there we go what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody is having a great day um tuning in a little late because I've been tooling around with one of my rigs I had a 3090 that was not cooperating I had a 120 gig SSD in it and um the WSL container file the the EXT file got too big and it dumped the job and when it dumped the job it never picked it back up I could have manually gone in and deleted that container file but I felt like that that was just going to happen again and again and again uh 120 gig drive not recommended that was the only system I have with a 120 gig drive so yeah anyway I have some two 250 gig and I felt like that wasn't really enough for like long term in case I get another bloated uh container file so I had 500 gig on hand through that in there and we're going to let it calculate out but anyway what's up uh we got some some people in the live chat Cavalier 306 minor the mining King he is the official if you have any salad questions go to the mining King and King is spelled with two eyes he he can figure it out 100% actually already knows it so go over there um Mage uh Vel claz daily fact are burn what's up R burs why don't you join us on Discord every now and then Mr R burs bear Richard 306 minor Nick and the others Mage again Brandon go buy a bunch of one terabyte nvmes I need to I definitely do let's jump right into what we got going on so we got our graph here we are anyway look actual jumped up way more than what estimated was but that that's because my 4060 TI came online and got a job and basically jumped us up like another four bucks um now estimated is up quite a bit because that 4060 TI is running and she's stable so let me guys show you that information here why am almost go down oh there we are we need to need to make that a little smaller I need to make my face a little bit there we go oh look at that we're doing it live action okay so all right righty there we go so we can see everything um so it looks like one of my 309s is up one of my 390s is down the 3090 that's calculating again was the one that had the um Drive issue and then my last 3090 is down um to $4.7 I have a 3060 that's down and then I have a 3060 that's oddly uh up so you know even it all out in the wash and then the kicker here 4060 TI absolutely slaying it at $483 so really happy about that that pushes are estimated up to $241 if I can get that 3090 that's calculating to actually hit a job like a four or5 job puts me close to that magical $30 a day mark That's what I'm really trying to hit here um obviously I need need to get my other 3060 back up and running and then I have other 309s that I want to do but it's like I want get everything stable and kind of build on top of a stable setup um R Burns I'm in the Discord now sir thank you we will I will we will chat in the Discord after this um Aaron do you think one terabyte is over egging it I I don't think so um if you got one terabytes laying around I'd use them um if you're on a budget I'd say you could get away with 250 gig drives I'd probably say 500 a good middle of the road um let's see here oh yeah yeah mining King does charge some some expensive rates 306 minor you got 2 490s wait 249s 230 90s 430 60s and you're making six cents every 15 minutes pathetic yeah that's that's rough 306 minor jump in the Discord I'm I'm curious to pick your brain see what's going bad on your setup um Charlie Brown thank you Brandon for getting salad to clarify with the stop starting workloads I've been on salad for a year and had issues for months I was listening to the idiots in the Discord saying you know what but now now I know yes so I have not been restarting uninstalling reinstalling killing containers I haven't been doing any of that and let me pull up see if I can where where we at where we at here all right so we're we'll pull up my 24hour My Graph looks good you can actually see when the 4060 TI came online and then it just runs everything just runs it stays smooth let me knock on some wood here so that way I don't jinx myself um and you know if you look at my 7 Day we're we're just we're chugging along nicely we're we hope to keep it like that uh over the 30-day you can see where I kind of added cards on I took cards down um and then you know I kind of just like let it do its thing and it started picking up jobs picking up jobs and it's been good I don't want to jinx it but it's been good I've seen where people are like oh I restarted it I uninstalled it I reinstalled it and their stuff looks like they're going through the Himalaya Mountains or something or or the Alps or I don't know I don't know but it it do look good so knocking for you bro yeah I heard that I I did um but yeah so I mean so far um lifetime balance $652 I wonder oh no it doesn't actually show you what you've actually um mined or like earned because I did make about like a little over $100 on referral credit so in the last 30 days I made 465 bucks plus like a 100 give or take 560 so I've I've computed about 550 to 560 bucks so far uh and then about a 100 of this was the uh like referrals because you get like a dollar or2 dollar per referral um I'm pretty pretty happy let's just um yeah click the price per rig oh yeah we'll show you that I don't really like the way they did it like I appreciate it right but um I don't know I don't it's like the what it's making per hour per rig so I guess up top right here these are my 4060 TI look you can see where the it came online the light blue line right there uh and then the other ones are my 309s up there and then these two right here are the 30 60s um and then my other 309s down here on the on the floorboard just oh it looks like it just picked up something probably picked up one of those little cheap container jobs but yeah so I don't know I feel like I wanted it bro broken down earnings per Machine by just like I guess it wouldn't make sense to do it for 15 minute because on this it's per per quarter I don't know I guess it's fine I appreciate it you know what if you're watching this salad I appreciate you guys just making it better one step at a time tomorrow I should have enough to get my $100 payout and I'll switch my 490 to flux um I'm actually curious about that we were talking about that in the Discord what's up Alex HD glad to have you I want in the Discord brother Chris Brown well join us in the Discord Mr Chris Brown go to any of my latest videos and go to the description and there's a link to go to Discord or you can go to bc- and there's a Discord button in the top navigation bar we will be in the the voice chat over there so come hang out with us chat a little bit and um oh we'll see you on the flip side this is not the screen I needed to show but it's fine you could rewind that and look and see at my see my sales if you want to um I lost it there we go that's the one I needed to see is mining still profitable yeah mining's profitable if you have free Power um and depends on what you're mining what you're mining with all those things is mining on a graphics card profitable it highly unlikely I mean razor slim margins at a residential electric rate it's it's not looking good for mining on graphics cards yo my cat weeks oh y you stink Man O Okay well anyway I'm going to jump off here I hope youall have a good evening and um I'll see you on the flip side ladies and gentlemen I'm going to go over to the Discord and the mining King asked for the best budget system you're going to need to go over to the mining King's channel to find the best budget system salad it's be racing PC please get the bots in DC to remove the misinformation from the idiots Chris Brown I don't know what you're talking about Chris Brown um 360 TI or 370 been watching way too much modern mining um 3060 TI or 3070 is not suggested on salad in my opinion 8 gig cards are going to there's way too much competition um they cap out at like two bucks a day and you probably won't get one of those jobs anytime soon CU there's too many of them on the network thanks for the updates no problem Michael um Samir bahati what's salad you can go online and or go on to YouTube and type in like how to start or how to get set up you know salad there's plenty of channels that have done videos on it actually go over to the mining King the mining King and King has two eyes he did a great introduction to get set up on salad that kind of thing salad videos he's awesome that's who I ask my questions too on the stop start deleting files oh gotcha Chris Brown Mage was referring to the mining question oh yes yeah I mean 3060 TI or 3070 yeah yeah you can get them for the right price they're still great cards for mining they just just don't do like there's just there's not a lot of profit to go around anyway I'm going to jump off here thank you guys for coming out much appreciated we will be back probably tomorrow adios Nick K we'll see you on the flip side
What GPUs making on Salad 6/28/2024