hey guys red panda mining here hope you're doing well having a really great day man it is it is hot today I don't know about you guys but has there been a heat wave wherever you guys are living where I am right now it's it's pretty hot and my mining area actually all in my basement here it's pretty hot you guys just saw us about 92 uh Fahrenheit in here right now but anyways guys I am going to show you guys the profits that these two bombb easy 100 miners that have been mining for the past week in terms of the yield and the dollar value which we've been mining OCTA space and zil on one and then we have ethereum classic and zil on the other actually I forgot to mention there's also Pac-Man that goes along with octop space so they are both on K1 pool right now okay so here's one and here's the uh other one that's doing OCTA space and zil and so I will go into the computer and I'll show you guys the daily amounts that I've been earning in terms of USD and also the yield on octop space and this one's on Etc and zil and I will show you guys the yield and profits on these ones that I have been mining over uh the past week okay so I just wanted to compare these two there's a little bit of hash rate difference on both of them but that's obviously due to Silicon Lottery and just to show you guys the power consumption too I am running one on 120 volt and the other one on uh 240 volt and I just realized I do have the ks0 ultra on the 120 volt so I oh my God that is hot oh I just burned my finger man this is hold on a sec I don't know about you guys but my ks0 ultra is hitting up on the outside there 71 almost 72° C so yeah the top of this thing was just was just burning in case any wants to see the temperatures of these bomb backx miners uh they are let's see if I go way in there okay the hot the aluminum plate is right there on the on the right and then on the left there is the hash board so the temps on that is about 68 to 69° C let me check the other one real quick yeah that one is also 68 69 Max okay and the temperature readings on these two right now are about I think over 70 71 ° C uh in the web gooey so I mean that makes sense I'm a little bit hot in here anyways let me unplug the ks0 ultra and I'll just see how much power the bomb backx takes by itself okay so on 120 volt it's 783 Watts on the 240 volt or 223 volt 752 on the other bomb backs okay so just showing you guys the difference there obviously 240 volt is going to be you know more efficient for mining that's always the preferred method of mining instead of you know 110 volt okay anyways guys let me go into the computer and we'll talk about how much these things have earned over the past week okay guys so I'm in the computer now here we are I'm showing you both the K1 pool workers here the the dashboards for both of the easy 100 C's so right now on the pool side it's showing 4.28 ghash on one 3.89 on the other now I've seen these fluctuate like from up to 4.4 down to 3.2 3.6 gash and 3.9 and vice versa same thing on the other easy 100c here and so it's it's fluctuating a lot but otherwise it seems like it is showing or it is mining correctly at the pool most of the time that I've been seeing according to the yields here so let's go through the profits here now okay just to show you real quick I I do have some other stuff here I want to talk about regarding the D size and you know the memory size of these bomb backs easz 100 C's and as well as zelica I do have an announcement here that they are going to move to proof of stake potentially by the end of this year we're going to talk about that and also just talk about some other coins that this thing could potentially mine and not mine obviously due to the vram size um but yeah we're going to talk about all that in a second but thank you to yes mining.
For sponsoring today's video if you guys are looking for any as6 miners or even their bomb backs easz 100c uh please watch this video in full before you make a decision to purchase one of these and uh just do your own research as well but if you want to use coupon code RPM you get another $50 off link down below okay so let's go through the profits numbers first before I talk about zil going to POS here all right so the past five days here okay so let's say June 29th okay I got a full day right here so which one did better okay well it looks like the Etc zil one made out 31 cents more than octop space Pac-Man and zil you guys can see here $8.20 here $ 851 on the ETC zil I did notice here okay the zil earned on the ETC one is up a little bit here by 10 zil now I don't know if that's because of the variance of the hash rate that I've been seeing I mean you can actually see right you guys can see this orange line here does go up and down a bit here and my internet went down at this point here uh you can see right here and right here it went down at the same time so that's why uh there's a blue line going down this way so that's because of my internet sorry about that anyways they only have a 15minute average and also then a 2hour average you guys can see the 2-hour averaging showing here is about over 4 gigahash on this minor and they're advertising at 3800 megahash uh Jerry from bomback I talked to him he did say these miners they want wanted to release them uh with a little bit more hash rate on them and so they're kind of bend a little bit higher than what they're advertised so I thought oh that's cool okay but otherwise though they do only have 5 uh8 GB of RAM which I I'll get into later in a second so you guys can see the hash rates here okay showing in the web guei I mean it's like I said before it is showing up on the pool here and if I refresh it here it does vary see not now look it went back down to uh 3.56 ghash 3.67 ghash but I'm thinking that's also because K1 pool I feel like it kind of reports slowly it's also showing the hash rate for zil which we all know it's mining zil about a minute to 2 minutes every hour so that's why I said there's kind of a variance here of showing the hash rate on the pool and I think that's what also coincides with the variance here of when it switches over okay I'm not quite sure of the variance of Pac-Man here if it's merge mining with octop space but I know that it is you know kind of like dual mining in a sense or it's not mining octop space at the same time it switches over to zil and then when that minute or minute and a half is done it goes back to either Etc or octop space okay so you can see there but yeah I've earned a little bit more here okay but looking at the other days here $810 uh on June 28th June 28th $7.95 on the ETC zil so looks like this one did a little bit less on the 28th but on the 29th uh the ETC Z One Beat the octop space one so there's some days here that you know switch off uh I'm guessing that could be you know potentially hash rate switch over or maybe just the pool luck as well K1 pool luck factor is also a factor regarding you know my yields here uh as well so going down uh now June 27th June 27th ail yeah looks like uh oh this one this this bombb easy 100c did about a dollar almost a dollar better than the octop space one but as we will go down the 26 June 26 on for a full day here looks like the octop space uh Pac-Man zil did better uh by like 40 50 50 cents there okay and then we have the 25th and it looks like the August space one did better so it's like it's kind of like switching every couple days and you know I think that's also yeah like I said the variance in hash rate that is going on on Etc octop space Etc as well okay so that's something to consider but they're pretty close to each other anyways guys let's talk about now uh now that you've seen the profitability of of the bombb easy 100 C's and uh you know the power consumption is about 750 watts now let's just talk about for people that are going to you know decide about maybe buying one of these things I'm just going to give you guys the facts here and uh do what you will with it but uh just listen here okay so zelica now this was on coin Telegraph they announced on June 7th so it was announced a couple weeks ago I'm just hearing this now that they are they are confirming that according to the network the new version promises uh improve the platform making it faster more efficient efficient and capable of working with other blockchain networks okay this is the version two upgrade okay they have this on their website as well zila.com this is their road map and so they said that in Q4 that they are going to do mainl main net launch uh Network officially switches to zelica 2.0 uh tokenomics become effective new staking contract and user interface okay so this is where this is going to be moving from proof of work to proof of stake okay so the network tokenomics have also updated to support the switch to proof of stake this change provides attractive and sustainable rewards for those who stake their tokens while also reducing inflation all right so no more proof of work and they said that's going to happen uh potentially by the end of this year later in 2024 Q4 all right which will they said deploy in the main net later in 2024 so the consideration here of Etc and zil okay because zil's D is I believe like a 1.02 or 0.110 GB so if you add that together with Etc that would be about 4.6 4.7 GB so because the memory size is 5.18 those two combined that the ETC and then zil D size together that means it's going to stop I think sometime next year if zil went to proof of stake by the end of this year then the memory would alleviate that 1 gig or so uh off of uh from zil right that no longer be available and that would actually happen amongst all the other etc etc hash eash miners that are out there that have you know gigabytes of memory that that would then hopefully offload now I wonder if all these things would need a firmware update and uh considering the E9 Pro I would hope that that would also be fixed as well in a sense because that would suck if these things would stop mining or something or there's a glitch because there's no more zil right so it's something to uh think about anyways it's confirmed that zil is now going to go to proof of stake so now we can rest easy that the bomb backs just because it has 5.18 GB it's only if you believe in ETC then you'll be able to mine this thing up until like 2029 or something all right then uh I think by that time there'll be plenty of other Miners and these will just be bricks but that's that's the that's the life cycle of these Asic Miners And if we go octop space uh if you do 5 like 5.16 for instance you can still mine up to until January 2030 so which is still a ways away because as we know there's no more zil anyway so that's not going to be loaded uh onto the memory and so that will alleviate these that to mine all the way up until 2030 2029 for ETC but of course as we know um you know ew eth Fair we cannot mine those okay um honestly I don't think anyone is mining these anyway personally I have never mined ethereum W or ethereum Fair actually I did once on the x1p but that was just for a test but I've personally never mined these coins uh because I I just don't believe in them and so ethereum w is already over the 5.18 GB Ram size it's at 6.1 right now as of recording and then ethereum Fair it's at 5.8 so the bomb backs unable to mine these coins but are they profitable per se to mine those coins well if I were to do a comparison here the Jaz Miner X6 and Q on hash rate.
It doesn't show ethereum P ew you know at the top of the charts um actually sorry ethereum p is a maybe a penny more profitable than ethereum classic but again who I don't know many people that are mining you know e ethereum p but if you ultimately believe in ETC or octop space then it doesn't matter there's also a plenty of other coins here Doge e bitnet Lissa AES you know these I have not tried myself I'm not quite sure what the dag sizes are on these uh maybe I can do another video on that you guys let me know but let me know because of the hindrance here of if it's a hindrance to you the memory size here is that it cannot mine ethereum W and ethereum fair so if that's a critical thing for you then you probably don't want a bombbb mining okay this is where you want to get into like the Jazz miners because they have higher memory here and I mentioned this before the reasoning why bombs put in 5.18 gab is because of their design all right the their manufacturing engineering design on these things is that because they wanted to try higher memory they were getting much lower efficiency okay so they were getting higher efficiency as they were lowering the memory on their chip okay and so this is why you know we did the EC mode test and we were getting able to get 0.12 all right efficiency here 0.12 Jewels per hash or watt per Terra has here you know if the x44 Q which is slated to come out next year 2025 is going to have 0.1 W per hash and I'm I'm going to assume this is going to have 8 GB of RAM um because all these other ones do but you know time will tell here but because I haven't heard any confirmed numbers about Jaz minor x44 P or Q having 8 GB so but if you guys have heard something let me know down below okay guys so that's really all I wanted to talk about regarding the for people that are considering buying one of these bombs easy 100 C's I mean so far it looks pretty decent right these things are quite efficient and uh I mean yeah just looking at comparing to other models that are currently out on the market right now I mean it's almost you know almost two times more efficient than the Jazz minor uh competitor okay simply because you know the normal mode um which which I've tested I can get about I'm getting over you know 4,000 uh megahash or 4 gigahash on one of these things and it's providing uh 0.19 in efficiency but anyways you guys can see the leap in efficiency here compared to the uh Jazz Miner Varian here but it's uh you know the x44 Q it is going to come but I don't know when apparently the rumor is 2025 so we'll see if that comes about but for now bombb is winning in the efficiency route currently but it's not winning in the memory side of it okay my friends let me know what you think about everything and that that we talked about here especially with zelica moving to proof of stake I guess it's finally been confirmed here and on the road map as well and so let me know what you guys think about the profit numbers here about these bombb Miners and uh yeah I will see you all in another video have a good one peace out