What miner’s are people buying these days? Let’s find out.

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[Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] good morning happy Sunday everybody Welcome to the live stream I'm going to pop out the chat popping out the chat there we go what is up Bros what is going [Music] on oh just woke up just woke up literally just woke up what's up stevenh random Miner Dom G Vinnie Del Greco uh Caesar offshore Miner Krypto Craig what's up man damn it Dave what's up man blackwards minor offro minor mine Su 10 good morning good sir alien Hawk Q good morning see otter mining Aloha hello hello hello it's a pirate hi tune Mayes up bro what's up what's up bro smash the like so today's stream is only about Asic miners all right this stream we did GPU yesterday today is Asic only so man it's it's been a while since I've like looked at I don't know what what are what are like what are miners looking at these what are what are big miners people that have money that are going to be buying like big boy miners or small miners or like I don't know I've just wanted to be I wanted to look at like what's what look good right now I mean or what has been good and like what was like and I we're going to get opinions from you guys what miners have been like what as6 have been ones that like stood the test of time in terms of profit in terms of profitability that's that's all I want to I I want to go through um uh in this live stream so only an hour we're only going to go for an hour but so Eric says L9 is the only next minor I'm getting just waiting on the prices to go down yeah so Litecoin Dogecoin mining yeah Litecoin and Dogecoin mining has been has been great over over the past couple years um if you were able to get in on the like l7s uh three years ago when they or actually no maybe when they first came out how much were the l7s was it like 3500 I know when they when these first came out I think it was like 3500 bucks or something now they're selling for 7 over 7,000 I think at one point the L7 was like $2500 there was a point in time when the L7 you know I think it was making like a couple bucks a day or less than $8 a day or something a couple bucks a day and at one point it was like yeah they were like $2,500 crypto Craig says L7 was like 30k at one point was that in that was in 2021 right that was in 2021 when uh when did these first come out let's see L7 October here we go L7 June 2024 no uh October 2021 January 2022 October 2021 was the L7 30,000 wow dang okay so that's when they first came out okay but but yeah um that was closer to the last cycle I thought yes yes last like tail end of the last cycle like that must have been that must have been at the tail end yeah tail end but then like 2 years later like 2023 no maybe end of 2022 I think it's cor it's correlated with the price it's correlated with the price of of of Litecoin Dogecoin of the profitability so I think uh let's see would they even show like one year oh that's they only show one year okay one year profit chart yeah three the L7's now making $3.85 now September 24th 22nd 2023 was making $328 Jesus it went up to like insane amount during end of 2023 but it was during it was during one of the low times yeah I think it was the tail end of 2020 September 2023 when this thing was like $2500 it was so cheap back then then it was incredibly cheap but what's this thing making now $4 after 12 10 cent Kow hour 8 cents $5.87 so if you got cheap electric then it's good but anyone that has residential it doesn't make sense it's not looking it's not looking good not looking good so okay so Litecoin Dogecoin mining it seems like yeah the L9 is going to be like the next big the next big purchase for some people but 1110 ,000 for this minor ah it it's hard it's a hard pill to swallow but are are we going to be are we on the the cusp of the bull run like is it is it a good time to buy it right now before everything gets insane that's the million dooll question right there that's that's the million dollar question um mind some uh crypto C remember how expensive the l3s were during that time back when Doge was like 7 uh crypto Craig yeah that right yeah L3 pluses were like 3,000 on eBay I remember seeing $33,000 on eBay at one point uh M some 10 my jazz Miner x16 Q was a satisfactory purchase the the Jazz miners xx and Q the E9 Pros during those times were one of the best the best buys 100% uh fully electric I have two L9 orders 6K each J January batch ah yes um I've been eyeing that as well but uh January batch okay the price went up the prices are going up on these things yeah see El yeah January batch 71 on on crypto Miner Bros uh still ah I don't know here's my thought I think I'm going to lay I'm I'm not going to I'm going to lay off the L9 P like Litecoin Dogecoin purchases for now just because just because um I don't know where it feels like where we are I don't know I'm not comfortable I'm not comfortable with that price I don't know I just I don't I don't feel comfortable I don't know I I don't know I don't know doesn't feel right to me I can't spend that much anyway I can't I can't I can't spend that much anyway I'm not going to I can't buy that I can't buy that much uh Doge needs an Elon pump 100% 100% yep uh the only thing I bought recently was one of these um directly from alphapex the dg1 home uh 2.1 2.1 gigahash 620 Watts now it's not as efficient as an L9 but I mean I couldn't spend I couldn't spend 12 Grand on on an L9 versus like a 1,700 or no it was 1300 direct from alphapex but then there's like a $100 $100 shipping uh so 14 it was like, 1400 bucks from alphapex uh direct but um not shipping until November so I'm not getting that thing to like later um now uh crypto Craig says I feel like you will get several good years on that L9 oh I agree yeah I I agree no for sure 100% no yeah um Litecoin Network so when I was talking to uh alphapex um alphapex is only able to manufacture uh they said they're only able to manufacture 2,000 units uh of dg1 pluses a month 2,000 so like I did some uh I did some calculation uh gigahash to ter I was like just I was just thinking like how what's what's the Litecoin Network hash rate right now 1 Point 1.16 petah hash okay right and then people are merg mining this so how much um um uh uh like just say they make 2,000 of these a month that's 14 uh 14 gigahash okay so 14,000 uh 14,000 uh megahash so that would be a point 414 of a petahash so uh how 2,000 times how how how would that affect how much would that be on the network hash rate of of Litecoin merge M so times 2,000 units so if alphapex released 2000 if people bought 2,000 of these uh 2,000 if they were releasing 2,000 every month how much would that affect the network hash rate of Litecoin like what's the how do you how do you do the math how do you do the percentage here uh is it this divided by 1.6 time 2% is that 2% 2.4% did I do that math right they're so they're tacking on are they T they're tacking on if if 2,000 alphapex units came on every month they're tacking on two another 2.4% every every month if all 2,000 of those were bought so how how many I wonder how many l9s that uh how many l9s um bitman can create every month H interesting very very interesting so it's a slow grow I think so regarding crypto Craig crypto Craig your thought there you feel like uh several years on that L9 yeah I think you're right because it's like a slow it's a slow gain in in these miners here it's not like you know with Caspa we saw like a like a like a almost a 3X in hash rate in August remember that like are we going to see an 3x in hash rate on Litecoin probably not definitely not so yeah I think I think Litecoin Dogecoin mining like will like stand the test of time like it will it'll always be there it will it be insanely profitable at some points yeah well but then there'll be points where it'll be like maybe a couple bucks on an l maybe at one point L7 I mean but slow slow growth okay next one do you still they do you still uh but s19 XP for 1128 USD electric at 8 cents oh man I don't Bitcoin mining is I don't know man I I don't I don't really I don't think us home miners can get into Bitcoin mining anymore I just it just feels like like it just feels like uh what's that term is it like diminishing returns it's like you know you get to that point and it's like trying to trying to get the most efficient Asic and then where the price of Bitcoin is and like the where the network hash rate for Bitcoin is it just keeps you know it just keeps going it just keeps going higher and so I don't know maybe we've had a a lot of wow did we have like a lot of hash rate turn off recently or is this like uh is this like C curtailment uh C curtailment here CB like 800 x aash down to like 632 what happened here what happened here September 22nd September 8th H interesting uh s19 XP dude I yeah I don't I don't know man I I don't I don't even look at Bitcoin miners anymore I don't even look at them it's I I yeah I don't I don't even look at them 8 cents you said o S9 XP 49 cents a day [Music] uh uh ton M says red P of mining what is the best home Miner for around $1,000 I'm thinking about buying buy a Jaz Miner X6 QE what do you think I should buy right now Jazz miners are are great they're they're it yes I I yes I I like those those Jazz miners are great um I think people are sleeping on octop space mining um not many people are doing it that hash R for Oct space is going down um Jazz Miner yes Jazz Miner Jazz miners yes Jazz miners x16 QE for how much are the x16 qes now where can you even buy those uh uh x16 QE yeah I'm like I'm still mining I'm mining ethereum classic and octop space I have octop space on all my polos and all my other stuff I was doing octop space on my E9 Pros on K1 but I was having a little bit of issue there but it was it was working for a few days but then I don't know why I think K1 pull stop so I haven't asked my hosting to change a back do to space but I do like uh let's go here ethereum classic uh so uh X6 QE 33 in efficiency uh let's see uh 0.

X16 Q [Music] Pro interesting off for the electric says why not sell your l7s to offset the cost of the L9 p Electric where I have my L7 hosted right now it's like it's been it's been Rock Solid hasn't gone down at all so I I'm just I'm just keeping it there I'm not going to I'm not going to sell I'm not going to sell it I one g p what the I had 10 ads this part this stream really how's that even possible I haven't even gotten the ad I haven't even gotten the uh the ad thing on my on my YouTube Creator um uh crypto Craig says what do you think about the bomb backs the only the only gripe I have with the bomb boxes is just the memory uh is just the memory on them but if you're if you're mining if you can mine ethereum classic because of the dag size you're going to mine e what's the dag size here uh D size calculator where is mining Miner stat here it is this famous Infamous D size so these things have like how much memory do the bomb backs have five 5.18 probably like 5.1 so you can mine the bombb axes till March 2029 and then OCTA space is what where's OCTA right OCTA 2.1 right now gigabyte so 5.1 you can might OCTA space on this till 2030 so yeah the the the bomb Backes are great I just don't like the price the the price the price just doesn't make sense right now how much is the bomb backs if they were to if H bomb backs should come down yeah 4479 that's yeah $4,400 the dollar per gigahash sure you're getting you are getting you are getting a bit you are actually you are getting actually a lot more efficiency cuz ah actually dollar this my my on eco mode on the easy 100c I I was able to get 0.12 in efficiency which is which is really good but oh I actually saw a tweet uh I think Jaz Miner is releasing their x44 soon that x44 is coming out x44 Q oh that might be that that might be a monster that that might be insane that that'll definitely that'll definitely H what's that website has what's the what's the website jle mining mining I love you know I really right okay if I I were to choose asex miners right now it would be in this realm it would be it would be in this realm here uh you know eum classic octop space miners or like Litecoin Dogecoin that's like that'd be my top like how do I say it sustainable Asic mining you're not going to make insane amounts but if you were to compare it to like a leum or radiant uh which these two are extremely risky Asic miners right now I didn't even touch on this yet I wanted to touch on this but this these two these two radiant and alium I just I don't know man I am I don't know I don't know what to say about these two other than I just feel like buying as6 for these it's it's it's it's it's a it's a it's a big risk it's a big it's a big risk it's a big risk so I I I don't know the future of radiant I don't know the what's that what's that Meme or the future is radiant or some crap uh alium I feel like aium hopefully can do well I mean it all it all I don't even know if you know if we're all thinking the bowl runs coming here and every the good times are coming right 2025 I hope so for for the love of God for everyone that has been buying Bitcoin miners radiant alium any Asic anyone that's been buying Caspa even I really hope I really hope next year is the year because if it's not then like you know everyone's time Horizon here is long term right another year or two so everyone that's like buying asex now um saying it's oh it's a bad idea or you know it's a good idea it hasn't played out yet we haven't had that we haven't had that ride up in price so I think a lot of people who've been saying like oh buying Casa miners is a was a bad idea I mean it's only been like 6 months or a couple months since these released and you know sometimes they're profitable and sometimes during the KRC 20 of course it was really good um and still good till this till this till now but um it's it hasn't it hasn't really sustained that that much like uh I I'm going all over the place here but Castle mining is okay it's still generally okay now because of kc20 so so far so good but um I am curious of of just radiant alium for people getting into these ones it's going to be it's it's going to be it's going to be interesting right I I don't have a crystal ball but um if your long-term goal and you believe that you know R radiant LEF him is going to do well in the future that's that's your biggest reason why you're going to buy these miners that's it that's it I really hope I really do hope and I do believe that we are going to come to a time when you know things are going to go up again and uh it it it has to it has to um if not then we've all wasted our money and so I I don't we can't say that we've all wasted our money now if we're buying stuff now it's it hasn't played out yet you know I think it's all the comments all the comments I've been reading it's like ah I bought this four months ago it was a waste of money hasn't even played out yet you got to we got to wait another year you got to wait another two years until you can say that like if the crypto Market does if Bitcoin never goes up again from now if Bitcoin never goes up till where we are now then there is no point for you there's no point for you to believe that the market isn't going to do well later on and this is how I always look at it my big picture look my big picture thinking looking at crypto is understanding uh understanding like just the big picture here Bitcoin $1.2 trillion market cap like you know at one point Bitcoin was like 2 trillion just like last year or something 2 trillion so if Bitcoin has the ability to do that what is stopping Bitcoin from going even higher than that 3 trillion 4 trillion 5 trillion what's what's what's stopping Bitcoin going up to where gold is 17 trillion right now I'm not saying that that's going to happen but that's that's what helps me this is what helps me sleep at night when I have when I think about if I'm going to purchase something um and believe in like altcoin season or you know when Bitcoin goes up altcoin season comes around that's that's my ultimate belief system that's that's how I look at it that's how I that's how I look at it the big picture thinking of like Litecoin ethereum classic you you look at the history of these coins it goes up when generally Bitcoin goes up Alum radiant is new so I I'm suspecting similar results when the market goes up uh but not Financial advice I like I'm just I'm just speculating there but just looking at you know some of these coins that could do well holy crap cha just went up 26% today nice do other o space 4.2 nice nice okay uh radiant is up 32% over the past month 79 oh 79% all right radiant went up because of the Asic uh news how's radiant doing now okay so it's kind of tailing off down here okay okay all right okay all right um all right I want to read read comments Now red stevenh says red pen Min even with high hash rate on Alp and rxd the ice River's name sense at 100 Watts uh you're talking about the rx0 yes wait no wait it well so far the ice River rx0 would be the best uh would be the best radiant minor we haven't we haven't have we heard a gold shell radiant minor yet no we haven't have we heard the bit main one yet no we haven't yet so I I'm not I'm not going out buying like 20 of these no I'm i' I'd maybe gabble gamble on one that's it that's it alium I'm would I would I buy an Al zero no uh no at this point in time no ah it's getting it it's getting it's getting that it's feeling this just reminds me of like the Caden Caden hash rate this reminds me of Caden's hash rate like when those k3s started coming on destroying the N like taking over the network just like with bitm going now bitm with their Al ons and Ice River with their a3s but I I don't know well will will alium do amazing in the bowl like well will alium uh will leum continue its rise I don't know man I don't know o looking at this like looking at this kind of chart I think I was talking to one of my friend Trader friends he's like he's like the first thing he said to me was and this is not Financial advice this is not Financial advice but he said he said to me he said to me alium peaked already peaked so I don't I I I don't know if this means that we're going to like is are we going to continue like chopping here going down I I I don't know I I I I don't want to I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth but like I don't know it it all depends if we all believe in the bull run then at least maybe should do well who knows the hash rate continues to climb it just went up it in the past couple days look at this the past couple days the hash rate went from it dropped down to 709 pah has now it's like couple days later a week later it's at 14 petahash that's crazy that's crazy oh yeah uh B will bit M keep the AL On's at 30k given the ice overs device I tweeted this out on X like why hasn't bitm dropped the goddamn price on their al1 Pros while ice river al3 is half the price quarter quarter of the half the price yeah half the no onethird of the price what's bit M doing what nobody's buying this I hope the I hope nobody is buying the bitmain al1 pro or al1 one anymore please please don't spend 35 Grand please don't spend 30 grand dude Stephen it dropped because ice server is going to ship uh when are they shipping uh nope I got confirmation the al3 is shipping in about 20 days 20 days I just got that email yesterday from Crypt Miner Bros uh 20 more days and the al3 ships so this this one right here this one right here 20 days I am getting one I have one coming but do I recommend buying it h oh oh man it's by the time I get it it's going to be like this thing's going to make like $30 or $20 a day but it's how much more how much it's just going to keep going it's it's just going to keep Rising hash rate's going to keep Rising so the Saving Grace there is is Casa price has to keep going up it has to keep going up to stay to stay to stay profitable like I just H I just don't feel I just don't feel good I don't feel good I don't know my gut feeling tells me it it we're we're hitting up here this is how I feel this is how I feel hold on hold on Cor market cap where is the cad where's CAD I'm not saying it's going to happen but I'm just I'm just like uh hold on I got to bring this out I want the alium chart here's the Caden chart okay oh all right I want to take this time frame here I'm not saying this is the same but I'm not saying this is the same but I don't know does this look the same to you okay so here's alium here's Cadena all right CAD had that massive 20x alium also had uh I don't know 20x as well I don't know how much it went up but like you see how it's kind of like tailing tailing off here you know and this is when the k3s the k3s came about right here the ka3 the bitman k3s came out this time and then it just started going down and down and down is alium going to have that same the same drop off here so now that bit the bit Ms just started coming about ice rivers are coming out in in 20 days 18 days or so are we are we going to have a similar chart looking with kadana with aium what are your guys's thoughts is this is it look the same to you uh fully electric yeah by the the time you get the AO3 you'll only be earning $35 per day for like a two weeks and then $20 after that yeah 100% 100% 100% um uh to Electric Red pen of mine the drop off will be less because KDA drop off was also because the tail end of the previous bow run uh fully electric you're you're right yeah the tail end of the Bull Run was like uh October yeah October 2021 or no November but what Bitcoin went up in September and then CAD pumped and then went down but I hope so I I I really hope so I mean just looking I I was also correlating this uh someone told me they they correlated aum's chart with like other charts very similar um and if you looked at them they all they all went down after the probability of aum's price going down was was pretty high because it apparently it has Peak it it looks like it's peaked already I'm not saying it has not Financial advice but I'm just saying like it's it's like it's looking like that you got you know what I mean like I don't know how to I don't know I'm not a Trader not Financial advice I bet Anything could happen if Kena just if if alium just goes up from here that would be great that would be awesome I'm all for it I'm all trust me I am all for it for everyone who has bought Al zeros bit me1s whatever these miners I hope so for their sake for people who have bought these I really do hope I truly hope that alium goes up but we'll see we're we're going to we're going to see time will tell time will tell that's that's all that matters here are we on the cusp of the bull run if we are that's great I really I really truly do hope so I really truly hope so Jake lazor says waiting on the ice rver RX can't wait to make $22.40 a day ah I mean the rx0 yeah I mean it doesn't take much for radiance price to to to change profit to change profitability like for for uh uh for the for the for these as6 so doesn't it doesn't take much it doesn't take much so we'll see we'll see it's it's pretty volatile at one point the rx0 was making $10 a day and now the RX zero because Radiance look look Radiance hash rate it it just pumped like uh beginning of September uh look at that beginning of September we at 177 terahash now we were at we're at uh 1.28 petahash and now it's dropped down massively looks like ice servers stopped testing their RX zeros uh 83 Tera has now oh that's an F wait 83 ter what does an rx0 do an rx0 400 gigahash uh where's the calculator here 400 400 gigahash okay uh and we are in Tera hases already terahash ter so Network hash rate for rating if it peaked up to 1.28 pah has 1.28 pah has okay all right I'm just curious let's just do one p uh yeah one divided by so there could be 2500 RX zeros that have that have been manufactured that's not too farfetched to think about 2500 of these maybe 2,000 units from uh ice River yeah 2500 units from ice rver I mean I think a whole we had a massive drop in hash right here 1.28 to 803 so maybe like a good thousand units just turned off are being shipped out th000 people bought the RX zero uh uh 2 m radiant I need a pump yes yes yes yes I mean Saving Grace there radiant needs the pump DJ what is up man DJ welcome welcome welcome um okay so Radiance uh yeah I don't know it I don't know I really I'm hopeful but I don't know I'm hopeful okay okay all right next basic topic Caspa Caspa miners should I buy a Casta Miner now you know should I should I invest into Casta mining well it looks like for now it looks like the Casta miners are making decent all look profit the the profitability of a ks5 l at 1 point at 8 cents though they they're making $40 a day at the peak when the krc2 released right normally they're making 14 this is revenue sorry not profit 14 13 a day right boom went up to 39 and then next couple days 17 18 20 so uh the uh KRC actually I did see C was I don't have the C yeah C hash rate cwork hash rate did Dro down a little bit here um but then it went back up probably probably curtailment from Ice River hosting I'm guessing right probably but the because krc2 the transactions let's see if we go to C politics C politics this is this is where it shows how the transaction yeah so the transactions have been you know it's been it's been going up and down up and down uh here especially if we go uh past month okay here we go all right so this is where krc2 came out and there was like almost 8 million 10 9 million transactions or something that day next day same thing but then now transactions have been going down about 2,000 2 million c 2 million transactions a day 1.74 million trans so it's definitely died down um will it sustain though will it will it stay around these levels I don't know it depends krc2 right krc2 like how many more it it seems like a lot of people are still minting tokens right A lot of people are minting uh tokens on krc2 and then there is news tangum tangum is going to have kc20 functionality did you did you hear that tangum holy crap man that's actually huge uh tangum uh herey 20 tokens into tangum now that that will be that will be huge that that will be that will be huge and if anyone's looking for a a tangent wallet I have my RPM branded one go check it out and use code RPM for 10% off as well so for for 50 bucks you get a 60 bucks you get a cold storage wallet that has Caspa and a bunch of other coins has octop space too which is nice uh ethereum classic ravencoin Bitcoin Caspa Litecoin Dogecoin all the popular all the popular coins it's great love it I love it this is uh um but yeah car if kc2 keeps on if if kc20 keeps on trucking here then do I think um do I think buying castle miners now is a good idea again it all depends if if are we going to is Casper going to have another leg up you know I don't know see this is just this is the risk this is the risk people are going to take all right oh c just dropped four % damn I mean it's not that big of a deal but like look at that look at kaspa's chart man look at that look at that this is like the perfect chart it's such a nice looking positive bullish chart everyone says everyone says this is such a bullish chart ever are we going to have the next leg up or are we going to have another Le next leg down who knows nobody knows nobody knows we're going to have the bow run is the altcoin season coming then Casa will will will go along with it I hope so I I truly hope so for everyone that's gotten into the Casta mining um so if you are going to buy these things um looking at right now the the best if I were to if okay so if I'm bullish on Caspa if I were to get in the casa right now I think I'm going to stay it's going to stay relevant uh it's going to be profitable uh ks5 Pro let's see ks5 Pro um K5 you know this thing is making $22 a day right now profit after 8 cents electric though um I would probably get the bitmain ks5 pros uh not the ice rers so ice server pricing is is uh if you're looking at also efficiency wise comparing the efficiency in the dollar per gigahash the bit main one is going to be the is going to be the is going to be the one I is going to be the one I would get um now uh um now fly electric people just need to buy the coin at this point that is so I think and this is not Financial advice we we've come down okay you know that like that what's that it's like that equili right you know when the bitman ks5 pros were 12 Grand that that was not a good time to buy but now the price has dropped down like 5x but it's still relevant it's still profitable and in the future even with the emissions tailing off over the next over the next year right by half every month it's 5.6% drop off so with and also the with the whole KC 20 if you believe in the transaction if you believe that you're still going to earn that extra transaction fee um from KRC 20 I think the ks5 pro would probably be the Best Buy versus anything else right now at this price point I I'm talking about at this price point and if caspo were to just go up next leg up 25 25 cents 40 cents I mean you're going to pay off off your ks5 pro in terms of Fiat value you're you're going to pay that off in the next couple months probably if you're Mining and holding that is as well like you got you got to think of the mining the best mining strategy Is Mining and holding the Caspa as well so I think the the the getting the cost basis of getting into these miners now have have gotten way down okay it's gotten way down from what it was right remember when these were like 12 Grand not not a good time for those especially who bought them like a day or a couple days beforehand and then they just tanked the price the next day like terrible like it's just it's just terrible terrible so I actually bought one recently for 26 28 $2,800 um a bit main ksy Pro I'm going to get that hosted um so I'm going to be doing a long-term M and hudle test and a break and a break even test of $2,800 we're going to see how long it takes for a bitman ks5 pro when I receive I haven't received it yet to break even so we're going to I'm going to do that actual test and so if it works out it works out if it doesn't uh I'm going to make the video well we'll make the video either way you know you know the time Horizon there for me is going to be I make like a six-month update you know onee update and then I'll compare if you know was spending $2,800 on a ks5 pro uh now September 22nd 2020 or September of 2024 was a good or bad idea so I'm going to I'm going to say we'll see we shall we shall see um so that's my take right now uh it seems like the the whole krc2 thing was a success um obviously Casp was Network hash rate is still going to continue to climb um right now yeah I just we're going to see we're going to see obviously it seems like buying the coin would be the better bet uh it buying the coin a couple months ago would have been the better bet for sure especially when these miners were like in the thou in the five digits like 100% buying the coin when it was like at these prices 20,000 30,000 whenever you know ks5 Pro back in May May April this thing was $3,000 $33,000 dude $333,000 it was actually insane like this was like 5 months ago 6 months ago have those people gotten their money back yet no definitely not because the price of Caspa hasn't really hasn't really like it it's gone up but it hasn't really like it's been it's been hovering around this area area between 10 and 20 cents for a long time so between that time the Caspa Network's hash rate just went up three times so their only saving grace there is they got to keep Mining and holding that cow that they've been mining since the beginning and hope to God that cast goes up man oh man Filly electric says when you receive that ks5 Pro for 2800 will buy 2.8 uh th000 of Caspa in a dedicated tangum wallet and we'll do that test with you uh fully electric okay sounds good sounds good sounds good okay nothing else with Caspa uh Bitcoin mining I right now I I just I can't get into it these things still cost too much couple, for the S21 pros and the only you just have to have cheap electri you got to have cheap electric if you're going to bitcoin mine right now like I just I don't know I I wouldn't get I I would not get into Bitcoin mining anymore as a home as a home uh residential Miner um if Bitcoin went to 150k yeah sure some of these could be Pro some of these will be profitable again but it I would rather I would rather for me I would rather get into ethereum classic mining octop space mining or Litecoin mining um I totally forgot to touch on like some other like we haven't touched on uh nervos A6 or uh equihash A6 just recently there was a little reprisal on z15 z15 Pros uh the z15 is actually well it was making $10 a day at one point but cach price started going down uh but just yeah there the the z5s were making a little bit just a couple months ago uh there's a little bit of a price bump here um so it's funny that these you know these were selling for about $2,000 at one point but these have these have remained decently decently profitable like dollar to doll range I still got mine going I still have mine mining right now um this thing came out May 2023 so this C15 has still been decent um then uh nervos uh nervos ckb this one uh had a bit of a had a bit of a had a bit of a pump recently look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that ckb look at that that a little of a pump recently 3 months ago yeah yeah so ckb miners nvos the K7 I actually have two of them so I actually have them on nice hash right now uh the K7 is making $786 a day wow it wasn't before it was making like next to nothing before um yeah like at one point like many points in time the K7 uh was making like nothing was even negative at at one point but uh there were great points um during uh February and uh June making over $20 profit um but there were times when this thing was like just making nothing in terms of profit but then when the price just pumps it now makes you know $10 $8 a day now so it's like I think um the whole point of uh for nervos uh K7 mining is to mine the native coin ckb um for me I've had mine on nice hash the whole time I should have hindsight of course just keep mining ckb probably mine and hold ckb and just hold that all the way up until the bull run like that's the play I didn't do that because I just I don't know I just didn't I didn't believe in nervos doing that but it it has so this is another one I've I've lost on this one this one I've lost on and I actually had a K7 for I was one of the first one to get the k7s when they first came out and I had that thing straight away on on on on nice hack so I should have in hindsight I should have just been mining ckb directly and then like hold it but oh well oh well so that's another one I don't even know I don't even think there's do you guys think there's going to be a new version a new bit Main nervos ckb minor coming out or is the K7 still going to be you guys think there's going to be a new one fit M K9 I bet you anything it's going to be like it's going to be like 80 88 87.5 87 terahash at 3200 Watts yeah that's my guess this is my guess oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's that's my guess prob probably more that's my guess K7 will come back um John English Tech that was the window nice uh Iota pie what's up man good morning after reviewing my gpus pretty much thinking of selling my A4000 seems to be there's interest from the AI crowd yeah man yeah sell those A4000 yeah uh Max voltage welcome I enjoyed two slices last night we'll eat the pizza during the Bears game today eating Pop-Tart now though Sunday treat Max voltage nice nice nice buly Electric Red pen Min I got 2 k7s from the very first batch of crypto Miner Bros and m 3 plus million ckb over a year of mining got to hold the CK for the win fully electric 3 million 3 million ckb how much is that worth now 1 two three one two three that is $48,000 if you were to sell now wow yeah you know what I probably would have had the same similar result but if we sold it at the when it was 3 cents that would have been double this that would have been worth 100,000 dude fully electric are you still holding all of that wow I really I super regret now not mining and holding uh ckb wow Jesus terrible terrible um retro mic last night someone bought all the 13 P 106s from nerd gears was it you retro mic uh no definitely not uh Rizzo 52 529 I went with your tangum link I have to get off hot storage you never know what happens yes please get off please get off hot storage get a cold storage wallet like like a tangum for your popular uh popular coins use code RPM or 10% off yeah I I know most of you have already bought some of you already bought some so uh fully electric I sold 2 million at uh I sold 2 million at the last ckb Peak holding the rest fully electric 2 million okay so you made like 70 grand oh that is absolutely amazing so the ckb K7 Miner was definitely worth it the K how much was the K7 at the time I think they were was it $3,500 uh F electric how much did you buy a K7 worth let me know how how much did you buy the miners worth uh you said you bought two of them how much did you buy them for how much was the K7 back then I I know I did a video on it but I don't remember I don't I don't remember the price P mining says they were almost 8K uh F electric I paid 5K each H am okay you PID okay so you paid 10K for 2 k7s you mined almost $100,000 worth of ckb within a year and you sold 2 million at the peak for 70 okay you made out like a bandit you definitely you definitely made your money then okay so great example nervos ckb K7 mining was a great idea was a great buy back then there there's a success story there there you go anyone who bought a K7 or was thinking about K7 being a terrible buy well there you go there you have it bit main K7 if you bought it back then first batch you you did well if you did the mining Min and hudle method that is um I'm pretty sure though um since I've had mine on nice hash that I have mined like the the Bitcoin equivalent like um how do I say it not not the same amount not like the same $100,000 but like I'm pretty sure the same value like I've I've already mined my $5,000 back in BTC you know what I mean and and electric too I bet because this thing was it during the Peaks and times you know was was profitable Bitcoin was like 20,000 30,000 at the time uh so if I was ACC which I've been accumulating during those times so I've probably also paid it off as well but not as good as the m and hudle method of what fly electric did with his K7 so great example that is that's a great that's a great one um you know probably the same thing I the z15 I've been mining like Horizon and zcash and like random coins I've sold here some there some there um I bet you same idea cuz zcash did have a pump as well so zcash uh for the z15 would have been would have been would have been a okay okay it doesn't look like a big pump but it did go up a little it did go up a bit like from 20 $20 to $30 or something oh no here we oh no that was before 3 months ago yeah 20 to $42 yeah so that's why the z15 was was profitable since then but um I've had I've had the z15 for a long time now uh when did this come out when did the z15 come out uh oh the the z15 I had in June 2020 okay it's a z15 pro that came out in 2023 yeah okay all right any anyway that's uh that's the z15 pro and uh nervos okay we didn't even touch on uh the dash miners now the D9 is down and the dumps now the D9 is is negative even if you had 5 cents electric the D9 is not making anything now I have a D9 it is negative I it's already I have it hosted it's making nothing right now yeah that that one that one sucks that one hurts the D9 D9 hurts blockx moved away block X moved away from their Dash algo so um D9 was not a good not a good buy I guess not a good buy uh CIA coin um I don't know anybody with a bit M sc3 uh I don't even know actually seia coin seia coin had a bit of a pump recently oh yeah big yeah see oh that was back in February that was back in February okay okay every single Bull Run seia coin just goes up but not as high as before that mini that mini bll run [Music] here Alex Hong hello good sir 187 people here 79 likes smash the like Bros Smash the like and I I love that fully electric sends me the uh can I show this order number fully electric or no I already showed it can I show this picture there there we go look at that look 9 Super Chat just four more T $10,000 for 2K7 January bch amazing amazing amazing amazing awesome uh Vinnie Del Greco thank you for the five good sir just bought four more tangum one each child and one for my wife thanks for the referral code no worries Vinnie Del Graco sir thank you thank you so much full electric ID you on my Discord my order did you get the credit uh no it says supporting you you put in rabids code not mine mine is red panda I used your code no you didn't use my code you used uh rabbit's code everyone always mixes us up I love it I love it I use your code my bad no worries it's fine it doesn't matter it it's support rabbit I don't support him it's it's that's it's fine if I were to buy a new Asic minor now would it be an L9 or dg1 most consistent profit in my holy opinion uh py 35 um yes we could say that yes but we can't tell the future so yes it's been consistent profit yes um and I'm I'm going to say it's going to stay consistent for a while because we did the math right uh Alpha PEX they said they manufactur 2,000 units every month so if they were to sell 2,000 of those units every month they're only adding on about 2% of the network hash rate every month on Litecoin 2% okay so it's a slow growth it's a slow growth for sure uh on Litecoin and merge mining uh Dogecoin and a bunch of other coins so assuming cuz also majority of the profit now actually I should show you my mining deck mining Dash Dutch uh let me show you my earnings on my on my dg1 I'll show you let me show you let me show you okay earnings all right here we go all right here we go here we go okay all right over the past let's let's just do the past day so I have a dg1 and dg1 plus um mining to mining Das Dutch right now they they earned about $38 almost $39 in uh in total yesterday full day 24-hour period but look at this those two the dg1 dg1 plus they also M $30 in Dogecoin I mined uh $368 in Bells $2 in digibyte 4 cents in dingo coin uh 1 cent in EAC Earth coin I don't even know what that is uh fite 2 cents I mind 2 cents in all right uh here we go so in Litecoin I mined $2.9 in Litecoin so look you can see you can see the yield here like you can see how much I'm earning like Dogecoin is the most actually look at the pie Dogecoin is 77.2% of the whole earnings of uh merge mining so I Love mining dd.

NL cuz there's no other pool out there that does 11 other merge minable coins which is amazing I'm not sponsored by them this is I've done I'm doing this test myself and so far I freaking love it Litecoin you get the Myriad coin not much not no value there 17 cents in Pepe coin and 1 cent in World coin so over the I was going to do a video here but I've been mining here since uh September 1st I'm doing this this test uh since September 1st so I've been mining and accumulating um I have been mining and accumulating everything so in total I have about $821 uh in all of these coins I have not withdrew any of this yet um so I have a lot of bells I got digy dingo Doge like coin I got one Litecoin now which is nice can you drop a link to their site um yeah mining D.L here um I love it uh fully electric do you have to put a wallet for each of them coins um no so here's where I wanted to try uh so you can actually it's called lazy mining you can actually convert um you can convert all the coins that you mine into whichever coin that you want and then you can withdraw it so I was thinking because I don't I am not going to install the core wallet for dingo coin I'm not going to install the core wallet for earthcoin feret coin Myriad New York coin Pepe World coin like I don't have I don't have the core wallets for these ones so I'm going you can actually change you can convert them to another coin here like bells or something like I may convert it into Bells you know or convert it all into Doge like I think doge is probably going to go up again so that's not Financial advice but that's what I'm thinking so yeah you know you can you can automatically it'll automatically convert them all into the the coin that you want so um that's what I I like I I I truly it's been going good the dg1 dg1 plus has been going super strong on uh mining Das Dash already over the past 22 days I started this test on September 1st so yeah I'm going to update once September's over I'm going to update like how much I've mined in one month on mining Dash catch uh yeah Georgie red pen wine did you ever compare the September shipping price of the L9 versus the January ship date uh yes I think we have uh We've looked at we've looked at the pricing yeah the pricing right now in stock is 12,000 um and then like January price is like $3,000 $4,000 difference yeah yeah yeah um if anyone's buy if anyone is considering if anyone is considering to buy this use coupon code red pan I get $70 you get $70 off all right so it's all in pricing on their website you can even pay with Caspa uh when you check out which is nice I I really like that they have the Caspa option there okay um what else Bros what else what else I think we've gone through everything here uh I'm not even I'm not even going to look at kadana mining right now K oh man oh my God A3 at 8 cents I'm profiting $2.39 a day okay all right everything else everything else is not problem all the other kadana miners are not are not good uh handshake no X11 no that's it see SC Prime anyone with a dr7 I don't even know how this went did did the dr7 do any good I don't even know uh uh let's see jimc what's the best KS Z One overclocking software uh jimc it's going to be PB farmer go go it go search up PB farmer overclock PB farmer he's on my Discord as well fully electric red pen of mining do you think bitm is working on a k9 your guess is as good as mine your your guess is as good as mine sir I I I I don't I don't know I really don't know uh few minutes few minutes ago too this is the second third barrage what what are you guys who who are we deleting here all right DJ mines has deleted somebody all right that's fine uh I still can't believe bitman has released support has still hasn't released uh way too fast for you still can't believe bitmain has released supportability with nice hash for E9 Pros hasn't yes I know way too fast for you I know uh way too fast for you I've had my E9 Pros on octop space on K1 it's it's amazing the E9 Pros on K1 uh for for for octop space yeah incredible incredible dude the $2,000 E9 Pro if whoever bought them when they were $2,000 man they were freaking steel what a steal power power hog uh Power Hogs but also High hash rate 4,000 uh four four gigahash uh yeah I think they're about 2k now yeah but I mean years uh two years ago when they came out they were like 2 000 as well at one point uh retro mic just some Raven fan girl what do you own any nodes I have the ability to make a uh neoa node I still haven't done it I have all those ETMC nodes which I to it's totally been off for a while I don't even I don't even know if ETMC is good or not I don't have time to keep up with nodes okay I am already busy enough with like Miners and gpus like I'm only sticking to now as6 and gpus that is that's like I'm just I'm sticking with that that's my bread and butter there and there's nothing else I can get into now I don't have enough brain capacity to get into nodes I just can't do it I I just can't I just can't do it retro mic when RPM node tutorials we demand more node videos you don't care about your fans mik I guarantee you you are the only person in here that that cares about nodes let me you are the only person do you care about [Music] nodes yes no start poll all right this is the poll let's see this poll if if if this poll is like if it's more than 1% % on yes I'm going to ban everybody if this is more than 1% on nodes I'm going to ban everybody okay you guys are just you guys are just siding on retro mic don't vote Yes don't don't do that you're supposed to say no what are you bastards doing 45 votes already 58% what let's be real let's be real here nobody cares nobody cares than Andy a can you give away your ETMC node licenses since you don't have time for those Andy a i no I'm not even going to bother I'm not even going to bother that's no not even going to bother I've been using all my ETMC nodes to mine Varys on Windows that's amazing Scott Sheffield screw P Scott Sheffield screw you you bastard holy 35 nodes for the win all right all you node people all right I guess uh I guess uh I guess 60% of you love nodes I guess that's how I guess that's how it works I guess that's how life is going to be all right I'm just going to end that poll now techman was banned by techman for the rest of the stream techman I love nodes uh truck danger never RPM says I'll node your face that's that's right that's right okay uh I don't I I think we touched on everything um Asic wise uh otherwise to end off I mean yeah um I I really I truly do like all these miners like the ethereum classic miners if you can get a good deal on the bombb ones they're great so far the ones I have the two I have they're amazing they're they're running perfect extremely efficient but the price ah the price is a bit High that's the only thing I don't like otherwise it's great the bomb Backes are are are perfect they work flawlessly um I have them on octop space and zil I guess zil when when is zil going to POS I thought zil was going to POS soon uh they said zil POS was in Q4 of this year so that's pretty much now that's hitting up that's pretty much hitting up now yeah H interesting okay uh panda is that date you went on that you did everything right paid attention engage with and at the end of the date gives you high a five and doesn't let you smash the like button Teck danger I I don't know how to respond to that other than okay that's sure yes exactly uh s sometimes hello welcome s sometimes or you're probably here for a while toxic Miner I love nodes toxic Miner you are banned you're completely banned ah man I okay so who here has minted KRC 20 actually I'm very C I'm going to do a poll have you minted any any heresy yes no all right I'm very curious I've been minting some I have been getting some um it's been it's been it's been pretty good it's been pretty good pretty interesting so if tangum is going to have KRC 20 dude dude like if dude that's I I know KDX you guys know KDX the the core the native core wallet for Caspa uh they're also working on having uh defi functionality and so they're going to integrate they're going to integrate krc2 as well so can you imagine like dude that's going to be huge that's that's that's going to be huge man that'll be that'll be nice but if tangum gets it dude tangum gets kc2 on tangum that's going to be freaking awesome that's going to be so cool that's going to be so cool retro mik You misspelled have you wasted your cast wow what dude have you mined any Char dude only 177% of you have wow that's surprising to me that's that's very surprising to me 84% have not wow jeez I thought I was the Boomer I thought I was the Boomer ah man I thought I was the Boomer but man 85% of you have not that's interesting um is it because I guess yeah people I can I can tell a lot of yeah a lot of people won't get into it because of that um early bird takes the word yep yep that's right crypto Craig uh Krypto KJ I have huddle kc20 yeah same same Andy you are the Boomer well that's right I am the Boomer 100% 100% okay Bros I got to go I got to drive my kid uh to his class you guys have a great day thank you for the stream I don't know if we accomplished anything today uh but otherwise smash that like on the way out and uh retro Mike says red pend of mining it's just inscriptions look how quickly vc20 on bitcoin fizzled if they were programmable smart contracts might be different but retro mic isn't that what they're isn't isn't that what they're going to implement next I thought I yeah I thought they're I thought they're going to do that next no or am I am I wrong they said something about they said something about smart contract track on the next update or something I don't know I'm I don't know travel is travels no GTR no GTR no no thanks Bros you guys have a good one you guys have a great Sunday it's Sunday right yeah Sunday peace out peace out peace out peace out peace out peace out have a great day thank you so much goodbye oh [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music]

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