e hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I am going to start up the 20 GPU rig I am going to add six more gpus to the 20 GPU mining well actually this is a 19 GPU mining frame so we're going to have to get creative and uh actually I'm going to try to add seven on this row not six as yeah I'm hoping to get seven here okay then another seven and then I will do another six at the top so that should equal 20 gpus and the whole thing okay I am starting this video in part number six I believe it's been 8 months since the previous I guess 20 GPU mining rig video as most of you may know or may not know it's it's I guess it's a meme now I have 20 of these 8xs here well I think 21 or 22 and I'm going to see if I can get all 20 of them to show up on this 20 GPU mining motherboard it's got 20 USBS on it okay and it's the Asus h370 mining Master motherboard okay just to give you guys a refresher of what I got here and I'm using Windows now I don't have to use Windows the reason why I'm using Windows is cuz in past history there was a limitation with hi I can only get up to 16 or 177 gpus as some of you guys may have seen other videos before but just recently looks like I have been beaten by a gentleman named backwards Miner backwards Miner has been able to get I think 36 or 37 gpus on one rig so subscribe to that guy I have a link down below I'm just getting some information from him how he is doing that I believe he's using a operating system called MMOs it's like another hios uh operating system for GPU mining otherwise I'm going to try to complete this and get this going now okay so Bitcoin is uh I believe it did hit 88,000 as of recording earlier but before I begin guys thank you for today's video sponsor coin mining central.com if you guys are looking for the top Asic miners they got a sale going on right now for the Litecoin merge binding Dogecoin Asic miners use code RPM for about $125 off each Asic Miner ordered link down below okay so what I want to do first before I even add more gpus I kind of want to Cable manage it first cuz right now I do have some veteran minor cables here but they are a bit too long and so I did order a bunch of shorter ones from him recently so what I want to do first is replace them uh with these shorter ones and then I'm going to continue on adding the second row of gpus so we're going to see if we can get 13 or 14 gpus today in this video then I'm going to keep on milking this project until I make like 10 videos all right but I promise the next one I'll add the third row and we'll see if we can get 20 to work but I got to do this in steps or else I'm I'm going to get overwhelmed all right so just to confirm with you guys I do have it mining right now Carlson just testing Carlson here 7 gpus show up in Windows device manager so now I'm going to turn this off and I want to replace the cables okay so I'm going turn this off let's close this let's go shut down shut down okay all right then yeah we're going to just make this nicer I'm going to Cable manage the cables the USBs all right so going to do it real quick Nothing Fancy no time lapse 3 2 1 okay there you go much better look at that no more excess Cable cable managed the uh pcie for the risers as well the uh Riser cables the USB cables going into the motherboard little bit cable manage there and then yeah shorter PCI cables for the gpus okay which I'm using a a splitter on each one because yeah I need to otherwise I'm I don't want to use double the pcie cables going into each GPU these are 50 hxs so really I'm only mining at between like 100 or sometimes 70 to between 70 to 120 watts depending on the algorithm so this is uh definitely okay for my use here got to be mindful of the overclocks that I use of course but yeah the veneran miner I'm going to use these cables for something else if you guys are interested in any custom pcie cables go check out GPU cables.com or the veteran minor.com link down below all right let's turn this thing on okay so there's definitely a process here I'm going to turn on the uh parallel minor breakout board first okay make sure all the gpus are on all the risers are on yep okay and now I need to turn on the motherboard because the motherboard doesn't turn on automatically there is a power button here 3 2 1 okay that is turning on okay now it something should show up on the screen here does take a bit every time I unplug the power reset everything it may say uh F1 to continue of course I didn't plug in the monitor so we're not going to see anything that's obvious and I need the mouse and keyboard too okay and yeah it's in Windows and of course this wouldn't be a video if all seven didn't show up looks like we only got six to show up uh I'm going to assume probably a USB might have got dislodged all right let me uh restart and see if I can plug in all the USBs just triple check all the cables are plugged in okay booting up oh no we got an error on the third one I triple checked all the cables so it must be this one oh no okay I'm just going to I'm going to turn this off and then uh we're going to see what this third GPU is doing there we go okay so all I did was take out the USB on the third GPU here and uh just re-plugged it in so yeah everything is uh looking like it's good let's check the device manager there we go okay 750 hxs all right so that's good okay I'm going to turn it off let's begin on the second row I'm going to add the first GPU in a snap here 3 2 1 [Applause] okay just added one I just want to see if this actually works on this power supply and it shows up in the device manager for eight so let me just do this real quick so process I got to turn on this one first okay looks like that's on yeah I don't have the uh floppy connector that goes to the other parallel minor one to tell this one to turn on or tell this one to turn on when I turn this one on so I have to do uh turn on this one now okay okay all right now turn on this one okay let's see if it shows up now and let's see if we can see eight okay we should see eight on that initial boot up screen if I do see eight then we're good yes eight okay that's good all right that's good enough for me okay I'm going to add seven more somehow okay so this might take me a while but I'll see you guys in three two one oh okay that took me like I'd say about an hour to get the six I didn't get seven installed because I didn't have my drill to drill out another hole for just a screw in a GPU I'm going to save that for the top row right now there's six at the top here so I'm going to do a seventh one over here in the next video I promise okay but anyways I got six for now okay all the cables semi cable managed got the Dell PSU some of you guys may wondering what psus am I wonder running on these uh Power Supplies here so I'm running the Dell 1400 watt okay this is where I bought them from parallel Miner when they were going for I think about 15 bucks I think it was like maybe a year ago and I bought a whole bunch actually and I wonder you know as we're ramping up here I wonder if the power supply prices are going to go up so link down below to parallel Miner if you guys need to stack up on stuff before things start getting you know too crazy and more expensive oh wait I do have the floppy cable ah yes I do have it okay so this is what essentially interconnects the breakout boards together so you know what let me try that if I turn on this power supply then it should turn on this one as well uh you know what I'm going to save that for I'm going to save that for another video let me just do this how I would normally do it so I'm going to turn this on let's see if all six of these turn on 3 2 1 okay making sure all the Riser lights are on yeah okay okay looks good okay I'm going to turn on this one now okay the seven on the bottom okay let's turn on the motherboard okay motherboard's on and oh my God okay so we have 13 okay 13 we should hopefully see 13 on the motherboard bio screen and uh hopefully the device manager we're going to see if we can get 13 to mine here okay it's still thinking it's still thinking it did add a bunch more USB now an issue actually that I have is the lengths of these USB cables so I'm definitely going to order like seven or eight more uh just in case okay yes looks like all 13 show up thank God okay but we're going to have the F1 on the keyboard okay all right so let's just wait for that to show up in Windows okay device manager's up and it looks like it needs to install the drivers on each one looks like there's five that showed up here I wonder if some of them got installed let's go display adapters okay we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 let me see if I count that right yeah eight okay and we got five here so that's a total 5 + 8 that means 13 yeah success success okay so looks like uh I'm just going to refresh here yeah the windows is installing the rest of the drivers so that does take a bit I'm going to let that go but looks like we got 13 in total thank God thank the mining Gods oh my God guys I I have to say like trying to build this thing it it was giving me like like PTSD I've built the 19 GPU rigs before couple years ago or even longer than that and man it's it's quite insane to see this thing coming back to life again the Revival of this 19 GPU mining frame I'm going to see if I can get 20 to work on here and then eventually Maybe more okay if uh backwards Miner told me how to uh do that so I may I may try to see if we can get like 32 or 37 or something insane oh my God I may have to get more CMP cards or uh the CMP 100 210s cuz I don't know because it it all affects based on the I guess the pcie lanes which uh I think these cards are going to be X1 anyway so yeah I I don't know I don't know see that's why why I'm attempting this to see if this Asus h370 Master can actually you know actually you utilize on 20 gpus so one thing I'm curious about is I may have to switch off of Windows and go to MMOs or maybe try hios again and see if I can can see 20 gpus in hios with this with this setup okay so yeah I'm going to need to order longer uh USB cables uh USB a to a I believe or B Tob something like that male to male and uh yeah cuz it's just these cables are just getting too too tight they're getting real short this one here on this end was way too short I had to move one uh existing one to another slot so yeah as I get to the third row yeah these cables these Riser cables uh like the PC ones is not going to be is not going to make it all right so I'm going to order those right now and then when I get those in I'll attempt the top row seven more okay let's just refresh here let's see if we got 13 all right let's see okay here we go here we go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 yes 13 okay let's try mining Carlson uh with this rig oh you know what I got to run as admin right click run as admin oh man good old Windows mining okay all right let's see let's see if this works okay it's building all the de size here okay I how do I see more of the gpus on this list wait it only shows five what only shows five gpus here wait a second that's not right okay I'm going to restart you know what I think yeah normally after the device manager installs all the drivers I should reboot uh the installation yeah Windows installation okay rebooted we're back on looks like we see GPU 12 yes there was a GPU zero so that means there's 13 yeah 13 gpus on now finally okay going to let this go let's see we should be over like I'm going to say 1,300 Watts for the whole machine now how can I see that that should show up here probably really shortly oh no it's doing the memory offset okay now it's mining okay yeah now it's mining okay let's uh give it a bit here okay I changed the uh I guess the window size so I can see all the gpus so there we go look at that they're all mining 35 megahash on the Carlson I guess Carlson hash V2 all right 35 mhash that's pretty good the whole rig is taking about it says 1,500 Watts I'm guessing 1,600 with the motherboard okay so that's all the gpus yeah look at that okay 13 all right but that's not the final goal the final goal is to get 20 all right we're at uh 13 right now okay guys there it is I did it oh my God I need to go get a six-pack and a large pizza after this I am I'm burning my legs hurt I've been bending the whole time okay so next video I promise seven more at the top I need to drill a hole all right to fit seven because there's only six uh six screws in right now then yeah I need to order longer uh USB a I believe or B ends okay longer ones that are going to be able to go down to the motherboard then I think that's it I have the, 1400 W power supply I have the cables got the Splitters enough Splitters I think and that should be good to try to get to 20 then if Windows doesn't work with 20 then I'm going to have to try uh MMOs or hios we will try that in the next video okay guys that's it let's let's go see bitcoin's price oh my God as of recording almost $89,000 Bitcoin so it was like 87 when we started now 88 and then now it's almost 89 okay I am I'm super happy right now if anyone's watching this video let's do a giveaway let's let's do a giveaway if you got to the end of this video the meterbox decom sent me a bunch of RPM uh RPM red panda mining meter boxes so I'm going to do I'm going to choose two winners so one person each person each winner two winners they're going to get three meter boxes so I'm going to give away six in total six of these okay six RPM meter boxes and two winners okay so two winners fre each just comment down below your guys's thoughts are we going to be at like 100k Bitcoin I guess maybe by the time you guys see this video it could be 90k Bitcoin all right so just let me know your guys's thoughts about the crypto market and uh if you're in USA or Canada let me know down below comment down below choose the winner after 12 hours after this video is uploaded good luck good luck to the winners and I'll see you all oh my God I can't believe it I'll see you all in the next part 20 GPU mining rig video peace out Bros peace out peace out