The cardano community postulates the Price of ADA will one day reach $100 From right now about 50 cents or so for That to happen cardano would have to hit A $3 trillion market cap to put that in Perspective Bitcoin only has a$1 Trillion market cap average 15year Lifespan meanwhile cardano is 7 years Old and has a market cap of 15 million What's interesting is that when I first Started covering cardano 3 years ago as A journalist Bitcoin had a market cap of 1 trillion as well and cardano had a Market cap of 61 million now Bitcoin is Still at that $1 trillion market cap and Cardano is way below what it used to be It's bleeding like no Fatu eating it Especially compared to its counterparts So can Ada hit $100 yes and if it doesn't ethereum Salana Oru will be the ones to do it for It