What will be your BIGGEST Crypto Mining Play?

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[Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but Baby it's cold outside but Baby It's Cold Outside been hoping that you droing I'll hold your hands they're just like ice beautiful what's your listen to the fire beautiful [Music] pleas but baby it's bad out there no CS to be had out there your eyes are like Starlight now I'll take your hat your hair looks well ifos this baby don't hold out baby it's [Music] cide but Baby It's Cold Outside answer but Baby It's Cold Outside how lucky that you dropped in andm look out the window at the [Music] lips look delicious waves upon a tropical go your lips are delicious never such a before but baby youd freeze out there it's up to your knees out there I thr you touch my hand how can you do this thing to me think of myong Sorrow you and get over that old out baby it's cold maybe it's cold outside [Music] [Music] you better watch out you better not cry you better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town he's making a list and checking it twice he's going to find out who's naughty and nice Santa Claus is coming to [Music] town he sees you when you're sleeping he knows when you're awake he knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake oh better not cry good morning everybody Welcome to the live stream who do we got here hold on I need to pop out the chat pop up [Music] what's up Bros good morning or might be afternoon for some people shark farmer random Miner BC fully electric Patrick Murphy jock mcmin [Music] Miner have you got your Santa costume ready yes [Music] all right Bros so today I want to know I want to know in the live chat all right what what is going to be your biggest play what what's everyone what's everyone hoping for what's everyone hoping for or anyone's project has a been realized yet has anyone been realized any any price appreciation on uh thank you Jason trend for the $2 stilling $2 through Super Chat still mining dollar pep it's BL blowing up H uh Pepe you mean the merge minable Litecoin [Music] one yes I'm still I'm still mining that yeah still mining that Matt electron with the DX you know Matt electron I agree with you I I I I agree with you I think DX will will come back with a vengeance I know it it hasn't been performing well but you know as of like now right it's just it just hasn't had its [Music] thank you Dylan for the sub good sir dxus hasn't had its time yet it's it's coming yeah it could be coming for sure for sure M electron for sure DJ is a pirate uh Patrick neoa hopium is strong just my biggest bag Patrick neoa yeah I think I think N I think NOOA is yeah dude neoa is going to do wello going to do yeah I think it will who knows I mean yeah they could Jesus look at n dude neoa back in September 5th was like seven [Music] Penny H Davis says red pen mining Tron is making some moves but trust wallet crashes when I try to cash out oh that's not good Ontario minor with $10 RT M and I'm a multi-millionaire rap torium to $10 I I hope you know for the sake of everyone that's mind rap torium over the past like decade or not decade like four years I I hope so like like looking at the raptoran chart it's just like whoa 2021 it just went boom like that $4.5 million volume November 13th 2021 and then dude clearly remember when CPU mining was like everyone was going out and buying CPUs everyone was going out and buying ryzen CPUs during uh during exactly this time that was that was a crazy time everyone's buying CPU miners I remember uh man we've come full circle I remember uh like Chum change you bought like 16 CPU mining Rigs and then he wall mounted them in his trailer and all that stuff and then I traded two KS Zer for all of his CPUs oh that was great just like this past year oh that was that was the best I think that was back in February CPU weding in 2021 was fire it I mean it was was RPM scamed that boy Trump change he's not here to he's not here to defend himself uh I dusted off over a 100 Polaris cards and have been running them at 2 cent power oh my God John dog 47 two cents kilowatt how do you where where do you even get that where where is that can I get that deal please um mining up the north what's up RPM pillaged those ccxt trophies RPM got 15 computers for 2 KS Z that was great that was that was a good that was a good trade really good trade um problem with salana is best case it may be doubles worth the Whisk uh bastic uh salana dude I'm I have some salana but like I'm not like dude I'm not invested in this like Realm like salana like ethereum polygon the these types of coins like I don't know much about I don't do much in that realm it's a it's a totally different like niche in cryptocurrency that I'm I'm totally not in um but yeah maybe maybe maybe this is a good song What A good this is a good song just like the ones I used to [Music] know where the tree Toops um ful electric rapid mining got me fomo into CPU Mining and I made the made our great last cycle with RTM I sold close to the peak when when RM told me to told me to and he hold held all the way down I do remember that actually I do remember yeah yeah I think rabbit said he held all his rap torium but you know I think it's gonna I think it will come back I I think it will I think I think uh rap torium will uh will have its uh will have its time it'll it'll it'll break out it will dude all these it will it will all these projects man it's I think it will 100% um neoa gaming AI coins clor narai dude I'm I'm I think chor is going to I think clor will do well uh we'll see for n Nur AI seems to be on the up and up too uh n AI not like I was before but we'll see um so what other things are you guys looking into yeah see some people are into Ergo okay I see that smokey Den once I get my next XMR payout I'm going to give solo mining uh a go to my own node wish me luck nice [Music] nice um uh hoping XMR to the Moon soon see th this is kind of I don't know so the issue not well not an issue well an issue with XMR and like I guess privacy coins which exchanges still support XMR mexe Gate C coin well I guess the whole privacy uh the whole the whole regulation against uh privacy coins might not even matter anymore right I think that's that's totally that's totally gone now that's totally gone now that's totally a null like now that we got Trump in Office Pro crypto everything it should be it should be a non a non-issue yeah definitely definitely a non-issue [Music] now um let's see where's my where's my watch L it is um Zex I don't like the exchange but haven't had any issues yet um worth Mining and swapping I would suggest into Raven H Raven coin yes cannot forget our lovely lovely Raven coin it's had a it's had a decent it's had a decent rise up here about almost a penny and a half over the past couple weeks yeah over the past couple weeks it's been it's been uh it's been going up um fully electric uh how is your BTC node everything working well now yes fly electric yes the Apollo 2 uh future bit node is working well I got I got a few of those bit axes solo mining to my own node now solo mining Bitcoin am I ever going to get a am I ever going to get a block probably not probably not [Music] um AMT yon says wishful thinking GP mining is dead until you increase power efficiencies by 100x or until a new blockchain with significant promise chooses proof of work uh give it a give it another month or two uh I'm going to say we're going to see a lot of a lot of different GP minable proof of work coins start ramping up it's it's we're going to see we're going to see out of nowhere out of nowhere also I think some new coin's going to come out and like it's just going to it's going to melt faces it's going to melt faces I I just I feel it I feel it well watch like DX kind of come out of nowhere maybe zealous will start breaking out even more who knows who knows who knows maybe Alo Alo with a lot of emissions who knows Alo might be one who knows nobody knows we shall see well I guess once uh they've already talked about asex coming out with this with this coin I don't know when it's going to come out so we'll see we shall see um looked at al already I have not alium alium up 18% today who oh oh oh this is good oh this is interesting this is interesting time to look at my alifia Miner I've been doing the mining and hoddle test on this first gen Al Box 360 gigahash all right this thing has M 1672 alium all right how much is that worth now let's see let's see $4,000 that bag is now worth four grand the single albox gold shell has been mining since April April I don't know I don't know when was my first when was my first payout uh January February March April April 15th April 15th this thing now has mined 1672 alium or about $4,000 worth so I need alium to like at least 3 to 4X from here in order to break even on uh $155,000 Al box uh brosis love the top chat oh I'm On Top chat yeah that's fine I mean I don't need to see everyone's chat not like I can read everyone's chat anyway um fully electric so how many Alf miners you got coming uh zero I I think I said last stream I am not buying any more miners I'm not I I am I'm pretty much I am Max Stout and power and yeah I'm I'm done I'm done is my uh is my mic making a weird noise um uh yeah I'm not buying anything I I'm I'm riding this wave I'm collect uh just going to accumulate and uh cash out and then next bare Market maybe 2026 2027 2028 I'm going to start just full on all in I'm going to go all in on Dogecoin I'm just I'm not going to mine anything else I'm going to mine into Dogecoin all right just next bare Market I'm full on I I'm going to hold I'm going to hold myself to it I'm going to hold myself to it I'm going to go all in on Doge next Bowl sorry next bear next bear Market just all in that's all I'm going to going to do I I'm not even going to focus on anything else just all in on Doge that's it that that's it next bare Market that's it I don't care about I'm not going to care about anything else Patrick Murphy an inflationary corn RPM really Patrick Murphy if you think about it if you think about it every coin is inflationary in a sense because a lot of them haven't hit their Max Supply yet so if you think about it like alum for instance Max Supply is 1 billion total supply of Alum right now is a 205 million so how many more years until he hit to 1 billion right you think about that with a bunch of other coins that are out there that are still still you know printing the 20 emissions of every coin that's coming out for proof of work every single day still a finite Supply yes a finite Supply in like 2100 we're not even going to live till that we're not even going to live till that long Patrick Murphy God forbid KN on [Music] wood ah man so funny so funny pick Supply is a scam this is true good points good good [Laughter] [Music] money also very morbid Merry Christmas I'm sorry oh I'm sorry Bros I'm [Music] sorry you asked for it you said finite Supply and I'm like well yeah finite Supply I mean unless you're going to be buying it all the way till like the year 2100 we're not even going to not even going to live that long I mean unless uh somebody comes out with like some type of medicine or something or to make you live longer I don't [Music] Knowle Towing in Hearts will be glowing when loved ones are near It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year [Music] green Renee Guzman thank you for the sub uh DJ says I'll be uploaded to the metaverse 100% oh my God uh Kaiser says now you're making me feel bad for selling 1 million Doge at 58 wait what Kaiser you where did you sell where did you when did you sell 1 million Doge that's you must have sold that up here in [Music] 2021 uh could you share the watch list on coin gecko uh sure I think [Music] uh uh customize uh portfolio share copy link your portfolio is public okay I don't know if that's I don't know if that's [Music] clickable um Fiddler did I miss the L9 giveaway no we're not giving away an L9 yet okay not yet Death Valley Mining hey what's up man welcome uh great good mining chirogenic keep my brain information on the blockchain H so good so [Music] good uh I didn't nobody nobody's uh like accumulating anyone here accumulating like ethereum classic or octop space I don't I did not see anyone I did not see anyone in the chat accumulate those I don't think a lot of people are in uh are into octop space or Etc is anyone yes on Etc OCTA here Biko what's up man Biko yes I'm I'm I'm a decent holder of ethereum classic and OCTA space and when I say decent I mean like I have five digits in ethereum classic and then four digits in donated $2 through Super Chat at RPM how's the Z5 Pro doing Michael Flores thank you for the two how's the z15 pro doing it's uh uh I can show you here mining.

NL I have it mining into uh I have it mining into Bitcoin right now I can show you I can show you the daily earning of it let's let's let's bring it up uh eash eash um earnings uh let's go a previous day day okay I was mining Bitcoin about n bucks a day on the z15 pro oh 1078 the previous day so yeah I I'm not mining I I the z15 I have not been like mining into zcash or Zen or pirate chain or anything like that I've just been I've just been going into Bitcoin on that one uh mine some 10 right p m I got a nice bag of octo nice mine some 10 nice octop space hell yeah uh I get Etc from my Etc MC monthly random minor uh Etc MC oh my God that was great those are good times uh nerd Beast my P of money the ETC I have for swapping Etc P payments nerd Beast okay same with uh uh same with um the other gentleman uh Andrew zo I accumulate Litecoin what do you think of Litecoin dude I think Litecoin is great dude Litecoin Litecoin is is is always is always seems to always go up in the bow runs so you're you're not going to go wrong are are you going to make like insane amounts I think Litecoin has like another 3x three or 4X like I don't maybe more I don't know I don't know but that's Lorn is very is very steady is is always is always [Music] steady um fully electric red p no OCTA for me however I do have loads of Etc more than e oh full the electric nice how long did it take your node to sync with your Canadian internet R of mining brosis uh that Bitcoin node it took dude it took like a day dude it took it took like all day it took a long time Chum change we just talked about you earlier we just talked about you earlier about rap torium and uh when you bought all those CPU Miners and then uh a few years later you traded I traded two KS zeros for all your for all your CPU rigs ah that was that was great that was the best that was the best trade [Music] ever graciously gave them to you yeah yeah that's yeah we can yeah we can swing it that way yeah s it that way uh Death Valley money righted P Money wouldn't AO price have to Skyrocket to accommodate a bit main Asic seems like the current price couldn't handle emissions uh Death Valley Mining that's right I mean that's that's that's the exact that's the exact play um where we have to believe that bitmain's going to pump AO once they release an Asic if they do and when they when that happens the price of AO should in theory you know go up go up inanity uh GM zombie R of M Nexa and neox are my biggest bags but I have a great bag of Caspa too GM zombie nice man Nexa and neoa Nexa yeah Nexa is one that hasn't hasn't broke out yet NEX one I I'm okay I had like uh yeah ks3 ks5 ks5 L I mined a bunch of Nexa on unminable I think I mined like I Min like 150 million Nexa in like four days uh three three is that 150 million 150 million one more zero okay now that's worth 457 bucks so okay I mean it could still who knows who knows if Nexa will will follow I mean it's having a little bit but we'll see but I will never CPU mining is ass uh yeah yeah Chum change yeah CPU mining uh done with mining s coins with horrible wallets I agree I agree Patrick mury what are those CPU miners mining versus acting as door stops what are those CPU miners mining act uh Patrick Murphy half of them are on salad and then half of them I had mining to unminable into cardano for like the whole year I mined like 2,000 cardano Ada over the past like year and a half or whenever I got those CPU miners I mined 200 200 I just looked at my wallet my tangent I have dude those CPU mining rigs dude I Min unminable i m Zephyr into Ada so that turned into 2300 bucks so far so so far so good so far so good that turned into a a good a decent play a good play Zephyr though has been going down so in theory then that means my play of mining into cardano was was a good play yeah it just I was yeah I was mining I was mining into cardano all the way down straight down uh do you believe in rxd I am mining with an a11 Steve Smith um oh you have an a11 Steve Smith uh nice uh radiant dude I I haven't followed after since those Asic started coming on radiant I just haven't I haven't bothered uh uh to follow at all did you see elf yesterday banana man yes we saw we looked at alium today it pumped 18% 19% today 19% today hell yeah it's doing something uh GM zombie also CMP 210 slap on zealous I'm getting 35 MGA 123 Watts uh GM zombie dude yeah zealous is really good on is really good on the CMP 1210s which by the way I got to get those up really got to get those up don't look y all ignore Al it's mine when when RPM Roundtable oh speaking of a round table well not it's not really a round table I have uh uh I have um uh vog Miner uh no punk cash I don't know I I'm doing an AMA uh tomorrow uh with vog Miner I they they want they wanted me to come on they want me to come on to ask them some questions uh I guess to validate that their company is real and like they want to talk about you know avoid being scammed and such so that's going to happen tomorrow uh December 9th at uh uh 20:30 eastern time so that's uh 7 what time what's the 24-hour time of this 8:30 eastern time so I'm I'm going to be asking asking them some questions about their their their minor I guess so we'll see if that so we'll have some fun tomorrow um they didn't put the stream on their channel so I don't know I don't have the I don't have a link or anything um oh who's this punh DD who's is this interesting interesting um uh fully electric until you have a physical minor in your hands it's not real yeah I well I I think they're I think they're going to be sending me one um after the stream but I have to we have to uh communicate with that first DJ Minds everyone Boo this man he won't join the crypto YouTubers but he will join Valk F DJ DJ listen listen listen don't be jealous okay uh Michael caride do you have a physical vog Miner in the house no not yet what are your thoughts on the gold shell Doge miners I have three plus and wondering if I should start mining on it again uh well I think I think all those little Doge miners are in profit depending on your electric um uh let's see yeah uh if you got 10 cents uh if you got no let me go let's go let me see how far how high we can go 12 cents uh mini Doge 3 plus yeah at 12 cents you will be making $187 at 15 cents you will be at151 a day profit at 20 cents you will be at a doll Prof 94 cents profit so it is a profitable little minor for for now um going into the bull run here so yeah I mean depending on your depending on your uh electric so um mining King DJ Screw you guys screw both of you 283 people here 68 likes smash the like Bros um none of the vtubers look like Punk DD DG man vtuber uh al3 went from 3.5k to 5.5k in 4 days yeah the al3 price definitely went up um what uh chat one says r p mind what would you do if you had 30 cents electric like me uh you I wouldn't I would not get into mining if you had 30 cents electric I would be I would just be buying the coin instead yeah 30 30 cents is a 30 cents is a lot man that's that's pretty high uh what would you do it's because we're not pretty enough DJ it's true I mean like come on come on you can't say no no you can't say no you can't say no to girls come on don't listen to him it's fun hobby 30 Cent club uh panda is pretty enough for me terrible uh slatch what coin would you want to see Moon except Caspa SLO Squatch um what coin would I like to see uh well I mean it's going to be based on what I have okay so it's it that's going to be extremely biased so um I okay I'll just I'm just going to go fire off the coins that I want to go up uh I want Doge to go up more I want Litecoin to go up more I want ethereum classic to definitely go up more um you said everything except Casa so um I've been I've now been over the past couple weeks I've now been mining and holding uh ckb with my 2k 7s so I hope ckb does well I hope I really hope zil does well zil is going up 140% already the past 30 days so that's good I hope zelica goes higher I have a I have a I have a great B of that mining over the past couple years uh kadana of course I want to succeed AO I want to succeed ravencoin yep CIA coin I want to succeed as well uh uh flux alium I want to succe just everything I don't even know why I'm I don't even know why I'm naming all of them I just want all I want I'm literally holding probably 80% of all these coins you're seeing on this list here so I I I want all of them to do well okay I want everything to do well I don't know how to explain it I I don't know how I don't know how anything else I I I can't explain it any other way other than I just just want just I just want everything to go up okay we need everything to go up Raven coin yes mining King when RV Raven melt faces well King mining King soon enough King soon enough all right it's coming it's it's [Music] coming Squatch everyone now you know what coins are going to the moon thanks for the financial advice it's not [Music] final today is a crazy day for Pepe all right let's [Music] see uh which Pepe this [Music] one this [Music] one uh did you ever brought the one coin when it launched Steve Smith no DJ mines D9 can mine Pepe right uh no D9 is merge mining uh D9 is the uh X11 right um let me see I have an ex I have the D9 on mining Dutch right now I can see the exact profitability here see oh it's off oh my D9 is off oh D Central if you're watching this uh my D9 made 10 bucks yesterday on mining Dutch so the D9 uh on or yeah X11 it on mining Dutch it can merge mine Maximus hoot chain and osmium I don't I don't know any of these coins but it's profit switching all those into I have it profit switching into Bitcoin so I don't I don't know I don't I don't know any of those I don't know any of those um uh coins uh so if I go to D9 don't they don't even mining now doesn't even have the dash Miner jeez okay let's go to Hash D9 D9 oh yeah so it's about 10 bucks a day yeah so it's pretty close to what the profitability says on uh butterfly what the hell is this the D9 is profitable on butterfly btfc I have never heard of that before never I've never heard of that um I also also I believe today is the last day to use code DJ mines or chump for 20% off tangent or RPM you bastard slatch you met just kidding support I support everybody I have 122 RPM tangum left guys the last day yeah today is the last day for 20% off coupons use DJ mines use chump or RPM 20% off I don't I don't care who you use 122 left uh Ryan do dilemma you want BTC at 200k or Christmas or BTC at 50k Ryan doy uh I want BTC at 200k [Music] yes um um I would like to see Bitcoin at uh in order for Bitcoin to be 200k that means that means Bitcoin would need to be 4 trillion doll market cap 4 trillion Jason TR donated $2 through Super Chat pep equals pepcoin network pepcoin network okay pepcoin Network pep pep Pepe coin Network there's a lot of Pepe that's see it's not even on coin it's not even on coin market [Music] cap ah this one okay holy crap oh my God yes yes okay I like it I like it that's just straight up uh mining of the north red pen L how's the demo doing in the taco I haven't put it in yet I'm so bad I'm so slow h I'll do it next week I'll do it in the next coming days cuz I'm leaving on a trip uh end of this month or in in a week actually I'm leaving I'm leaving in a week I'm going to be gone oh God I got to make like a million videos no I'm leaving in two weeks no week and a half busy times so much stuff is happening so much stuff happening um [Music] do you hold aipg no Oliver I don't uh so are we telling our wives that we're buying them crypto for Christmas gift this year great good [Music] mining uh nightly H red P Min if you had 1.3k would you buy the Jazz Miner x16 Q today or pre-order the IP poo v2x and wait until April with that electricity rate of 14 cents the IP poo v2x seems better but I don't know um nightly H yeah I that's a yeah with your electrical rate there I mean I mean if OCTA space and ethereum classic just pump right now I mean you'll you will be profitable on the Jazz minor x16 uh x16 uh Q uh let me let me just see here x16 x16 Q yeah right now at you said 14 [Music] cents 14 yeah you said Q which one is that that's the 1950 makes two bucks a day right now at 14 cents so I mean ethereum classic and octop space if you can get this NE yeah yeah what's there here hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on uh x16 Q what's the efficiency of that thing uh it's got 8 gigs of RAM 1950 620 Watts that's a 0.31 in efficiency Jewels per Terra Jews for uh W per hash and then the you you said the new v2x does what to 1200 12 1.2 gigahash at 164 Watts dude that is so small 164 Watts 5.8 GB of RAM H that but the efficiency is like three two times better three times better uh two times better the efficiency is two times better but you have to wait you got to wait four more months January February March April four months probably five months until it actually comes out no I'd probably get the I'd probably get the X6 $2 through Super Chat GPU Hammer Smash video Christmas Day at RPM house Kaiser please or no please um uh you know what yeah I just I just saw this uh Squirrel Master says i' would go with the 8 gab Ram yeah um uh crypto cat Farm says get the pro a few more bucks but the efficiency is much better yeah uh the Jaz Miner x16 Q Pro looks and you get like you get you get you get 800 more hash rate granted the price is double but the efficiency is at least a little bit better right 0.25 520 Watts like dude this one this one's good this one's good this one's really good um um Steve Smith right P of mine J Miner x44 Q should be delayed until April but it would be 12 gab update your Excel oh it's 12 gab wow is that confirmed I didn't see that anywhere I'll put that in though 12 gab Ram dude that's a dude that's a monster dude that's that's a monster uh nightly H where where are you thinking of buying one where are you thinking of buying one let me let me help you let me let's find out who who sells these ex I think it's Jingo mining use code RPM for 1% off let me see if uh do they actually have it let's [Music] see oh my God the hell is this x16 Q Pro out of stock in stock this one XX andq Pro 2300 probably with like $300 shipping eight gigs of RAM 520 yeah this is the one yeah this is the one 2300 [Music] bucks uh nightly H red pen of mining SC Miner has it for 1K 1K oh we're talking about a different model though which model are you talking about x16 Q [Music] e x q e q e q there's so many different models here what the hell oh this one oh this one this one this one oh it's $15.99 here what's minor Bros at minor Bros is probably higher too let's see uh X x16 x16 QE x16 Q there's so many different models Man 6 gigabyte all right this is the QE this is a different one this is a different one okay all right well you you do your you find out where to buy it I I there's many places there's many places uh SC minor okay um oh wait that's for the 1.7 GH version of the Q yeah nightly H nightly H chop around man shop around chop around um if you need if you need coupons go to Red Pand mining.com 360 ti1 give it to a local gamer kaer thank you for the two that 360 ti1 give it to a local gamer I don't know any local Gamers or unless you want me to choose a new another winner you want me to CH I can choose another winner we can do another we can do another giveaway uh 277 people here 88 likes Bros the disrespect according to DJ smash the like smash it now smash it now mining of the north right now uh no unfortunately I got to go drop my kit off in in about 15 minutes so I got to go in about 5 minutes [Music] here um Ada is hacked what where how Ada hacked how is that why the price is going down a little bit okay all right how do you write off your electric how do you track it uh very easy I write I put I track all my electric I put it into my fresh books accounting software oh who who just bought two RPM tangents thank you thank you 120 left now 120 left nice nice nice nice okay DJ I bought one [Music] nice kid is screaming uh I can't decide what to buy S21 XP Hydro uh or the L9 I have free three phase electricity in EU but I'm limited to around 15 KW I need the best density uh Mr Mike herb dude that's amazing um I would probably go with the I think I like the L9 uh in that case with 15,000 Watts I would probably do I definitely do the L9 I think Bitcoin mining is out man Bitcoin even though you got free electricity uh I mean I mean if you can get a good really good really good price on the hydro um but honestly I think you I think longterm like longer term I think the L9 will will will will be will be good long term but I mean you're profitable on anything so you can buy you can buy any Asic you can you hell man you can buy any you can buy any Asic so poly red pen 88 Foundation their X account was hacked and posted some fake stuff to influence the market two hours ago oh really 8 8A [Music] cardano the cardano X account has been compromised please ignore any post from this account at this time of course of course of course introducing Ada Soul official contract oh my God that is hilarious that is so funny oh my of course like do they not have like tofa or like anything on their account or I don't know how they maybe they hacked it a different way but like dude that's it's crazy that this still happens right this top companies out there get hacked and this stuff happens just nuts it's nuts Bitcoin over 100k DJ no one talks about Bitcoin cash yeah yeah Bitcoin cash I don't it's actually more profitable it's actually more profitable profitable to mine Bitcoin cash than Bitcoin mining Dutch actually always mines Bitcoin cash [Music] um and uh [Music] uh uh hold on I'm just getting a message here uh we have prepared 16 lucky miners as a gift to the live stream before you go offline uh choose two lucky fans from your channel and we will send one to each of them oh wow okay so on the vog miner stream tomorrow uh they're giving away a a a a minor okay I don't know what's happen I don't know what's happening but tomorrow I think they're giving away stuff so uh tomorrow at 9:30 no 8:30 Eastern Time 9 8:30 eastern time um Kaiser red penite is okay to order your tangent but use DJ DJ's promo code Kaiser it it is very it is definitely okay yes it it is okay you can you can do that this time but preferably use preferably use RPM no just kidding I don't care you can use Chumps you DJ use anyone go go use someone else's someone else's promo code I don't I I have I not going to say I have enough but I I'm I'm okay now I'm okay RPM Raven prediction please uh I'm going to say I'm going to say Raven coin I'm going to say Raven coin is going to go I I my gut feeling says ravencoin is not going to go back up to its previous alltime High I could be wrong I could be wrong but I'm going to say between like 15 and like 18 cents that's that's my guess 15 to 18 cents that's my guess that's my guess um DJs gave me 30% off wow really damn use DJs then gez uh uh May June yeah support Rabbid with time yeah rabbit has a uh rabid rabid mining has his uh oh my god oh this is a cool little miner oh man I wish I could show this wait how can I show this hold on oh the okay 16 of these little tiny oh my God that's so cool are these little miners 16 lucky miners what are these lucky miners lucky minor uh image uh this 16 of these guys open in a new tab what the what are these lucky miners what does this mine oh we're giving away a 16 of these tomorrow that's pretty cool that's pretty cool I don't I really I don't what what what are these are these nodes probably like little Bitcoin miners [Music] script solo Miner oh yeah maybe oh oh yeah these could be the script ones yeah that's true that's pretty cool yeah giving away 16 tomorrow uh I don't have the stream link they they didn't put up the stream link on their on their YouTube channel yet but uh this is happening tomorrow okay so that'll be fun that'll be fun it's a Nook Intel Nook it looks like it RPM is the only crypto streamer we have left uh dude I no DJ you got you we got Chum we got Hawk we got King we got we got you we got red fox we got hobbyist unfortunately and uh did I say that out loud that's kidding just kidding just kidding there's a QR code red pen mining uh oh is there join scan to join the stream oh I'm stupid uh does that actually go somewhere hold on uh hold let me go to their Channel let me let me let's just go to The vog Miner YouTube channel vog minor uh see here vog my oh videos uh no they don't have any stream here can someone scan this and tell me where it goes here you Merry Christmas can you scan can you scan this can someone scan this giveaway at 8:00 a.m.

Or 8:00 p.m. it's going to be 830 it's the stream will start at 8:30 p.m. eastern time so that's 5:30 Pacific or 8:30 Eastern F that I'm not scanning a scam QR okay you know what I'm going to scan it I'm let me scan it let me scan this YouTube okay it opens up in YouTube okay well that's it it just goes to it just goes to join it goes to join RPM it opens up in the YouTube app scheduled wait it says it's scheduled at 5:00 p.m.

Host oh but it's hosted on punh oh it's on Punk's YouTube channel ah uh [Music] punh ah here here here okay here it is here it is here here it is I'll post in live chat here go save this in your browser there there's the live stream right here all right right here uncover the truth about fake websites and fraudulent Brands impersonating V Miner showcase V miners Cutting Edge Products and key advantages answer your burning questions in a live Q&A RPM sent me DJ's already talking in the live [Laughter] chat uh H so [Music] funny so funny so funny all right um this looks interesting is coffee Zill invited yeah I I hope so all right we got stream live chat Inception going on here in 31 hours live in 31 hours um okay I got to go oh crap I got to go I got to go I'm so late I got to drop my kid off his uh his class okay you guys have a great one thank you all for tun in you guys have a great day appreciate you all peace Bros peace the way home I'll be warm and is slowly Dy and my dear we're still goodbye but as long as you love me so let it snow let it snow and snow [Music] when we finally kiss good night how I'll going out in the storm but if you really grab me tight all the way home I'll be warm oh the fire is slowly dying and my dear we're still goodbye but as long as you love me so let it snow let it snow let it snow [Music]

As found on YouTube

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