those gains down the road but now uh if you said you've been you know selling then that's that's going to that's going to have a little that's that's going to that's going to suck unfortunately but see that comes down to your your your investment strategy your crypto mining uh your financial status you know how much you've had your your financial situation sorry you know you have enough money for a rainy day or you have enough money to pay your electrical bill for a good year or two out of pocket to hold all those yields waiting for future price appreciation you know that's that's the risk that some people take and it works out majority of the time especially if you're waiting for those good times to come back you're waiting for the bow run so Leonardo oliv oliviera red pen of mining my strategy right now with both Alf and caspy to hold and sell it in the future only or some of my A6 will not reach the break even some did some I have my doubts uh Leonardo yeah I yes right and you know buying these these Asic might also really dependent on when when you bought them I mean for people that bought like the ks5 pros back in August and then you know just getting them now you know they drop from like $100 a day to like $20 a day so it's like oh man I I yeah the ks5 pro oh $15 a day now this is yeah I mean it hurts it it really does hurt it really hurts um but we called this we've all talked about this that you know once these ks5 Pros however many of these were released onto the market you know what come to think of it come to think of it I think the 20,000 ks5 Pros released to the market I feel like that was that was true because we have climbed we have climbed almost 600 petahash since July 14th and I this is a rumor and we don't know but you know bitmain were selling to private entities uh for their ks5 Pros so whether or not those earlier those private entities may have gotten their ks5 Pros earlier than the retail Branch people end of August or beginning of September I've heard that with you know bitmain their their s19 XPS they did that their uh s21s you know they had a big batch that they sold to private entities you know this this is something where you know the C CTO mining space especially with bitm you know they already have those contacts right they have the contacts of the of the big players where big money you know they'll get their as6 first before anybody else they're going to get their miners before anyone else and so that in turn you can see how you know how much hash rate has climbed 600 pah has over the past month I mean we did the math 20,000 ks5 Pros would be about 420 petahash added onto the network so that's yeah that's that that's that's a lot that that is that is quite a lot um Hawk all right Hawk I feel like this time this is the time for me to reinvent myself on YouTube and content wise I am tired of repeating the same old stuff and I feel pigeon hold I don't know just saying red pen hot crypto mining I feel the same as you Haw I'm I am tired of repeating the same old stuff and feeling pigeon hold I am saying I am with you there good sir Hawk I look HW every single godamn Miner that I am sent for review every time I either talk about it positively or negative ly there's going to be a rebuttal against whatever I said for example when I talk about a bad minor let's just say uh let's just say the ks5 pro if I say anything negative regarding Caspa mining the first thing people will say is red panda you're you don't believe in Caspa you don't believe it's going to go up that's the first thing then if I say something um negative uh sorry the other way positive then people will say red panda you're a shill like like if I say the ks5 pro is good I'm the comments will be red panda you're a shill you're Shilling this product you're never going to get your money back so either either you know this is this is one of the things I'm actually this is one of the biggest things I'm sick and tired of whenever I explain something whether I talk about the risks whether I talk about this or that either way I'm going to be either labeled a shell or that I don't believe in the project and I don't believe in price appreciation of the coin there's no winning there there's just no way there's just no middle ground no matter what if I do explain the risks involved and also the pros or what ever happens price appreciation people will not there's going to be some people that are not happy about it either way it's it's like you can't win I I can't win no matter the type of content that I do and and that actually falls in line what I talked about earlier uh in the Stream was you know for people that are not believing in this certain minor that minor what have you um they're just short-term thinkers they're not not thinking of the long-term vision of of of crypto and it's just it's amazing to me that some people are unwilling to open up to that type that type of thinking they're just so zoned in on one type of part that if I explain something in a way that doesn't fall in line with or how it falls in line with how unprofitable something thing is right now that it's going to it's that's when the comments come in during that time but what if the price goes up see the the argument is what if the coin goes up in the future so that's the risk someone's willing to take so there's so many different there just just just people just switching their minds back and forth It's like either you're you're in the bare market and you believe that we are going to have price appreciation in the future then what's wrong you know it's like what's wrong with thinking that you know saying that this minor is going to be either a good investment or a bad investment you just don't know right and that's something that some people are willing to take the risk on okay if you're unwilling to think like that then you know why are you into crypto mining like the whole idea with crypto mining Is Mining and huddle so it's like just NE it just never ends it never it never ends never you you just can't win I cannot win no matter what I do no matter how many times I [ __ ] on a on a on a minor there's going to be somebody that will still find a way to to say like oh yeah this minor is you know it's going to be good it's it's going to be great in the future you don't know that and we don't know that and so we shall see we shall see time will tell I already have I'm I'm doing the DJ I'm doing the DJ thing I have a folder of all like certain comments that some people have opinions on certain things so when the bull run if the bull run does come about I'm going to open up that folder and we're going to read through all the comments it's going to be great it's it's it's going to be it's going to be great um uh hot crypto says I understand I still love crypto mining but I want to open up to more things deepin Tech news Etc red pen I feel like I do better in other areas at times Haw yeah do it man I mean there's there's I mean I I mean I've gotten into deepin and stuff I've done deepin projects on my Channel I didn't have to change my name uh you don't have to change name in my opinion like deepin in a way is actually still technically mining so uh DJ if they hate me let them hate and watch the money pile up little way DJ if they hate let them uh then let them hate and watch the money pile up H that's so true that's so true crypto clutch you can't appease everyone and you know what crypto clutch I've already realized that long ago but I'm just I'm sick and tired like I I I want to explain my thought process and all this cuz some people just they're just not understanding the long-term goals and if you're a shortterm thinker especially in crypto mining you're you're not going to do well I'm going to tell you that right now if you're if you're getting into crypto Mining and you're always swapping projects and you're not accumulating and you're just you're just or yeah not accumulating just swapping to this project that project turning off this selling that you're just going all over the place it it that's that's really the wrong way to do that's really the wrong way the wrong thought process regarding crypto mining um you got to keep mining through the hard times you got to keep going through and accumulating during the times when it's when it's low when it's down the dumps when people are negative like more so now these days right now this is the time like this is the time to continue to accumulate I don't know how else to say it like you think about other things in life like when when when bad times come about and you know when's when's it going to turn around for you there there's always that time when things turn around in my opinion radman rad CPU man uh red P mind same thought it increases YouTube engagement so you're making it on you're making it on both ends what are you talking uh what are you referring to I'm probably getting off track here DJ mines crypto mining is cyclical one year good three bad just the nature of crypto mining yeah yeah exactly exactly DJ yeah it's okay timmies will learn and be ready for 2029 probably will miss 2025 they will learn and you know what DJ uh for me my negative point in crypto mining especially during the bare market for me was between 2015 and 20 17 uh 2015 to 2017 I remember I mined on like a single or a couple 7973 GB AMD cards back in 20 14 I was mining Litecoin on them I'm like I I mined a like I think I mined like 120 Litecoin and I was stupid I didn't understand I had it and the pool just exit scammed it rugged everybody so it took all my Litecoin back in the day and I'm like you know what and it wasn't profitable anyway for me during that time when it was when I was mining so I was like you know what this is this is dumb you know like I'm I'm I'm I'm getting out of it hindsight 2020 I should have just kept going I should have just kept mining during those times and look where where look where I could have potentially been today and that's where I look at you know guntis folin from mop.
I look at bits be tripping you know these ogs had the mindset and conviction of long-term thinking with crypto and Mining um you know since 2013 for those guys bits me tripping was even earlier but anyways besides the point I think um just for everyone's thought process right now with crypto mining it's like if it's bad now you got to flip the switch in your brain and be like okay this is the time to like buckle down accumulate because when the good times come about again you don't want to be on the other side of trying to buy that Hardware you know buy the or mine with that Hardware when it's like 10 five times 10 times more the price it that is that is the worst time you want to get into crypto mining the best time to get into crypto mining is when things are negative and low and unprofitable that that is the time that is the time and I'm I've already been looking at buying more Hardware hell you guys already saw I bought more cases you know I'm getting into GPU mining more actually let you guys know I have more gpus coming I I bought I have a bunch more coming um rad CP man R your YouTube channel is making money and you're earning crypto as well uh rad CPU man uh there is is that a bad thing but you know what my YouTube channel is my full-time job think about it this way think about it this way someone else with else someone else with a full-time job and they're also crypto mining as well it's the same thing I have a full-time this is my full-time job crypto mining YouTube is my full-time job someone else with another full-time job and they're also doing crypto it's the exact same thing they're making money at their full-time job I am too making money at my full-time job there is no difference okay whether or not I make money on YouTube or not it I don't know I don't understand how that is is a question or a concern uh mine some red Min you have to get in mining at the top it's the ti it's a right passage to get wrecked oh M something man yeah oh there you go and you know what that's what it takes honestly that that's what it h that's what has to happen mind something for those for those people who don't believe when they come back if they do come back in the game when everything starts getting all nice and super profitable and gpus are $2,000 again you know 390 is three $3,000 again you know you know that's that's a bad time and they're going to they're going to have that experience of buying Hardware when it's extremely expensive so ah great times great great times smash the like Bros 232 people here 87 likes I I don't know what else to explain here but I'm just I was I'm just I'm getting sick and tired of it I I don't know how else to say it I don't know how else to say it uh rud puts I am a car mechanic and crypto Miner nice rud puts team g red pen of M what do you think of the bc2 and my music stop uh one second okay um what do you think of the bc250 team JFK uh I don't like the BC it it's such a pain in the a to set up I haven't even set up mine so and it's Extremely Loud and it takes like 2400 watts and that's power I don't have right now yeah uh rad not a bad thing at all my point is that when you make a video and people make comments or pro and con the engagement helps your channel hopefully the product makes money too uh rad CB man uh yeah right yeah the engagement part yeah of course of course uh the products stuff doesn't matter to me I mean I don't get affiliate sales from majority of the like M or gold shell even um ice river is the only one I get affiliate sales from and thankfully ice rver has been the only company that has been I would say the honest like most trustworthy company versus gold shell gold Shell's pricing is quite bad as everyone knows so uh let's see I'm I'm sorry if I'm missing comments guys I'm going to keep uh I'm going to keep um I'm going to keep reading here um uh let's see uh creating puts in more crypto cat Farms More Money More Problems depending on how you look at it um never wish to be rich find Value in things that aren't money crypto cat Farms I mean yeah we're we're crypto miners I mean this is we all do this for money right this is all about this strange thing to say and I know money talking about money in North America is very uh how do you say it taboo I think like people don't talk about their salaries you know maybe that's opening up these days but majority of people in North America don't talk about money they don't talk about how much they make because it's it's a topic that people keep to themselves but if you go if you go to Asia you know Asia China anywhere Vietnam all these places they openly talk about how much they make they openly talk about you know what they make on this what they make on that investment it's it's a very open topic so I guess it's maybe it's a culture thing I think in terms of we as crypto miners we have for me being in North America I have a hard time distinguishing the morality of like talking about you know oh we're going to make lots of money with this coin mining this coin and then at the same time I'm like wait you know I don't you know is that illegal like I don't you know we don't talk about that like not a lot of people are open about uh money part in their lives especially how much they make at their job you know um Gall trades R I still find it amazing that most General companies have a standard markup but Asic oems just sell for whatever they can get wild G geek of all trades yeah I mean they price it based on the market like the market conditions like the the profitability right like that's how they do it like how depending on how profitable it is during that time and then when they all ship them out they become super [Laughter] unprofitable so funny uh travels travels me too I have no money yeah PL La Mr PL welcome good sir dang I made it before the live ended I'm still here still here good sir uh why brag about nothing Justin Waters I mean well uh Andrew Jones hey when someone hosted her do they need to provide octom Miner uh cryptoverse Denis Michael cartr hello good sir hello all right well I've rented on enough um is there anything that you guys are sick of in this space let me know in the live chat and I will read it I'm GNA read your guys' chat what are you guys sick of if you've been given a second chance would you quit your Tech job during the bare Market uh Steve Smith yes of course I yes 100 Steve Smith I have made like I'll say it uh 2021 when I quit my job I I quit my full-time it job I made I made about almost 10 times more salary by crypto Mining and doing YouTube I made 10 times more than my salary in 2021 I had I I I do not regret I have zero regret about quitting my job my my full my regular 9 to5 job I I I grew my whole Channel I did YouTube I did crypto mining since 2018 grew it up for 3 to 4 years and you know that's that's that's what I've that's what I I worked hard I worked hard for um John English Tech should I sell off the 91 Supra turbo manual for more John English Tech you sell me that 91 tur Supra oh my gosh send me pictures John English TCH send me send me pictures send me those pictures let me see I want to see that right now now send me that car 91 Supra dude I will show it on stream right now uh John English send me a pick of your car I want to see that um all right I'm going to read your guys' comments here uh I'm sick uh okay uh Brad Johnson says I'm sick of not seeing bikini models in the crypto Brad Brad Johnson oh bro I I love it I love it Z pirate I'm sick of people complaining that includes me Z pirate you're not complaining you're just you're venting maybe that's the same thing Moria devil I'm sick of my 409s not being profitable uh I Moria devil yeah I mean I think a lot of people with 409s now are moving them towards the AI uh platforms I think vast is still good decent solad I think on 490s are decent don't quote me on that um plaw I'm personally really sick of Asic announcements after the company has been mining and blowing up that Network for months uh plaw I yes I we did touch on that earlier in the Stream I'm also sick of that I'm extremely I I hate that Dragon Ball or I'm pretty sure that dragon Dragon Ball The Entity was the one who Min the crap out of radiant for 5 months when selling it on Exchange but uh you know what yeah I'm sick of that too I'm sick of these companies having the ability to do that and you know it sucks for the little guy the little guy like us the people the real the realtor realtor retail investors just the smaller miners are not going to be able to win win we we just can't win and so these these these you know I'm not saying ice river is bad but I'm going to say bit M and gold shell and Dragon Ball a little bit more negative Bad actors in a way that they're trying to gain more money you know they pre-mine with the hardware and it's it's it's it's it's a it's a it's a thing that we obviously have no control of uh art Satoshi that's awesome do what you love Yeah man uh penda live in the dream baby uh sometimes uh Andrew Jones uh Andrew Jones says I'm sick of paying high electricity rates next spring I'm going full solar paying cash I'm done giving them $900 money out of my pocket every month Andrew Jones yeah solar is a great solution if you if you have the area environment to do it yeah totally um geek ofall trades I'm sick of power companies bending us over and not spinning on it or buying lunch [Laughter] first gek of all trades oh bro that was great that was oh God G goat that was great man oh dude uh uh 10x on salary uh PLS the other thing I'm missing lately is more focus on GPU Tunes comparisons on different alos and good info being published that make space more knowledgeable and how to operate the hardware Fox law I I I agree with you and I'm going to say I'm guilty of not doing that because I've just been overwhelmed with obviously you've probably seen as6 on my channel I'm I'm I have a lot of gpus still but I have not been able to like get into the nuances lately of GPU mining I I wish I could and but at the same time um I I hate to say it I have obligations it's not like I hate to say it but I have obligations with you know sponsors and you know people sending me stuff doing reviews and this is my full-time gig and I hate to say I hate to say like that I wish I could spend more time uh a lot more time with my gpus I I wish I could do what you just said there and you know what I'm trying to do my best to I'm I'm really I'm trying to shift that way and it's it's it's hard it's it's it's it's it's really hard it's really hard I'm trying to shift that way I am trying very hard trying very hard uh mind something uh it says I'm sick of uncertainty uncertainty and fed fund rates controlling our destiny mind something mind something yes ah dude uh I you know what that's funny man yeah that's like yeah that's that's that's that's a big one that's actually a huge one uh DJ mindes you can all H you can you can on your GPU huddle hope it gets an Asic uh Michael cartri oh look a whole 2 KDA from the giveaway the other day red p m I think I see a pattern developing uh Michael cartright yeah I mean that's uh not the KDA but in crank right you're 2 KDA in crank you you should have got like you should have got uh you should have got in crank didn't you like that's the Worth right not not the not the not actual KDA um uh I'm sick of every time oh oh speaking of okay since we got a lot of people here we should do a giveaway I I I I I was I was just told about this a couple days ago and I totally forgot nerd gears thank you to nerd gears.com we are giving away a brand new spanking nerd gears 30 amp 240 volt version 3 metered pdu this has a uh drock meter in it as well as a surge protector and the 30 amp breaker and it also includes uh uh let's give it a uh six c14 plugs and two C20 plugs we're giving away we're giving it away right now all right we need a video to comment on we need a video Who video someone give me a bit wait smash the like first we if we have 240 people here I need to see like 200 likes if if if I don't see 200 likes I am not giving this away I I know I said I'd give this away but there's there there's a little caveat okay you you guys just got to hit that like takes you one second gives you one second uh video Michael carright Amy lives crypto you know what that is a that she is amazing she needs Subs we're going to sub bomb Amy lives crypto hold on hold on hold the phone thank you for that uh I can't find her uh there she is all right there she is I'm not subscribed on this account don't judge me I'm subscribed on my other account she only has 447 subscribers so you know what uh sub confirmation equals one all right everyone first I want to see a sub bomb live chat just click on it and it should automatically subscribe you you might have to say subscribe um please subscribe to Miss Amy lives crypto I want to see her get at least if there's 227 people here she's got to get to like 600 at least I I got to at least see 600 600 Subs we're at four we just jumped from 450 to 460 but uh come on big big sub bomb to miss m to Miss Amy lives crypto okay now we need a video to comment on let's um now I hope she has uh I hope she has um uh her um how do I say it her comments okay should be okay how many comments does she have on this video uh she has 39 comments on this video okay that's that's uh I'm got to try to find one that doesn't have too much because okay how about this one Bitcoin Nashville footage look at that look at that oh my God look at this that is so good who made this MO moonot oh my God Moon shot's the uh the uh what's that company um the the circuit panel company that's hilarious man that is so good uh okay how many comments on this 21 all right we're going to use this video okay we're going to use this video uh like make sure you guys subscribe going to copy okay so we're going to you guys have to comment on this video comment on this video uh with anything positive and uh and which country you are from there there you go all right all right so the link is in the pin comment and I'm going to pin this pin all right it's uh Amy lives crypto okay we're going to give away the nerd gears 30 amp 240 volt version three metered pdu uh I have I have one I just have not done a video on it but uh I will be testing this out and uh it comes with a uh it comes with the drock meter inside which is pretty sick it's pretty cool um okay so uh let's see here make sure this is the video yeah okay make sure you guys subscribe let's just at least get her to 500 subscribers guys when you when you comment please um please subscribe to Miss Amy please very important okay um something positive and uh which country you're from you got to have which country you're from if you don't have that you are disqualified so edit your comment I see some people some people not posting which country they're from they're just posting a positive comment you also need a uh which country you're from looking for wit's on fire wit's on fire I will ban you right now but you're not wrong just just kidding just don't don't clip that to her please retro mic what are you doing retro mic what are you doing here Amy will be a guest on an xace tonight at 9:00 p.m.
Eastern oh nice nice nice nice all right I see you guys are commenting already I see a lot of good comments 61 uh actually I just realized yeah I believe it's it's mainly it's mainly USA um but uh yeah I see some people not from USA here so I I'll I we'll see I'm sure he can ship around the world I'm sure he can mat Matas Buckland I was subbed already okay come on guys she's at uh 492 Subs come on make it 500 let's at least see 500 Subs please please for a chance to win a nerd gears 30amp new version 3 metered pdu oh yeah look at that 30 amp 240 volt that's a nice looking pdu looks pretty good looks pretty good all all right uh Vinnie Del Greco damn still streaming yes sir I better win or it's rig retro mic uh Michael car I have one other comment on that video from a couple weeks back Michael carite it's okay shes schneid I'm Panda I'm sick of you not doing GPU giveaways snides you're banned I you are banned good sir welcome to the live stream how are you how are you man uh red pen at third leg you bastard um F1 madmax R pend mining should I buy the new ice server radiant minor would be my first minor thanks uh F1 Mad Max um bro I don't know uh it's it's going to be a it's going to be dominated uh by as6 very soon and whether or not I don't know how many but and is radiant going to have price appreciation I don't know so it's a Rel the the the rx0 the radiant rx0 is actually pretty low uh cost uh for what it is so yeah I'd buy I'd buy one if I was new if I was starting out in mining I'd buy one just for the heck for for fun uh to try cuz who knows if radiant is going to have future price appreciation so Jackson Lam more thanks for doing this giveaway no worries man I'm supposed to be doing more giveaways like every stream I do so I think I'm we're going to be giving away more of these P to use another two more in another stream so I'll I'll give away I'll we'll do another sub bomb and uh we'll we'll do we're going to give away another two more of these um is this going to be another rigged giveway like the last time ninja kid you bastard it's not rigged it's not rigged all right not rigged oh Amy needs two more subs come on guys subscribe two more subs two more all right uh let's see the comments make sure you guys like the video too uh let's see I see G of all trades RPM sub dump you ain't lucky great content UK aren't you lucky I see uh nice nice nice nice endless mining is here endless good sir hello mining hold your moons Bitcoin is forever nice um uh rigged if I win I'll have to send you to a friend in us a pirate okay um uh the video to comment on is in the pin comment at the top Bros at the live chat at the top okay okay we'll choose the winner in about 5 minutes five more minutes and we'll choose the winner for this new nerd gears 30 amp 240 volt 30 amp version 3 metered p you it's got a meter inside of it which is pretty cool it's pretty cool I like that I like that you know what you don't even yeah you don't need uh hate to say it but you you don't need the meter box box thing anymore on the outlet like this is just this is already has the meter in the pdu which is I mean yeah I mean that's that's cool that's that's pretty cool I I I love the meter box mind you okay love that guy um uh let's see here Travelers travels red P of mining choose two winners I'll give away 100,000 cooc cats of crypto okay sure we'll choose another winner for your cats of crypto Travelers travels uh you need Phantom wallet for cats of crypto right all right so people that might win get your Phantom wallet ready with cats of crypto on it 100,000 cats of crypto how much is that worth uh frog uh rj14 top she's got 500 now let's see yeah she's got 502 yeah awesome awesome hey good good good good good okay uh what do you recommend for foot massagers uh frogman I don't know I don't have a foot massager uh Michael cartright it works on Exodus 2 Michael cartright first things first get off Exodus wallet for the love of God get off Exodus wallet Exodus wallet is no good please please people are getting hacked left and right with that wallet people people that don't even have them on a on a phone by itself or computer by itself with nothing on it their wallets have been getting hacked somebody is like hash catting Exodus wallets somehow I don't know how I some like I don't know how they're doing it but they're I don't know they're like guessing the 12w 12w seed phrase stuff like get get off Exodus Exodus is is is horrible I have heard countless amounts of people getting hacked from Exodus wallet so uh don't do it don't don't do it retro mik says many wallets use a standard prefix instead of randomized uh yes exactly exactly exactly uh 100 air says I'm sick and tired of of a non YouTube influencers except uh no you're not no no you're not no you're not you you you don't care if I don't show my face or not nobody cares uh okay a lot of good comments here I see a lot of good comments on the wow you okay new comment we got over 87 comments perfect perfect all right okay I see a lot of good comments all right we're ready to choose the winner are you guys ready are you guys ready ready to choose the winner here we go I'm going to go to random comment picker random uh pick a winner.
CO and we didn't get 200 likes on this stream but 200 likes let's go come on 200 likes we're at how much are we at right now 154 155 come on 45 more 45 more likes R your mic I'll go buy you 100 likes RPM yeah terrible Krypto KJ ah the rigged website again this is not a rigged website I don't I I can't hack pick a winner. okay I don't have access like I this is not rigged okay this is not rigged okay so this is for the 30 amp the new 30 amp 240 volt version 3 metered pdu From Nerd gears.com let's go let's go let's choose the winner now here we go guys let we fetch the comments All right we got 7 77 unique comments here we go here we go who's going to win here we go here we go you guys ready are you ready are you guys ready you guys aren't excited enough no one no one's excited for this pdu you got to be come on here we go Michael cartright yes Mr Michael cartright congratulations congratulations good sir and I see you in the live chat you have won the nerd gears 30 amp 240 volt pdu congratulations it's extremely rigged I guarantee this is definitely rigged yes rigged rigged rigged mine some 10 red pen of mining I really need a few of those mine some 10 ah mine some 10 uh I love it uh Michael carite bro congrats uh email me contact red pen.com with your shpping address and you know what I feel like I already have I already have your shipping address let me see Michael right Michael car right uh nope I don't think I do but anyways please email me good sir email me congrats now we have another giveaway we have another giveaway okay another giveaway going on uh Mr travel as travels wants to give away 100,000 CS of crypto here we go who wants 100,000 cats of crypto here we go three two [Music] one johnan France auin is Mr Jean fris here congrats good sir you have won 100,000 cats of crypto how do I see how how much do I how much is that worth like is that couple couple bucks maybe more might be a little bit more Jean fris are you here Jean Francois congrats good sir email me please contact at red pandam mining.com with your cats of crypto and you can get the cats of crypto address in Phantom wallet you can get a cats of crypto and Phantom wallet yes yes yes yes so congrats Joker Miner with the seven months thanks for reloading the comments dick Joker Miner you weren't going to win anyway you weren't going to win anyway all right listen you weren't going to win anyway uh travel is travels do another one for 100 another 100,000 counts of crypto are you sure you want to do another one okay all right all right we're doing it we're doing another we're doing another one reloading the comments there 79 there we go Vinnie Del Greco you 6 months thanks for six months man what he didn't reload them you bastards it only went up like one we went from 78 to 79 comments all right only one person added one more comment okay come on all right uh Jean fris please email me your uh cat a crypto address okay and I'll send it to uh travels travels all right here we go 3 2 1 for another 100,000 PS of crypto smash the leg Bros best of the best Long Live gpus vintage USA vote Trump for the win all right is smash the like Bros here smash the like Bros congrats automatic beats thank you for the eight months man automatic Beats the riging ah you bastards you you're all bastards um smash the like Bros email me contact at red pendam mind.com with your cats of crypto address uh use uh Phantom wallet uh Luke pug Luke what are you doing good sir what are you doing here thank you for the 20 thanks for everything you do my friend go by Cass Luke P very disappointed in you all right uh let's see there you go this guys put out for a long time there we go okay and uh rig the legs bro 100 air you bastard election interference do another 100k from me for Co Joker Miner you guys want to do another 100 you want to do another 100,000 Travelers travels thank you Travelers travels so Jean franois and smash the like Bros you have won 100K cats of crypto each from The Travelers travels travels travels can you remember those two names can you message me on Discord Joker Miner you want to do another 100,000 that'ss of crypto well let me reload the comments then all right here we go another 100,000 cuts of crypto here we go 3 2 1 Maas back backland is Mr Matias backland here $20 through Super Chat is Mr Maas back here thank you again Mr Luke big good sir um uh let's see here okay uh is Hawk here Hawk I just added the redirect to your stream um members only poll the pirate thank you for the 15 months time flies when you in crypto once a cycle uh Matias backland has he has he responded Yes Mr Matias Matias please email me contact at redpen mine.com and I will send uh we'll get Joker Miner to send you the 100,000 uh cats of crypto congrats good sir congrats okay Bros that's it that's it for the stream is there anything else you guys would like to talk about otherwise I think that's it that's it okay see you all then you guys have a great day thank you Joker Miner thank you travels travels Michael Cart R congrats bro um uh Michael Cart right now I think about it my wife is going to have no part in giving up her dryer or oven plug pandom mining uh Michael cartright this pdu will not work on a dryer plug it uses an l630r receptical it's a it's it's a different it's a different plug that this will this will not work in a uh L uh 650 60 P I think I forgot what the the oven plug the oven plug is four-pronged so um Michael carite are you saying you want me to choose another winner are you saying you want me to choose another winner for this pdu Michael cartr no Michael carite you you take it you won fair and square no I am not choosing no you won fair and square Michael carite yes do it red P what oh God okay are you sure okay you're not you're not going to take the pdu okay all right all right that's a first all right all right all right okay we're choosing all right bros we're choosing another winner Roy Roy's Adventures congrats Mr Roy are you here Roy Roy's Adventures has won the pdu I clicked that Mr Royce are you here yes he is here all right congrats Mr Roy's Adventure you have won good sir email me contact at red pm.com with your shipping address and I will get that off to you I'll send that to Mr derar From Nerd gears all right Joker Miner thank you for the $2 one more 100K R Joker Miner you better be writing this down Joker Miner write down Joker Miner write down to me on Discord who won so far I'm going to forget you you you better write it down if people if I mix up whoever is sending to who I'm going to get it mixed up so okay all right fine we're going to choose another 100,000 cats of crypto oh my goodness we need uh Miss Amy's video okay uh and uh let's see here okay Royce's Advengers thanks so much no worries man thank you congrats bro congrats Michael car do it I don't have electric in my house for it if it was 120 volt oh M car r okay no worries okay here we go another 100 ,000 cats of crypto and that's it no more giveaways today no more all right Mr minor hunt Positive Vibes only still in the game is Mr minor hunt here Miner hunt at minor hunt minor Hut sorry I can't ping his name in live chat so this might be an older comment I don't know I don't know he may not be here minor hot are you here I don't think he's here mine some 10 have a good one man thanks for coming by good sir minor Hut you have won 100,000 cats of crypto I see you yes 100,000 cats of crypto You've Won good sir You've Won email me contact red pen.com you get ,000 from Joker Miner Joker Miner uh minor hot 100,000 and travels travels travels travels did you write down to me in Discord who won I already forgot travels travels can you get the names of who won the first two from you and put it in Discord my just Discord me message me all right we're done we're done Bros that's it uh retro mic Roy say Adventure PD J fa John Fran Ain okay so John John Fran John Fran 100K and uh you said smash the like Bros 100K okay smash like Bros okay thank you retro mic thank you thank you done done done perfect okay that's it that's it guys we've did it we did it success success oh what a load off success okay that's it Bros that's it that's it for the stream thank you all Krypto KJ we're all sick and tired of rigged giveaways it's not rigged damn it not rigged uh retro Mike thanks for getting Amy over 500 much appreciate it retro Mike no worries is she over 500 Subs let's see yeah 550 502 yeah perfect yes success success all right you guys have a great day thank you so much you guys have a good one you guys have a great day thank you for the stream thank you thank you thank you appreciate you all you guys have a great one continue mining don't fret and carry on keep on keeping on peace peace guys how we good one [Music] n [Music]